2012 Sexiest Man Alive in China Award @ JayneStars

It’s time to vote for the male celebrity that you think deserves the title of “2012 Sexiest Man Alive in China” @ JayneStars.com!

Last year, Ruco Chan (陳展鵬 ) won the “Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award” by a landslide due to his breakout role in The Other Truth <真相>. Not only is Ruco handsome and hot, his personality and perseverance also added big bonus points.

To increase the excitement of the poll this year, male celebrities from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan have been included. With a total of 92 nominees, you will be certain to find a sexy man to support everyday!

Voting Rules

  1. Press “VOTE” button next to the name of the male celebrity of your choice.  You will receive a confirmation message on the screen indicating your vote has been tabulated.
  2. Each person can place ONE vote per 24 hours.
  3. You can vote everyday for a different candidate.
  4. The poll will end on Monday, October 8, 2012. All votes placed before the deadline will be tabulated. The winner and complete voting results will be announced then.
Why Are the Live Voting Results Not Displayed?

Through past polls implemented at JayneStars.com, we realized that the display of live voting results affected voter psychology, resulting in a greater voting bias. As voters were aware of the leading candidates through live votes, this affected the manner in how they voted. Some voters employed “voting strategies,” resulting in votes primarily placed for the top three candidates last year.

To minimize the impact of voter psychology, JayneStars.com decided to only display the complete voting results at the conclusion of the poll instead. We assure that the results are fair and representative of the sampling population on our site.

Our site does not endorse any specific artists, as we offer news coverage on a broad range of artists in Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan. Our “Sexiest Man Alive in China” poll is created to celebrate the attraction of Chinese male celebrities. Have fun! Vote everyday!

How the Candidates Were Selected

JayneStars.com’s 7-member Nomination Committee (consisting of our news writers and Advisory Committee members) drafted a preliminary list of male celebrities for the “2012 Sexiest Man Alive in China Award.” Only the male celebrities that were approved by at least 4 of our Nomination Committee members were included in the final poll, ensuring the hottest high-quality men!

Code of Conduct

You are free to leave comments supporting your favorite male celebrity.  As this poll is celebratory in nature, please refrain from posting any negative comments or hateful remarks towards other celebrities and fans. If detected, they will be deleted.

Please respect other fans’ opinions and enjoy voting in the poll!

Spread the Word

Tell friends and fans about JayneStars.com’s “2012 Sexiest Man Alive in China Award” through forums, Facebook, Twitter, and other social sites! More participation equals more representative results! Have fun!

[poll id=2]

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  1. Nicky Wu is the best, he is always polite, with positive attitude and friendly and sexiest.

  2. What a hard choice… Ok, I just cannot vote since there are too many that I like…

    1. HeTieShou,
      How about support all that you like? Who knows, your vote can be be winner-defining if there is a small margin! 🙂

      1. Jayne,
        So we can vote for as many people as we want?? I thought we can only vote for one person???

      2. HeTieShou
        One vote per person per day, so you can vote for different guy each day.

      3. haha that’s what i did i voted diff person every day..Him HIm, Ma Ming

      4. Jayne,
        Oh ok, so that is how it goes?? I did not know that. I thought that you can only bid once and for one person only…

      5. HeTieShou,
        No, the poll is designed to allow you to vote for as many guys as you wish. But the one vote per day per person is just a minor limit to prevent excessive spamming.

      6. Jayne,
        That’s what I meant.. I meant that can vote for more than one person, but only one vote per day per person which is a good way of doing it. Otherwise, people would go crazy and spam the poll…

  3. I come to support Ruco again and will come here everyday because of him!

  4. In the previous “Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong Award” we were able to see the daily results of the votes for the individual candidate, so how come we are not able to see the daily vote results for this 2012 Sexiest Man Alive in China Award ?

    1. Kim,
      See below for reason as to why live voting results for “Sexiest Man Alive” is not displayed in our poll:

      Through past polls implemented at JayneStars.com, we realized that the display of live voting results affected voter psychology, resulting in a greater voting bias. As voters were aware of the leading candidates through live votes, this affected the manner in how they voted. Some voters employed “voting strategies,” resulting in votes primarily placed for the top three candidates last year.

      To minimize the impact of voter psychology, JayneStars.com decided to only display the complete voting results at the conclusion of the poll instead. We assure that the results are fair and representative of the sampling population on our site.

    1. hahaha.. “on earth” cute katie :p
      vote for Nicky too everyday, he is HOT (cute at the same time)

  5. Definitely Ruco!
    Coz nobody can thrill me & drive me crazy like the way he does!!! Fully support Ruco!

      1. Funn, it’s the condor hero west passion YG aka HXM 😛

        Fooled be his fake tattoo or just bad at recognizing ppl?

