TVB 2012 Sales Presentation

Last night, TVB’s 2012 Sales Presentation became a battle ground between the contenders for this year’s TV King and TV Queen Awards. Boosting her cleavage at the event, Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) overtook Fala Chen (陳法拉) and won the first battle! Despite wearing a “Deep V” outfit, Michael Tse (謝天華) was unable to wrestle against Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), who was favorite among advertisers.
TVB held its 2012 Sales Presentation at TVB City, where over one hundred artists met with advertisers. Numerous actresses dressed sexily to please the advertisers. Among the male artists, Wayne Lai, Moses Chan (陳豪), and Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) were the most popular! At the start of the ceremony, 2011 Mr. Hong Kong, Clayton Li (李晉強), and 2011 Miss Hong Kong, Rebecca Zhu (朱晨麗), dressed as angels and suspended on wires, the pair “flew” into TVB City to start the lighting ceremony!
Myolie Wu Bared Cleavage
As the hot favorite to win this year’s TV Queen Award, Myolie Wu wore a low-cut tube dress to show ample cleavage, successfully overtaking Fala Chen. Myolie laughed that she did not show her dress to rumored boyfriend, Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), in advance. Asked whether she was trying exceptionally hard this year, Myolie smiled, “I always try very hard. When appropriate, it’s okay to show off the figure a bit!” (You are no afraid of possible groping?) “I know how to fend off wolves! The advertisers are well-mannered people.”
New series, Curse of the Royal Harem <萬凰之王> and Till Death Do Us Lie <結‧分@謊情式> pulled high ratings in the broadcast of its initial episode. Myolie will not slacken her efforts and will continue to promote Curse of the Royal Harem on her blog. Kate Tsui (徐子珊) also praised Myolie for her sudden “peaks” and hugged her during the photo sessions.
Fala Chen wore a champagne-colored evening dress, noting that she will reserve more sexy attire for the upcoming TVB Anniversary celebrations. “I will dress more boldly at the Anniversary and Awards Ceremony!” Another fadan, Tavia Yeung (楊怡), wore $73 million HKD in jewelry, which was sponsored by Emperor Watch & Jewellry. Revealing her “career line,” Tavia laughed and said that she hoped that she will achieve greater heights in her career.
Sheren Tang and Ada Choi Kiss in “War and Beauty 2” Video Clip
In addition, video clips of TVB’s upcoming series were presented before advertisers last night. One of the more special scenes featured Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯) and Ada Choi (蔡少芬) kissing in bed in War and Beauty 2 <金枝慾孽 2>, which was a very bold scene for an ancient series!
Francis Ng (吳鎮宇) indicated that he will not portray a pilot in the upcoming Triumph In The Skies 2 <衝上雲霄 II>. Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) revealed her naked back in 4 in Love. While singing praised for TVB, Moses Chan and Bosco Wong’s (黃宗澤) words were jumbled, causing Carol Cheng (鄭裕玲) to tease them by saying that a good master of ceremonies was difficult to find. During the photo-taking session, TVB arranged ten fadans and ten siu sangs to stand in the first row to involve the advertisers.
Excerpt from
Jayne: I was shocked by the kissing scene between Sheren and Ada in “War and Beauty 2”! Maybe the concubines got lonely and had to entertain each other? Perhaps their relationship will be laced with love, passion, and hate?
Once again I’m baffled at HK media outlets rating female artistes by “how much skin they will show”. Oh hail cheap journalism >_<
I second this. What cheap journalism.
But the artistes themselves dressed that way to get exactly that sort of attention. So in the end cheap journalism originates from cheap attempts at publicity perhaps?
Why blame the messenger? Don’t u think the ladies wanted the attention and knew they would get a lot of press coverage? If they dare to show, then we dare to compare.
It’s because “the messenger” has well known cheap habits to shower limelight to “who shows the most!” at the first place that I blame them, in my humble opinion..hehe.
HK media IS very cheap. You would never hear Hollywood’s Entertainment Tonight rate ‘Best Dressed’ or ‘Who got the Most Attention’ by measuring how much skin they showed.
Have u watched E.T. lately? They’re just as bad as E!news or TMZ. I think HK press is the same as our tabloids Star magazine or US weekly.
I don’t feel bad for the ladies b/c I think for this event, they purposely work the media for their benefit too. It’s like a mutual cooperation.
Really? I haven’t watched in a while.. didn’t realize they’ve gotten that bad! I know certain U.S. tabloids and mags are trashy but I thought ET was pretty decent for celebrity news.
Totally agreee with you. But, I quite like Myolie’s dress.
