Anthony Wong Outraged by TVB’s Poor Travel Policy; “I Won’t Pay for the Hotel Fees!”

Hoping to boost the quality of their dramas, TVB eagerly invited Film King, Anthony Wong (黃秋生), to film Lord of Shanghai <梟雄>. Arriving in Shanghai yesterday to film on location, Anthony was angered by TVB’s sub-standard hotel arrangements and that he was asked to pay for the expenses out of his own pocket.
TVB has a policy of booking rooms at only three and four-star hotels when the cast and crew need to travel for filming. Each doubles room must contain two occupants, but TVB will not pay for the accommodations of the artiste’s personal assistant. Used to more generous arrangements while traveling for movie projects, Anthony complained of TVB’s policy, “You’re asking me to stay at a $150 HKD room? I’ve never done so in my life! Artistes are asked to share rooms, but my personal assistant is a woman. How can we stay in the same room together?”
Anthony Refuses to Pay for 5-Star Hotel
For greater comfort, Anthony decided to check into a five-star hotel instead. He said he had “discussed the issue with TVB beforehand” but was surprised he is now expected to pay out of his own pocket. “TVB wants me to pay the incremental difference? I’m staying [in Shanghai] for one and a half months, which would cost over $70,000 HKD. Should I bring all that money with me to travel?”
Notified to film last-minute on the first day of his arrival in Shanghai, Anthony refused to budge until the hotel expenses are settled. He said, “What if I come back and see that they took all of my luggage away?”
Since Anthony is grateful towards producer Amy Wong (王心慰) for recognizing his talent in his early career, he agreed to accept TVB’s filming offer and was not motivated by money. Anthony’s EEG manager, Mani Fok (霍汶希), explained that “five-star hotels, flying business class, and having a personal assistant on set are normal expectations” for a first-line actor. After Mani agreed to pay for the incremental hotel costs, Anthony resumed filming on set.
Artistes Defend TVB’s Hotel Policy
Despite Anthony Wong’s criticism towards TVB’s travel accommodations, the station’s artistes have learned to accept the hotel policy when filming on location.
Kenneth Ma (馬國明) and Natalie Tong (唐詩詠) said that TVB’s policy has remained the same for years. Kenneth felt that the policy was reasonable, and said that TVB will give the cast and crew “pocket money” to cover additional expenditures when traveling. Natalie revealed that she normally pays the incremental costs to have her own hotel room when filming on location.
Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) said, “Actually each filming location may have a different arrangement. Sometimes, there may be sponsors so it is easier to get our individual rooms. When I was filming Growing Through Life <摘星之旅>, I asked about the hotel arrangements beforehand. TVB has its policy, so I pay for my own room fees. It costs over several thousand dollars [HKD] in exchange for greater privacy.”
While filming Limelight Years <華麗轉身> in Taiwan, Eliza Sam (岑麗香) revealed that TVB had covered her dining and hotel expenses. Eliza said, “I shared a hotel room with Candice Chiu (趙希洛). I didn’t find it to be inconvenient. As we portray sisters in the drama, it allowed us to be more immersed in our roles.”
This article is written by Jayne for
It’s weird having to share a room with colleagues. If you are cheap, don’t send your employees on location.
but then u gotta watch all scenes filmed in that same studio, with all the same background and props, with all the same lame and poorly made sets
Cost of doing business. If you want to film on location, factor in the cost.
Speaking of the same background, have you ever noticed the same rich house in all their dramas with a rich family? Take notice 🙂
Or better yet … why pay for hotels, have the crew stay at a campsite, call it a camping trip, or a bonding experience if you’re cheap
Whichever way you look at it TVB is Cheapo.
International airlines book individual rooms at 4 or 5 stars hotel for their flight attendants. You don’t expect to share room with strangers and especially a male and a female.
Wake up to it. TVB is really cheap
What a way to treat a veteran star…no wonder many celebs are leaving.
Ikr they can’t be cheap to vertens
What is wrong for Anthony Wong to stay in a $HKD150 room ?
What’s wrong? Well, he can always choose not to take on the job and then he can spare himself from that sub standard room. And also spare himself from forking up extra expenses.
Oh course some will say that he should count his blessings because he got this job and can go on location. But Anthony being a veteran, he doesn’t need to rough it out like the newbies (case in point, eliza)
wow they are very cheap….
Gee! I did not know they have Motel 6 in Shanghai. LOL!!
