Eddie Kwan’s Daughter Possesses Beauty and Brains

TVB actor Eddie Kwan (關禮傑) recently traveled to England with his family to attend eldest daughter, Fabienne Kwan’s (關楓馨) college graduation.

When reporters reached out to congratulate him, Eddie shared, “She is 21 years old this year and a college graduate, majoring in education. I will stay in England for two more days. Afterwards, my wife, two daughters, and I will vacation in Italy for two weeks. It’s rare that my younger daughter is also here from Canada. I hope to enjoy a family vacation!”

Despite being 54 years old, Eddie remains youthful and handsome. In the photos he posted with his daughter, Eddie appeared more like an older brother than a father! When reporters probed about his secrets to maintaining his young appearance, Eddie laughed and said, “Men don’t really know much about these things. Maybe because I don’t need to tutor my daughters with their homework, I didn’t bear any pressure or burden!”

Good looks seem to run in the family as well. Twenty-one-year-old Fabienne, who possesses both beauty and brains, is a model candidate for the Miss Hong Kong pageant. On whether Fabienne is interested in joining the competition, Eddie responded, “I hope my daughter will finish pursuing her educational endeavors first. She personally has not voiced her interest in participating. Besides, none of her friends want to nominate her! Participating in the pageant is an avenue for learning. We will see what she desires when the time comes!”

Source: On.cc

This article is written by Huynh for JayneStars.com.

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  1. Yes his older daughter is very pretty (looks just like his wife)! It’s nice to see positive news like this. Eddie Kwan looks great for his age!!

  2. Wow, I always knew he’s kind of old but he still looks very good for his age. Beautiful daughters indeed. Looks like a nice actor and family man.

  3. What a good looking family!!! Eddie is still so handsome and older daugther look just like the wife! Younger one actually looks like him. 2 weeks with the family sound awesome! Happy to read new about him and his family!

  4. his 2 daughters are PRETTY, especially the older one. eddie still does a great job portraying SIR in police dramas.

  5. Both daughters have the their parents beauty genes 😉

    I used to have a huge crush on Eddie when I was young… he is just so handsome lol.

  6. I’d always like Eddie since he first went on-screen. And he has matured into a very fine actor portraying older but significant roles. Great to see someone from the entertainment industry with a happy family and happy stories for a change. Way to go, Eddie! You are a very positive example for the younger set to follow.

    1. @creditor
      while his roles are significant but they are not lead roles. he used to pay lead roles in major tvb productions back in the 90s. ever since his return, he’s been put to the side. i feel that with his looks and acting, they should put him back into the lead status again.

      i feel that with his good looks, the fact that he didn’t have a son is such a waste. i think he would have a very handsome son. this planet needs more handsome fellows to walk on. too bad he doesn’t have one, otherwise it’d be such a blessing to the world!

      1. @m0m0 Well said! I could not agree with you more. Eddie was very convincing with his role in Lords Of Shanghai and he looked so “man”in the uniform with his height and good looks.

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