Ngai Man Ho Badmouths Sammul Chan and Alex Fong in “TVB’s Blood, Tears and Dirt”

A former TVB production assistant (PA) by the pen name Ngai Man Ho (偽文豪) took Hong Kong by storm when he announced that he plans to release a tell-all book about TVB’s poor working conditions and celebrity secrets. The book TVB’s Blood, Tears and Dirt <TVB血淚屎> will hit shelves on April 14.
Ngai Man Ho, who declined to disclose his real name, worked as a TVB PA between 2007 and 2008. Frustrated with TVB’s unnecessary heavy work load and inadequate working conditions, he left seven months into the job. The 30-year-old revealed that it was his first real job in the workforce, and he had entered the field with many dreams in mind. “I really love to write. I do have a lot of directors I admire, such as Johnnie To (杜琪峯) and Wai Ka Fai (韋家輝). Actually, going in as PA, I knew I would have a difficult time, but I did not expect the environment to be so vile.”
Ngai Man Ho revealed that there was a point in time when he could not go home for three full days. He had to stay over at TVB’s resting lounge with other colleagues. “There were beds, but I don’t know when the last time the bed sheets were washed. I am also not used to having people snoring next to me. I’ll rather bring my own sleeping bag and sleep in the office, but I couldn’t do that.”
Though TVB’s working environment was brisk, intense, and brutal, the difficult environment was not the main reason that pushed Ngai Man Ho to leave his job. “They say just struggle for one more month. Or one more year. But what is the point of that? I quit because I didn’t want to go on like that anymore. I didn’t hurt anyone. It was my own decision. I felt that my job had no future. I heard that talented PAs back in the day were promoted to director within three years, but now, you can’t even do that even with eight to ten years of experience. One friend of mine said that HKTV has been stealing some directors. TVB rather uses retired ‘taxi drivers’ to come back to work for TVB, and not even willing to promote a PA with a decade of experience. That’s just so weird.”
He spent the last few years compiling data and rewriting his experiences with TVB into a book, titled TVB’s Blood, Tears, and Dirt, a book which will be released in Hong Kong on April 14. “I added in my objective observations. I just wanted to share my experiences. I talked about both good and bad things, but most of them are bad,” he laughed. “Everyone should read it as a novel. The book discussed about how I got in and why I left. There is rising and closing action. It’s not just a book about me listing out who hated me and who treated me badly. It’s not like that and it’s useless to present it that way. No one would be happy reading something like that. Everyone should just treat it as another version of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The things I mentioned in the book did happen before.”
Ngai Man Ho’s determination to publish his controversial book garnered mixed reviews from Hong Kong netizens. There were those who praised him, revering him a hero, but there were also those who called him stupid. Ngai Man Ho does not take the criticism to heart. “You could say Sun Yat Sen was stupid, or Lincoln. There were also probably some who called Socrates stupid, because they’ve all done things that people once thought was stupid.”
Ngai Man Ho, however, admitted that he was a bit unhappy when Wong Jing (王晶) openly criticized him on his Weibo account, calling him shameless, full of nonsense, and weak. Ngai Man Ho sighed, “Eighties kids like me grew up watching his films. I don’t mean to harshly criticize, but I do want to give a response. I really want them to know that being able to endure and not wanting to endure are two different things. Just because I can put up through some suffering doesn’t mean I want to. Why should I go through it if I have a choice? We cannot compare generations to each other; the previous generation definitely suffered more than us. You can’t expect Wong Jing’s dad to complain to Wong Jing that he didn’t suffer as much as him. The world isn’t like how it was before. If we have to compare, why not go back all the way to the Qin Dynasty. They didn’t have cars like us. They had to walk miles at a time. There’s no point to have to these comparisons.”
Dishes on More Artists
Ngai Man Ho explicitly mentioned two artistes “Chok Fung” (Raymond Lam) and “Chau Har Gor” (Ron Ng) as two TVB artistes who had rude behavior. “Honestly, I’m fine with them. They probably hate me now, but I did praise Raymond Lam! However, I really don’t like Ron Ng. In a world like this, there will always be people who you dislike! He doesn’t need to like me either.”
