Filming for “Rosy Business 4” is Delayed

Due to the pandemic, scheduled filming for TVB’s upcoming drama Rosy Business 4 <巾幗梟雄4> in China has been delayed. Despite likely having to wait months for filming to start, Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) is willing to hold out for the opportunity to work again with co-star Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯).

Career-Defining Role

Informed that the cast and crew would have to wait until March, May, or even September, Wayne explained, “I’m old partners with Sheren. I am not filming for the money this time. Ten years ago, the drama was a career booster for me. Being able to work together with the same team is a kind of emotional bond for both the viewers and myself. It was a great memory.”

As for his current work commitments, Wayne has been filming for his talk show More than Mall <雙祥見> as well as Lunar New Year program Po Leung Kuk 142nd Anniversary Special <金牛吉祥耀保良> which will be aired on February 12.

Son Back in Hong Kong from the US

Wayne revealed that his son, who had been studying in an American college has already returned to Hong Kong, and will be finishing his remaining lessons via Zoom, although his career plans after graduation are still tentative. Asked if his son is used to being back in Hong Kong, Wayne said “He’s not attached yet, and is more concerned about his parents, so it’s alright.”


This article is written by JoyceK for

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  1. Can’t wait to see Wayne and Sheren together. They have good chemistry on-screen. It was hard watching 巾幗梟雄3. I kept starting, stopping, and restarting because I just couldn’t finish it. I kept hitting a rut. It was too boring for me, but I really loved the theme song by Kay 🙂

      1. @scre
        early republic that means after the communists took over right? i hope they don’t keep going back to that anti-japanese propaganda.

      2. @bubbles23
        you’re probably right before no regrets period rather than after the communists took over which i think is a very sensitive time period.

  2. It can definitely wait, if it’s the original cast, let’s hope for a good storyline… 巾幗梟雄3 bombed and hit an all time low rating, it was a terrible 3.

  3. I wonder where in the United States his son study at? I didn’t know he’s got his own talk show. I agree with the rest that part 3 wasn’t that good either maybe because Myolie is not that good as Sheren. Hopefully the part 4 will be a better one I think I like the part 1 better.

    1. @cutie777
      the storytelling didn’t have good pacing. it went too fast and tried to evoke people’s motions when we barely know who/what their intentions are.

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