Jay Chou Violates Three Traffic Laws in One Night

When Jay Chou (周杰倫) was on his way back home with wife Hannah Quinlivan (昆凌) as his passenger, paparazzi watched Jay violate three different traffic laws in one night, making for an interesting story.

The Taiwanese pop singer, who will be turning 39 on January 18, recently celebrated an early birthday party with close friends. Hannah managed a sports event, which she called “Jay Cup”, for Jay and his friends to play against each other in dodgeball. The punishment was for the losers to wear a pair of pantyhose over their heads. In the end, Jay’s “red team” claimed the victory cup.

“It was really hard to get us all together,” said Jay in a later interview. “If I have time maybe I’ll consider starting a dodgeball game series with celebrities,” he added with a laugh.

After the games that night, paparazzi watched Jay pick up Hannah from a shop in Tianmu. Although Jay was driving slower than usual, paparazzi watched Jay violate three different traffic laws, including crossing double white lines, driving on a bus lane, and parking on a red zone.

Married since 2014, Jay and Hannah have two children—daughter Hathaway (born July 2015) and son Romeo (born June 2017).

Source: Sina.com.cn

This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.


  1. Move over, Traffic Police. The PPRZs should be issuing traffic summons instead since they spend their time trailing and spying on celebs.

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