Entertainment Tonight is not even decent anymore, they are throwing useless irrelevant that is smei-related to entertainment news.
Well, this kind of entertainment is all over the world. Not just HK.
It’s not just the journalism that’s cheap. The girls who wear deep deep V’s or reveal a great amount of skin are cheap too. But it’s usually the girls who are not fadans yet and don’t have big roles, but want to get noticed! =( Yuck! I had to cover my eyes while watching some of the girls be interveiwed at the event! That Go Ling was crazy. I didn’t like Myolie’s dress either. It was worn too low so that lots of skin was shown on the top and breast part. I was worried that her dress would fall down lower (even though I knew it was a tight tube dress) Some girl’s dresses were way too short you could almost see their bottoms. =((
Myolie looks gorgeous!!
I agree! I’ve never seen her look so beautiful and voluptuous. Her dress would be so wrong on another type of body shape, but it suits Myolie perfectly!
I’m intrigued though, by how she managed to present a bigger cup size than her usual rather flat chest. How did she do it?!
I think she probably can barely breathe w/ that push-up bodice.
[i]by how she managed to present a bigger cup size than her usual rather flat chest[/i]
Bosco help her LOL
Agreed. I like her whole look.
I toally disagree. I don’t like how low the dress is, showing so much skin on the top and the breast. Just looking at it makes me worry that the dress is gonna fall down
Another fadan, Tavia Yeung (楊怡), wore $73 million HKD in jewelry, which was sponsored by Emperor Watch & Jewellry
wow nvr thaught the jewelry usually wore by them need 8 figure value.
Does anyone have a full picture of this event? It looks like that TVB will promote Myolie and Fala the most next year based on that picture.
If you were to go by placement, then Tavia and Myolie are in the center.
There’s another guy next to Fala and then Kate is off at the end.
Here is a better picture:
I like Linda’s dress.
Odd that Bosco has a higher status than Kevin in that picture.
I like Roger Kwok’s bitter expression LOL. He’s seriously the only one in that line of promoted artists to have the most seniority, and have been with TVB the longest.
Poor Ron. He didn’t get to stand in that line with the other promoted siu sangs and fadans.
Maybe because LF is not there to pair with him? Ok, kidding :).
Uhm, it’s a sign that Ron is neglect aside :(. Poor him.
I honestly think that maybe it’s time for Ron to try out the Mainland China market again. His previous Mainland China series also garnered good response.
p.s. It could be that TVB is punishing him for semi-public relationship with Viann. Poor Ron.
sehseh, I think so too but being contracted to TVB means it will be hard since he needs to fullfill TVB schedule of work. Sigh. In fact TVB artistes get a lot of mainland drama invitations, it could be almost up to a dozen series for the “hot item” artistes, but all these opportunities to find success and money and mainland sometimes need to be turned down for misc reasons.
Ron Ng, bye bye TVB next year? Probably be reality. Just hump on Viann 😀
Yuck yuck yuck!!!!! seriously if you’re Asian and only an A or B cup then don’t bother showing off your “cleavage” cause, b**** there ain’t any. Fala Chen who is covered up looks 50x better than all those Ma Lull Mins.
I’m very curious. What does ‘Ma Lull Min’ mean?
Monkey face?
I think Fala’s dress choice was disappointing – very boring colour and style. It seems deliberately understated, but she’s worn much more attractive, though still understated,gowns
in the past (eg. last year’s TVB Awards).
I don’t think her usual breast size/cup is that big in the first place, and her dress does her no favours! Seriously nothing stunning about her whole appearance.
Perhaps my peculiar taste but I like the understated looks of Fala versus the more “outstanding” gowns that Myolie and Tavia wore. Fala looks elegant without trying too hard 🙂
Fala probably didn’t know the competition would go all out. I don’t remember the girls dressing up so much in the past sales presentations b/c u have to interact w/ the sponsors later.
I think Sharon would have dressed sexier if she knew too. Linda looked good showing leg but her hair didn’t impress me. I can’t wait to see the anniversary awards fashion!
josie, yeah Linda looks good enough for me but her hair isn’t flattering for her.
Fala’s dress is safe
I think after Fala was rumoured to have married Sit(rumours), Fala has requested to play safe in anything like for eg..she doens’t do kissing scene with her costar and etc and she even fully dressed up now for such event..I think that’s a bit exeggerated, Fala is an artist and her husband Sit should understand that..
She is smart for this :P. Sai Sit Hang is a big asset and investment.
