Karena Ng Likes to Wear Men’s Fashions

Despite her feminine image, Karena Ng (吳千語) reveals that she enjoys wearing men’s fashions. However, she does not borrow boyfriend Raymond Lam‘s (林峯) clothes and prefers to shop on her own for a better fit.

During the Lunar New Year holidays earlier, Karena took advantage of her days off to shop for new clothes.  Spotted at a local shop, Karena was having such a good time she even took an interest in the menswear department, holding up random mens tops from time to time, as if she was shopping for Raymond. Karena laughed and said that she was not shopping for her boyfriend.

“Sometimes, I actually like to dress androgynously. It’s very trendy to wear oversized clothing these days. When I see interesting menswear, I would buy a piece in the smallest size for myself. I can’t wear Raymond’s clothes as they are too big, and I would look very strange in them!”

Despite her interest in fashion, Karena currently had no plans to venture into the fashion business. “I have friends who have opened boutiques. I know how much time, effort and money they need to put in. Right now, I’m focusing on acting so I won’t have any time for running a fashion business. I just like to be aware of the fashion trends in different countries.”

Karena added that her favorite style is Japanese street wear, and that she really appreciated the Japanese society’s general tolerance for more quirky and unconventional dressing.

Wants to Film More Mainland Dramas

Managed by Raymond Wong Pak Ming‘s (黃百鳴) Pegasus Entertainment and appearing in several of the company’s movies, Karena prefers to film television series in Mainland China. “Although filming a drama is tougher than filming a movie, I learn many different things from filming a drama. Filming for a drama is a much longer process and gives you more time to immerse yourself in the role you’re playing, which helps improve your acting skills.”

With many projects lined up in her busy calendar this year, the 21-year-old’s wealth is increasing steadily, but she is not yet ready to become a property owner. Karena expressed candidly, “Housing in Hong Kong is too expensive. Home ownership is just an aspiration that we all have as young adults, so I hope we can all fulfill it.”

Source: stheadline.com

This article is written by Jingles for JayneStars.com.

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  1. I’m getting bored of their news. Wake me up when they are getting married…

    1. This is not a Raymond-Karena dating news. This news is actually about Karena alone. She talks about her fashion preference and her work. She only mentioned Raymond when reporter asked her about it.

      I like this article. It’s a departure from the usual Raymond-Karena shopping/holidaying news. She seems like a sensible girl with an independant mind.

      1. Pardon me for misinterpreting the news. I’m just too desensitized on Karena and Raymond’s news until I can’t separate the duo…she reminds me of him and vice versa.

      2. @Kidd totally agree u.Karena is nice and independent girl,she seems like a vary ture in person.unlike some one like to act innocent jade girl.fake!!!

    2. If you are really tired, you can choose to ignore. But you choose to comment without reading, it tells that you are caring for the couple too much and deluding yourself that you dont care.

      1. Why should I ignore? I love to comment on the absurdity of the newsfeed who constantly feature them…even the above newsfeed did mention Raymond eventhough is supposed to be all about her.

        You shouldn’t have personally comment on what others commented, focus on the topic instead.

      2. I dont tell you to ignore. I just show you a fact you are denying that you care about them quite a lot.

        Why should I focus on the topic when you cant stay away from something you keep saying that you dont care?

      3. You can also choose to ignore my comments too. I like to say what I want and it’s non of your business.

      4. Yep, Tess, everyone is entitled to an opinion.

        Control freaks should live and let live and mind their own business.

      5. @Tess: You hit the jackpot. You have a choice and you dont do it. It is non of your business as well.

      6. Seriously Alluka…what’s your problem?

        Well, MW…I totally agree with you…freaks will always be freaks!

      7. Look like Im talking to a wall. Ok then, I said what I should say, now I leave you to continue your nonsense business.

  2. I think i like the headline “Karena likes to wear Ray’s undies” better. It’s more catchy in my opinion … and even if she does … WHO CARES. Why is this even in print is beyond me

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