In his novel, he also spilled some secrets about a “B*tch Fung” (speculated to be Sammul Chan 陳鍵鋒) and a “Richard Pig” (speculated to be Alex Fong 方中信).
“They say he doesn’t like women. One time, when I was about to give a schedule to B*tch Fung, I saw that a female PA from another team also had a schedule for him. At Hengdian, you usually leave phone messages, so I told him in advance that he would be receiving another schedule from another team. It turned out that B*tch Fung pretended to not have received the female PA’s schedule and he didn’t show up at the shoot. The producer obviously demanded to know who was responsible, and B*tch Fung blamed the female PA for not giving him the schedule. The matter ended only when the female PA apologized to B*tch Fung.”
In regards to “Richard Pig”, Ngai Man Ho disclosed, “While I was on our way back in the company’s car, I heard Director Butt said that, at the Clear Water Bay studios, Richard Pig saw that it wasn’t his turn to film yet so he drank some alcohol and fell asleep in his car. When it almost his time to shoot, the PA went over to wake him up. I don’t know if it was the PA being disrespectful or Richard Gere was drunk, but a fight broke out and he threw a punch at the PA!”
Asked if Ngai Man Ho would ever consider going back to TVB in the future, he said it would be impossible at this point. “What I really want to happen is for TVB to treat their employees better, treat their audiences better, and give consideration to the audience. Make things that the audience wants to see. Make things that are higher quality. [TVB] should be capable to do that.”
This article is written by Addy for
No, NOT Alex Fong too!! He didn’t look like someone who will throw a punch! But Sammul has always been rumoured to be gay.
no one cares.
the author is such a baby. making things up and defaming artistes.
Ok,the things thus guy is saying are beginning to sound more and more childish and fictional. Not sure about Sammul being gay and Alex does not seem like the type to throw punches at anyone.
Yup, he’s searching for his 5mins of fame. Yawn! Making up bad nickname to bad mouth artists are like you have no balls and afraid of being held reliable. I just don’t trust a word coming out of his mouth.
Sure artists can fake their manner, tvb is certainly a bad working place, but constantly using swear word to nickname artists just signify the author has no education, or respect to anyone.
He’s still not over it after all these years. You know HKTV paid him to do it.
I believe that hktv paid him to so this shameless and retarded thing. Happy to hear Wong Jing (王晶) openly criticized him on his Weibo account, calling him shameless, full of nonsense, and weak. The truth is he is weak and very weak. He can’t endure hardships and stress, that’s why he fails and can’t accomplish anything in his life. Who doesn’t have stress. It is his first real workplace job and he can’t handle it, so he quits and decided to publish a book about the poor condition. That is such a childish act, no wonder Wong jing called him weak. I bet no film production companies will ever give him a chance, because:
-He can’t handle stress
-He can’t endure stressful situations
-He’s shameless
-He retaliates when he does not get what he want
-He’s not putting in effort to his work he gossips and eavesdrop more than he works
-He is not prepared to even work in a real workplace environment
-He expects to get promoted within 2-3 years with no experience (too arrogant)
-He’s retarded and a coward. He afraid to admit that he’s useless. Afraid of using real names in his retarded book, then why publish it?
I bet no film/tv production companies will ever hire him because of his childish and brainless behavior. He should be spit at by people.
1000% agree!!!
Frankly he sound more like a Donkey braying when it sees a female Donkey nearby.
Yup. I also read the article on South China Morning Post.
I’m surprised that no one has ever written such a book before. It’s such an easy way to make money. I have no clue whether the stories in the book are true or false but the author really gives me no reason to believe he is credible. I can just as easily write some stories and make them out to be true. I hope the author goes on a book tour and reveals his identity. Otherwise there’s no reason to believe him.
