Chilam Cheung and Linda Chung Win TV King and TV Queen at TVB Stars Awards Malaysia 2013

The TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 ceremony was held in Kuala Lumpar on Sunday, December 1, 2013. Chilam Cheung (張智霖) and Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) won the My Favorite TVB Actor and Actress awards. The cast from Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄II> nearly swept all awards categories, including TVB Favorite Drama and many Favorite Character awards.
Chilam’s popularity soared after the broadcast of Triumph in the Skies 2 , where fans were mesmerized by his role as Captain Cool, allowing him to sweep awards throughout Asia and boost his income significantly. Chilam joked, “It turns out that many people like me in flirtatious roles!” Chilam thanked the cast of Triumph in the Skies 2, including his “Little Sister” Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), Kenneth Ma (馬國明), and Ron Ng (吳卓羲) as well as fans for their support.
Although Krystal Tin (田蕊妮) received the Best Actress recognition through peer-voting at the 2013 TVB Anniversary Gala, it was Linda Chung who ended up winning My Favorite TVB Actress at the Malaysia awards for her performance in Brother’s Keeper <巨輪>. When it was announced that Linda received the top honors, she immediately burst into tears. In her acceptance speech, Linda said, “I never thought that there would be so many people supporting me. I didn’t think that I would have the chance to win this award. Many thanks to everyone’s support. I won’t be arrogant and will continue to work hard!”
Him Law (羅仲謙) and Nancy Wu (胡定欣) won Best Supporting Actor and Actress awards for their roles in Triumph in the Skies 2.
Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪) and Eliza Sam (岑麗香) won the Most Promising Actor and Actress awards. Both stars have been highly promoted this year and assume high-profile roles in The Hippocratic Crush 2 <On Call 36小時II>. Benjamin and Eliza were moved by their first major award wins and thanked the audience many times.
Continuing their popularity from last year, Tavia Yeung (楊怡) and Kenneth Ma (馬國明) won the Favorite Onscreen Couple Award for The Hippocratic Crush 2.
The winners of the Favorite TVB Character awards came as little surprise, since the stars were spotted at the airport boarding their flights to Malaysia the day before. The fifteen winners include: Kenneth Ma (The Hippocratic Crush 2); Tavia Yeung (The Hippocratic Crush 2); Mandy Wong (The Hippocratic Crush 2); Ruco Chan (Brother’s Keeper); Edwin Siu (Brother’s Keeper); Linda Chung (Brother’s Keeper); Kristal Tin (Brother’s Keeper); Bosco Wong (A Change of Heart); Wong Cho Lam (Inbound Trouble); Francis Ng (Triumph in the Skies 2); Ron Ng (Triumph in the Skies 2); Nancy Wu (Triumph in the Skies 2); Chilam Cheung (Triumph in the Skies 2); Fala Chen (Triumph in the Skies 2); and Myolie Wu (Triumph in the Skies 2).
Formerly known as the My Astro On Demand Awards, the ceremony was produced by TVB this year and broadcast live to respective overseas channels. In past years, the results of this awards ceremony served as a good predictor of the TVB Anniversary Awards.
Raymond Lam and Kate Tsui, who were both hot contenders for the TV King and TV Queen awards last year, did not win any awards. Since the broadcast of Highs and Lows <雷霆掃毒>, the two have not generated much buzz. Raymond spent all of 2013 filming mainland Chinese dramas and movies, and did not appear on the TVB screen and did not any nominations this year. On the other hand, Kate’s performance in Sniper Standoff <神鎗狙擊> was criticized by viewers. Although she made it onto the nominations list, her character was not well-received and did not garner a large volume of votes.
This article is written by Shirley for
Aweee Maming looked adorable in his flowery suit LOL.
I thought so too! He looks good in the suit, which may have been too effeminate on other actors.
Tavia or Kristal should win BA
I was at the awards show and i think Wong Cho Lam showcased his spectacular acting + hosting skills. It was a fabulous event. Didnt expect the big 3 award winners at all. Congrats Linda, Chilam & TITS 2
Do share your impressions of the other stars since you were at the live event!
Wong Cho Lam is a talented man and his skills extend beyond acting.
The stars arrived in luxury cars, walked up the stage in pairs, leading by Kenneth-Tavia, Linda-Ruco, Eliza-Him, Myolie-ChiLam, Nancy-Ron, and Mandy’s partner I couldn’t remember. (sorry I was seated in one side of the Y stage so cannot see properly). All of them dressed very beautifully.
The main host was ChoLam & Maria. ChoLam is so natural with his comedic hostings. The group of performers that I noticed was Mag & Fred. Their best performance was the A capella medley of the Best Theme Song for Drama. The other performers are: Chrystal Lee (her voice was crisp, clear and cute), Edwin Siu & Ruco (Really smooth performance and voice), ChiLam’s TITS1 themesong was the highlight of the event, but his voice were abit creaky (could be due to the exhausting concert the day before).
