[Review] “Line Walker” (By Miriamfanz)

Line Walker <使徒行者>
Hong Kong TVB Drama 2014
Producer: Man Wai-hung
Genre: Police
Cast: Michael Miu, Raymond Lam, Charmaine Sheh, Elena Kong, Sammy Sum, Sharon Chan, Benz Hui
Move aside, Lives of Omission. Line Walker is taking the title as the ultimate undercover series. With the 10000000 UCs, I’m wondering why it took so long for the police to catch up to the bad guys. Oh, that’s because all the bad guys are cops and all the good guys are with the triads. Yikes!
Line Walker does a better job than Lives of Omission at exploring the life of an undercover. Their sacrifices and hardships are played out on-screen and can be felt by the audience. Line Walker also wins with its thick plot, which is laid out nicely with the way it keeps the suspense, from the 5th UC to the black cops to the final big boss. (insert momentum-killing comedic moment). Characters come and go, making up an insanely high death toll. (insert slow-motion action scene with sub song). Yes, there are logic flaws, but don’t you know you’re watching a TVB series?
Charmaine Sheh puts in a lively performance. I love her during the comedic moments. Even though I hated how the comedy ruined the serious atmosphere at the wrong times, Charmaine is cute during those moments. However, I did not enjoy her crying and screaming scenes. I did not feel sad for her, just annoyed. Is this a TV Queen performance? I concur Charmaine may be the most suitable candidate to take it, but I do not agree that her performance was the best of the year.
Raymond Lam can be a good actor when he’s not hiding behind his chok image. His character in Line Walker reminds me of Highs and Lows. He’s playful in the beginning, which is fun to watch, but then he starts losing control as his character becomes more serious. He sways his body too much when he’s talking and when he’s screaming, his eyes grow infinitely larger.
Next we have our lovebirds, Sammy Sum and Sharon Chan. It would have been so lovely if they had realized their love for each other earlier and eloped together, far, far away from this series. Actually, I didn’t mind Sammy too much. Handsome man and has the poise of a finance whiz when he’s not being so lovesick. Sharon is the real problem here. Her character is supposed to be an intelligent madam-turned-unofficial UC who ends up saving the day. But Sharon does not fit into this type of role. Watch The Ultimate Addiction and watch this and you will know what I mean. She doesn’t carry that brilliance on her and she only ends up looking pretentious.
Michael Miu and Elena Kong’s story was the truly touching love story. Not overbearing, not dumb, but a mature relationship, portrayed by two fantastic veterans. Michael, ever so fit at his age, is perfect for this type of good cop perhaps turned bad cop role. Michael can do what Raymond cannot, that is, look chok while still not forgetting to act. Elena also does a fine, fine job. Completely believable as an abused woman and then finding her strength as a lawyer standing up against injustice.
Never imagined Benz Hui could pull off this kind of role. Samantha Ko succeeds at being icy, but not much else. Her face looks really plastic in HD. Oscar Leung was trying too hard to act cool with the way he walks and holds out his arms. All Patrick Tang had to do was perpetually squint his eyes in anger until he died. Same old Toby Leung, whose status at TVB seems to be falling rapidly. They could have cut her out completely and no one would have noticed. Ankie Beilke appears to have taken the role as TVB’s new seductive heiress.
Rating: 4/5. That’s the number of UCs in a room at any given time.
The review is written by Miriamfanz, a Contributing Writer at JayneStars.com. Visit Miriamfanz’s blog!
I love this drama…it is the best this year so far!
I enjoyed Charmaine and Raymond acting from the beginning but not so towards the end. Both have acted in an unquestionable manner with good poise. Not forgetting to add that Raymond looks hot too, unsure if this is the effect of plastic surgery or that I have not noticed him in such light previously.
As for the lovebirds, Sammy looks horrible as a love-lost puppy. I couldn’t bear those scene because I could never relate to his sadness. Sharon’s acting does very little to impress me. The way she moves her limbs are too overbearing and pretentious to me. To sum up, she tried too hard to be seductive.
Having said all of the above, I thought this drama is going to be different from all the other TVB’s production but it was not when it fell back into those familiar rushing routine where they tried answering all questions in last 2 episodes disregarding logic and details.
They could have cut those stale episodes playing music video to lovebirds earlier to accommodate the development to end the drama properly.
Agree with you cawani! This drama is overrated.
In this series, Benz Hui stole the show for me. If I can award him TV King, I will. When Foon Hei died, the series went a bit downhill.
Michael Miu has the best performance in his entire career in LW. This is the first time I appreciate his acting and see him in a new light!
I’ve never like Charmaine or her acting, Sister Deng made me see Charmaine in a new light too!
I might be the only one who thinks Raymond’s acting is actually pretty good at the beginning, but deteriorates towards the end when his chok and OTT acting resurfaces. I don’t think he deserves TV King although he seems to think he can get it based on what I’ve read.
Sammy Sum could be better if he was not so lovesick. The lovesick puppy parts made his acting flaws so obvious! But I think he still have a chance for MI award
Sharon is atrocious from beginnig to end. No, actually from beginning of TUA to end of LW. Horrible!
Nobody seem to notice Elena, but I give her honorable mention! She’s extremely believable and effective in her parts although she doesn’t have much to do!
Yeah, I think I owe it to Elena that I forgot to credit her. She is definitely watch worthy… all her shows from Triumph in the Skies, The Ultimate Addiction & Line Walker.
Completely agree. Putting aside the plot flaw of her being an abused wife that overnight recovers to work for the DOJ, Elena does a brilliant job
Raymond can win tv king if tvb was to let him win it, his already got a few tv king award under his belt but if Raymond gets it from tvb people will say its rigged
He doesn’t deserve to win it through LW performance though. Not when Michael Miu is clearly the better actor among the two leads. I do think he will get into top 5 easily with his average and inconsistent performance because LW is popular. This is a bit unfair though to actors in bad or less popular series who gave a much better performance such as Ruco in ATIBIS and ROE who might not have place in top 5 because his series either bad or less popular.
Thanks to Linda’s horrible acting who made ATIBIS a pain to watch and indirectly hurt Ruco’s chance at TV King because ATIBIS becomes a cringeworthy series.
High five Toby! LF’s acting is not up to par to earn the title BA.
Charmaine’s character was a challenging one.Her portrayer were full with layers of an witty n easygoing to mild depression w uncertainty n resentment thru her sad experiences then pick herself up agn thru her belief in justice without prejudice.Her easygoing portrayer was not meant to be comedic but fun loving which was crucial in development of her character.Her timing in vocal,scrupulous details in expression n body language but not overbearing create a certain break thru n refining in her acting development.Her originality with no stereotypical acting deserve a kudos.Her crying scenes of her sad experiences was meant to emphasize the disappointment n helpless in justice,resentment and denial of happenings.Her suppression of emotions scene was touching n captivating in relating to viewers. One of her best work in her career.
Exactly. This is Charmaine’s best performance as an actress. I love her witty and quirky side and she nailed her emotional breakdown moments. It makes me see her in a new light and I believe so far she’s the only one actress worthy of the TV Queen award. Move aside Linda and Kate!
I loovveed Charmaine in this!!
Agreed. Her crying and screaming scenes were acted out very well.