Try staying in those crap hotels in China.
Its real “noisy” all night long. The moaning noises don’t stop until 3am…
When we traveled to China, even the 4-star hotel we stayed at had a karaoke bar with girls offering room service. Our tour guide warned us to stay away.
guess it all depends on luck and which hotel … i travelled to china before to guangzhou and hainan island and stayed at two 3-star hotels which surprisingly has very good facilities and service very much like a 5-star level … guess its a 3-star only because it does not have a swimming pool … other than that everything is good, and it was also quiet and not noisy at all … or perhaps it depends on which level the room is located.
Given how low tvb’s pay is to their actors and actresses, it’s really cheap to make them share rooms, etc. When the TVB management travels on business do they stay at 3 star hotels and share rooms?
^I AGREE! Locations are unavoidable when they really need real locations to film, but if you’re gonna ask the cast to go film on location, are you seriously gonna get them to pay for their hotel rooms which are a neccessity o_O This is really cheap. Okay, paying for your assistance room is undestandable, but having to pay for your own room yourself as an artist working for the company??…that is unbelievable considering how big of a company tvb is.
Im actually glad anthony made a noise about it, cos if he hadnt I dont think any of the public or outsiders would ever know how ridiculous their travel policy is. I hope tvb does address this and give their artists better working conditions..
WOW. Even my mid-size company lets me have my own room when traveling for business. TVB is such a big corporation and colleagues need to share rooms. WEIRD.
Anthony wong is a Film King, in additional he is doing a favor..he definitely deserve more respect.
Don’t mess with Anthony Wong
Secondary actors yes but main stars specially invited to film? I will say tvb is cheapskate. Clearly all these should be spelled out in the contract.
Considering he is only spending $9K USD for about 2 months worth of hotel stay, TVB cant even afford this for an elite actor? No wonder no actors want to come back and film series for TVB. I wouldnt be surprised if Anthony Wong backs out of this series soon.
I dont think Tony Leung will be filming anything for TVB either.
Which Tony Leung?
tvb should be grateful that anthony is filming for them. they are so cheap.
“Since Anthony is grateful towards producer Amy Wong (王心慰) for recognizing his talent in his early career, he agreed to accept TVB’s filming offer and was not motivated by money.”
He already bent and he’s not going to bend again. The stars like McDonald( cheap) before they made a name for themselves. They say TVB this and that but at the end of the day, TVB is still there for them. 😀 🙁 LOL!
speechless I don’t know to thumbs up for costs management or what?
Tvb are such cheapskates. And I can’t believe that Kenneth Ma and Natalie Tong say this is reasonable. If you need to travel to do your job, it’s only fair that your company pays the expenses. No wonder why everyone wants to jump ship.
Exactly. And I’m sorry, but the media is stupid to compare the likes of Kenneth, Natalie, and Bosco to Anthony Wong. I mean, sure of course Kenneth and them would be fine with TVB’s accommodations – they’re not “first line multi-award-winning movie actors” who agreed to film at a lower rate than what they are worth for the sake of “helping out” their previous employer. If they were at Anthony’s level, I’m sure they would complain too at TVB’s “cheapskate” policies.
Oh and the response from TVB management (i.e. Peter Au, Tsang Sing Ming, Mark Lee) was totally disrespectful. They pretty much said that is the policy and they treat everyone the same, no exceptions, they don’t care who you are (and they implied that Anthony was being difficult). No wonder Anthony lashed out at Mr. Au on Weibo…I wouldn’t be surprised if Anthony decides to pull out of the project – even if he stays, he can make the filming a living hell for everyone if he wanted (TVB obviously doesn’t understand who they are messing with)…
They can’t bite the hands that feed them. Most of the nice things tvb stars say about tvb is all politics. They have to pick and chose their words carefully as not to pissed off their bosses.
Oh gosh! How can they treat their artists like that and expect them to give their best? My airline put us up in 5 star hotels, one to a room with a crew lounge in most hotels. TVB should not be so stingy if they want the best out of their artists.
Wow, this guy sounds like a diva LOL
Omy i never knew the artist had to pay for the hotel and essentials TVB is so i dont know how to say it I always thought everything is provided by TVB
I wounder how much he filming fee is will it be as high as chi lam and Francis 80000 an ep
I’ve never liked Anthony Wong. Did is a whiny lil girl but holy shat. TVB makes people stay in doubles. Why are they even going on location? LOL
I’m currently on work assignment abroad, our company only book single room (especially for female) and only 4.5* to 5*…my current room is $350 USD per night. The excutives stay even at nicer place…and my company is no where as big as TVB. Anthony Wong is a big star, what he demand is not unreasonable…look at some of the Hollywood celebrity…most demand 5* hotel for their entourages and also book the entire floor.
