Rumored Catfight Between Miss Hong Kong 2022 Contestants

Once a starting point for many fa dans and even international actresses, the contestants for the Miss Hong Kong 2022 pageant include many highly educated contestants including Masters and Doctorate degree holders. However, word spread that two of these contestants Cecca Xu (許子萱) and Chloe Cheung (張光怡) locked horns and faced off during their pageant training!

One’s a Published Author, Other’s a Newly Minted Doctor
Nicknamed “belle of the financial world”, 25-year-old investment banking analyst Cecca Xu was accepted into the MBA programs of both Oxford and Cambridge, and has a published book to her name.
Raising attention with her resemblance to Louisa Mak (麥明詩), Chole Cheung graduated from Hong Kong University Faculty of Medicine and recently became a qualified doctor; and comes from an affluent family with a corporate high-flier mother, and a father who is also a doctor.
While the two were expected to strike up an easy friendship due to their similar backgrounds, Cecca and Chloe are apparently more foes than friends — insiders revealed that they had a major face-off while training for the finals during the contestants’ staycation at Discovery Bay. Ironically, both were not the most popular among the other girls – the pampered Chloe was exposed to exhibit “princess syndrome” during the 7 days of training, whereas the brash-talking Cecca also ruffled a few feathers with her forthright manners.
Chole’s Incompetent Dancing Irks Cecca?
As members of team red, the two shared many singing and dance training sessions and these led to mini-conflicts and brooding unhappiness. A competent dancer, Cecca had little patience for Chloe, who would miss her beats during an umbrella dance rehearsal. When the instructor told everyone to slow their pace down during a singing rehearsal, Cecca was captured on camera turning her head, and giving Chloe the side eye.
With their mutual dissatisfaction boiling over during a particular dance rehearsal, even team leader Reina Chan (陳瑞菱) was helpless when she tried unsuccessfully to resolve matters between them. As expected, a quick check revealed that Cecca and Chloe do not follow each other on social media. Asked about the duo’s rumors of discord, dance instructor Maverick Mak (麥秋成) merely replied that he was unclear about the matter, while the show’s producer Stella Ho (何小慧) has yet to respond as of press time.

Source: HK.On.CC
Finally some news about the Miss HK pageant! I have been following them closely on youtube. Personally, I don’t like either of the girls, Cecca or Chloe. Cecca seems arrogant but she is indeed a smart and eloquent girl. Her looks are okay. Chloe, I CANNOT STAND. The way she talks and acts is SO UNNATURAL and pretentious. I don’t even know how she would function in the regular world talking and acting like that. Her voice and mannerisms definitely display princess syndrome. She is a doctor and her looks are ok. Cute sometimes. But with the way she sounds and acts, I HIGHLY DOUBT she will place in the top 3. Reina Chan, I surprisingly really like. She has grown a lot on me. Looks wise, she is a mix of Mok Hoyan and Halina Tam. Maybe more so Halina Tam. She speaks eloquently, is confident, and is well mannered. She has a big scar on her abdomen from a medical situation that she had and she was embracing it saying it is a reminder for her to appreciate life. I like this girl a lot. She seems more mature and has the quality to place first. Looks wise, I’ve always been a big fan of #14 Joey. She is really pretty and I believe will win Miss Photogenic. She has been a hot favorite of mine to take the crown but she has tattoos so not sure how forgiving TVB will be considering how conservative they are. Her answers are ok and she has been fairing pretty evenly. The top 3 that stands out to me right now are #3 Reina, #4 Cecca, and #14 Joey. Not necessarily in that order of 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Just listing them in order. I also like Johanna… forgot her #. She seems the nicest. Might win Miss Friendship. What are other people’s thoughts?
With that kind of attitude and cat fighting, they pretty much won’t go too far in the entertainment industry well at least let’s start off they don’t have “real” admirers/ fans. How come their education don’t apply to their composure? If we can have 2 師奶 becoming the next miss hong kong, then the standard of elegance really went downhill Let’s just say, our local MISS CHINATOWN has better contestants
Wish they would show this, would br hilarious to watch…