I think its her best work because she had the 3 mothers to bounce off. The veterans in this show (save for Chung Sir at the end) were brilliant.She has definitely improved heaps. I agree with the reviewer abouut the emotional scenes, I still think she has the Flora Chan syndrome of not being able to cry believably
one thing that didn’t make sense was – if you rewatch the first episode – it ray and charmaine being chased and than shows “9 months ago” and plays a flashback of the things leading up to that incident… I swear the whole timeline was at least 2 years to achieve all the killings and UC tasks not ONLY 9 months.. thats the only flaw
Wow!!! Very good result of the ratings of ‘line walker’!!!!!! Really love Charmine’s acting!!!!!!! She did a very good job!!!!!!;)
I may be in the minority here, but I thought the drama was alright. It started out good, but then it got draggy to the point of illogical. I have yet to finish the last 2 episodes bc I got sidetracked with other dramas, lol But, I’ll probably watch them by this weekend. See. I chased the drama episode by episode, but gave up towards the end. I just don’t think it was “great” or the “best drama of the year.” It’s better than other dramas, but I certainly didn’t lower my standards. 🙂
I’m with you on this and so too my friends. It’s far from best drama of the year or great or a classic.
You’re so right Oscar!
Charmaine: This is her best performance up to date. She was very diverse in her role and really gave her character the depth and layers needed. Witty, quirky, filial, and loyal. Her comedic scenes were mostly on point (overboard at points) and her emotional scenes were very raw and heartfelt in my opinion. I felt a certain connection between Charmaine and her character that allowed for a very sincere and complex performance. Charmaine, in my opinion, is the most suitable for TV Queen this year because she gave one of the best performances that I’ve seen from a TVB actress in quite some time. Linda Chung from what I hear is her greatest competitor this year, and from what I’ve seen of “All that is Bitter is Sweet”, I am not impressed. A typical Linda role and a typical Linda performance. Charmaine takes the title for me.
Raymond: Raymond was decent during the first half of the LW, but seemed to tumble down hill as the series progressed. He seemed to get lost in his character and it felt like he was confused while trying to portray certain aspects of his character. I don’t believe that he is a bad actor and he has definitely shown improvements. He is fairly decent in his mainland drama “Virtuous Queen of Han”. Raymond has some ways to go, will he be TV King? I doubt he will nab the title, but Top 5 is within reach for him.
Michael: One of the best performances from Michael ever and he has been in the business for a real long time. I really love the loyalty and realism that Michael portrayed in his character. His performance was very diverse and he seemed to nail every one of his scenes, including the more emotional ones. He looks as good as ever and his acting has been upped to the veteran level. I would say that Michael would be up for Best Supporting Actor, but heard that his character was considered a main role, so I am not too sure about that.
Benz: BENZ is definitely Best Supporting Actor worthy with his portrayal in LW. I was floored with his intricate performance and really felt sadness when his character died. I really felt a connection with his character. From disliking him to pitying him to truly liking him, Benz really did a great job. His performances are always something to look forward too. A true veteran.
Elena: Elena was amazing in her role for LW, am I the only one who felt this way? Although her role was not the greatest, I felt like she made due with what she was given. In what felt like such short scenes, Elena was able to put in so much emotion and life into her character. I applaud Elena, and I definitely think she deserves some kind of recognition if not an award for her performance.
Was Line Walker worthy of Drama of the Year? Yes and No. No in that there were many flaws in the storyline and there were also many unnecessary cringe worthy “comedic” scenes. I felt like it was a bit rushed as well, especially after Foon Hei’s death. Yes in that the acting in this drama was either decent or great. Line Walker is definitely one of the best dramas from TVB in a long while. I feel like the storyline and casting was really well rounded. Many previous dramas had what could’ve been great plots, but ended up ruining them anyway. I’d give the award to Line Walker, they deserve it.
Agree with most of your points.
Michael Miu is the main character, if not even more important than Raymond Lam, so he should be getting the Best Actor Award.
Best Supporting Award to Benz Hui.
Raymond and Charmaine might had more screen time than MM,but MM is technically the main character of the series. There’s a reason why he occupies the middle spot in the poster of the series.
For me, the best performers are MM, Benz and Elena Kong. Sadly, like usual, the veteran overshadowed the younger casts again.
While Michael Miu is technically the main character, I felt like he is overshadowed by the rest of the cast. His character was nowhere as interesting.
I felt like he is overshadowed by the rest of the cast. His character was nowhere as interesting ………….. I felt the same. Michael Miu’s acting was good, but not outstanding. Perhaps he could not do much in his top UC character ……… nothing much to show off.
Personally I think Raymond Lam did better as Bao Seed in “Line Walker”. His character had many different layers…… more to impress his audience.
“Elena was amazing in her role for LW, am I the only one who felt this way? “
No, you are not the only one. I felt Elena was amazing in her role too, especially near the end in her court scenes. Her performance was so heartfelt.
Short and to the point review. Love it.
I think Oscar’s deliberate movements were meant to be comedic, but he was funny. Felt sad for his ending, but that way he’s more memorable. 🙂
I can’t agree more with you on Sharon’s cop performances. It’s just not her type of role.
Haha and Ankie is so much better at being the seductive heiress with her well-rounded body than Sharon, who can just flaunt her legs.
I used to like Oscar as an actor but since he became more well known, he’s become too “chok”. Ah, the bane of fame!
The actor himself or the roles that she’s got?
Thanks for writing the review on “Line Walker”. It is one of the entertaining TVB drama series that I have watched in the last 2 years. I enjoyed the series on the whole, a lot more on acting than on script. There were a lot of loose ends and illogical plots and developments, especially after Ep. 25.
In terms of acting, I think Charmaine Sheh did a fantastic job, even better than she usually does. Raymond Lam was not bad either. Michael Miu’s acting is never that amazing, but “Line Walker” was one of his best drama series. Benz Hui was amazing to me. He deserved Best Supporting Actor in “Line Walker” more than what he did in “Bounty Lady”. Elena Kong is always a good actress, but I didn’t find her amazing or outstanding in her character ……. too big a change for her ……. from a dumb and naive housewife to a smart and determined prosecutor. I think it had to do with the poor scriptwriting. Sammy Sum is okay, but not impressive. Sharon Chan didn’t carry her character too well. I never found Sharon’s acting impressive anyway.
i disagree with you on Charmaine’s role. I think she did a fantastic job. Her amotional scenes were so good that I cried during while watching it (a lot). In ep 25, the part when the 3 moms died, she cried so much that she looked pale and green. And when she slapped Raymond and yelled at him (best part in my opinion) her eyes described all the feelings that could touch the audience’s heart literally 🙂
Totally agree with you on Charmaine’s role. I did she did a fantastic job as the witty, quirky, lively and filial Deng Jeah. It was one of her best performances.
Typo ….. It should be “I think she did a fantastic job as …………………”
Hahaha pt, I loved that part too! Charmaine improved a lot. Loved all the scenes where she slapped LF.
molly : i know right ! I kinda felt bad for raymond for getting slapped 5 times XD
Michael mui has always been a really good actor this role really gave him a opp to show his acting chops
Hi, charmaine crying scenes were one of the most touching in tvb. Its not when u see tears, then its good. Her acting depicts her emotions greatly
Not a fan of LF n charmaine but quite enjoyed watching them on LW. I love Michael, Elena and Ben.
