Ella Koon Advocates for Pregnancy Seat Belts

After a relaxing trip to France with her son 1-year-old son Gabriel, also known as BéBé G, singer Ella Koon (官恩娜) returned to Hong Kong with the announcement that she and her husband, Juan-Domingo Maurellet, are expecting their second child.

The 38-year-old singer, now more than 4 months pregnant, shared a picture of her growing belly bump on Instagram. Ella was strapped in a bump belt, also known as a maternity seatbelt.

Ella wrote, “After using this pregnancy seat belt, I feel so much safer. Car seat belts can get really uncomfortable because it presses on the belly, and that can be worrying! Now I can safely go on high speeds, all thanks to this stable seat cushion. There are two fasteners, so the bottom part of the seat belt is below the belly than across it. That way, the belt won’t press on the belly.”

Ella is due January 2018.

Source: On.cc

This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.

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