Son Ye Jin on Raising Her Son

Focusing on family after her marriage to Hyun Bin, actress Son Ye Jin, touted “Nation’s First Love” in South Korea, made a rare appearance recently on good friend and golfer Lin Jin Han‘s program. Beaming with the pride of motherhood, the 41-year-old responded when asked if parenthood was challenging, “Of course there’re tough parts to being a parent, but it also brings joy that I’ve never experienced,”
Which Parent Does Child Resemble More?
When asked which of his superstar parents their son, nicknamed “Little Sweet Bean” resembles, she replied that relatives thought the upper half of his face resembles mom, while the lower half of his face resembles dad, but “kids’ faces are always changing, now he resembles me a little more”.
Describing motherhood as unlocking eyes to a new world, Son Ye Jin, who added, “I’m extremely blessed now…Although this really takes a lot of energy, but I’m still very, very happy,” Sharing that she is open to the idea of a second child as “children are really too adorable”, the actress turned pensive when Lee Jin Han asked about the possibilities of a comeback.
“I’ve been working and filming non-stop all along, after marriage and having kids, I’m currently on a break,” said the actress, hinting that it would take something good for her to present to viewers, if she were to make a comeback.
Source: WorldJournal
Of course, the genes of this couple cannot just stop at one…