Line Walker is just over-rated. I wasted my time watching it. That’s about sums it up for me.
TVB-fan, guess we are in the minority because I don’t really like this drama too.
Elena is one of the best actresses ever. Never ever has she let me down, even in minor roles. Wish she was younger )or even younger looking) so she can play even better roles…
My take on Sharon is she is quite natural when she was portraying being normal (ie, not trying to be authoritative, angry, sad or sexy), like when she was with her sister Elena. In fact, I find her quite pretty and likeable. But when she starts showing any of those other emotions, it becomes unbearable because it comes across so awkward and pretentious. Even something simple like walking turns me off when those emotions come into play. And it becomes worse when she dresses in those short dresses to show off those long stick-like legs of hers. That’s how she makes feel in each and everyone of her series…
We love it because of the cast and the twists. But there are big questions in the plot that makes you go hmmmmm
Great tvb series….the entire plot is believable and explainable
they is only 5 persons acting in this show:
Charmaine,Raymond,Michael,Eleana and Sammy
Outstanding: Sammy, Benz and Ankie Beilke
This drama is the best in a long time from TVB, it always had me on the edge of my seat and a weekend wait for a new episode was just too long of a wait for me haha!
agree, i have only watched 2 series in 2014 – LW + Ruse of Engagement
I thought Line Walker was one of the best in a long time. Of course these days, the standards are very different.
Love Michael Miu as an actor. But sometimes even he can’t save a bad series… (Into Thin Air)
Benz Hui… loved him as Foon Hei. He really does have that “Happy” look.
Chor Lau Heung (now that’s a classic) is first series that I saw them in… and in the last episode where the high ranked officer gave him a medal and took it back… I said to myself… “Butterfly!!!” – Wu Tit Fa.
A series where all three are together… even if it is not in the same scene.
Please tell me I’m not the only one that remembers Chor Lau Heung.
Into Thin Air was kind of dumb but I still enjoyed Michael and Melissa Ng pairing. Haha. They looked great together.
@Reo: Haha…I was actually thinking the same thing when I watched that scene (Chor Lau Heung reunion in Line Walker with Michael, Benz, and Chan Wing Chun — LOL!). Too bad Chan Wing Chun (the actor who played Wu Teet Fa) had such a small role in LW (like 2 seconds in 1 scene in the finale)…but it was fun while it lasted!
Anyway, back to the topic at hand. Overall, I felt LW was a decent series — one of the better series in recent years, but definitely not the best. There were plot holes galore and seriously, the series was way too dragged out — I felt they should have ended it at 25 episodes and take out all the unnecessary stuff (i.e. the whole Sammy/Sharon storyline, but especially their “lovey-dovey” scenes, which was a waste of precious screen-time in my opinion). I actually skipped a few of the episodes and didn’t feel the need to go back and watch what I had missed. Personally, I feel that the series’ saving grace was the acting from some (not all) of the cast (especially by the veterans) and the “interactive” element with audiences trying to guess the UCs and BCs.
And I agree that Benz definitely stole the show with his performance as Chum Foon Hei. I’m rooting for him all the way for Best Supporting Actor this year (too bad he’s not eligible for Best Actor — if he were, I would absolutely vote for him!)
@ Reo, llwy12
I didn’t see the Chor Lau Heung reunion, but, I saw another reunion for Micheal Miu.
Every time I saw Lau Kong and Michael Miu together, I thought of Yuen Ngan Hong Lit and Yeung Hong. 😀
I don’t agree it’s the best so far of 2014. The best one is still the Roger and Ron series, that one was much better and exciting for me.
This one is fast paced and interesting but to me the ending was the lamest ever. I can even finish their ending. I pretended it ended w/the Sammy Sum story or the Michael Miu story. I really didnt care any of the Raymond Lam and Snake woman storyline.
Breakout star for me has got to be the Fung Hei gang head, Sammy Sum & the Samantha girl. all good…
High-five windy! I enjoyed watching Charmaine’s acting but didn’t care much about burst seed.
Agree windy. Didn’t care much about the love stories.
my thoughts:
-foon hei was good but he died half way into the drama i doubt he will get best supporting actor…. he wasnt in it for long enough
-i think the ending would have been better if they made michael miu actually a bad cop and he tried to kill all 5 UC instead of saving them.. basically he would fond them for hang sir to kill them, then tvb can fix the beginning yo match it, it sso boring when you know hes just pretending to be bad, especially at the end how he basically captured the 9 bad guys just by wearing a wire.. like really??
-wish sammmy and sharons story was less focused on
Like someone had mentioned (forgk who or which site), Oscar did try to do his homework. The way he walked, held out his arms and animated talk were the popular comedic gangster style of actinv in 90s. Nick Chueng was notorious for doing that back in the days. Chapman To acted like that too. So I think Oscar tried to burrow that technique for this character. After I realised that, I start to appreciate his character and acting more. He became less annoying. Lol. He’s still a pretty decent actor, who unfortunately will forever be supporting cast because tvb rather promote the suckiest people (I.e. Tony, Him, so forth)… smh
jj, that’s interesting! I didn’t know that. No wonder he walked like that all the time lol.
Congratulations to Charmaine and Ruco won the Starhub tvb Best Actress n Actor awards on 11 Oct 2014 at MBS Singapore. Charmaine was a hot favourite for her role in Line Walker and Ruco for BK. Its a pity Ray was not nominated for the Poll, its unfair to him! The Poll was geniune and they won by the People’s choice…Hahaha
Exactly. I am not a fan of Raymond Lam, but I do think it was not fair for him if he was not nominated for the Poll. Personally I think his acting was as good as Ruco Chan’s in “Ruse of Engagement”, if not better.
I disagree. Raymond was ok only in the earlier episodes where the series is light and fun and as the series go on he starts to waver in his acting and his chok and OTT acting surfaces. Ruco in ROE on the other hand is consistently great from beginning to end. If you say Roger did a better job, then that can be argued, but not Raymond. Michael Miu did better too in LW against Raymond.
Raymond was nominated in the other award category, but he lost there and don’t get into the top 5/6 winners.
Sorry, top 10 or 12.
@Toby: All of 12 winners are biological sons and the non-biological sons (Dayo, Steven, LF, Carmen) are all out. Moses is also out as his contract is going to end.
That is a typical TVB arrangement!!
@Toby : very good points you made, Ruco did a better job and deserving wins the award.
Charmaine Sheh deserved the Starhub TVB Best Actress award. She acted really well in “Line Walker”.
Congratulations, Charmaine.
At least I think Charmaine and Raymond should have won the Best Couple award in Singapore.
It seems that Raymond Lam has lost a lot of popularity in the entertainment industry in the last year or two ……. due to his chok acting or his personal life?!
Maybe both.
Actually I dont think he lost popularity in the entertainment industry. His name appears less among TVB fandom due to the fact he doesnt film much for TVB (only LW in the two recent years). However in China, his popularity has increased. Especially after Wei Xi Fu, he is now one of the most welcomed HK actors in Chinese market.
