Trailer of Gillian Chung and Chilam Cheung’s “The Fox Lover”

Chilam Cheung (張智霖) and Gillian Chung (鍾欣桐) star as tragic lovers in upcoming fantasy period film, The Fox Lover <白狐>. The 3D film’s trailer was released on August 5, which features elaborate CG effects and a prominent love scene between Chilam and Gillian.
Adapted from a short story in Pu Songling’s (蒲松齡) supernatural classic Liaozhai Zhiyi <聊齋誌異>, The Fox Lover is about white fox spirit Xiaochui (Gillian Chung), who is irrevocably in love with the naive mortal Wang Yuanfeng (Chilam Cheung). In the universe resides the largest sea demon that strikes terror amongst the people. Inside Wang’s soul, there is a hidden power able to destroy the fiercest demons. When Xiaochui’s loyalties are tested in the clash between humans and demons, she is willing to sacrifice her life for love.
When photo stills from The Fox Lover first emerged, netizens ridiculed the character designs, especially Gillian’s crop of blue hair, which was found to resemble the colorful hairstyles from anime, Sailor Moon. However, the hype and interest in the film increased after the trailer was released where Gillian was seen to be donning a rather revealing outfit. Her naked back scene sparked discussions as to whether Gillian had disrobed or used a stunt double to stand in for her.
The Fox Lover will be released on September 28, 2013 in mainland China.
“The Fox Lover” Trailer
[vsw id=”bhE8vQn_Igs” source=”youtube” width=”500″ height=”375″ autoplay=”no”]
This article is written by Su for
Chillam need to tone it! His body looked slobby.
Yes, Julian looks pudgy and old here. The costume and set look atrocious. Eeek
he looks perfect for his age.
The costume looks cheap and ugly! The trailer isn’t interesting either so I’ll pass also. But why would Gil need a stunt person to bare their back when the public has seen more sensitive parts of hers already? Don’t make any sense or is she still trying to pull the innocent card?
I guess the innocent card never gets old? haha….. god, chi lam looks old up there and they keep on saying how great and young he is still, obviously not on the above production.
Yes, Chi Lam does looks old in this movie. Maybe the makeup isn’t good? The overall production looks like a mess though, the colorful hair and odd looking costumes are such a turnoff. 🙁
He is old
certainly looks like – life was sucked out of his body
no cuz there’s a news saying that anita dont want chilam to attract other female, so she kept on feeding him until he look like a swell up piggy. D:
Lol: Gillian’s nude photo incident was unfortunate. Obviously she didn’t want the public to see the photos, so it’s understandable if Gillian had a stunt double for the bare back scene. I actually feel really bad for Gillian about that incident, instead of looking down on her like a lot of people do.
Nah we do not look down on her, we just admire the guy
sensitive part? u mean the toe? yes that is a very ticklish area.
I agree everyone that Chilam looks old! I don’t know if its the costume or the hair or both but its not flattering on him at all. I admit the trailer does look quite interesting. I look forward to seeing it.
And The color hair does remind me of Sailor Moon.LOL
It would be great if LamFung cast instead of ChiLam..
Yup,agree with you especially after his good acting in The Sorcerer and The White Snake.
He don’t like that old on the trailer. But he did admit on one of his interviews that he need to work out more so he can firm up.
I like the actors, but, the trailer is very boring.
TOO much cgi! Too much fancy costume design!
Seriously where did they find the make up and design artist?!
lol.. what the hell… why does Chilam look so bad? and did they film the whole thing in front of a green screen?
did he take drugs? or did anita give him something?.. just wondering
anita want him to be by her side. it’s love. she must feed him well. muhahhahaha MUAHHAHA!
The costumes look so anime like. Oh my gosh, Gillian’s costume looks like Sailor Moon… Goodness… Julian does look old. I guess this is a low budget production or something because everything looks so cheap.
Sailormoon looks better…
not anymore. i heard sailormoon is in her 50s now.
The trailer seems so tacky and corny. I like Chi Lam, but never like Gillian’s acting.
lol Chilams wife is going to kill him for that shirtless scene xD
The trailer looks… uninteresting
anita has no more worries
yay he finally look like his age 😀
Yeah ur right…why bother using a stunt double when the world has already seen all…
Just a publicity stunt really all these nude pics they say get released.. why get the pics taken in the first place…oh I didnt know he took them… bull….