Tavia Yeung Completes “I Have a Date with Spring” Performances

Hoping to diversify her acting resume, Tavia Yeung (楊怡) starred in stage play, I Have a Date with Spring <我和春天有個約會> earlier. After the play was shown in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Shenzhen, its limited-run in Mainland China finally came to an end.

Starring opposite Joey Meng (萬綺雯), Eva Lai (黎燕珊), and Emily Kwan (關寶慧), Tavia felt that it was an invaluable experience to perform before live audiences as it strengthened her impromptu skills.


Many artistes who delve into stage play eventually come to thrill of performing live. When asked whether Tavia would become addicted to stage projects, she said, “I don’t dare say I’d be addicted, because I’m still an amateur. During the process, I learned to think quickly on my feet. Stage plays are different from filming dramas. When you [make a mistake] while filming a drama, you can redo the scene. With stage plays, there is only one take. When I make a mistake, I have to think and recover quickly. I feel a great sense of satisfaction being able to see the audience’s reactions immediately.”

Her husband, Him Law (羅仲謙), sent large floral arrangements to wish her a successful show, Tavia sweetly shared that he often visited her on set. “He went to Shanghai and Guanzhou earlier to visit me on set. Even though he stayed backstage most of the time, he did pay attention to my performance.”

Now that her work obligations have been completed, will the couple now focus on having a baby? Tavia said she will leave it up to fate. “Even though it is lame to say, but sometimes, you may not get something no matter how hard you try. Right now, if there is, great. If there isn’t, then we keep waiting. The most important thing is to keep a positive mindset.”

Source: On.cc

This article is written by Huynh for JayneStars.com.

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