The funny moments on stage was the hosts told the winners of the Best Drama (TITS2) casts that they have all the time they want for their thank you speech, but when Eliza Sum walks front and was about to start talking, the host interrupted her and announced end of the event. It was kinda embarrassing.
Msxeroz or Jayne where can I watch this event?
@tvbfan, I don’t know but if South East Asia, perhaps can wait for ASTRO to re-broadcast? I don’t know whether can watch online or not. sorry coz unable to help.
Event organized by TVB Entertainment News and Astro Malaysia. Malaysia Astro Channel 313 already repeated the program 5 times immediately after the live show ended at 10:15pm (Malaysia time) on 2013/12/01.
Usually have to wait for Wah Lai Toi (311) to repeat during festivals like Christmas, New Year or Chinese New Year.
Cho Lam during the Best Actor and Actress’s Top 5 announcement was impressive! I laughed so hard when he talked about Him’s abs
Hi RW, may I know who are the top 5 for Best Actor? And what did Cho Lam act about them?
Please tell me Ruco is at least among the top 5. Ruco actually deserves the actor award but I suspect TVB has some hand in this.
Hi, the Top 5 are Kenneth, Chilam, Ruco, Francis and I forgot the other one haha. It’s hard to say what he acted as there a lot of lines, you should check out the video 🙂
Will Chilam and Linda repeat their successes at the 2013 TVB Anniversary? I think there’s a good chance this will happen!
Disappointed that Tavia didn’t win 🙁
Expect Tavia to win though…
yeah, me too disappointed that Tavia did not win =( … i voted for Tavia & Ruco everyday
Thanks for voting for Ruco <3
Me too. I really hope she had won but honestly I didnt think she would. Yeah Linda was everywhere these days. But Kristal should have won though.
Tavia stated that she is concerned about the couple award with Kenneth haha, she must be happy now. Kenneth’s flowery suit is cute.
Sorry to say but Kristal never entered Top 15 all along and she got the award? Him Law got kicked out? Him>Kristal based on popularity in Malaysia.
Congrats to Chilam and Linda! Chilam is well deserved, Captain Cool is really a memorable role.
Nancy getting supporting award again, I can’t even tell whether its a good news or not. I hope she is promoted to leading role, just as she wished. Even Eliza leads over her??? I’ve no comment on Eliza’s acting, she made me almost giving up on On Call 2. Rebecca Zhu improves more than I expected on the other hand
Tavia said something very weird when she won the favourite couple. I remember she said she was hoping to win that award as in she wanted to win it since she didn’t win before. In cantonese that is the context but my friend looked at me and I looked at her and we both knew she won last year where Kenneth made a dramatic entry. Did she forget?
Where did u see the clip?
if she said that, it’s weird.
cuz I watched an interview in the entertainment news earlier. She said that she wanted to win the favorite couple AGAIN this year and to win the favorite drama AGAIN.
I was there live and I don’t remember she said AGAIN. In cantonese she said “I wanted to win this” but I never heard the cantonese equivalent of “again”.
Ya, I totally forgotten that she won this category before so I remembered clearly she was super elated that she had “finally” won this.
Yes… I heard that too. I was also wondering why she said that as she won the favourite couple last year too. I was screaming so hard when suddenly Kenneth came out last year (I was at the awards last year)… So when I heard her saying that… I also thought has she forgotten she won it before…
YEAH! She said ‘我終於摞到啦!’ which means I finally got this award’, which was quite weird as she got it with Kenneth last year too. I think maybe she meant that she finally got the award she wanted to since earlier on she expressed interest in getting this together with Ma Ming
I dont think him law is at a level to win best supporting actor.. it should be edwin siu.. im very dissopointed!
Fan based is important here. He is more popular and favorite than Edwin in Malaisia.
True. Popularity is not same as good at acting skill. Wayne Lai won TVB acting awards but he is not so popular in asia contries where most fans are young so they prefer much on look than acting
Of course if your acting is not too bad.
@ Jayne Are you going to do a review on the outfits for this??
RUCO looks so good!! Same goes to Chilam!!!
Benjamin Yuen too looks good, simple yet nice!
guess the only two not so good looking will be Mandy Wong – too plain, should have wear some jewelry and Edwin Siu-don’t like his hair and his jacket!
Goshh!! My heart melts listening to RUCO singing LIVE-although just infront of TV XD
if I were there, most probably I will fainted!!
So happy that RUCO wins an award!!
Do you have any link to the video? I’m sure Ruco must be the best performer of the night! Is he the top 5 for Best Actor?
I only watched half-way T^T
Went out to have dinner!!
I watched it with Astro. Goshh!! Can see Ruco really have a strong base here in Malaysia!!
Hopefully TVB and HK audiences will give him the recognition he deserves!!
Everytime he appears, can hear the loud cheers!!