TVB truly deserves all the criticisms it’s receiving for the poor treatment it has given to its stars. Anthony Wong, who was specially invited to help out in boosting TVB surely doesn’t deserve this kind of shabby treatmant. No wonder he is mad, rightly so too. I’m surprised that stars like Kenneth Ma would stand up in defense of TVB’s attitude. Do they really not mind being similarly badly treated?
kenneth ma relies on tvb. hes not capable on his own.
True. LOL!
Maybe he doesn’t want to rock the boat. Or perhaps he likes such an arrangement probably because he always gets to share with a good friend who can chit chat with him? Could be a lot of reason. Or maybe being diplomatic. Never heard Kenneth ever criticise TVB.
Kenneth is a people person who’s used to save money so he wouldn’t mind the frugal way of living. I also don’t think he has a choice in what to say to media since he’s still under TVB.
do you even know kenneth personally? how can you say hes that?
Anthony Wong is so annoying. TVB is cheap for not providing better accommodations but that’s the way it is. Anthony doesn’t deserve special treatment. Everyone is saying how he is doing TVB a favor by filming for them but in the end I doubt the series will perform better than average ratings.
Well, TVB made the assessment that Anthony Wong would be better for business and they made the decision to grab him. Wong has the upper hand on this one.
I read several comments here criticising the ‘sharing a room’ arrangement.
What is so weird and cheap about it? It’s good budgeting. If a company send one or two workers for a few days oversea trips, yes, can give them good single rooms. But, when a company need to send a large group of people oversea for a long period of time, of course they can’t do that.
TVB is not the only one who has this arrangement. Even Fahrenheit members share rooms when they travel for work.
2 thumbs up
1.Anthony is not a normal TVB employee. He’a a movie star invited by TVB. How can he share a room with a 2nd or 3rd rate TV actors and crews? He deserves his privacy! TVB is the one inviting him, they shouldn’t expect him to pay out of his own pocket to upgrade like other TVB employees.
2. Anthony has a female assistant, how is she supposed to bunk in with him?
Are you saying that everyone except for Anthony should be treated like crap? Everyone should be equal. How would you feel if someone in your work office other than yourself has special treatment from the company. There are alot of people traveling together, the female assistant can pair up with another female colleague from tvb. They don’t always need to stick around together day & night.
I’m with Kidd
If it’s in his contract it’s TVB who’s idiot for forcing Anthony to deny his rights for a good hotel and a personal room since he’s an A list multi award movie star!
Surely TVB can afford to pay for a single room for individual artists. Also surely, Anthony can afford to pay for an upgrade if it’s so important to him.
I’m with Kidd on this. Every company has its own practice and policy and even most companies do make their staffs share rooms together. I like Bosco’s response the best where they communicate beforehand about the arrangements, and certain productions may have better arrangements due to sponsors. Could this be a miscommunication whereby Anthony didn’t know about the arrangement, or the production team wrongly promises something they can’t afford?
OK pardon me. It seems that Anthony has discussed the issue with TVB beforehand? I’m speculating that the’discussion’ was done before the budget was approved?
Fahrenheit are group members, maybe they can get along in one room just fine. Sharing room is normal but I suppose when there is a big star you don’t ask him to share a room. Not talking about personalised trailer but at least give him a better room and alone. That’s under budget consideration and surely TVB can afford that.
hes still a human, nothing less than that. doesnt need a separate room. when my moms company goes on trips outside of town, their company doubles up their employees in the same room. noo biggie.
But Tina, does your manager double with the usual employee? It is same as why some get parking privileges, some get room privileges, some get petrol privileges. You don’t ask Chow Yun Fatt to double a room with sayyy Anthony Wong. They get their own room. It is not about being human, it is about privileges. Surely he should at least get his own room even if the room is a room within the budget limit of the company?
Anyway it should be in the contract. If it is not, then Anthony Wong can’t and shouldn’t say anything. If it is, fight for it because it is a contractual obligation.
Same question. Does 620 share room?
