Stanley Cheung Called Out for Lateness on “Come Home Love” Set?

With Come Home Love: Lo and Behold <愛.回家之開心速遞> being one of TVB’s most popular series with consistent viewership ratings, TVB executive Catherine Tsang (曾勵珍) personally visited the filming set last month due to rumors of the cast’s constant tardiness. Stanley Cheung (張景淳) and Mandy Lam (林淑敏) were both said to be frequently late.
Becoming the series with the highest viewership rating in 2021, two of the show’s couples, played by Koni Lui (呂慧儀) and Stanley, and Mandy Lam (林淑敏) and Jack Hui (許家傑) were scheduled to film their wedding scenes. The four artistes were supposed to film extra footage and take part in various promotional activities to help boost ratings. However, there were rumors that particular cast members were constantly late to work, causing delays in filming.
To investigate the issue, Catherine visited the set and allegedly reprimanded Stanley and Koni, scaring everyone that was on set that day. When asked if she was scolded by Catherine, Koni dodged the question and expressed, “We take filming very seriously, and our passion and energy levels have not died down. I hope our show allows fans to relax for half an hour every day – I hope everyone can continue to support us!”
Not addressing the late rumors or speculations of Catherine’s angry outburst, Stanley simply thanked fans and viewers for their support.
Kalok Chow (周嘉洛), who has stepped away from filming Come Home Love: Lo and Behold except for making cameo appearances in recent episodes, was asked whether Stanley and Mandy were frequently late to set and cast members were constantly eating on set. Kalok replied, “When I was filming [for the sitcom] earlier, there wasn’t any [lateness] issues. Catherine didn’t say we couldn’t snack. Punctuality is very important–maybe she visited the set to boost the morale.”
This article is written by Su for
If the late rumor is true, then Catherine Tsang has the right to call-out the cast. As frequent lateness is disrespectful and caused inconveniences to other cast and crew, this applies to big stars too who thinks they are entitled to be late, what more when these small cast is frequently doing that.