Photo of Kenix Kwok’s 3 Month-Old Daughter Revealed

Earlier in 2010, Kenix Kwok Ho Ying gave birth to daughter, Tania Lam Tin Yeuk. Although only three months old, Tania already weighed more than 18 pounds! Her hands were round and looked just like a fuzzy squash! Drinking both breast milk and baby formula, Tania thrived and gained weight quickly.

Kenix pointed out that Tania’s eyes resembled daddy, Frankie Lam Man Lung. When Tania slept, her expression looked like Kenix. “My daughter’s face is changing every day. In order not to miss each expression, I take photos every day! My camera is always by my side!”

Was Tania an easy baby to take care of? Kenix said, “After she drinks milk, she will basically go to sleep.” (Does Kenix intend on having a second baby?) “Yes, but I am not in a hurry. I’ll let God decide when it happens!”

“When my mother reminded me about Mother’s Day, I stopped to think about what it feels like to be a mother. For Mother’s Day, I will celebrate with my mother, Frankie, and Tania by going out for a family dinner.”

(What did Kenix wish to receive as a Mother’s Day gift?) “As long as my daughter is healthy, I am happy.”


Jayne: Tania looks really fat! She looks bigger than 3 months. Kenix looks very vibrant; looks like all the pregnancy weight is gone. She didn’t gain much weight to begin with.

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  1. Glad it all worked out well for Kenix and Frankie. The paparazzi in HK can be really irresponsible in publishing their stories. Kenix and Frankie were really their ‘hot topic of the moment’ not long ago with stories of infertility, adultery etc. What’s worse, they even manage to implicate ChiLam into the mix (and indirectly, his family and loved ones as well). They don’t realize that their stories when based on un confirmed rumours not only hurt the one person they were writing about but will also form a chain reaction to include that person’s family, close friends and acquaintances.

  2. The baby was born in January, so she should be close to 4 months, she looks fine at her age. All babies look chubby but those are just water weight ☺

  3. the baby looks fat, like kenix when she was chubbier. Kenix looks to be enjoying motherhood. Think Tania is really their marriage saver.

  4. really chubby. Kenix is not even boney anymore!

  5. shes soooo cute and adorable!! i din even knw she was preggy. looks like daddy…

  6. The baby is so cute, bravo for Kenix and Frankie ! Keep up another baby…you guys ! Baby Tania so cute and chubby.
    God Bless the family.

  7. Baby Tania is soo adorable and cute ^_^
    and chubby..Kenix seem to put on some weight which is good as she was way to boney be4!!
    wish kenix and hubby due for a second baby soon 🙂

  8. omg, her baby looks like she’s in her 5-6 months, she’s so sturdy and big. God bless her, and i’m glad the couple made it through some tough times.

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