Since StarHub and AOD are alliance of TVB, it is reasonable for them to kick LF out of their list. The reason is his leave. It wont be a surprise to anyone if he is ignored at the anniversary award. The success of LW is out of the expectation of TVB therefore they are trying to put all the credits on the biological sons and ignoring all the non-contracted artists. I dont deny Charmaine has very good performance in LW but she will be the only one among the leads will have the focus of TVB (including awards). Neither Sam Gor nor LF will have any award.
Therefore I believe no fans of any TVB actor should bash LF anymore. He is not a threat to the TVB actors.
TVB award winnings were always unfair anyway in the past. They were always given to TVB management-contract artistes who are still of value to TVB. In fact, I was very surprised to see Dayo Wong winning TV King in 2013. Personally I did not like Dayo’s acting.
I have relatives in HK who said that Raymond’s peak was when TVB signed him to EEG to promote his concerts. Nowadays they mostly ridicule him online for both chok and his wealthy gifts to Karena. To HKers, his movies = fail, although they acknowledge his high fees in China.
Personally I feel sorry for Raymond Lam. I believe that his downfall was mainly caused by his personal life ….. choosing girlfriends (Mavis Pan and now Karena). His “chok” acting has improved a lot and shown in “Line Walker”. I think fans should be more sensible …….. to appreciate his acting than to care about his personal life.
After all, Raymond has worked very hard in the last 15 years filming series after series for TVB, resulting many injuries.
@Toby: Maybe your relative didnt check HKDiscuz in the recent times. The HKers praised his acting in LW.
His peak cannot be 2007 (the time he signed with EEG) because his 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 Hongkong are all full house and his 10 albums (including DVD concerts) managed to reach to 1 billion copies with better and better sale.
I have a number of friends in HK (who are not fans of LF) and they dont care for the private life of artists as much as oversea people. The reason is that they have to see some scandals about artists everyday in HK.
@Sandcherry: Actually I think his antifans care for his private life more than fans :P. His fans seems to accept his private life and his girlfriend quite well. As you can see in this forum, actually the people who cared for him the most are the ones who claimed themselves as anti-fans.
Personally, I dont think he has a downfall. Maybe he lost TVB fans as he doesnt film for TVB anymore, but at the same time he gains fans from other fields and other places (such as China). China is still a very huge market for him to invest although he said that he still keeps HK market (mostly focus on singing and movie). Overall, his popularity in China increased rapidly especially in the three recent years, when his Chinese series has been aired more and he goes to China more. His new successful Chinese series is bringing him more opportunities.
Personally, I was kinda happy to see him leave TVB. Staying in TVB will only drag him down as he is definitely not being managed well by TVB.
I am LF’s “die-heart” fans…I don’t mind how much/how expanse stuff he has brought for his girl friend…this is his personal life…I still support him very much…as long as he work hard…yea…he maybe slow down this couple years…but honestly…if you have that much money like him…you might want to slow down and enjoy life! Again, I respect his decision.
I am not a big fan of Raymond Lam. I also don’t mind if he wants to spend tons of money on his girlfriends. However, I hope he will put his career first and works hard to achieve his success. I know he and his family are loaded with money. However, career and achievements are very important to a guy (in my opinions).
@sandcherry : Both. I have friends who were formerly his fans but have now turned to like Korean stars. His downfall is definitely his flirtation with Karena. Very fake pair… Allow me to borrow Andrew’s comment – hypocrites!
And, you certainly don’t need to feel sorry for him. Its his life and if he chooses to act like a big shot, he will feel the karma lol.
And I guess one of the reasons why he can’t win the award is because.. he simply isn’t as good as other actors? Like you mentioned, Dayo won and he isn’t a “biological son.”
@sandcherry : Both. I have friends who were formerly his fans but have now turned to like Korean stars. His downfall is definitely his flirtation with Karena. Very fake pair…
And, you certainly don’t need to feel sorry for him. Its his life and if he chooses to act like a big shot, he will feel the effects lol.
And I guess one of the reasons why he can’t win the award is because.. he simply isn’t as good as other actors? Like you mentioned, Dayo won and he isn’t a “biological son.”
@toby: Agree. His downfall came when he started to go the chok-route. His popularity was at its peak in 2007-2009. After that, it’s simply overhyping by his fans. After the Mavis incident and now, his popularity is slipping more and more and more…..
@alluka: I guess you are defending LF because he is your idol? As far as I know, you and maybe a few others are only defending him here. No other bloggers are coming on and speaking up for him because HE HAS SIMPLY LOST A LOT OF FANS. Please learn to accept reality.
And, previously, I read a comment that you inflated his China acting compensation. I didn’t believe it at first but I’m changing my mind now. One billion copies sold!? LOL! What a far-fetched figure you just made. NOWHERE is it possible that his albums sold that much. Do you have a idea how hard it is now to sell a album in HK? Gold album is like 20,000 (or even 15,000). No where will his copies reach 1,000,000,000. What a big lie!
You did this in the other thread (something like LF donated to 7 schools when nowhere in that article does it say that, and now this). Gosh girl, you need to stop making up stuff.
Well, LF left TVB so TVB had to do something in reply :P. LF surely doesnt care for the TVB related awards anymore.
No matter Raymond Lam cared or not for the TVB related awards, I feel that his name should have been included in the nomination list.
Personally I don’t think Ruco Chan acted superb in “Ruse of Engagement”. There were a few better actors in 2014 drama series.
However, I know Ruco Chan is quite popular in Singapore and Malaysia, but not in Hong Kong.
Raymond’s name is nominated in the other category so it’s not like he got left out. I think Ruco is genuinely more popular than Raymond in Singa and Malaysia, and i believe he’s getting more popular in HK too. His fan club are getting huge.
Michael Miu is nominated right? Maybe this year they want to limit the nomination to 1 actor per series for the TV King award?
Could be ……………
LF has been nominated with My favourite character while Sam Gor is nominated with My favourite actor. One person in one chart, do not like biological sons who have name in both chart.
However we all understand a matter of fact that none of TVB polls are real (proven by the fact that Sharon Chan and Him Law won Best supporting and the artists confirmed their attendance before the voting finished) so the amount of fans is out of the scenario.
Sharon Chan and Him Law won Best supporting and the artists
It is another big joke. Both of them can’t act. There should be many other better supporting actors, such as Louis Cheung, Power Chan, Pierre Ngo, etc.; and Elena Kong, even the 3 mothers in “Line Walker” are better supporting actresses than Him Law and Sharon Chan.
I don’t think Sharon and Him’s acting warranted them a Best Supporting Award, but I heard these two have many fans in Singapore. I’m surprised when I heard from attendees that Sharon received huge round of applause when she comes up.
In that case, the Starhub should have changed the name of the awards to “Most Popular Artistes” awards.
My friend met Michael Miu live in Singapore at last year’s Starhub award, so I don’t think he’s totally neglected. Did Michael come again this year?
@sandcherry luckily your opinion got overrided by thousands others.
@Toby: Two actors from one series have been nominated in My most favourite character, such as Roger and Ron for BHWS. For the actor chart, they do not list the series they are nominated for until the award is announced.
The first batch of artists confirmed their attendance on October 2nd whilst the vote was existed until October 11th or 12th.
@Toby: Sam Gor didnt show up this year.
