Jolin Tsai Shares the Harms of E-cigarettes

The pop star is not shy to admit that she may be one of the last few to know the truth about e-cigarettes.
Singer Jolin Tsai (蔡依林) has over 1.7 million Facebook fans. Recently, she posted an update asking for tips to managing the platform, and thereafter posted many updates chatting about random topics. In a recent post, she suddenly started discussing e-cigarettes and proclaimed with much surprise, “E-cigarettes can’t replace cigarettes,” shockingly realizing that she may be the last person in the world to learn this.
The pop queen reiterated her discovery that e-cigarettes are even more harmful than traditional cigarettes. Fans responded, “There are many things yet which you don’t know about!”
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Seeing Jolin’s surprise, netizens humorously pointed that, “Just as how you can’t improve your mathematics by using calculators,” and “Just as how you can’t become lighter by using a digital weighing scale.” Though these examples have nothing to do with the logic behind why e-cigarettes can’t be used to quit smoking, they earned thousands of likes from netizens and prompted a reply from Jolin herself as the singer commented, “I got it.”
The 38-year-old star, who was once an ambassador for an anti-smoking campaign “Quit and Win” in 2010, remains concerned about health topics despite discharging her duties. Fans praised her by saying, “Even though she’s the last to know, she would still publicize it,” Despite the interaction being a random post and not an official update, it is heartening that Jolin has successfully drawn fans’ attention to the topic of health using her celebrity influence.
Despite e-cigarettes becoming a popular tool for quitting smoking and becoming rampant in Taiwan, the level of harm they cause is not necessarily lower than traditional cancer-causing cigarettes. In fact, they may cause atopic dermatitis, hair loss and even obstructive pulmonary disease if overused, and are also addictive. E-cigarettes are available in over 8000 flavors with synthetic additives and fragrances, and would cause changes in the PM2.5 levels in the air, just like traditional cigarettes.
Source: Ettoday
This article is written by JoyceK for