I disagree. I think Fala’s dress was the best out of the top fa dans. Linda’s dress is cute but far too simply/casual for the event. The others are too costume-y. Myolie’s bustier is outstanding but the buttom is one ugly mess. Tavia went for old classic Hollywood glamour, but the dress is tacky and does nothing for her arms. They look broad and mannish. I don’t even know what kind of matronly dress Kate has going on but it’s way too homey. Fala’s dress is understated elegance, but I do agree that it is safe. my POV Fala’s dress is simple and safe yet still brings out her elegance. What made me rate Linda’s outlook lower is her hairdo. It’s not something that I find pleasant in Linda, but her dress is sweet enough for my taste and suits Linda’s sweet face.
Seriously?? I think small cleavage look a lot classier than large ones.
Probably I’m a little bit old-fashioned. I love Fala’s dress the most out of all the fadans. The color is a bit unsuitable but it makes her look the most elegant. Myolie’s dress is the worst. It seems to fall off soon.
Tavia is too skinny for my taste. Her dress is ok.
Sharon looks really good but I don’t really like her two-piece dress.
Well it really shouldn’t matter how big someone’s chest is. I think everyone’s allowed to “flaunt what they’ve got” but I don’t like the way the HK media gives attention to girls who show off their body. Like there’s no leng mo equivalent in U.S. or w/e. Where else can you find these young models making so much just for selling skin. This is why I have no respect for the Chinese/HK media. They’re super cheap.
And Samantha Ko’s dress is too revealing. Myolie looks great. Sometimes too much exposure just makes one look trashy.
I don’t think it matter if a person is a A or B cup and is showing off their “cleavage” because i think they should have the right to wear piece of clothing that they feel comfortable in.
Look! Kate is wearing my grandmother’s dress!!!
Myolie looks fabulous!!! Absolute the best dressed of all the ladies!!!
Haha. I might be the only person who doesn’t dig Myolie’s dress. The top looks too low and the bottom is too bushy for my subtle taste, but one to her own 😉
Not crazy about Myolie’s dress either. I never liked feathers (or whatever that is) on dresses. Fala’s dress could be nice but not liking the material. She looks good nonetheless.
I agree. The top was too low. When I look at the picture, I so worried that the dress will slip down.
Agree with you Masaharu. Out of the 5 fadans, I like Fala’s dress the most. I also like Sharon’s dress:
I don’t like Myolie’s appearance too. Her dress look about to fall down and become wardrobe malfunction and the furry things are messy.
Why TY dun do the makeup for her chest area? Her face looks so white while her chest area looks dark. It’s makeup fault.
why not makeup all over the body, haha
“Why TY dun do the makeup for her chest area? Her face looks so white while her chest area looks dark. It’s makeup fault.”
ROFL makeup malfunction
@exoidus: The rule of makeup: You have to makeup face and neck and chest area if you wear deep V together to make the skin look same color. If not you will look funny with different skin color. Some also put some pounder on arms or legs (if revealed) as well to make their skin brighter. Let ppl see a white face and a black neck/chest area is called makeup fault.
Maybe you are a guy so you dunno such thing, but you can see.
LOL. don’t need any rules just use common sense…
Yes, Kate’s dress looks very grandma.
But thank god, not grandma cleavage!
Actually, I think her look is very angelina jolie.
I don’t like Kate’s appearance too. Her dress is unflattering.
I would like Myolie’s dress a lot more if it didn’t have the feathers.
I’m confused about TITS 2. Will Francis be in it or not?
Maybe the WAB 2 scene is a threesome requested by the king. Or they copying “black swan”?
No him in sale clip and only god knowsif this series can be filmed or not.
“Maybe the WAB 2 scene is a threesome requested by the king”
Ha ha that’s kinda bold. Anyhow, if Sheren and Ada’s kiss does get incorporated into “War and Beauty 2,” I hope the scene fits with the rest of the plot and not just there for shock value.
I don’t want “War and Beauty 2” to be known as the the series featuring bisexual concubines.
That kissing scene is quite a shock! There better be a good story behind it… Not sure if HK dramas can pull off such bold scenes..
HKers are just too reserved in dressing imo, take a look at those taiwanese actress, they wears skippy clothes that show off cleavage even in game shows.. and some even dance with their boobs juggles around =/
Myolie and her cleavage are nothing big deal.. hehe
I totally agree. None of them are even that revealing other than Samantha Ko. I think a deep V to the HK media is considered nothing to a deep V by American standards. lol
Have you seen some of the Super Trio episodes? They get pretty provocative… for both women and men.