@Sandcherry: Well, the names of the awards are Most favourite.
You are right. The name of the award should be called “Most Favourite” artiste.
The names of the dramas were announced together with the list of nominees for best actor right from the start of the voting process which ended on 8th oct.
Ray better than Ruco? Maybe because Ruco doesn’t do bulging eyes and screaming face. Ruco deserves the nomination; he was superb in ROE. Ray was terrible in Line Walker, everything was OTT and chok and opera. I’d rather Lawrence Ng in the list than Ray.
Luckily, thousands of votes count more than thousands of “broken record” words. 🙂
If it weren’t for LF’s personal life (his wealthy daddy), there probably wouldn’t even be so many comments about LF.
Hand the BA award to someone who plays harder than he works? What a joke!!!
@Funn Lim: I only notice Lawrence was lacked in the list, another proof to see that the non-biological sons have been ignored. I’d rather see Lawrence in the list than some names.
Btw, Look like your opinion regarding LF’s acting in LW contrasts to the majority of audience especially the HKers and Chineses. Well it is like how you think LW is the worst series of 2014. Unfortunally, LW is still the most successful series of 2014 up to now. It may win Best series in TVB award unless the favourism game is turned on.
@Oscar: My friend is able to vote on Oct 10. And the list of attendance comes up in Oct 2. Even if the poll is ended in Oct 8, if it wasnt arranged, how can the artists know that they will have awards to confirm their attendance? Anyone attended came back home with an award, is it coincidence?
However, Since the awards are TVB’s, it is reasonable for them to give it to their biological sons. TheThe non-biological sons are ignored but it is kinda normal as it always happens in TVB. I have never thought TVB is unfair to treat the non-biological sons that way but it is impossible to convince me that TVB has ever had a fair vote.
Alluka, I don’t know about those who confirmed their attendance early so I won’t comment. What i know is that Starhub actually released the preliminary list of who’s leading in the polls for the Best Actor/Actress/Drama for 3 weeks up to closing date. Ruco led in the first week; in the second week, Moses took over first place and Ruco was second, Roger third. In the third week, it was Ruco leading again, followed by Moses and then Roger. For the Best Actress, first week was Kate, second and third week was Charmaine. For best drama, ROE was top in first week, BK took over in second week and LW was first in third week. By releasing the prelim voting results, Starhub was trying to be as transparent as possible. Furthermore, the winner is decided based on 70% public votes and 30% by professional panel. Based on the aforementioned reasons, Ruco did win fair and square. Would appreciate you accepting the final result without trying to imply something. As for being able to vote on 10th, I can tell you it’s impossible cuz i thought i could still vote on 9th but altho i could log in to my a/c, i couldn’t vote.
@oscar: I have a friend who is fan of Ah Sheh and she urged her FB friends to vote for her everyday. I saw her encouragement on 9, 10 and 11 of October and on 12 she said the vote is closed. After reading your comments, I curiously asked her and she said she managed to vote on 10 October. With saying that I didnt cast any vote.
However, as I mentioned before, since most of attendants confirmed their appearance on October 2nd and all of them had an award accordingly, I believe the vote wasnt correct, fair and transparent. On the other hand, you mentioned that for best drama, ROE was top in first week, BK took over in second week and LW was first in third week, but eventually the winner is BHWS. Additionally, you said that Moses led the first week poll but in the end of the day, he is out of top 5 which also give me more reasons to suspect the transparency of the vote.
Not saying that I dont accept the final result because I have no reason to deny it. Im fine with all the awards because I know it is awards of TVB and TVB have all reasons to give it to their biological sons. It happened in years and I understand it so well. The main point of the argument Im joining is the transparency of the poll. Im not trying to put your idol down because my favourite artists also won StarHub TV King and Queen years ago and in my opinion, they won with hands on of TVB. None of them really won by a pure poll, a poll voted by the audience. Sometimes the audience agrees with TVB to have a matchy results with the planned results of TVB.
I understand that your idol wins this time and you wants to argue that it is purely the choice of audience. However, there are many proofs to say the different. Again, I would like to echo that I dont put any grudge on anyone or argue about their acting or else (different to some in here who keep comparing the acting), Im saying of the award generally. I only dont believe that the audience really voted for the winners (of all years, not only this year and of all awards, not only StarHub 2014).
Alluka it really puzzles me how ur fren could vote after 8th cos i and my frens all couldn’t. You’re wrong. I said Ruco was leading in first and third week, 2x out of 3 that starhub released the results. Mo only led in second week. Fyi the results released is NOT cumulative but FOR THE RESPECTIVE WEEKS. So it is entirely possible for LW not to win finally cuz it was top only in the final week. BHWS could have better results than LW in those other weeks to finally emerge as winner when votes for all weeks are tabulated. As we all know very well Ruco was and is never favoured by tvb management. So to suggest they favored him over fave son Mo is quite ridiculous. They probably know they can’t rig Mo or Roger to win given the release of the weekly results which showed Ruco leading over Mo and definitely over Roger who was consistently only third. Do the maths yourself.
I hv left a comment wrt Alluka’s post above. Jayne pls approve it asap. Thx. Was it becuz i used caps to emphasise some points? Nothing vulgar or offensive in it i assure you. Puzzled!
Alluka pending approval of my earlier comment, i would like to say tt you’re wrong again. At the awards nite itself they only announced all the 12 nominees but did not reveal who made it to final 5 so i dont know where you got the info that Mo was left out of the final top 5.
Alluka but you’re right to say tt Ruco did not win purely based on audience vote cos that accounted for only 70 %. I don’t know how it was in previous yrs whether it was 100% public votes. With 30% from a professional panel i guess he must hv ranked pretty high with them too to win overall.
@Oscar: The final 5 (or 6?) of Most Favourite character doesnt contain Moses. If his fans vote for him in MFA there is no reason for them to uncast a vote for him in MFC. He led the poll of MFA but he cant make MFC which is unreasonable.
Wrong again?
Actually I think audience vote only makes 0%. TVB has planned to give awards to anyone despite the results of the votes. Of course, there is a chance for the vote to match the plan of TVB, but overall there are many proofs to convince me that the polls are meaningless to TVB.
BTW, do I say a word to refer to Ruco Chan? I dont say anything about him and I say of the award generally. Why you keep saying of him? Can we just let him out because I vowed that I wont say about him (and I dont want to say anything about him as well). This time you keep referring to him so I have to say something to stop it.
Please, didnt I say clearly that even in case my favourite artists win (and they won, for example LF, Ah Sheh, Myolie, Kate, Kristin, Nancy, Roger, Dayo, Benz, Oscar, Vincent, etc.) I dont believe they won by the vote of audience (100% or 70% or 50%). There is nothing called audience choice, it is the candies from the basket of TVB to reward the biological sons and good children. Not saying that all the winners of all years are undeserving (some are undeserving in my opinion) but I argued about the transparence of TVB awards. Certainly, the winners won it and kept it at home (which I dont have any problem) but is it a must to ignore eveything and keep saying that it is fair and square (why it is not)?
If i hv to venture a guess why some of the winners could confirm attendance early, i would think that they were already expected to win based on the voting to date. Those are not major awards and the final outcome should not vary very much at close of polls. The major awards are the 2 BAs and BD and the ones people pay attention to. I remember last yr Ron confirmed attendance early but in the end he didn’t turn up. So maybe when the final result was tabulated he didn’t make the list of winners.
