Keith Shing Shares His Journey in Becoming a Pilot

After throwing three wedding parties, Louisa Mak (麥明詩) and Keith Shing (盛勁) have been making up for their expenditures through joint-couple appearances. Recently, Keith shared more about his journey to success, which is a classic story of Hong Konger’s unique perseverance.

Growing up in public housing in Tuen Mun, Keith worked his way up into a Band 1 school before attending and graduating from the University of Hong Kong. “I am a local born and raised Hong Kong student and due to this, I lacked international exposure. When I received my first university scholarship, I finally could afford travelling and made my first international trip to the United States.”

The road to becoming a pilot was also rocky, but Keith overcame all obstacles with hard work, “My English was poor and I failed my cadet exam twice. People persuaded me to give up. To overcome my weakness, I would listen to the air traffic control channel every day and also watch the English news and mimic the anchors. After graduating, I found an administrative job related to the aviation field to strengthen my knowledge. At the same time, I saved up all my earnings to pay for a trip to New Zealand to learn how to fly smaller airplanes. Finally, I was accepted into the cadet program on my third try and began my journey to becoming a pilot!”

In comparison, Keith’s wife, Louisa Mak, was born to well-educated parents and this was often seen as giving her a leg up in life. Keith stated Louisa’s success did not happen overnight. “Everyone may only be aware of her academic successes. I’ve known her for over 10 years and witnessed her hard work and the sacrifices she made from the numerous overnight filming, to facing and accepting criticism from the public, to self reflection and improvement. These experiences all improved her will and tenacity. Afterward she transitioned into a corporate job, she had to relearn basic business skills. I would see her working on PowerPoint and Excel sheets until 3 or 4 a.m. After accumulating some experience, she founded Project Melo, a program to motivate and inspire youth in Hong Kong. She also has plans to continue expanding in the early education field. She also films commercials on a part-time basis to earn funding for her projects. Although these projects are in the beginning stages, her experiences allowed her to understand everything needs time and hard work before fulfilling her dreams step by step.”

Source: [1]

This article is written by Kiki for

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