I doubt 620 and Cat Tsang share room when they travel together! I don’t even think Sandy Yu and Cat Tsang will share rooms even if they’re BFF! Do you guys really think these management people are sharing rooms? No way! Anthony is also a high level!
Ahhh here comes an anticipated retort;
But he is not management level!
Who knows? Maybe 620 does share a room with her favourite someone. To keep her company at night, like girls’ night out.
Pre answer to that anticipated retort: well according to Mani Fok above in HK someone as A list as Anthony is eligible of his own room and not from his own pocket. TVB ask him for special help so it’s TVB liability to cater for his special requests.
Some people are more individuals and need to be alone to have private time especially actors who need to memorize scripts and rest well. It’s a bit too much for TVB if they agreed to give him a room but later don’t implement it. That’s cheap.
As a finance person, I always agree with spending reduction. Even my company which is in the top 20 of the Fortune 500 list has very stringent policies when it comes to travelling expenses. For those who claim that they can spend lavishly on business trips, I would very much love to see their companies’ financial statements to determine whether the companies are genuinely cash rich or simply have poor financial management.
darn right. tvb is blasted for having a efficient financial management.
Pretty funny how Kenneth and Natalie defended TVB. When traveling for work, it’s pretty standard that the employee is provided their own room. Anthony Wong serves as a great example, his assistant is a female. How are they suppose to share rooms without being awkward? TVB doesn’t deserve any veteran or top notch actors to return to them. They show no appreciation.
I don’t think Kenneth and Natalie has a choice. He have to defend TVB no matter what.
Good points and after this whole issue,I wonder which veterans would want to come back to film for TVB again? They are famous for going back on their words and being cheap so nothing is new.
TVB is cheap! Don’t they know who Anthony is? Giving him a cheap room to share with people is so cheap!
I think its reasonable. Ur not on vacation, ur working. There probably 100 people working for this series and little things add up. If you bring your spouse on a business trip with you, the company is not gonna pay for his/her travel expenses. Tvb is cheap, but its understandable. People only have the balls to complain when they are famous. Who got them famous in the first place. Tvb.
Actually, your last sentence wouldn’t apply to Anthony Wong because TVB wasn’t the one who made him famous. If we want to get technical, ATV was the one who gave Anthony his start (he graduated from ATV’s acting class) and then the HKAPA helped him build up his acting skills. When he joined TVB, he was already a well-respected actor (he actually didn’t film too many series for TVB though, since he was already doing movies at that time). After that he stopped filming series and concentrated fully on movies instead — it’s his movie career that shot him to fame, not TVB. So technically speaking, Anthony owes TVB nothing….
agree,maybe he owes amy wong for giving him a chance to shine but even without tvb i think with his skills he still will have became a movie king.
i think the point is that anthony said that he has discussed this issue with tvb beforehand,so there have to be some miscommunication between him and tvb.
@kolo: Yes, it’s true that he owes Amy Wong, which is why he agreed to film the series in the first place….but even then, TVB shouldn’t get the credit because Amy Wong came from ATV (as did many of TVB’s current and former producers). When Anthony said that Amy recognized his talent, that was many years ago back when Anthony first graduated from ATV’s acting class and Amy Wong was a producer over there – she saw talent in him and gave him opportunities, which he still remembers even now. So as it is, TVB is already reaping the benefit from Amy and Anthony’s relationship despite having no part in cultivating or establishing it…
In terms of the miscommunication piece – that definitely seems like the case, as based on the reports that have come out, Anthony had already negotiated with TVB about it beforehand, which is why he’s pissed, since now it looks like they’re going back on their word (it’s almost like those campaign promises that politicians give when they want to get elected – they’ll say anything and promise anything to get you to vote for them, then once they’re in office, they don’t follow through on any of it…lol).
Oh and Mani Fok also said that the hotel that TVB put everyone at is sub-standard (meaning the conditions are poor), which is another reason why Anthony insisted on staying at a better hotel.
And lastly, for the others who claim that Anthony should be treated the same as everyone else – um, ok, then why did TVB invite him back in the first place? If they feel that he is ‘just like everyone else’, then have their own contracted artists film the series and keep him out of it. If they choose to use his name and fame to their benefit, then the least they can do is give him his own hotel room – it’s not unreasonable. And yes, Anthony does deserve his own room and special privileges because he is an A list actor and not a ‘run of the mill’ TVB employee. I like the example Funn used – when a manager or an executive travels with their staff, do you expect them to share a room? It’s not about being a ‘diva’ or having an ego trip — it’s a ‘privilege’ that comes with being at a higher level.