He’s a jacka55, ugly coward that’s why he’s not revealing. Maybe a face like a douchebag
Readers, you have to give this individual credit for stepping up and writing what he “experienced” during his 7 months. Many PA just internalize the many bad and very few good in and continue on with life with a every now and then verbal complaint to their confidants. If this individual is able to change some of the working conditions by revealing some of the bad, hopefully the artists and upper management will modify their behavior towards the silent PA majority, which in itself is helping them out. So don’t chastise this writer just yet.
Many PA just internalize the many bad and very few good in and continue on with life with a every now and then verbal complaint to their confidants. If this individual is able to change some of the working conditions by revealing some of the bad, hopefully the artists and upper management will modify their behavior towards the silent PA majority, which in itself is helping them out.
so what? such a bad move on the person whos exposing.
He is a douchebag and a coward. His retarded book is all about him whining “this is hard, this is difficult, this isn’t how I was taught in school. I should be promoted because I have worked there for 7 months. When’s mine holidays so I can play video games and party with girls.” what a big cry baby whine, who doesn’t put effort to his work. He only gossip and eavesdrop in his work. USELESS & A COWARD
People have people they hate and love(I think this does not apply to him), no need to bash them. What he is doing is definitely shameless, he is not qualified to talk about others, when he himself is a person that uses profanity. I bet there are some people in your company that you dislike, and some working conditions are stressful, so should you publish a book on the negative things about them and your company?
All companies and fields has their own sets of game rules and guidelines, if you can’t handle this game, then you aren’t qualified to play or be in the field.
I bet there are some people in your company that you dislike, and some working conditions are stressful, so should you publish a book on the negative things about them and your company?
HAHA exactly.
Hi, Sheldon. It looks like you have read the book. Mind to share the contents in brief? I’m sorry for asking this because firstly, I don’t have much time to read this type of book; secondly, I don’t really know chinese characters; and finally, I don’t want to waste my money on entertainment. Could you just give me an outline of what he wrote? I know this type of book is rubbish. I’m not very very interested in book as a whole, but I feel a bit curious to know what he wrote, and also I just wanna be entertained.
This retarded author is stuck in his own lala land, where everything should revolve around him. He thinks he is a saviour and can save mankind from these artists, what a psycho. He should just go back and read his baby comics
Doesn’t matter what he endured, every job has it’s difficulties some more lightweight than others but what he is doing by publishing a book that seems to be based on false facts just makes him unprofessional and childish.
He’s no Anne Frank, there is no need to publish his diary of unpleasant work ethics or artistes he encountered. We all have co workers we dislike but you don’t see us publishing a book. This is just an excuse to make a profit which he should be ashamed of.
Right on @Jstorch
Right now we are standing up to that creepy retarded guy is doing a very creepy, unethical and unprofessional act. He should be very ashamed for what he has done, he himself is calling people names too. So 5crew him.
This is definitely a retaliation toward his ex-company. Good that he got fired. And this is an act that nobody should learn. You will not only get sued but also ruin your future(this retarded author never had or will have a future with this attitude)
what he is implying about Samuel Chan is totally shameless.
he is implying that Samuel Chan does not like women, and hence purpose made life hell for the female PA.
Even if Samuel Chan is really gay, nobody in his right mind does that(ie make like difficult for a female bcos he is gay.
Because of statement like this, he has lost all credibility. This is not “stepping up and writing what he experience”, this is making up stories based on his “hear say”.
Nobody should read his book. Such a horrible person.
I think this guyz is so getting paid to do this I wonder who is the master mind behind all of this Hmmmmm HKTV……..??!!
Definitely true. Good that hktv failed. Most of the prologue is written by former tvb artists who went to hktv, why pick them? This retarded book is already bias and too subjective. 100% untrue. Hope that those people who contributed to the book regrets this and finds that they are helping an a55hole
this guy is a moron to expose it. would companies trust him after this ? probs not if dealing with personal things.
The retarded guy is not only a moron, but also a creep that eavesdrop on others, he’s not evening doing his job. Good that he got fired. Hope no companies ever hires him
how do we know that he is not buffing and actually worked for tvb?
