Sire Ma Leaves for England to Further Studies

Plagued by a lesbian love scandal and the circulation of her explicit videos, Sire Ma (馬賽) is forced to take a hiatus from work. On August 17, Sire appeared at the Hong Kong International Airport to check in her night flight to England. Dressed in all black, Sire was alone.
Speaking with the press, Sire revealed that she is going to England to take performing arts classes. Sire not disclose the duration of her stay in England, but said she will return to Hong Kong when TVB calls for it.
“If I have work arranged for me. I will come back,” said Sire. Asked if she will guest star in the Triumph in the Skies <衝上雲霄> movie, which will be shooting in England soon, Sire repeated, “No. I currently do not have any work arranged.”
Sire revealed that this will be her second time studying in England alone. Asked if TVB sponsored Sire’s trip to England, Sire said she is getting financial support from her family.
Mentioning that Laura Lee, the wife of Sire’s former lesbian lover Wang Ziqi (汪子琦), called Sire a “malignant tumor” on her Weibo recently, Sire said she has nothing to comment.
Sire was once rumored to be flirtatious towards Damian Lau (馬賽), her Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles <名媛望族> costar, but not only did Damian deny the rumors, he also publicly expressed his support for Sire, praising her to be a brave woman. Sire said, “I really want to thank the support my family in Silver Spoon, Sterling Shackles has given me.”
This article is written by Addy for
Glad that Sire Ma is taking this move to further improve her acting abilities. She should try forget what is past and to get on with life.
Hopefully sire wont end up like jaycee chan, smokes marijuana & gets caught by police.
Everytime a scandal erupts, an artiste will escape to somewhere else and claim furthering studies.
lol, i was about say that too!
That was what I was thinking too. Hey but leaving is a good way up deal with it since you will give yourself space to calm yourself, study or do whatever without the public and media bothering you.
Exactly.. wonder where she get the money from either..
Hope this puts everything to end.
Hopefully she can find peace and maybe a healthy relationship. Gay people have more rights in the UK and are treated better than in HK.
Don’t think so. What is right to the people that don’t know right in the first place. 😀 🙁 LOL!
Lol to be treated fairly as a human being is right no matter what sex, race or sexuality. We are all human beings.
seriously finally hearing the good about Sire Ma after all of the stupid things that she has done before!!!!
hope that she would have a good treatment better then HK!!!<3 ~~
Thanks to these scandals, I no longer have to see her face and hear her screetchy voice on my tv.
It’s nice to hear that the Silver Spoon Sterling Shackles cast members have such a tight bond despite it being over for a while now!
Hopefully she stays out of Asia region for awhile. BTW, get some PR training as well… never get advice from the witch 620.
Hide the rich heirs studying in England!