Fave character not same as best actor.
Ok I think it is coming to a dead end. I cant believe the attendants know that they will win one week before the vote ended (especially when the vote didnt last for long, only three weeks?). The fans cannot just vote for MFA and then ignore the MFC when the actors are nominated in both.
On the other hand, FYI, Ron didnt confirm to go last year. When a fan asked if he would go, he said that he wouldnt immediately.
Overall, you can keep your opinion, I keep mine. Then we can end the conversation here.
Alluka you hv to read my earlier comment which is pending approval for idk what reason. I explained the logic there. Pl read it when it’s approved.
Pp who voted Mo for MFA will not necessarily vote for him in FC. They are not necessarily die hard fans voting blindly for whatever category he’s in. Lastly i mentioned Ruco in this becos we’re only interested in the top award for individual artiste which is tv king and queen. I don’t follow charmaine so i dont bother to mention her except in one of my earlier posts. Ive no interest in the other awards and frankly not many pp are too.
Out of all awards, I think the most pitiful person is Bosco. He is ignored by TVB despite his consistent acting and fanbase. I wonder what is still keeping him in TVB, look like the contract. Wont feel surprise a second if the next person leaving is him. Bosco, without award, is still marketable.
Yes Ron did confirm going earlier. Im positive of that cos we were talking abt it and wondering why he could confirm his attendance early too.
@oscar: It could be my last post regarding the polls but your logic doesnt seem right.
Pp who voted Mo for MFA will not necessarily vote for him in FC. They are not necessarily die hard fans voting blindly for whatever category he’s in.
First of all, Moses is nominated with Will Power in both category. If the audience, like you said, do not like his character enough to vote for him in MFC, why they bother to vote for him in MFA with the same role?
Secondly, every artists have die-hard fans to vote for them in all category. Even a normal fan will vote for their favourite artist in all category s/he is nominated. Only the non-fans vote randomly. However, if the non-fans vote randomly, they cannot choose an actor to vote for but ignore the same actor in the same role for another category. It doesnt make sense.
Thirdly, can choose 5-6 people in MFC while only one for MFA, right? With the larger scope, why dont they vote for only Moses but not for him when they can choose 5-6 people?
You, as a die-hard fan, do you vote for your idol only in one category but not all the category s/he is nominated? Do you ignore the series s/he is in in Best series category? Do you feel that his/her series is obviously the best although there are more famous/higher rated/more welcomed series? It is because you are a fan and if a fan will have the priority to his/her idol(s). It is normal and there is no exception. You may criticize them but deep down inside, if you really dont like them, how can you become a fan, therefore you still put all the good things the idol(s) have on top and ignore all the bad things. It is also normal.
However, it should be noticed that not everyone out there think the same as you :). So we all have to learn to accept the different opinions, unless they access the line.
To conclude, we come to a dead end so I will stop this topic here, before we have any annoying moment. Nice to talk with you. I witness some annoying people sharing idol with you but you seem to be nice. This is why Im still on the conversation with you and I dont want to ruin this impression.
Have a nice day.
I posted this at 10.43 pm which is under moderation. Hopefully this gets thru now:
“Alluka it really puzzles me how your friend could vote after 8th cos i and my friends all couldn’t. You’re wrong. I said Ruco was leading in first and third week, 2x out of 3 that starhub released the results. Mo only led in second week. Fyi the results released is not (emphasis on “not” here) cumulative but for the respective weeks (emphasis “for the respective weeks” here). So it is entirely possible for LW not to win finally cuz it was top only in the final week. BHWS could have better results than LW in those other weeks to finally emerge as winner when votes for all weeks were tabulated. As we all know very well Ruco was and is never favoured by tvb management. So to suggest they favored him over favourite son Mo is quite ridiculous. They probably know they can’t rig Mo or Roger to win given the release of the weekly results which clearly showed Ruco leading over Mo and definitely over Roger who was consistently only third. Do the maths yourself.”
Also want to say that Singapore fans love Ruco. He was the most popular TVB actor for 3 years running in the SGe awards and this award has nothing to do with Tvb.
i do wish that JS would not randomly delete comments. i posted a comment in reply to Alluka’s latest post, saw that it was posted and now deleted. Why? Let me repost and you can judge if it’s even remotely offensive:
1. Alluka :Only the non-fans vote randomly. However, if the non-fans vote randomly, they cannot choose an actor to vote for but ignore the same actor in the same role for another category.
my reply: why not? it’s entirely possible. They may like Mo from his previous dramas but not his character in WP. Unless they’re die hard fans, it’s possible to vote him in MFA and not FMC.
2. Alluka :can choose 5-6 people in MFC while only one for MFA, right? With the larger scope, why dont they vote for only Moses but not for him when they can choose 5-6 people?
my reply : same as above
3. Alluka :do you vote for your idol only in one category but not all the category s/he is nominated? Do you ignore the series s/he is in in Best series category? Do you feel that his/her series is obviously the best although there are more famous/higher rated/more welcomed series?
my reply: Die hard fans will vote in all categories. But how can you be sure all who voted Mo in MFA are die hard fans who will also vote for him in MFC?
Perhaps i should add this which wasnt in my original reply. Mo may have been one of the 6 winners in MFC but due to non attendance they decided to award to someone else. But I’m not sure if it’s right to say this cus Bosco won tho he didn’t turn up. Same too for Tavia in fave female character.
Incidentally i reposted my msg of 10.43 am but it still didn’t get thru…….argh!
my 10.43 msg finally got thru. As above.
ok, we leave it as that.
@sandcherry: ??? LF made the top 10 so he was on the nomination list. He just got eliminated from the top 5. And I believe he didn’t make the cut last year either.
And you need to do some research, the Chinese title of the award begins with “Most Liked” followed by the category.
@funn lim: So agree with you!
@MW: LOL! Give me a high five!
@alluka: Since LF doesn’t care about the award, why should you care if the voting ended earlier or not? Maybe he had work to do and couldn’t attend and hence lost an award? Or maybe because he didn’t gather enough votes to claim an award? I’m sure he’ll be more happy shopping with BB in Japan than in humid Singapore.
And quite frankly, even if the award list was pre-determined way before the voting ended, what’s wrong? If LF (or any artiste) confirmed their attendance but went home empty-handed, their fans will still complain. If so, why travel there if the preliminary polls show your idol is losing?
TVB has the power to rig any result, even the Jade Solid Gold results in 2009-2013.
As for Moses’ defeat, I’m not surprised at all. His acting is so-so, I can’t name any of his representative works!! And now that he is married and constantly tries to act sweet with Aimee, his fans (like LF’s) will distant him. It’s sounds harsh but that’s reality.
@oscar: Good observations. You’re a Ruco fan too?
Molly yes I’m Ruco’s fan from Singapore. I was there an Saturday night when he won 🙂 yayyyyyyy 🙂
“On” not “an”
@Yummysukiyaki : I don’t think it is unfair. His acting wasn’t really that good. And he may have fans in HK but his popularity is declining in Malaysia/Singapore. The results of the contest solely reflect reality.