It is just a very bad habit to bad mouth any pervious employer. It will hurt your employment history.
yeah exactly………………
I’ve encountered the most vile and inhuman biatches and boss’ on my last job too. But write about them? haha…LOL Please, like they are worth my time? FORGET IT dude and move on. Just means there are certain jobs out there that are just NOT fitting for you.
It depends on the kind of job. Most people are interested in learning about the natural behaviours of artistes. That is the selling point of his book, not the dark side of any jobs.
If people are not interested in entertainment news and artistes, Jayne’s website will not be so popular. You and I will not submit posts here.
its still relatively a small site that has drama going on
This retarded guy is a jacka55, exposing nonsense of others, and look at how this guy swears too. His mind is already full of profanity, and his book maybe uses profanity too on others. A piece of 5hit that he is writing. He should just grow up and find something meaningful things to do in life. His life is already messed up.
This website is presenting entertainment news, not bashing, making up stories or exposing secrets of others. This website is more professional than that retarded book of his. Can’t compare Jayne stars site with that creepy eavesdropping AHole
sheldon|| when they dont have proof that ppl are having multiple identities, they accuse of people is that still professional?
I am talking about the articles being presenting to us not our post, these are 2 different things happening
Well did Jayne made up the stories and told someone to translate it for the website. These are articles that have already been published by hk media. This site are news translated into English, not made up by this site, therefore, it is two different things. Made up and translate aren’t the same
When other people other than Funn are attacked personally (Sandcherry, etc.) , where is Jayne?
Thanks for speaking up for me. I don’t expect Jayne would do it for me as I am only one of her readers, not her writers.
However, I agree that not all the articles on this website are justified or properly translated, and some of her readers like to group together to attack others.
I have always tried to stay neutral and only occasionally made comments on certain artists …… but still in a polite way …… people still say I am a hypocrite and fake. They would rather have people attack artists badly, but cannot accept honest and not-too-pleasant opinions.
I don’t always agree with Funn Lim, but that is her writing style. People have to accept her writings or just skip her articles. It is the same with this guy, Ngai Man Ho (偽文豪). You can call him unprofessional, unethical, or even a hypocrite. If you don’t like him, just don’t read his book. However, he might be telling some truth behind the scene and no one has ever had the nerve to do it. I don’t think people have to write tons of messages here to curse and attack him. If he commits a crime for writing this book, TVB or individual artistes will sue him. There is no need for us to worry about it.
Well said and I feel for you since I go through being called names like a hypocrite,see lai and all that too. Sadly some die hard fans just cannot take unpleasant things said about their idols/favorites. I think we all run in to vile and difficult people regardless of where we are at, including online.
I just want to say that you are one of my most favorite commentators here and I will always support you. Of course, who said that we all always had to agree with each other?? But the most important thing is to be able to respect each other as well as each other’s thoughts and opinions.
But the most important thing is to be able to respect each other as well as each other’s thoughts and opinions.
Thanks for your compliments. I do same for you, as well as for others. In fact, we are all entitled to voice our thoughts and opinions on this website as long as they are not personal attacks. We should respect each other, but do not always have to agree with his/her posts. It is perfectly okay to me as I don’t expect everyone to think the same. We are all unique and not copycats.
I don’t think we have to agree with the majority and cannot voice our own personal opinions even if they are different.
You are welcome and well said! Just because we do not agree with each other does not mean that we need to attack each other. The most important thing is to respect each other and each other’s various views. Honestly, it would be really strange if we all agreed with each other all the time.
I agree with you and I have seen moderators at other forums abuse their power and favor some over others. Lets face it, that is just how life is. There are always going to be people luckier than us, more favored than us, get more well liked then us,etc… Life is unfair. I think Jayne tries to be fair to everyone, but hey who does not play favorites?? Who is 100% free of flaws and biasness?? No one is…
No offense but I need to state one correction; Jayne wasn’t being biased. Life IS fair in Jaynestars, hence the moderation. For the other nasty comments against other commenters, Jayne is alone so she needs time but in time she will reach those comments. Fellow commenters genuine in the discussions, give Jayne a bit of time.
by then, the accused commenters have left the site. eg. thinner, mockinggenius.
