Janice Vidal Ordered to Lose 30 Pounds for Concert

Janice Vidal (衛蘭) has a very good reason to get back into shape. Set to release a new album this summer with plans to hold a solo concert at the end of the year, the bubbly artist was told that the concert may not happen unless she successfully sheds her excess weight.

Janice’s weight has been a topic of discussion since early in her career. While filming a motorcycle commercial with label boss Leon Lai (黎明) in 2007, the Heavenly King famously described her as “fatter than a motorcycle”. Leon later explained that he had hoped the comment would motivate her to lose weight. “I personally would not encourage her, nor will I condemn her for her weight. However, as a friend, I would find ways to hint at the issue.”

Leon’s hints seem to have done little as Janice continues to face scrutiny for her increasing weight. She reportedly reached a height of 140 pounds during her recent hiatus, looking drastically different from her previous svelte figure. With her new album soon to be released and its promotion coming up, record label A Music has finally issued an ultimatum: lose 30 pounds or lose the year-end concert.

To help her achieve this ambitious goal, the company has prepared a camera crew to document her weight-loss journey. The reality series, Janice Works Out, has recently released its first episode on Janice’s official YouTube channel. Carrying a camera on an extender stick, Janice was seen recording her attempt to run up the stairs to her recording session on the twenty-eighth floor. Although she had to stop to catch her breath mid-way, she successfully crossed the finish line in seven minutes and twenty three seconds.

In addition to taking the stairs, Janice has hired a personal trainer at a gym and has taken up running as a part of her regular routine. She is also following a strict diet plan that prohibits sweets and carbohydrates and bans all food after 6 p.m. A Music will continue to release new episodes on her YouTube channel so that the public can monitor her progress. Determined to succeed, Janice is heading into the challenge with a positive attitude, earning messages of support from her fans.

“Janice Works Out- Episode 1”

[vsw id=”PTnT_Xml5JA” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”375″ autoplay=”no”]

Sources: Oriental Daily; Oriental Daily

This article is written by Katrine for JayneStars.com.

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  1. I saw her updates on instagram nearly everyday workout like crazy. she have slim down heaps.welldone!

  2. i just find it very shallow of her music production…. good luck to her though and hope they don’t “stress” her out w/ this losing weight deal.

  3. hi there

    1. honest, the 2nd pic makes her looking like some angry butch.

  4. Working is great to lose weight; however, cutting carbohydrates isn’t the way to go. She needs to eat a well-balance diet, so she won’t be gaining the weight back if she does add carbs back to her diet later on! Your body is more efficient at burning carbs and proteins more than fat. And if she keeps cutting carbs down, she’s just gonna end up using those muscles as carbs, which is pretty dumb for having to work out so much and then putting it to waste…

    1. what on earth? protein is responsible for preventing muscle loss and is the building block of muscles so as long as her protein intake is high enough, who cares low carbs or high carbs her muscles are fine. Carbs are your body’s preferred energy source, removing carbs, forces your body to use its fat stores for energy, hence the term “burn fat”

      1. High protein, low carb seems to be the popular method to lose weight. However, too much protein will damage your liver in the long run!

        Janice, stop eating anything “white”, eat “brown” rice!

      2. Too much protein will damage your liver. Sorry but before more people get sucked in by that myth I’ll bomb it.

        That beliefs stems from en apidemiological study from the University of Southern California.An epidemiological study means that they did not actually perform a study in a lab, but simply looked at factors in life to make associations or correlations. They did some further research in mice and yeast to support their hypothesis, but that is a far leap to connect to humans. So I’ll keep the topic purely based on their human research.
        They reported that in the subjects aged 50-65, those who consumed a high-protein diet, mainly from animal protein, were 75% more likely to have died over the next 18 years as compared to those consuming a low-protein diet. They also had a 4-fold greater risk of dying from cancer, as well as a greater risk of dying from diabetes. Yet in those 65 and older there was no greater risk of death or death from cancer from eating a high-protein diet. In fact, it seems that the higher-protein diet in those over 65 decreased the risk of overall death and death from cancer while the low-protein diet increased their risk of death. However, there still was a greater risk of dying from diabetes in all ages eating a higher protein diet. The higher-protein intake and higher risk of death from cancer was associated with higher IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor-I) levels in these subjects (although they only had IGF-I data on about 1/3 of subjects in the study).

