Mickey Huang Faces Boycott and Continued Lawsuits

Despite mounting evidence and continued accusations of sexual harassment and indecent behavior, Taiwanese television host Mickey Huang (黃子佼) has not been prosecuted. During the police investigation, Mickey was found to possess seven explicit videos of young girls ranging in age from 12 to 17 years old. The content of the videos had involved cruel abuse.

In a court ruling, Mickey would avoid prosecution if he behaved for two years. He was required to write a letter of repentance and ordered to pay 1.2 million new Taiwan dollars.

Amid public outcry, the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office responded to the case and its ruling. They cited it was Mickey’s first offense. Possession of explicit images of young girls was a statutory penalty of less than one year. Additionally, the ruling was intended to protect the victims, which included young girls from Taiwan, from suffering through mental stress in subsequent trials.

Laying low after the court’s decision, Mickey hoped the incident would quietly pass. However, angry victims refused to let the matter be swept under the rug. Recently, a victim known by the pseudonym of Miss K spoke up and published an article accusing Mickey for taking a minor to his residence, sexually assaulting her, and forcefully took explicit photos.

Other victims have jointly hired lawyers to seek justice. The influencer who shared the newest development issued a post calling for everyone to boycott Mickey. “I am calling for Mickey’s victims to please contact me again, as I found a lawyer willing to help with the case…. If you would like to stay anonymous, you can start a new social media account with a different name and picture before contacting me.”

Many organizations have also denounced the disgraced host and announced they will no longer employ him.

Source: [1]

This article is written by Huynh for JayneStars.com.

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  1. I don’t understand why his backlash is worse than Aaron Yan’s who as we speak, is prepping for his comeback.

    Don’t get me wrong, what he did is deplorable and worthy of a ban, but his punishment seems way heavier than Aaron. Is it cus he snitched?

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