And it makes perfect sense, Ruco acted in Malaysia and frequently travels there so his fanbase there is quite large.
I think fans in Singapore and Malaysia are only interested in awarding young TVB artistes. Any artistes, who are 40+, will be eliminated from their lists. Elena Kong is always a better actress than any of the young supporting actresses, but she was never nominated in the past in either Singapore or Malaysia.
People there, in fact, chose Best Artistes based on age more than on acting. Roger Kwok did not win because he was too old for Best Actor (as per their standards and requirements).
No, I think Roger lost because he will win the TVB award instead. The pork dividing theory.
The pork dividing theory (in Chinese) …………. what a laugh …….
Interestingly the local U weekly mag this week had an article predicting the top 5 nominees for the tvb awards as Roger, Ruco, Lawrence, Bosco and Raymond. While it acknowledged Ruco’s solid acting, whether in good or grey roles, they discounted a win for him as he lacks the support of tvb management. In other words, he’s a good actor as is widely acknowleged but he’s not going to win cuz he’s not their fave son. It predicted Roger to win.
Interestingly Hk magazines put Wong Cho Lam as contender for the awards and not Ruco. I do suspect that TVB is hindering Ruco from getting the recognition and hype in HK. He’s treated better in Singapore and Malaysia.
Just want to add that the U mag was published before Ruco’s win on Saturday so when it praised his acting, it was in no way influenced by his Saturday’s win. Win in hk or not, we SG fans are happy he at least got the recognition he deserves. He has lots of SG fans’ support as can also be seen from his winning the SGe awards 3 years in a row. If cholam gets nominated in hk but not Ruco, i will really smh!
“Older” actresses Elena and Louise Lee were nominated for best supporting actress and i can tell you i voted for Louise almost every day.
But the winner is still Sharon Chan.
I was just trying to tell sandcherry that not every voter votes for the young and pretty ones. I’m not talking about the final result.
Wayne Lai has won 3 times TV King awards in Hong Kong, but I don’t recall him winning any Best Actor awards in Singapore and Malaysia. Is he a good actor or is he too old to win Best Actor awards there? Same with Roger Kwok!
Wayne Lai don’t have that many fans outside of HK.
If it was a fair and transparent poll, the winner aka Sharon Chan is the person with the most votes, therefore Sandcherry was right when saying that fans in Singapore and Malaysia are only interested in awarding young TVB artistes.
However, I dont think the poll is transparent at all :).
Honestly i can’t be bothered who won the minor awards. A lot of pp don’t either.
So Sandcherry’s theory is wrong.
So happy for Ruco Chan, who finally wins BA award after all these years of being unfairly bypassed. Hope even bigger things are coming Ruco Chan’s way (like the movies as well as TV and singing).
@MW: I hope he will stay as an actor for now. His singing is good but not many people can follow Andy Lau’s footsteps. He should stick to acting for now.
I think rucco’s singing is under-rated.
As acting is rather subjective and biased, I am not surprised to know some people liked Ruco Chan while others thought highly of Raymond Lam or others.
This applies to drama series too. Most people enjoyed watching “Line Walker”, but there were people who hated it. The drama series itself was rather entertaining, but not logical. If you didn’t enjoy the acting of artistes, you wouldn’t like it, I guess.
Of course…I love LF to be TV King…I am his super fans…but I understand how TVB play this game…if the award go to Michael Miu or Ruco Chan…are good too…They deserve it….but no other!
“However, I did not enjoy her crying and screaming scenes. I did not feel sad for her, just annoyed. Is this a TV Queen performance? I concur Charmaine may be the most suitable candidate to take it, but I do not agree that her performance was the best of the year.”
I can see how Charmaine’s screaming scenes can be a bit annoying as she has a very high pitch voice, but I don’t think that’s something she can control. I disagree that this is not TV Queen performance though. Although I enjoyed her acting in When Heaven Burns, and her her comedic side in You’re Hired more, I thought her performance in Line Walker is award worthy. I say this mainly because there is really no competition this year. Linda and Kate who are hot favorites still have bland acting after all these years. Their crying scenes are unmoving. It perplexes me how Linda has so much confidence this year in winning.
I’m not watching All That is Bitter is Sweet right now, but according to my friends, Linda’s performance sucks in there. I guess the only chance she has with the award is Tiger Cubs 2. But it’s srsly either a huge hit or huge miss.
I cried while watching the scene of revelation between Charmaine and Benz (when they knew their identities but genuinely cared for each other). I had never been too impressed with Charmaine’s crying scenes until this series happened. She was absolutely brilliant as Deng Jeh, and it’s definitely her best role imo. The best part is how she overly exaggerated her comedic scenes but still managed to make them very funny. True skill right there! Usually, exaggerated comedy is not my thing (ex. D.I.E. or most other TVB comedies), but Charmaine (and Raymond) actually made me laugh so hard throughout the episodes.
Charmaine and Benz definitely deserves awards for their performance. Benz did overshadow the main casts with his Foon Hei.
Totally agree with your comments. I never liked those comedic roles, including Charmaine Sheh’s Sister Fa, Roger Kwok’s Ah Wong, Wong Cho Nam’s, Dayo Wong’s or Benz Hui’s in “Bounty Lady”. However, I found Charmaine’s Deng Jeah very humorous, sometimes hilarious, but quite natural and not over-exaggerated. I liked Deng Jeah’s personality.
I didn’t like Moses Chan’s comedic roles either; I always preferred him in acting other roles such as Angus in “When Heaven Burns”, and Tong Chi-on (Duk Duk Dei) in “Heart of Greed”.
In conclusion, I think it is pretty hard to act comedic roles successfully and not over-exaggerating.
Dayo is brilliant in Bounty Lady in my opinion. I dont find he is exaggerated in any moment throughout his comedies (You are hired, Bounty Lady, War of Genders, etc.). I prefer Roger in semi-villain roles over his comedies. Wong Cho Lam surprised me because he is a quiet person in real life but a comedian in front of the camera.
It should read …………….. “I didn’t like Moses Chan’s comedic roles either; I always preferred him in acting other roles such as Angus in “When Heaven Burns”, and NOT Tong Chi-on (Duk Duk Dei) in “Heart of Greed”.
Personally I don’t like any of those exaggerated comedies. I also think Roger Kwok acted better in those villainous roles, such as “Last One Standing”. Did not watch his recent drama series, so cannot comment.
Based on the 125 posts stated above, I must say that acting is really very subjective and personalized. Everyone of us had different expectations and requirements from different artistes. Therefore, it is super hard to say whose acting is good and whose acting is not good.
If you like a certain artiste, you will give him/her more marks, and of course you will deduct many marks if you dislike an artiste. It is like an equation in Algebra.
I think the best thing for us to do is just to voice our own opinions and have no arguments!!!
@sandcherry: I actually disagree. Roger won MFA in the Astro award ceremony in 2004 for his role as ah Wong. He was 40 then and hence the age assertion really doesn’t apply every time. Moses also won that award in his mid-30s.
And yes, Wayne Lai doesn’t have many fans outside HK. One of the most overhyped actors of all time. He is marketable in HK and only HK.
BTW, I love ah Wong. I crack up every time I see him on television.
