Raymond Lam’s Father Disapproves of Karena Ng?

Is 33-year-old Raymond Lam (林峰) currently shelling out big dollars to pay for rumored girlfriend, 19-year-old Karena Ng (吳千語), and her entire family’s living arrangements? Raymond’s actions have upset his father, wealthy real estate developer, Lam Kwok Wah (林國華), who was allegedly wary that Karena may be taking advantage of Raymond.
Raymond is Paying for Karena’s Entire Family?
Two weeks ago, the Hong Kong paparazzi reported that Raymond Lam is partially living together with rumored girlfriend, Karena Ng, since September 2012. Due to Karena’s newcomer status, it was speculated that she was unable to afford the $80,000 HKD monthly rental of a 1,000 square feet luxury apartment. However, Raymond denied the rumors and claimed that he has never even visited Karena’s apartment.
Tabloids discovered that not only has Karena upgraded to luxurious living conditions, her father, Mr. Ng, who works at a roast pork stall, has moved from his previous Shatin residence to take up a 2,000 square feet apartment one block away, with a monthly rent of $90,000 HKD.
Karena’s parents allegedly love Raymond and often invite him over to drink homemade soups. In his JSG Most Popular Singer Award acceptance speech, not only did Raymond thank the mysterious BB, which was speculated to be Karena, but also his “uncle and auntie,” now rumored to be Karena’s parents.
When Karena attended Raymond Lam’s “A Time 4 You” concert in Hong Kong on January 26, her presence was interpreted as flaunting their relationship. Furthermore, Raymond has been protective of Karena, urging the press to take into account that she is only a newcomer and any negative rumors may be damaging to her future career.
Raymond’s Father Does Not Like Karena?
With a Chinese mother and a father from a mixed Australian-French-Chinese heritage, Karena possessed an exotic beauty that mesmerized the wealthy second generation. Reported to have cohabited with 1985 Miss Hong Kong second runner-up, Ellen Wong’s (王愛倫) son, Chester Lim, Karena was also linked with textile entrepreneur Lam Kin Ming’s (林建名) son and other wealthy elite men.
After Raymond had dated Mavis Pan (潘霜霜), his father became wary that Raymond’s new girlfriend may take advantage of him. Karena’s colorful romantic past alarmed Raymond’s parents.
An insider revealed, “Raymond’s father realized that Karena, despite her young age, has many negative rumors. Her father chops roast pork and their family background is modest. Her academic scores were average; after graduating from Tsung Tsin Secondary School, she enrolled in an associate degree program. When Raymond’s father saw that his son was taking care of Karena’s entire family not long after dating, Mr. Lam was clear-minded on what was truly happening. Mr. Lam advised Raymond to be careful, but Raymond did not take heed. Since Raymond realized his father had complaints, he has not yet arranged to have his girlfriend meet him.”
Source: 21CN.com
At this point, I’m still unsure whether Raymond is truly dating Karena. Her attendance of his HK concert may be to generate publicity for herself, since she knew the press would report her presence.
Or did she attend Raymond’s concert to support him due to their dating status?
In his JSG acceptance speech, who are the “uncle and auntie” Raymond thanked after “BB”?
Tbh, I think the same thing. Karena knows that being linked to Raymond helps her stay on the C1 headlines, so I’m not surprised that she attended his concert because the media will definitely be talking about it. Her previous responses to the media’s questions make this obvious as well. However, if they are truly dating, then they don’t seem to be on the same page about being open about their relationship – Karena is flaunting it, but Raymond seems to wait a low profile, esp when his father doesn’t seem to approve of her (if this article is true, that is). I shameless stan LF, so as long as it works for him all is cool, but I hope she’s just not using him for her 15 minutes of fame.