I was not really referring JS, but was talking in general… That is how I tend to be if you have not noticed by now. I am not sure if I can say that JS is 100% fair, but I can say that Jayne tries to be neutral and fair. However, she is busy and all and has more of a life than moderating this sites so yes, we all need to give her a break and be more understanding.
Same like how it was for me, wait.
i dont care. i still like alex fong lol
this guy is getting stupid.although some might be true, im not going to believe everything he says…
“The 30-year-old revealed that it was his first real job in the workforce”
What did he do for a living before this?
Spoiled brat that still live with his parents, and ask for allowance. He doesn’t even know how the real workplace environment operates and already publishing a book about his 7 short months of so called work experience.
What a moron, go find a job and get more experience than bragging about how working is difficult
This has definitely decreased the credibility of his 5hity work
Maybe he comes from a well off/rich family so did not have to work? OR he worked with his family and that TVB job was his first job in the real world??? I have a feeling that may be it and he may not be used to working hard and enduring tough conditions so is whining about it now.
PA job is tough. Everyone in the industry knows that. It’s his first job and he has just stuck with it for 7 months. You don’t bath mouth your employers after you have left in bad terms. It shows your low integrity. Artists are also humans. They have flaws like anyone of us. I’m not shocked with what he has revealed and they might be true. What they show to the public might just be a packaged image. Anyone can wear a mask. But the point is, never kiss and tell! To the author: This book doesn’t show how bad TVB or the artists are but how bad is your own character!
Well said! Totally agree with you
if TVB was pretty all these artist wouldn’t be leaving so I do believe in some way this PA is saying are truth… very dramatic but hey it’s getting some attention =P
Can anyone name one company that doesn’t have stressful working conditions and has only eight hours of work and the rest are their leisure time in a full-time job?
This retarded author thinks he has great amount of experience to judge a company where he only worked for 7 short months, this was his first real workplace job, with no experience at all. Credibility incredibly low
Not that I am saying what was said of Sammul is true but a subordinate who needs the credentials that the job offers will always be the fall guy even if it isn’t his or her fault. That’s the life of being a subordinate. Boss is always right.
“Boss is always right.”
I’m not sure about that…
pass dont have guts to stand up.
“Boss is always right.”
Boss is not always right, but he/she is the one who defines the meaning of “right” or “wrong”.
what boss?
PAs and Artistes are still working for tvb. artistes do not pay $$$ to pa. how “boss”?
the ‘manager’ should be the producer/director.
If she (PA) wanted to keep her job, she had no choice but apologized to Sammul unfortunately. That is life, which is always very cruel.
life is cruel but i think everyone should have a limit and dignity as human being,otherwise you will implode from the inside.sometimes its better to tell the true then keep your mouth shut tight,also if you will loose your job.
this image is used a lot
Come on guys, surely there’s some element of truth here, if there’s smoke surely there’s fire. We all know working in entertainment industry is a very stressful job, people WILL lose control every once in a while, who doesnt??
Actors and actresses are human beings with big ego, i am not surprised at all that behind the scenes they are a nasty person. You surely dont expect the actors and actresses in real life to be a very nice like in dramas right???
It’s possible HKTV is behind this, but who cares?? Most important is the content in the book is real.
We should be thankful for this guy for being brave, he just exposed himself to multiple lawsuits for writing this book. I believe there’s some element of truth in the book.
Do you have any proof that this guy did work at tvb? what was the reason for leaving? and why expose it now? 6 years?
and why did no reporters report this bak then?
if francis ng was reported to give bad attitude, why was this not reported 6 years ago?
Proof of him working in TVB is for HK public to check, although i believe the publisher would surely have done some checking on this, otherwise the publishing company’s reputation would take a serioua beating for publishing a fictional book that they claim to be real.
Why now, why not 6yrs ago? That you have to ask the author, but who cares as long it’s the truth. Like few ppl mentioned here, possibly HKTV sponsors this guy.