I dun understand why Txb girls with B or C cups want to wear deep V? The dress sometimes look like falling down. Uhm and if wear deep V why they dun find some bra tat push their boobs look higher and not like falling down too. They should learn from the lengmos. At least the lengmos, fake or real boobs I dun care since the Txb girls also have the you-know-what surgeries, know how to dress suitable and make their ” asset” look beautiful.
You made me miss Bernice. In my POV she’s one of the TBB females who can wear deep V naturally without having her top too low to the point of falling down and she doesn’t give that “tried too hard to show sexy” feel.
Koni Lui isn’t that bad at this too.
But bernice took her assets elsewhere now.
As for koni, her Mr. Hk dresses were too revealing, borderline vulgar.
C cup for Asian is very good already. U must have high standards!
Either Fox has high standard on Asian girls’ boob size or she herself has big boobs =P that’s why she see B cup is still small hehe
C is ok, but defend on how many C. 31, 32, 33C, shouldn’t. But if it’s B, especially 31, 32, 33B, don’t wear Deep V or you will joke yourself.
Bernice has nice body, Masaharu. And Gigi Lai is an example. She might not have big boobs but she knew how to use bra to make it seems to bigger when she wore deep V in 2007 TVB award.
Look at Nancy last year award and some Txb girls today and you will understand what I’m saying about.
haha, funny convo 🙂
When you talk about girls who have B cup are small (if i rmbr correctly like u said Linda is B rite?) made me think you have bigger cup in real/person since you think B cup is small for asians hehe.
B is small even for Asian girls :). Mine is D.
Gosh :OOOOOOO *drooling* for those guys lmao
To me, I think plunging necklines look better on flatter chests rather than bigger ones because it doesn’t look as vulgar.
I think most of them look tucked in pretty well though.
You’re right, AC. Your description fits Samantha Ko’s blue dress – it’s vulgar, much too revealing to be classy, and too obviously attention-getting.
I’ve always thought that she’s not attractive, ugly even. I bet she looks really bad without all her makeup.
Samantha Ko’s dress can be viewed on TVB World website.
I mean they shouldn’t wear something classed in sexy but not suit them. Or they’ll make a joke to themselves like they are doing.
Samamtha can’t help for having big breast and i think her dress is just fine.
fala wins the most beautiful award once again, haha with only one actress able to match her in terms of attractiveness…
Oh, after seeing all the pic, the best dressed should be awarded to Kristin Tin.
Aimee looks like she is covering a plastic bag around her body. Linda and Fala play the safe game but Linda looks better as her color is brighter. Fala’s one need to amend a bit. Kate has the style of her grandma and Samantha, Samantha is trying too hard. Myolie should have a higher top or it’ll fall. TY, you took the wrong size of the dress. For both Myolie and TY, can someone tell them when they can have a necklace? Liu Xuan, I know she is a kungfu girl but wat she wore make her look like a boy with long hair. Sharon has a nice try, but the dress dun look well on her. She has an unique face and the dress looks too princess-alike. Linda in this one might give a better impression. Susanna, Ruco, Raymond Wong and Edwin Siu, they make a group because they share the same hairstyle? Wayne has just ran from the bed and rushed to the event so he didn’t have time to change clothes? He looks like a grandpa. Should go with Kate. Moses is… Moses and Ron is… Ron. I suggest Ron to lose some weight and he’ll look brighter.
Last, Bosco has mustie again :P. I like that. He looks so pervie cute.
After looking at all the dresses, I like Sharon’s best, followed by Linda’s and Kate’s. Kate’s grandma dresss doesn’t look so bad close up. Quite vintage. For guys, I like Ruco’s and Ron’s suit/shirt.
Myolie’s dress is about to fall down and Tavia’s dress look undersized make them two look trying too hard. Samantha Ko also look trying too hard to reveal.
Agreed that Kate look like grandma. Linda’s dress is the best. Fala and Sharon ok safe side.
The worst of the guys must be LAUGHING who look like a PIMP. Ron complexion look tired poor him must be hard time filming whatever series he’s filming I think he still shoot ATF? but Ron still handsome and hot as usual. I don’t like Ruco’s looks much this time. Bosco actually look fine surprisingly if we don’t look down at his shoes. Kenneth is cute but he can use better pants.
Oh I like Bosco’s shoes, more than Ron’s boring boots. new best dressed. And in her age, she still can keep her body very good. Even look better than the current fadans. Mary go!
Myolie should have covered her breast like this dress and she’ll look much better.
This is second-best dressed for me. Fala is best dressed IMO.
Can’t deny that this lady (damn, can’t remember her name) is wearing the dress really really well for her age. Admire her for this.