His reply: BB = his sister’s kids (a boy and a new BB girl). Uncles and aunties = his uncles and aunties (providing that his father is the eldest brothers of a family with 9 siblings)
Actually the whole thank speech he made in JSG award was quite clear that he thanked his family members. BB was mentioned after sister + brother-in-law, mean their kids. And after that, he thanked his uncles and aunties. Most of ppl will understand so but the reporters twisted quite well this time. He explained the same way but ppl dun really care.
For Karena’s seat, it’s funny that my friends sat just after her 1 row and they wore yellow. Lolz, now can make rumour that he sang love songs to them :P?
Well since Raymond is known for lying before(not just him but all celebs lie through their teeth), can you really blame some people for not believing him?? Time will tell at least some truth…
He has to lie that his sister has BB or thank his niece and nephew? Uhm I really dun think so :P. If he thanks his gf and gf’s parents, so where is his niece and nephew? He said in the start of the speech that he thanks his family members :).
It isn’t the matter that ppl blv him or not, you can see that the word BB is actually twisted from the speech :P. However, he seems not to care much, hehe, then I expect he is having a gf right now. But I dun think this girl is Karena.
I think everyone lies for the good or the bad. It isnt just celebrities. I feel they have to lie even more when theyre high profile celebrities because face it, when they do speak the truth…who believes them? And when they get caught lying.. people still blame them? So whats the point? If I were them, id say whatever makes me comfortable be it a lie or not.
Do you read Life of Pi? The last part of the book gives us something about lie and truth :). Sometimes lies are easier to accept by ppl than truth so ppl tend to blv in lies if it makes them feel better.
Life of Pi does not have a definite answer. Even the writer does not conclusively say which is truth and which is lie. What makes you think a beautiful truth is a lie and an ugly lie is the truth? It is up to interpretation.
Life of Pi’s sarcasm gives us something that sometimes ppl tend to blv in lie rather than forcing them to accept a truth that they find it’s hard to blv. Lie or truth, uhm, how about half lie-half truth?
If rumours are true his father seems to disapprove every girl he ever brings or intends to bring home. Aside from a potential gold digger, perhaps his father should take a more pragmatic approach; accept her and treat her as a daughter as long as she is good to his son. Of course being rich reputation is important but except for maybe a dark past such as prison, murder, prostitution, why not be more open about it? Imagine if Ray is gay, I think his father will vomit blood.
Sometimes parents believe they can see into the future of a relationship and unwilling to accept it due to their interest for their son.
And Mr. Lam may not only be judgmental of Karena but also her family background.
I am now curious to know who Raymond’s younger sister had married and whether he was someone wealthy.
Jayne and Funn,
I had the same thoughts as both of you. Due to Raymond and his wealthy family background, it is understandable that his parents would worry if any girl that dates him is after his money and don’t really love him. But if they think every girl is a gold digger then who will Raymond marry? I really wonder if his parents would arrange for him to marry a girl that is also from a rich family?? You know, just like what we see in series?? Oh gosh, I can totally imagine his father vomiting blood if Ray was really gay…
IF Ray was truly paying for her entire family, I don’t blame his parents for worrying at all. I would too if I were them because she is clearly using him and taking advantage of him. But who knows if any of this is true or not?? Time will tell… His parents want the best for their son and that is understandable, however, if they are too strict then Ray may end up unhappy…
I too wonder who Raymond’s sister married and whether he is rich or not. I have a feeling that he may be or at least from a decent background since in her case, he is the guy and traditionally they expect the guys to be the provider. If he was too poor, I don’t think her parents would have approved…
His brother-in-law worked for his father’s company and now opened a new company of his own (not in Xiamen). I read that the brother-in-law comes from mid-class but he has high education (if I rmb rite, his sister and husband had the same master course together).
Raymond should just date Linda Chung!!!
They are the most compatible.
Age, background etc
Linda is a good gal with angelic look and brains!!
@Yen: They dated, but broke up in peace.
It would appear so since ray and Linda appeared to get along quite well at the concert in Seoul.
I do wonder if Linda ever got to meet rays parents…
How do you know for sure that they dated??