      2. Bad at recognising poeple. Doesn’t even look like him. Has he ever look like HXM at all?

      3. I do know how HXM looks like but that banner picture doesn’t look like him at all.

    1. @Funn @Veejay @Exoidus

      Yep, Exoidus is right! He has sharp eyes! It’s Huang Xiao Ming with an impossibly muscular torso in our latest “Sexiest Man Alive in China” banner.

      1. Bridget,
        “Funn, so it’s not just me, haha. I wonder how Jayne picks who to put on the banner?”

        I admit I’m a fan of muscles, so I made the banners with photos of male stars which I could find (or fan contributed) featuring good muscle tone.

      2. @Jayne — ahh, I see. You should check out Korean actors if you’re a fan of muscles.

        I, on the other hand, am kind of scared of muscles and prefer when guys keep their shirts on. Eeps.

      3. Now im expecting bikini pics of the most sexy woman candidates otherwise it wouldn’t be fair, LOL

      4. Exoidus,
        Bikini pics are fine…you can send me photos for consideration for the upcoming “Sexiest Woman Alive in China” banners.

      5. Bridget,
        I’ve been watching some Korean romantic film comedies, but haven’t followed the dramas closely. Although TVB stars remain as my favorite, due to childhood emotional attachment. Although the dramas have slipped in quality, been following the stars for too many years to stop caring. I think that may be the reason for many fans here too….

        I think my buff tolerance stops with Huang Xiao Ming’s muscular tone. I’m not a big fan of wrestlers nor weightlifters though. Proportion is still important and anything too exaggerated may become grotesque.

      6. So Jayne, you’re not stunned into absolute awed silence by Him Law’s muscular pecs?

        If this includes Koreans, there will be total meltdown because everyone has pecs. I swear I was so bored with Choi Si Won repeated taking off his shirt in a series when I shouldn’t be. Too much of a good thing is still a good thing but doesn’t mean I won’t get bored.

      7. Funn,
        “So Jayne, you’re not stunned into absolute awed silence by Him Law’s muscular pecs?”

        Him has a nice chest, but I think his face a is little boyish for my personal preference. Just as an example, Hu Bing oozes more sex appeal in my mind. Godfrey Gao is pretty hot too.

        I believe it’s a total package when it comes to sex appeal. It’s more than the body (although a fit, muscular one is nice), but also the look and how a person carries himself.

      8. Funn lim, so do TVB’s actors and actresses. They repeated taking off their shirts in their dramas.

      9. @Jayne: That’s the same reason I still follow TVB series. Yes, Godfrey Gao can be an underwear model. Him’s head looks too small for his body; that’s the main issue I have with his “sexiness”/muscles.

        @Funn: I’m bored of Si-won taking off his shirt too… and even then I don’t even think Si-won has the best body among the Korean actors. I was thinking more Jung Gyu-woon or Jung Suk-won… and/or countless other Korean actors.

      10. Bridget,
        “That’s the same reason I still follow TVB series.”

        Many of us watched TVB since we were little kids and there is an emotional attachment that can’t be shaken off easily, no matter how numbing recent plots and acting can be. There’s a sense of comfort in the familiar faces we grew up watching.

        Even fully clothed, Godfrey Gao is very hot. It’s his frame, facial structure, bearded look, etc. He has the complete package.

      1. Everything about him is distracting to me. But at least he tries. Some actors never try. They just give up on their bodies.

  6. i had no idea who to pick until i scrolled down to tony leung’s photo… smoking pic

  7. I love Ron Ng, Mike He, Bossco Wong, Raymond Lam,…

    Ruco Chan out and die =))

  8. Jayne you forgot one more actor ” Peter Ho”…. Not his fan but I’m surprised you didnt put him specially with that body of his….

    1. Cc,
      We can save Peter Ho for consideration next year. Hu Bing also slipped through the cracks as well….

      We promise to make the poll hotter each year!

      1. Norika,
        Francis Ng’s name did not pass through our 7-member nomination committee, which is why he is not on the Sexiest Man Alive poll.

  9. Jayne, I come every day with somebody else in mind then get totally distracted by the HXM banner. In the spirit of fairness you need to post topless pics of all the candidates…. at least the top 10.


    1. Smurf120,
      You are welcome to submit topless photos of your favorite guy for SMA banner consideration. The Huang Xiao Ming photo is submitted from a fan btw.

      There was some difficulty in finding suitable high-resolution topless photos of the guys for the poll banners. And we are sticking to the muscles requirement, so no shirts to be featured in ensuing banners.

  10. lol i got totally distracted by the banner as well. Voted for huang xiao ming this time :3

    1. Smurf,
      Thanks for the image links…

      My comments:

      Aaron has nice build, but in that particular pic, he looks a bit like a statute.

      Is Louis Koo dressed for Mardi Gras? Umm…the vest needs to go.

      I like the first Daniel Wu pic, but is there a higher resolution pic?

      1. Jayne – truthfully I was just joking before about the topless pics. I wish I had electronic copies of the posters of these people I had in my teen years – those were truly yummy.

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