Looks like she’s wearing a wedding dress though! But she does look good =P
I think her name is “Hon Ma lei” or something like that LOL
Liu Xuan why is she wearing boyish clothings? Agreed she looks like a boy with long hair and can TVB pair her with someone closer to her height next time at the red carpet? So that she don’t look like a little kid?
Best dressed is Ron LOL
Bosco looks nice, and Samantha Ko looks nice too, but I don’t like the dress’ material. (and like what someone mentioned before, that dress would look much nicer on Bernice)
But my favorite picture has to be the one with Samantha Ko, because she’s standing next to three of my favorite men.
Sorry, not Samantha Ko. I meant Susanna Kwan LOL
Man some chicks at tVB are better off joining the porn industry. samanatha ko, koni lui etc.
wow, some of these comments are so sexist. :/
Myolie = fabulous! but after some picture, the dress is very low. But she has the curve.
Fala = too normal, I have seen better dresses on her. I Don’t think she play safe, Cuz I saw her often in low cut/streppless dress in function.
Kate = my grandmother dress. Maybe she will impress us at the TVB award, who knows?
Linda = wrong colour, with a very, very, very bad tast colour of shoe. She should fire the stylist.
Tavia = looks like a cheap dress. $100 HK dollar dress, with (fake) silk.
Liu Xuan = she looks like hanging out with the guys. Going to the cinnema, someting like that.
Samantha= have to show everyting.
Samantha Ko is a show off!
Wow, those fudans that showed their cleavages, how they managed to enhanced them when they are so flat-chested in series?
Linda and Fala looked better in their modest dresses. The ones that are showing cleavages are obviously trying to get attention.
SHEREN + ADA! ;D love these two! can’t wait for WAB2!
fala has a husband??? i never knew that, and tavia is way too skinny making her dress looks gross and poofy.
Fala is rumoured to get married with Sai Sit Hang. But she always says he is her bf only. Haven’t got married.
It’s so obvious who the leading and being-promoted fadans and siu sangs are. They are placed so far ahead of the 2nd and 3rd line artistes.
It seems like they’ll be further advantaged by such overt exposure to advertisers. From all the articles that I’ve read (thx Jayne and writing team!) TBS artistes often have to supplement their meagre incomes with much more generous advertising fees.- lucrative deals that bring in quick money for many less hours’ of work.
Myolie is bold. She has the confidence and she also looks very pretty.
Fala’s dress was a surprised since she wore very low-cut dresses before too. But she is very elegant.
Linda looks elegant but her dress is a bit plain.
Kate’s dress was a bit old-fashion for her age. (I always have the impression that she is quite flat chest but I guess I am wrong).
Samantha’s dress was expected. It is normal for her.
I dunnoe why you think Kate has a flat chest because she always poses and shows her S body. The only one in TVB top fadans who really can do S pose.
I know what you mean since recently Kate been wearing some sexy dresses that show off her S body. I tried to remember why I had this impression. I think it was when she was promoting her Hit Me song where she is a singer and I thought remembering reading an article that she thinks her chests are small/flat. Something about stuffing her breasts with “pudding” pads. Maybe it was a joke. LOL
I haven’t been keeping up with the Hong Kong entertainment until last year.
Does anybody now where I can watch the sales presentatiom?
I really look foward to WAB2 with Sheren and Ada kissing…rating must hit over 50 points >o..o<
Me too, looking forward WAB2, not because I want to watch the screen of sheren and ada kissing..I find that rather gross imo. I just prefer watching ancient series only like I’m currently enjoying watching The Curse…
Where’s linda and tavia? I can’t see them in the photo.
Fala looks sooo washed out and her hair and makeup too simple. she’s very well camuflaged.
More gowns and dresses can be seen here. A lot of them are very tasteful dress.,glamorous-highlights-from-tvbs-2012-sales-presentation.aspx
cool link Kidd. Koni lui not bad there
Yes, Koni’s dress is nice. I also like Tracy Ip’s dress. It shows some cleavage, but, not too much and the floral pattern makes the gown look sweet.
Yeah. Koni has the figure to pull off the dress too. It could look plain on figure-less ladies 😉
Some more pictures.
My reaction: blah!
Sad because
Francis Ng (吳鎮宇) indicated that he will not portray a pilot in the upcoming Triumph In The Skies 2
he did so good in triumph in the skies 1
Somehow, Myolie’s boldly designed dress does not look quite right on her and I think she is revealing too much of her cleavage. She should have bared just enough and left the rest to the imagination! On the other hand, Fala looks elegant in her evening gown. Could be a little understated but I think that’s fine.