As for the subjective acting comment, I agree. Some people will like certain actors, some will not. The forum is a good place to facilitate discussion and hopefully people’s comments will not be removed that easily.
“Raymond Lam can be a good actor when he’s not hiding behind his chok image. His character in Line Walker reminds me of Highs and Lows. He’s playful in the beginning, which is fun to watch, but then he starts losing control as his character becomes more serious. He sways his body too much when he’s talking and when he’s screaming, his eyes grow infinitely larger.”
This one is the only reply to Molly – a new name appeared yesterday in this forum and asked me some question. I wont reply you in all the topics but only this one.
Firstly, I didnt mention a word about your idol. I said it very clearly to oscar that I referred to the voting system in a general conversation. Do you see I have bothered to go to any topic about him anymore? Your idol is not something I care for. You die-hard fans have the tendency to think I aim your idol so I have to explain that even that my favourite artists won that award instead of your idol, I dont care and dont change the thinking that all TVB polls (including StarHub, AOD, TVB) are under a master plan of TVB. It applied to all years, not only this years. If you dont understand that fact, I only can blame your blind support. Im not that blind. Simply so.
Secondly, I did want to stop and I stopped by telling oscar that I wont argue about it anymore since I know it wont come to anywhere. But you have to call me out so I have to repeat this thing. Actually I didnt want to ruin the good impression I had to some of fans of your idol such as oscar and choco-bunny, who only support your idol without dragging other people down. However, you have came and reacted like the annoying die-hard fans in this forum, to drag other people down when their fans do not have the same opinion with you. It is very childish and of course, it cant make your idol look any better. Your idol isnt a god and someone can dislike him or think he is a bad actor. Learn and accept it.
Thirdly, your opinion isnt fact. Your idol is good, ok, but others are not trash. You die-hard fans keep dragging people down for nothing. Nobody drag your idol down in here, sandcherry only commented about his acting and since acting is subjective, she is entitled to think he is not as god-like as you.
Fourthly, I have no problem with the victory of your idol. It is about time and right at the promotion. Good for your idol as well. However, I said about the voting system which is always complained as rigged and unfair. You have the intention to prove that it is fair for only the year your idol wins, fine, because you are a die-hard fan. Why it is a must to attack someone who dont think the same way?
Fourthly, I didnt follow the vote or vote, but I have friends who followed the vote, therefore I have enough information to back up for my argument. I dont see any fan of Ah Sheh got mad, what make you guys mad?
Last but not least, regarding LF, I will reply all of your comments hereby:
– The album sales: I did post an amended comment that I wrongly wrote million to billion. I think you have seen it but you tried to ignore it and talking about the mistake I have made. Ten albums of him sold 1 million copies in HK. The news has been translated to English: http://asianuniverse.net/forums/EEG_thought_of_not_signing_Raymond_Lam_due_to_tardiness_no_t340140.html
– The price in China (which you implied that Im inflated it): Here is a latest news with his price in China: http://the-sun.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20141005/00470_004.html
And another one to say that his price increases with the success of LW and his Chinese series Wei Xi Fu: http://orientaldaily.on.cc/cnt/entertainment/20141006/00282_001.html
– His charity activities:
+ Recently, he joined with his family to build school for poor children in Changsa: http://cs.house.qq.com/a/20140923/044705.htm (it isnt an entertaintment news, it is estate news). Together with 6 schools in China he donated to build in 2007, it becomes 7 schools.
+ Few days ago, he joined the charity activity for WWF.
+ He was the spokenperson for Qing Tian charity fund in Cheng du to aide the poor women and children.
+ He has been ambassador for Orbit.
+ The donation of his FC.
They are from a HK newspaper, not a Chinese one. If you cant read Chinese then I will translate for you.
– The fan increase in the two recent years in China: There is an interesting news in JS: http://www.jaynestars.com/news/housewives-fight-over-raymond-lam/ translated in June last year. The quote I would like to refer: According to Hong Kong media outlets, more than 10,000 fans from Chongqing and neighboring cities attended the hot afternoon event.
Other proofs:
+ Achievement in HKdiscuz (A HK forum): http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/bdf7f932jw1ek32l3awi5j20c3awp7wi.jpg
+ His name is in top 10 of most searched artists in China in September 2014: http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/bmiddle/79aba393gw1el1c2unjjfj20c80zkjzs.jpg
+ He is the only TVB artists appeared in 2014 Forbes China Celebrity List: http://www.forbes.com/sites/russellflannery/2014/05/06/2014-forbes-china-celebrity-list-full-list/ (No. 53). This is the fourth continuous years he is listed in the list of Forbes.
– His achievement in acting for the years of 2014: His two series are welcomed in HK and China.
+ First, LW – top 2 of rating in HK up to this moment, holding the record of a series with highest average rating for one episode (exclude the finale). In China, it has became the highest online viewed TVB series in the history (surpassed Forensic Heroes 3) with over 1.6 billion clicks (up to Monday October 13th, 2014) in accordance with Vlink. Comparing to the year 2014, it doubled the second series ROE (810++ million clicks overall)
+ Second, Wei Xi Fu: Top 10 rating of all Chinese series in 2014, 1st ranked of rating for the timeslot of 7:00 PM of all Chinese series in the same timeslot. For online views, it surpassed 2.5 billion clicks overall. In Taiwan, its first day set a new record at 1.06 points.
I hope the above information are enough for you. I dont mind to prove what I said but then some of you might think that I show up or else. However, anything I say I say it with a basement.
I would like to borrow a quote from you: If you think he slipped, it is ok but you cant force other people to prove the difference. If you think your idol is god, it is also ok but you cant force other people to love him as much as you. If you give you the right to bash other people when nobody can bash your idol, you are absolute wrong.
Out of all, if you give you the right to have personal attacks on others, you are nothing but a kid.
In the end of the day, please note that I dont say about your idol, therefore you dont need to do retaliation. I vowed and I will keep my vow to comment nothing about him particularly.
@Jayne: Please approve the post. It doesnt have any sensitive content.
i love you and i love Raymond Lam….thankyou
Does anyone knows the title and singer of the old song that Vincent Wong dedicated to Josie when she’s in prison? Was it by Andy Lau? It’s a fantastic song . Thanks.
I mean the drama title is Tomorrow is a Better Day. I just want the song title and singer for the song that Vincent dedicated to Josie, not the main theme or sub theme by Alfred Hui.
Just saw your post, you can find the song here
Originally a Japanese song, made famous by 2 other version, mandarin song which is a love song by Wu Bai, very famous and also cantonese version which is more poetic about life by Kenny B. Great song.
The song was sung by Kenny Bee,”Let Everything Be Gone With the Wind” (讓一切隨風).
Thanks Jolie. Will check it out.
Honestly this series does not deserve 4 out of 5 stars at all. The storyline had potential, but as it develops and by the end it was all a huge mess. The scriptwriter(s) should really consider another line of work. If you think about all the twists in the ending, there are so many things that don’t make sense. The last episode must be the lamest and over-the-top ridiculous ending I have ever seen in my entire life. They seemed to try to rip-off the ending of the much better series “Gun metal grey”, but in a rather tasteless way. I so regret that I have wasted 45 min * 31 of my life. Do not watch this, that’s my advice, cheers!