“L’Escargot” Ending Peaks at 40 Points; 11 Complaints Received for Depiction of Infidelity

TVB released the ratings for the station’s programs last week. In the drama department, Till Love Do Us Lie <結.分@謊情式> averaged 26 points, Let It Be Love <4 In Love> averaged 27 points, while L’Escargot <缺宅男女> peaked at 40 points, averaging 36 points.

Despite the airing of L’Escargot over the Lunar New Year holiday time frame, the ratings results were quite impressive. The Broadcasting Authority received 11 complaints from audience members, who protested that the drama twisted the issue of extramarital affairs (interwining it with gratitude, which did not meet ethical standards) as well as a bad woman rewarded, which was unreasonable.

Source: On.cc

Jayne: L’Escargot’s successful ratings in its final week of broadcast was to be expected. The series captured the struggling masses’ imagination.

Maybe the success of L’Escargot may prompt TVB to make more series on socioeconomic trends, similar to China series, Naked Marriage Age <裸婚時代>.

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  1. It’s a great series although the Linda betrayal part is hella annoying. The best parts are the family parts. Agreed with Jayne about the series reflecting struggling masses in real world and home ownership issues.

  2. Thumbs up to Mandy Wong, Oscar Leung and Angelina Lo! Angelina Lo’s death was very sad!

  3. I actually wish that the ending was Linda and Ron. Since there is a huge double standard when it comes to being unfaithfull. Joyce’s character forgives a Laughing…but Ron didn’t really forgive Linda…which I guess the ending worked out since Linda was the one who left…but there could have been like a the re-meet on the street…and then stare….and love at first sight…again…

    1. I think Ron has forgave Linda when Michael told him the truth about Linda helping Ron and etc. It was Linda who choose to leave
      Ron for further her study. I agree that Ron and Linda should be together again because both still love each other deeply.

      1. I agree. Cause still by the end i am still not convinced he loves JJ at all. TVB could have made it a lesson for Ron to learn to forgive and move on and Linda to cherish the ones you have in your life (tho i think she learnt it after her mothers passing)

        Ron moving on with JJ was not convincing if he had stayed single then maybe it would have worked

      2. Althought it wasn’t portrayed too clear that Ron loves JJ but I think he did. When Ron and his father have the conversation, he told him to choose one. And he didn’t run after Linda to the airport. It shows that, like Linda said, they are the past, they can not be together anymore. Furthermore, Ron also wants to start a family with JJ.

        I also hope that Ron and Linda are back together but I think realistically these two characters should move on.

    2. Ron & Linda back together will portray the usual TVB story. Nothing special. Ron appreciates JJ and he simply cannot leave any one. But Linda made the decision for him because she loves him and does not want him to make a hard decision. Linda loves him enough to leave him. And he might not love JJ as passionately as he did Linda but he develops gratitude towards her.

      1. But its sad ending with Linda leaving Ron when they are the supposed to be the actual pair/couple. But I won’t blame Ron for falling for JJ since JJ has been with him thru thin and thick moment while Linda was often seen hanging with Michael which broke Ron’s heart. I guess it’s all Linda’s fault for the whole outcome.

  4. I also wish the ending Linda will reconcile with Ron and they actually love each other.

  5. Hm. Maybe I’m in the minority then, but I’m glad that Linda’s character did not reconcile with Ron.

    Throughout the entire series, Ka Lok rarely made firm decisions about her life. Even when describing her affair with Jim, she agreed that she grabbed onto him like a water float. She was just a person who drifted along, and let life take her at its whim.

    I thought it showed a true desire for maturity on her part, to leave the situation altogether and find growth by being independent.

    1. i agree with you. even if they reconcile, in real life, they would have many problems in the future. Maybe what Kah Lok said at the last eps make sense.

      She and Tai Ding are past tense as soon as she betray him. As good as they are, i doubt it will work. They have too mayn bad memories than the good ones.

      but i agree…its okay for me to have affair but not women….double standard

  6. i didnt watch the ending yet. But can someone tell me how Linda was rewarded? Since the “bad woman rewarded” was pointed at Linda?

    1. Well she wasnt really rewarded. She decided to let Dai Ding and Jim go and study in Australia. I guess her “reward” was she still had a happy family? But i dont see anything wrong with that. I mean do they want her to go to jail? Hit by a bus? lol

      1. ha ha yes, I also wonder what kinda reward Linda got. She is not a bad woman. I wouldn’t label her as such. She is kind, sweet, and a nice person. The fact that Jim is married made her feel guilty towards his wife. If she were truly bad, she would have grabbed Jim. It’s not bout reward or punishment. It’s bout mistakes, learning, moving on and appreciating. Why shd life be all about rewards and punishment?