Good points llwy12! I do not feel Anthony is asking for too much,but sadly TVB is so cheap as always. I think they went back on their words too. That is so unprofessional and unethical. But this TVB here so why should anyone be surprised?
Can someone tell me the cost of sending a large group of people oversea for a long period of time, if they all have single rooms?? Well it’s alot, and companies won’t do that. It is very common, not weird at all. Having a whole filming crew which includes all artists, directors, PA, some of the artists’ assistants, lighting crews, make-up crew, cameraman, etc… Now that’s a lot of people, not just 3 or 4 people, of course the company will need to save on what they can. As well, the company are paying for all those people’s hotel, 3 meals(lunches/food & beverages). These all need money. Everyone should be treated equally, no one deserves to be treated with extra care.
It’s not for everyone! At least it is Tony who deserves the better accompdation because he’s at a different level the the others and he’s only in this to repay Amy Wong!
If he’a not great, why would TVB beg for him to return and film for little fees?
bc tvb needs people to film for them. but hes not widely recognized in terms of outside of asia.
He came back for other reasons. He’s not that type. He’s not cheap. 😀 🙁 LOL!
TVB should probably rent some big houses or condos with many rooms for her staffs to share, at least the production crew members. It is extremely expensive to let every one stay in 5-star hotels for months.
you never hear korean stars complaining about sharing rooms. only in hk or on js you will see issues like that. way to go.
It’s a room. Why people think they deserve more than other people…… if you want a better room, pay with your own money.
precisely. hes a human.. superstar or not. he is a diva
150HKD a night???? That’s pittance and with Hong Kong’s standard that would be like a chicken shack. That’s how TVB makes money, off their own employees.
wow that is cheap of TVB. When i go away oversea for work with over 20 other staffs, we all stay at 5stars hotel and everyone get their own room.
imagine if every tvb artiste gets their own room. and if the group is pretty big including artists, backstage crew, director, producer, it wont be cheap.
and sometimes it depends on the capacity of the hotel.
Agree with kobefan
Agree with both kobefan and ted.
He’s not a diva, just yet. Those western counterpart, their long list of demands and some even shoo people out so that their star can use the bathroom all by herself. Now that’s diva. But again if it is in the contract, why not fight for it. TVB can’s say yes yes yes when negotiating and then go no no no when being asked to implement.
Rita, FYI! If you’re into movies you would know who he is…in fact AW is quite respected by film critics & has quite a cult following.
yes you mean only hk and taiwan. what about international film critics?
I’m sorry to say this but it’s pointless mentioning international film critics and international awards as the sad fact is people outside Asia don’t really care about our treasured actors. So it’s pointless to say that Anthony Wong is not a great actor because he is not internationally recognised. Just look at Chow Yun Fat, made many great HK movies and yet just got typecasted as soon as he went to Hollywood. Infernal Affairs a great movie but not worthy enough for the international circuit to accept it as it is, instead Hollywood remade it taking all the credit with their famous stars and big name director (I’m just glad Marty personally thanked the team behind IA when he accepted his Oscar giving some sort of recognition).
Unfortunately the MAJORITY of the international critics/awards do not care too much about our Asian actors because at the end of the day, the West always has the chance to remake it for the English speaking audience.
Of course there are international critics that appreciate people like Wong Kar Wai and Ang Lee and also Anne Hui however the sad truth is that the majority of the international circuit stereotypes Chinese/HK as merely martial arts movies. This is the sad truth.
We should be proud of the winners of the film awards in HK, China and Taiwan and stop comparing those awards to the international circuit- especially Hollywood and stop looking to them for confirmation that Asian actors are good.
Good points and Anthony is British mixed so I wonder if that would make a difference? I heard Eurasian actors/ actresses have a better chance in Hollywood/ internationally but I guess it depends on the individual.
Not by the international film society. hes not. compared to nick cheung, donnie yen.
I don’t think you can get a 3.5-star hotel room in China for HK$150. A nice spacious 5 star hotel room can easily cost HK#3,000.
Anthony Wong was invited to film for TVB and he accepted as a favour and for less pay. He is an award winning actor with real film awards to back up his talent. He is not a TVB actor who are only popular due to clever PR and given fake awards by the tv companies.
