Kristal Tin Sought Husband’s Advice in Filming “Ghost of Relativity”

Ghost of Relativity <鬼同你OT> concluded its broadcast run last week and won the honor of being the highest rated TVB series year-to-date. Although Kristal Tin (田蕊妮) has been acting for more than 20 years, she starred in relatively few comedies. To prepare for her role, Kristal admitted that she asked her husband, Chapman To (杜汶澤), for help.

Due to Chapman’s experience in filming comedies, his words gave Kristal a confidence boost and eliminated her fears. Kristal said, “Even if the drama fails, the airing will come to an end. After it has aired, then everything will be fine. It is good enough as long as it has made the audience happy once.”

Kristal shared that Chapman had watched the series together with her. “He laughed when watching the first few episodes, but I’m not sure if it’s because I was sitting right beside him. He laughed heartily and praised that I have chemistry with Nancy Wu (胡定欣).”

When asked whether she was more happy about her husband’s praises than the audience’s feedback, Kristal disagreed and said, “Praise from the audience makes me happiest. My other half has feelings for me and is more accepting. The audience doesn’t live with you, isn’t dating you, and doesn’t have feelings for you, so their reaction makes me happier.”

The producer of the drama, Steven Tsui (徐正康), also produced the popular sitcom, War of the Genders <男親女愛>. When asked whether she hopes the drama can compete with the popular sitcom, Kristal shook her head, “I have the guts to challenge other people, but definitely not Dodo Cheng (鄭裕玲). She is one of the female actresses that I admire the most. I’ve seen almost all of her work. I really hope that I will have the luck to be able to collaborate with her!”

Source: Ming Pao

This article is written by Huynh for

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