    2. Why everyone is criticized Linda’s character? As I continue to watch I hate Ron and actually love for Jim and Ka Lok together. Love is fickle, there is no wrong or right when it involves love. You just need to practice self control.

      Everyone said Dai Ting loves Ka Lok but I see he is just so immature and exactly like Jim said he didn’t want his sister to be with him because he will end up hurting JJ like he did with Ka Lok. Even though Jim is married but he loves Ka Lok too and so does Ka Lok but she tries to denied it because each time she was with Jim she felt guilty for betraying Dai Ting.

      But what did Dai Ting did for her except made her being covered with debt and have to run from debtor. On the other hand, every time she or her family in trouble, Jim was there for her every single step of the way..and if you see, at first he didn’t ask for anything in return. He said to his wife, he loves her but then he also loves Ka lok too. Whenever he sees her in trouble he wants to be there and help her and when he sees her sad or cry he wants to be there to protect her.

      Deep down, Ka Lok loves Jim but because she had been with Dai Ting for so long therefore, she always thinks she loves Dai Ting more than she love Jim. If she doesn’t love Jim then she would worry and cry when she heard the new Jim’s plane crashed.

      I think it’s good for her to go oversea to further her study so that she can forget the past. It will never work if she stays and then get together with Dai Ting. No matter how many times he said he will forget and forgive….That is just a lie. If later they get married and each time there is an argument or a fight he will bring up her past for sure….

      1. I totally agree with you. Most people watch tv without reading between the lines. Seriously, Ka Lok is better off with a real man like Jim.Sadly, he is married. That’s life.
        Dai Ting is still immature… typical young man who is over confident.

  7. I’ve just watched the first few episodes. I find the Michael Mui character super irritating!!!Its’ so unreal ! Pity his wife & kid!
    Their small apt makes me feel uncomfortable.
    Hope he stopped playing this sort of roles!

  8. haven’t watched the last eps yet. just finishd watching ep28 (2nd last). I really really liked Ron’s great acting in that eps when he was racing in his car getting all angry and sad. He did very well.
    Also, the grandma’s death really touched me. I was crying so hard when the family members were crying over her death in the hospital. It was just soooo sad. =(
    Haven’t seen any dramas as good as this one recently (last 2 years). Well there was one (Growing Through Life), but this one was a bit better compared to that one. I’m so depresed that this drama is already ending.(as always lols) I want to watch the last eps, but also don’t want this drama to end.

  9. i’ve not watched this drama. but, i read someone wrote it like linda chung slept with her boss just to help her boyfriend settle his debts. if it’s true then isn’t that a huge sacrifice made by her?

    1. Technically, her boss settled her debts – totalling around $1 M HKD (less than $150 K USD) – (both Dai Ding and her brother Oscar) then she slept with him without any “agreements” beforehand.

      Plus her brother (Michael Miu) threw $300K HKD (~$40 K USD) back at him afterwards.

      If Ka Lok (Linda’ character) really thought it through, I think she (and her boyfriend) could pay her boss back with actual cash without that much strain over something like 10 years.

      So yes its a sacrifice in terms of the physical act, but it was stupid stupid decision.

      1. Linda likes her boss, part of it is also her attraction towards Jim, not merely debts … Maybe she doesn’t love Jim but she likes him and there’s attraction!

  10. I only liked the very last scene with the the snail crawling on the windowsill.

    Other thoughts:
    – I thought best scene was Ka Lok explaining to Joyce why she and Dai Ding could not be together. It is one of the few scenes I liked Linda in over the last 10 chapters. She showed quiet maturity and control (her voice did not crack) nor did she attempt to mug cuteness, which sadly JJ did with her stuttering and eyes open saucer wide.

    – Glad it was happy ending but I thought it was total BS that:
    1) MM loses another batch of money/time over his little country house
    2) Mandy/Oscar make amends by “letting” MM/Sonija live in the house they mostly paid for over they years

    1. Yah, Mandy/Oscar suck hard. Thick-faced to want the unit all to themselves. Every unit they live in was all paid or built by MM. So shameless …. Even their salary comes from MM. :S :S

  11. Finally finish this series and minus one point to the ending. And I think Linda had a very poor performance when trying to act Sheung Joi Sum version 2 with more annoying faces.

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