I said before, HTS. My frd worked for a company invited him to perform and she saw many calls to him from ++ and ++ is the nickname of Linda (Xin Xin = Yan Yan in Mando). It’s in the peak of their rumour time.
they might have dated.pure sex , no love !!!lol!!hiiiiihi
@fox , if that’s true, sure LF wanted SX n Linda-yeah, we get married first ya! And that’s the reason they broke up!! Hahahahahas
I have a feeling , they might have done it in korea…..finally linda gave ‘the blondie’ the consent..hhihihhi…happy ending
Haiz, re photo in the link below, Linda looks so anorexic to me while some thought she looks sexy in her.
in her deep v dress.
Oh ok, so they did date… Even so, it is the past now… Hm. I really wonder if they actually did it… If so, it would be a shame for Linda to go around saying that she is a virgin…
@Yen: What make you think he goes to Linda for sex? I mean that she isn’t the sexy type at all, then if he only wanna sex, shouldn’t him find a sexy woman?
LOL. Actually if they did date, I believe it even more that she’s a virgin. LF is how busy? And Linda is busy as well. I’d be surprised if they even saw each other once in 6 months.
Sing a song: Like a virgin
And we have Virgin band :P.
From the pics attached, Linda is trying to ditch her yuk Lui image to the sexy and wild one. In order to allow her to succeed, he need a bad boy like LF to help him ditch of her image to sexy and wild. I believe they might have affair. This is what happen to Britney and Christina. By the way, Christina Kuo might be his choice because they both speak fluent taiwanese
Actually its the rich’s mentality especially wealth to that extent. LF’s family is way too well off. They dont see anyone up to their status unless theyre in equal standings. I remember when mavis pan came out to speak about how the father thought she wasnt good enough and that he only thought she was after the gold and her defense was “I dont need to do that, my family is rich too.” Well you see, the Lam family is richer so automatically the father feels anyone who is less rich than them aint good enough. And ray being the eldest of such a wealthy family plus hes a male…well yeah, all eyes on him. Take it from someone who shares the same faith.
I had the same thoughts as you know. Honestly, I think the only thing that would make them satisfied is IF the family was not only rich BUT if they were royalty… But what are the chances of him marrying royalty??You know the only saying, the poor can’t deal with the rich and the rich can’t defeat people with power/royalty. Now, I wonder even more if his sister married someone rich? OR maybe they are easier on her since she is the girl??
Count me in on that kind of fate. Rich, poor, middle class. At the end of the day, we are all people. We all have our share of problems. Sometimes I wish people would stop looking down on others and the rest of the population stop being jealous and envious. If only, wouldnt this world be so much prettier?
From wat I’ve seen about that Lam family, I doubt that they are that narrow :). They have the poor past and they make all from white hand, hence I dun think they look down on other poorer ppl. The father worked as a worker in a mine.
Since the husband of the daughter in this family was a normal officer in the company, do you really think that they care about the rich background?
@Lin: Some people forget their roots … If people were capable of empathy, then we would have lots of great politicians
And the world would be round. I do think politicians are all liars. Its a matter of which is less evil. Haha but thats for another conversation.
i think his dad just doesn’t want a daughter-in-law from the entertainment industry. he’s from the same generation as my parents and they always think everyone in showbiz has to sleep their way up to the top. obviously the girl has to come from a decent family too, but i doubt they need her wealth to match theirs.
I share some of the thoughts that you guys all have. It is true that some forget their roots once they reach the top, not to say that Ray’s dad is like that but there are people like that in this world. I have a feeling that his dad does not want a daughterin law from the industry either. My mom has the same thinking as he does and thinks that most people from the circle are not faithful, women sleep around, have an unclean image(not everyone but most in her eyes),etc.. which is why most likely prefers people from outside the industry…
What is the problem with roast pork owner? They can also be known as boss to their own business
The matter that the Face article (original one of this one) said was: Karena lied about her family background, to say that she comes from wealthy family and studied oversea (this is why they wrote about her highschool’s name), but in fact she comes from a mid-class one and studied in HK with terrible results (she hasn’t graduated highschool and Face said she has terrible marks at school). After she joins industry, her parents act arrogantly to the neighbour. The media is picturing Karena in bad light with a view that she is a gold-digger and trying hard to become a Cindrella. This is why roast pork issue is mentioned.
