Is Ella Koon Pregnant?

Ella Koon (官恩娜), who recently announced her engagement to her boyfriend of six years Juan Domingo Maurellet, appeared happy and glowing at a recent footwear promotional event. Ella’s torso and waist also looked fuller and wider, sparking pregnancy rumors.
The 35-year-old expressed her astonishment at the pregnancy rumors. “Don’t scare me! I’ve been consistently checking my menstrual cycles.” When it was pointed out that she was wearing sneakers rather than her usual high heels, Ella admitted, “It’s true that I don’t wear sneakers often other than working out. I’m wearing this now for the event.”
However, Ella also did not actively try to brush off the pregnancy rumors as false. “I don’t think I’m pregnant. My mom said you can’t say anything is 100 percent certain.”
Ella happily shared thoughts about her upcoming marriage, “Since we’re going to live together after marriage, I think I should toss away a few pairs of shoes, and that hurts a lot. I have an extremely large shelf at home that is exclusively for my shoes. I have over 100 pairs. I’m going to have to sacrifice some of them.” Asked if Juan also hoards shoes like Ella, she said, “The reason why I have so many shoes is because of my profession. He doesn’t have that many.”
Admitting that she is overwhelmed with the planning of their wedding, Ella nonetheless feels blessed and excited. “As for our future home, I only have one request – that is to have my own exclusive beauty room where I can put my clothes and shoes. I haven’t thought about having a baby yet.”
Ella’s workload has noticeably increased in recent months, but Ella denied that it was because of her fiancé had brought her luck. “These jobs were already arranged for me a long time ago. I really don’t want to praise [Juan] again, because when you get married to a person it’s because you really like him. No matter what people say, I only have praises for him.” However, Ella did admit that she has received endorsement offers from wedding companies.
This article is written by Addy for
Don’t under why people can have so many shoes. We only have 1 pair of feet. I’m a girl and I have less than 10.
She gets sponsers, so yeah.
Yeah. Celebrities get free stuff all the time.
She did explained why she has so many pairs of shoes. And if u can afford it why not?