I wonder why some think that HKTV is up to this?? I think HKTV has way more important and better things to do than this.
Why nobody would think TVB is the hidden mastermind?
Why nobody would think TVB is the hidden mastermind?
why would it be tvb?
He’s an AHole that uses tvb for profit
I bet no film production companies will ever give him a chance, because:
-He can’t handle stress
-He can’t endure stressful situations
-He’s shameless
-He retaliates when he does not get what he want
-He’s not putting in effort to his work he gossips and eavesdrop more than he works
-He is not prepared to even work in a real workplace environment
-He expects to get promoted within 2-3 years with no experience (too arrogant)
-He’s retarded and a coward. He afraid to admit that he’s useless. Afraid of using real names in his retarded book, then why publish it?
Happy to hear Wong Jing (王晶) openly criticized him on his Weibo account, calling him shameless, full of nonsense, and weak. The truth is he is weak and very weak. He can’t endure hardships and stress, that’s why he fails and can’t accomplish anything in his life
More likely is that small details were taken and blown up and magnified ten times worse than what they really were.
To sell his book he probably had to insert many half truths or bend certain situations to seem worse than they were.
YOu really wonder IF this guy did work for TVB or not. He could have known people who do and talked to them and then make the rest up. Who really knows??
Errr because TVB is behind the rejection of HKTV’s license?
How would this book benefit TVB if they are behind this?
Attention for the praised artists.
Errr because TVB is behind the rejection of HKTV’s license?
How would this book benefit TVB if they are behind this?
Is it Alex Fong did that while he filming in A Great Way to Care 2?
Because seriously I found him “drunk” the entire series!!
Who is ex taxi driver come back as director?
the write is really childish and want 3mins fame lol
AND lot of MONEY at others expense with a chickenshxt, easy way!
Now I suspect this guy was paid by TVB and all those artists to get attention from the media. Guys, perhaps all these incidents are fake and just made up to create some news for the artists. TVB, this guy, and all those artists cooperate to be in the headline despite it is bad news.
As the saying goes, bad news is better than no news in the entertainment industry.
I find this book very poorly and childishly written. Maybe what the author said is true, maybe not, but the media’s making it out to be a big deal of earth shattering scandals, capable of causing heart palpitations
Imust agree though, TVB, or no one should offer anyone sheets to sleep on that have not been washed. That is very unhygienic and unacceptable.
It does always amaze me though that whenever, and I mean whenever anything negative is written about the idols, it is somewhat not true at all. and the writer is a liar who should be executed.
DOWN with his head!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!
Ooops! not being politically correct. Just joking, people!!!
Ngai Man Ho does not take the criticism to heart. “You could say Sun Yat Sen was stupid, or Lincoln. There were also probably some who called Socrates stupid, because they’ve all done things that people once thought was stupid.”
So this person compares himself to Sun Yat Sen, Lincoln and Socrates because they have ALL done stupid things!
GIVE ME A BREAK! How crazy is he! LMAO
Wow with the way ppl in here react to this book, you’d think the author killed their families.
I dont find an issue with him doing an expose on this at all. Lots of ppl critique their ex-employers on Glassdoor. The difference is that this author can potentially earn money from writing this autobiography chronicling his experience working at TVB. His stuff has entertainment value while regular ‘reviews’ and complaints don’t. Let’s not forget that he also writes POSITIVE and NEGATIVE things about his old work environment and coworkers. So it’s not just a trash novel. It’s his general critique. Take it with a grain of salt.
Also, by exposing bad things about companies, it forces the company to evaluate itself and hopefully make improvements. Though knowing TVB, they probably wont – and thats because ppl are too afraid to speak up because others (like some of the posters in here) judges other who complains or lodges critical comments at their ex employer.
The main point for me is that the author is too coward to use his real name. Nothing wrong with the expose, but be credible and use his REAL name…. so people know who he is, that he REALLY worked at TVB, and be okay with this tell all book. Anyone has the freedom to write and so great that he found a publisher.
I did not defend any artist or TVB on this matter….. just the fact that he is making money and getting free publicity BUT has no guts to stand by his words!!!
