G.E.M. Saves for Down Payment

Hong Kong Music industry’s little princess, G.E.M. Tang Zhi Kei,  appeared as a spokesperson at a sportive shoes marketing event. G.E.M. revealed that the compensation for the event has increased. G.E.M. mentioned that she will save up for a new apartment.

When asked when she’ll become a new homeowner, G.E.M. anticipated that will likely happen in 2013 or 2014. She mentioned that her father, who was once a banker, is now managing her investments. G.E.M. would like to save 30% down payment for her new apartment. She also said that plans for being a home owner will probably materialize later as she is currently paying for the education of her little sister. G.E.M humorously complained that she is the only bread maker in her household!

Source: the Sun

Translated by Gossip Godiva, a JayneStars Contributing Writer.


  1. I hear a lot of news about stars needing to save up to buy a house. On average, does anyone know how much it costs to buy a house in HK? It seems like the stars need to save a long time before they can even afford one even with the income that they make? Maybe they don’t make that much afterall after their expenses or the houses are really expensive? Maybe they are referring to buying a super nice one like the ones that are shown on Living Up.

    1. The housing in HK is the highest along the top 3 in the world. It is even more expensive than NYC.
      Lets include the fact that HK is the most concentrated region in the world. Most are high rise buildings, tiny apartments starting at half a million u.s. or more.

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