Mat Yeung’s Restaurant Allegedly Destroyed by Radical Protestors

Workers of Mat Yeung’s (楊明) soup restaurant in Wan Chai found the place completely trashed as they went to work one morning, leading to speculations that it was done by radical protestors.

The windows were broken and random items were thrown into the restaurant.

Mat’s vocal support for the Hong Kong police has led to speculation that the destruction was done by radical protestors.

A leaked text message exchange that was allegedly between Mat and a friend showed that the TVB actor is, while rattled by the event, is firm with his stance.

He said, “When you lose your business you can always start over again. When you lose your human nature I don’t know how you’ll find that again. Even if I starve I will not compromise. I will always support the Hong Kong police.”

Mat has not confirmed the authenticity of the text messages.


This article is written by Addy for

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  1. i dislike these radical protesters who cause chaos and destroy in the name of fighting for democracy. protest should be peaceful and non-disruptive unlike incident such as this.

  2. These protesters are using fighting for democracy to destroy property and hurt other people. I find it so sad and hope things end peacefully.

  3. I’m tired of these radical protesters destroying Hong Kong. As someone born in HK, I was originally supportive of the peaceful protests in the beginning. But once these peaceful protest turned violent where protesters destroyed properties and hurt people, that’s when I condemn their actions. What these idiots don’t realize is that they are destroying their own city themselves. They are hurting their own Hong Kong people. HK Businesses are affected; HK tourism is affected; stock market is affected; HK properties are destroyed. Hong Kong is in chaos. I mean the only people laughing right now are those in China.

  4. The so called democracy The Terrorist (they are not Protestors anymore) trying to achieve by destroying, beating and killing people who are not agree with them.

    Let’s see how long it will takes for HK goes back to it’s original fishing village.

  5. to say that he support the hk police openly he has nothing to lose. radical protestors are not tvb audiences, so tvb will not freeze him. on the other hand he will just receives thump ups from mainlanders, his popularity from mainland and mainland markets will only increase. there is a big chance he gets more opportunities from the mainland markets. so the question is, is he really sincere or is he just using this for more opprotunities?

    1. @kolo TVB artists that have indirectly supported HK police are being freezed out. Just look at Ali, she didn’t even say much at all.

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