Anthony Wong should have had his own room. TVB’s excuse that all employees are treated the same is ludicrous in this case. They are already getting Anthony Wong to film for them on the cheap and yet they cannot even be bothered to give him his own room?
If a company hires an external professional consultant with skills that none of the company’s own employees possess they would be treated as someone with a higher caliber. TVB hired a MOVIE star what did they expect?
TVB are cheap and lost the game years ago with their talentless actors overacting and commercial “singing”.
“Anthony Wong was invited to film for TVB and he accepted as a favour and for less pay. He is an award winning actor with real film awards to back up his talent. He is not a TVB actor who are only popular due to clever PR and given fake awards by the tv companies.”
True. LOL!
“Anthony Wong was invited to film for TVB and he accepted as a favour and for less pay. He is an award winning actor with real film awards to back up his talent. He is not a TVB actor who are only popular due to clever PR and given fake awards by the tv companies.”
right only hk film awards and taiwan film awards. what about international recognition?
um prior to saying yes, wasnt he already aware of how cheap tvb can be? if he did, then its his fault.
Gosh, talk about cheap….. If he had to pay, The third line actors had to pay transportation too. And they didn’t complain..
And he’s overreacting.. A little delay and he starts going wild… Indeed bad tempered
That is the main reason why TVB stopped filming wuxia drama series or any ancient or period drama series. They could save on the costs of travel and hotel accommodation of the artistes and production crew members. It used to be very cheap when they filmed outdoor scenes in Mainland China years ago, but not any more. The cost of living in China has gone up so much in the last 10 years. Even the exchange rate of RMB is higher than HKD.
Oh please, when I went to Shanghai in the 90s and stayed in a 3 star hotel, it already cost me more than HKD150 per night. All that BS from Anthony Wong. Everyone knows what TVB’s policy on artist accommodation is like. If he was uncomfortable with such arrangements, he and his manager shouldn’t have agreed to film for TVB. He is always whining about this and that.
It is old policy that need changes. If TVB want to be set in old policies, their dramas will not improve and the good artiste will just leave them. As it is shown in recent years. TVB needs to change and be competitive with the current industry. Well, in the long term, they will loss out to the bigger Chins production company.
Maybe precisely because they need to film on location for a month, TVB got special hotel rate of $150 hkd per night…wow isn’t that $20 usd per night or $10 usd per person per night for double room.
I think it is good staff policy but I agree with pp that Anthony Wong was hired on “consulting” basis and unless contractually bound to be treated as employee, he can bill the company for all his expenses.
I am surprised that Anthony Wong did not throw a tantrum by crying while rolling on the floor just as he did when he was not voted in the President of the HK Actor’s Guild
Ha ha …..You reminded me of Anthony’s Wong inappropriate behaviour at the election of the HK Actors’ Guild.
What is the International Film Society?
ffs, i am embarrassed for tvb. i understand and agree with the travel arrangements for their usual actors, but anthony was invited to film this series kind of as a favour. the least they could do was get him a better room. as this rate, how are they going to get outsiders to film for them anymore?
i remember seeing an interview of a reporter asking anthony about his pay from this series, and he said he’s not making money from it that he actually has to pay out of pocket for 5 star hotel expenses… so he was lying? since he made tvb pay for him in the end.
3 or 4 star hotels in China are pretty crappy hotels. We went on a tour to China and stayed at their so-called 5 star hotel and it was just decent. I don’t believe their hotel star ranking has the same standard as in North America. Anthony Wong has every right to be outraged – TVB wants a first-line star then they should give him first-line treatment. Kenneth Ma and Natalie Tong are not in the same league as Mr. Wong and should not be asked to even comment.
I have read both pros and cons about 2 per room vs. one per room. Saving money is foremost thus 2 per room for staff and for supporting role artists would be acceptable. However, main or top notch stars should be granted one per room for privacy to practice their lines, rest or just relax as their screen time and viewer expectations are greater. If the hotel accomodations are adequate where TVB executives also are staying, then I would expect everyone to stay there. But if the TVB executives stay at a 5 star while other TVB staff and artists are staying at a 4 star or lower, then I see a problem of hypocrisy. If EVERYONE is staying at the 4 star and if Anthony chooses to be different and stay at a 5 star then he should pay the difference whether he was invited or not. That is what you call a team player.
The bad mouth thinks he’s a big shot! In H K one room can stay to 5 people..What’s the big fuss?