        The flaw of this study was how they determined the subjects’ protein intake. It was with a method called 24-hour recall. Basically they were asked what they ate the prior day. Just ONE day. It’s absolutely ridiculous to think that what these people randomly ate ONE day of their life represents the diet they maintained for up to 18 years. Let alone the fact that most people age 50 or above can’t remember what they ate for breakfast today (not being a jerk), let alone what they ate yesterday. We honestly have no idea what the subjects’ diets were like over the 18 years that they were followed.
        Another problem with the way that they determined protein intake was that they just calculated total protein from animal sources or plant sources. There was no reporting what the source of the animal protein was or what else they were eating with the protein. Was the animal protein from leans cut of beef, poultry, dairy and eggs along with a low- to moderate-carb diet that was rich in vegetables and the carbs came mainly from fruits and low-glycemic carbs? Or was the protein from burgers eaten on white bread with fries, fried chicken with mashed potatoes, and salami sandwiches on white bread with mayo?

        Additionally, they didn’t record any exercise routines of the 6000+ participants they were examining.Even if they truly were eating a higher protein diet, I can almost guarantee you that those who trained consistently, and lived a healthy lifestyle, would have a lower incidence of overall death, death from cancer, and especially death from diabetes.

        Did you want the original research paper? I can provide you with it if you want

        That said, I do agree with your comment about eating brown rice.

      3. It’s true that protein will prevent her muscle loss. But what I’m trying to get at is if she continues eating a low carb diet in the long run, she’ll just end up burning those muscle she has to break it down into glycogen for energy because certain parts of the body like brain will need to it as an energy source. And she shouldn’t worry so much about carbs b/c your body burns carbs very efficiently. It’s the fat that she has to really managed well in order to not gain weight. That’s why I said a well-balance diet is the way to go with the correct recommendations of carbs, proteins, and fats.

      4. YuFeng Yang,
        Yes, please provide link for the paper. I do not agree with your definition of epidemiological studies as there are many types, including ones conducted in labs. Also, I would like to see the description of the methods before concluding whether the dietary recall was a major limitation. Thanks in advance!

    2. @ miss unknown

      Every individual’s body is different, some can tolerate carbs better than others, I’ve found myself to be very sensitive to carbs, so I keep my carbs low year round, I eat as much veggies as I like, but I cycle my carb intake, while keeping my fats high year round. That’s not me saying you don’t need carbs, it’s important like you said and it has its place.
      Carbs are the body’s preferred energy source, so reducing carb intake forces the body to rely on its fat stores for energy.

      Not all fats are created equal.For example, omega-3 fats have been shown to aid fat loss and I’m sure you’re already aware of its other benefits. Saturated fats can be bad, but are instead beneficial when consumed in the right amounts, as for monosaturated fats, they good for you.

      But like you said, balance

  5. she is not really obese…maybe she is in entertainment industry and every artist has its acceptable weight standard ….among these 3 artists joyce cheng, janice and christine kuo ( duringhydrochron illness)…i think christine kuo successfully reduce her weight and back to become male goddess again

  6. Maybe holding the year end concert WILL make her lose weight, with all the activity etc? And I doubt the accuracy of this article. Any venue must be booked ahead, more so a place as small as HK. So surely they can’t book after she lost 30 pounds or cancel if she fails.

    1. Agreed! Leave Janice alone! Love her voice, can people stop obsessing about the weight! As long as she is healthy and happy! Looking forward to her new album! You go girl!

  7. Why can’t she just perform while looking the way she does? The entertainment business can be really cruel…

  8. Documenting weight loss through Instagram okay but reality show is unnecessary.

  9. I thought people listen to Janice’s beautiful voice NOT listen with your eyes on her body! If she is happy about the way she is, let her be! Stop critising her weight!

  10. it’s true that it will benefit her to lose weight. but man, if you say that in america, so many people will get offended, but it’s the de-facto standard in asia that girls should all be skinny. anyway, i think she looks hotter skinny too. good luck to her.

  11. Losing weight should be directed towards health purposes. On another note, if someone looks really good, sexy and hot and etc sings but her voice is horrible, no point to attend the concert and hear her sing does it?

  12. it’s great that she decided to lose weight but it’s wrong for her company to push her plus they didn’t have to put it out to the public

  13. This is somewhat degrading. I think most probably that smile is forced. Poor girl.

  14. Nothing motivates weight loss like a million people watching you and judging you on a tv show.
    I’m the laziest person in the world , but even I would be motivated to exercise if I knew I would be put on tv and made into a spectacle.
    Poor girl. As long as she feels healthy and can still sing, I dont see why her size should matter.
    It’s not like she is an idol singer or known for being really beautiful.

  15. lol I’m her “fat” size
    sadly physical appearance is number one in the entertainment business. hope working out improves her health though! 🙂

  16. Oh…I weigh 140. I feel self conscious now! :3 kudos to her in her strive towards a goal, but I hope 30 lbs is a healthy number for her height and body type!

  17. Leon Lai…famously described her as “fatter than a motorcycle”.

    Leon’s mouth is as big as a freakin motorcycle. He has such a big head how it’s a surprise his neck can still hold it up.
    And please stop calling him the heavenly king, it’s so passe and gross.

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