Even ppl on Glassdoor dont always put up their real names. Theyre scared of retaliation. And just what-if potential employers also see the same remarks? Maybe that’ll stop them from hiring him. It’s possible he’s still working in entertainment.
Erica Yuen did the same thing he did and look where she is now – not working for TVB thats for sure. I bet lots of entertainment companies dont want to hire her for the same reason. But she was honest. And she stood up for herself and said what she saw.
He’s not brave enough to show his face but it’s the smarter move. I cant begrudge him for that.
I also find a lot of writers misunderstand what other commenters are saying. I am not saying the book writer should be executed or calling him a liar. I am saying that whenever some article is written about the negative habits or lifestyles of the celebrities, the netizens call the writer a liar and want to practically kill him or her. These men and women are human who have terrible , bad, negative and immoral habits and lifestyles.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, this is what he went through – so it’s his experiences and his words. Whether it’s true or not, we don’t know, but take it with a grain of salt.
These ppl (esp on Jayne) who obsess and write 5 bajillion comments on the same topic doing all this hating. S/he must have no life. Absolutely no life at all.
I just have to say one thing – i rarely get agitated reading ppl’s comments online (because i tend to browse forums with mature individuals) but this site has boiled my blood over with the amt of immaturity and emotional drivel on issues that has nothing to do with their lives. Get over it and grow up.
Free publicity. lol.
it’s a good thing he’s hiding his identity. no logical person should open criticize their old companies not matter how bad. that’s just a fast lane to end your career. not sure if the stories are all true, but quite surprised that this the first book to talk about the bad sides of tvb. it’s a great $$ making tool, see how much attention it’s gotten already?
Someone said the accused commenter has left. If only that was true. Please look around here carefully.
You said no person should openly criticize their old companies no matter how bad things are We are not living in the olden days when employees were slaves to their masters. In those days, if a slave complained, he or she were killed or beaten.
If there is any truth in what this man is saying, and I believe there is, he has a democratic right to speak out about deplorable conditions at a workplace.
Many employers used fear and their power of clout to intimidate many people, they are counting on that to muzzle current and former employees.
Anyone who agrees with such tactics is only enabling such God forsaken tactics.
We all know that TVB has a lot of powerful people at the top, and there are even triad connections. Just ask some of the artistes. Tvb is known for their ruthless treatment of their employees, their disgusting working conditions, and their low pay.
The guy deserves some credit for speaking up. Like a few sensible commenters said, if speaking up can change the working conditions at tvb in any way, then this book has done something for the tvb employees.
Some curse out the poor guy using the most foul language. I can practically feel the anger and hatred in their posts, so I do not blame the guy for using an alias. Raymond Lam has some crazy butt fans out there. If they know who the man is, I believe they will try to harm in in the worst way.
Plus, this man is speaking out against celebs and a powerful company with lots of powerful, not so nice connections. If they find out who he is, they could go after him. Is it worth these people coming after him if he is printing lies?. I think not.
I like Raymond too, I have nothing against any of these artistes, but they do have their bad habits, some very horrible habits, some tend not to like women, and that is just a part of life. These men are not angels, far from it.
Encore, well said!
I’m not saying that what this guy is doing is right–in terms of dishing out other’s dirty laundry and etc.
But I find it funny that you guys are calling this guy immature, weak, can’t stand stressful situations, and etc because he realized there were mistreatment going on in the company, and that it was a dead end job. (The whole promoted after 8 to 10 years vs the old 3 years or so if you are talented thing.) So he left. But once another PA decided to suck it up be “strong” and try to keep her job by apologizing even for something she didn’t do, you guys all complain again.
You guys must not have been in the working world for long. You have to pick your battles. You can’t blow the whistle at every little thing that is wrong if you want to survive in the real world.
He’s actually not that stupid, I mean there are people out there who are willing to buy his book, so guess what he actually earns money with his wannabe novel (read: gossip encyclopedia a.k.a. bullcrap x 1000) . I think it’s funny. marketing strategy maybe?