Uhm, watever background, Karena is having a quite good career. I dun think 90k/month is such a big matter to her. On the other hand, I dun think they are dating, but I think he is having a gf.
I dont really believe this whole thing of LF paying for the family’s rent. Clearly if it is true then they are taking advanyage of him but im pretty sure he is smart enough .. unless blinded by love lol but yeah, i dont think so.
I hope this isn’t true. I hope it’s just a scheme by paparazzi…
It’s really mean to use someone because of money, wealth, etc. You shouldn’t make friends just to USE that person for your own use. I hate these types of people.. s:
It’s like.. “hi, you are useful to me”. “uses you” after using.. “bye”. It’s just rude.
I hope that Raymond does think clearly of his dad’s warnings (if this is true) but at the same, both should try this out. And as long as she is treating raymond lam well.. then whatever. But if she’s only using him for money.. then i would disapprove. :3
well, u never hug karena before, never kiss with her before, how you know the feeling? Maybe LF just too love and 90k per month is like a peanut for him la. haha
Most important he is happy and enjoy.
But in long term, i dun think LF will marry her.
Well smart girls like Karena can see a good deal when she spots one. Either way, she will get something whether free publicity or monetary benefits if she gives all her attention to him, that is why i believe she will not let go easily, they are definitely dating otherwise why do the press have so much details? they usually don’t write this much unless they have a lead on something. Raymond probably have alot of women offer themselves to him, whether just for association or benefits. He probably will never find a girl that isn’t using him, sad to say.
This is to comment back to “raymond”.
First of all, I am same age as Karena.
Second of all, I do want to see that LF be happy in life. Hence I wrote, “If Karena makes LF happy/well, then whatever”. I do hope to see LF get married and etc.
As for Raymond Lam, as long as he is feeling happy and thinks its worth it, then by all means, go ahead. And I agree with you, ehh. This is an issue between him and Karena.
What about pedophile? Ewwww. She is still so young!
raymond should date kate they look good together
Better than Edison and 16 year old Cammie!!
Yes a little bit better. But ew. I keep thinking about an 11 year old kid with a new born baby
Actually i dont see the problem with either one. Karena aint gonna stay young forever. Her age will catch up. Say if they do last…just saying… to prove it aint all that bad…when LF is 63, karena is 50. Something wrong? Does that make all couples who are 10-15 yrs apart nasty? I think real nastiness is 19 year old and 50+. That is when you go……..how the beep?
She is 19. Passed the legal age.
Ray has a colorful past himself –who can take advantage of him..let’s be realistic money is part of package…its not like he’s marrying her he’s paying for the fun
Well, LF afford to pay, so karena can afford to give him fun. Whats wrong. Not like its illegal or like edison chen
oh…boy…just a rumor…without any picture they go together…this can created so many stories…i see story between them for so many days…As Raymond’s fan, of course, I want to protect Raymond…Karena’s family background is not a issue…but I will advise Raymond slowly watch carefully to see if Karena is really the prefect match for her…I would think age is a issue…Karena is too young…Raymond is about time to develop a relationship that a woman willing to marry and have kids…Karena is only 19…will she willing to settle down and have kids?? anyway…I think Karena just watch the concert because they are friend and able to show up in C1…I don’t think Raymond paying for her whole family!
Is it true or a rumor so just read it for interest and don’t take it too seriously…
@ Karena Wu ‘000 language : select the first day of filming, the brokers want me to work hard and diligently, the yellow boss wants me optimistic smile to the face of all the problems, I always stick to these two instructions! The face of the past few days hurt the reports of my personality, I have tried to laugh balance lost, does not affect the work! Yesterday to see reported my family also dragged my parents not only did not complain that I would be more worried about my situation, my heart is very sad! (1)
@ Karena Wu ‘000 phrase : I understand that withstand the pressure of public opinion when the artist incidental, but the parents are innocent! Dad has been among Australia, mother to live with relatives in Hong Kong, satisfied with me rent since I live more comfortable! In addition to the the yellow boss and co-workers, my family did not know any artist, really do not want pointless to speculate. My new home has never been invited male friends I can no choice but to accept being misunderstood, but my parents just ordinary people, please do not hurt them (2)
Well he probably thought the younger the more “fresh” they are but that isn’t always the case. Karena never struck me as innocent since she’s been around the block, many rich guys’ bike. if anything, she is more corrupted than any 30 yr TVB ladies he could’ve dated. he should just give it a go with kate tsui or one of those miss pageant faces, its not like TVB allowed much dating to happen to kate and the likes. it makes no difference young or old, its the heart of the woman. i thought she was aggressive by wanting to mark her territory by sitting upfront.
in retrospect, that mavis pan isn’t as bad since she bought things for raymond with her money and never ask him for anything back. she said he never helped her with any matters. she also insisted to protect ray’s image until that went to s— when her phone got picked up by someone else. it makes me think when she took the bed photo, it was for her private memory, she seem to care too much about raymond until he broke her heart. whereas karena want to take the most she can get out of raymond whether publicity, living expenses, rent. he really doesn’t have good taste whether in appearance(mavis-plastic) or character(karena-golddigger).
I vomited in my mouth a little when you mentioned Raymond with Kate
ya same lol
Some of you actually believe it when Mavis said that someone picked up her phone??? Sorry, but I don’t believe that at all…
well pictures like that are very private to a woman. Raymond said it himself that she didn’t really want to take photos and never went outside out of fear. she also seem honest if you watch her interviews back then. she seemed sincere to me.
They are actors and actresses so they can fool anyone… If she did not really want to take those photos then why did she even take them at all??? That just doesn’t make sense to me…
Didn’t she the one who said that he dun want to take photos but as they were serious, he accepted to take photos with her as a sign of love? She said that she like to take photos of herself and everything around her.
Btw, I do blv that PSS really in love with LF and vice versa, but her fault was that she sold the private pix to Next. Not better, she was betrayed by Next when Next revealed that she sold them the pix. His fault was that not make a clear breakup as well.
to hetieshou, like i said, it could be for her private memory and enjoyment, that makes sense to me even if it doesnt to you. she wasn’t lying, watch her expressions and eyes. she just said what she wanted. you can hate her for it but she is just standing up for herself.
Sometimes I think im a feminist. Lol. I dont see mavis innocent at all. People can say all they want about raymond’s lies on how he denied the relationship but I thought thats understandable. Now those photos from her…it spelled “promote me” all over.
True, but i think a bit weird because whenever something like this happen, the girl always get the blame???? T,T Can’t stand it. When i saw many fan of Ray react to Mavis i felt a bit sad for her where he sat there and crying and she had to deal with the whole world? :(. Anyway, it’s ray’s life, i won’t put my opinion on his life. I love him because of his acting and music, not life.
This story is going way too over board! I just could not stop laughing while reading the paragraph about who is BB and Uncle and Auntie. None of us actually know the truth, so why make stuff up. I personally think Karena makes enough money to upgrade her families living condition. She doesn’t need Ray’s financial support.
But I totally agree with Opium. I like his acting and singing and his personal life is none of my business. As long as he continues to sing and act good I’m fine.
Karena is very pretty and Raymond is beyond gorgeous.I think they look super adorable together, the only thing is Karena is too young for him, I afriad he will be hurt in the future.
There’s benefits for both parties! Karena get what she wants and Ray get what he wants from her. Works both ways!