And he performed the Bk theme song with Edwin. Gosh! Nearly fainted even watching it through TV!! RUCO and Chilam totally steal the night!
And ishhh, I can’t stand Kenneth drolling puppy eyes @@
Yen did this mean you miss the part of Best Actor/Actress? I want to know if Ruco got into top 5 of Best Actor and what are the jokes they made of him?
Hahahas! Ya, I missed the Best Actor part cause I know it’s gonna be Chilam.
I’m okay after Ruco win an award!
U try read FunnLim comment ya, she was there LIVE!!
yes Ruco was among top 5 with KM, Francis, Bosco and of course you know who.
Thanks Oscar! I’m so happy that Ruco is in the top 5 although he doesn’t win. That means Ruco is popular. Not all fans can go support their favourite artistes since I’m sure the tickets are limited. Ruco also confirmed his attendance late and maybe causing the fans were a step late to get the tickets and made it appear as if Ruco has not enough fans. From other accounts I heard that Ruco still has a good applause when he wins. There are also word of mouth that Linda’s fans were given more spaces and tickets by the organizers at the venue.
Cholam made jokes about his driving skills and what he said about being unable to get out of the character of sam who loves rachel so much. He suggested that next time ruco shld act with May (sai sai lup) so that he should have no problem getting out of character. There was also a bedroom joke about how the bed would collapse if ruco and May did a bed scene, so hilarious.j
Also a naughty joke about May’s size, calling her 巨轮
haha, yen, you could have fainted in front of your tele
Still fainting now everytime I recall Ruco performance! Hahahas! XD
hi yen, ruco’s singing is really good … i watch him live before 2 years ago singing The Other Truth theme song … and even got to play games and shake hands with him … he is really a very polite person, still cant forget the precious memory ^ ^ … by the way, he is very very thin in real life.
Ruco’s not really very very thin, he’s just on the slim side but most of the actors and actresses are anyway, since the camera magnifies your size. Ruco’s a nice size, IMO.
he sings very well <3
And isshhh, dislike how Edwin answered the question about RUCO!
Seems he is a jealous “friend”!! Bluekkk!!!
What did Edwin said?
Because Kenneth Ma and Ruco Chan got nominated as “suen puen” and got asked to be on stage.
Then the MC said, maybe Kenneth gets more votes than Ruco because Ruco seems to be a quiet person that he seldom talks.
So they asked Edwin for opinion is Ruco, his brother in BK is a quiet person..
And Edwin answer “Why is it that the two of them on stage and considered Suen Puen? I am also Suen Puen. Although they might be bungalow and some high end houses, but I still can be terrace house..
MEHHHH!! He isn’t answering the question at all and the MC passed the mic to Kristal that sit beside him
Thanks. I’m so happy to know that Ruco is nominated as suen puen along with TVB’s staple suen puen Kenneth Ma. What Edwin said does sound like jealousy since he isn’t elected as a suen puen. Edwin should ask his own behaviour and manners.
Edwin was joking. And it was a funny response.
Yaya. From his expression seems he is jealous of Ruco! Maybe because they both started as singers and basically the same year and yes, both go through a lot to finally being recognized. So, he is not very happy that now Ruco is getting more recognition than him.
When they both sing the BK theme song, hehehe when Ruco starts to sing, can hear cheers and claps!!
Gosh! Honestly, I’m really so happy for Ruco!!!
When Edwin giving his winning speech and Ruco is standing behind, can see he is holding on to his tears!
Then yes!! Happy again that he is sitting next to Kenneth on stage as the SUEN PUEN!!
YEAAHHHHH RUCO!!! And he looks great in blue!!!
@Funn Lim
Maybe to u it’s funny. But I just don’t understand why he answers that way. Can’t he just answer, No, Ruco is very talkative or like one of the artist that commented Ruco is a very good friend “Yi Hei”.
Or Yes, he seldom talks.
To me, he sounds jealous.
Yen, let’s not hijack that funny spontaneous response from witty Edwin and make it like a vendetta moment. This only make Ruco look bad. He was joking. There was no jealousy. He was just making a point why he wasn’t a shun poon like Ruco and Kenneth, which in a way shows he is not given importance but Ruco and Kenneth are. I detect no jealousy. I in fact thought it was a witty comparison because he did describe himself as some low cost housing. He made himself look bad and made Ruco and Kenneth look like some expensive bungalows worthy of investment. I thought that was generous of him to dismiss himself as such. People should be more offended with Eric’s 1 second Kate Tsui rape joke.
Different ppls, different views/opinions
But as for EricTsang segment, I didn’t watch T^T
FORCE to go have dinner, the last award I watched is the one presented to Joey Yung
I love MagLam! She sings so well!!
I also think Edwin Siu was decent in his comments. I don’t think there was any jealousy in what he said. It was just his little joke.
Ya, edwin was joking. I don’t feel that he was sarcastic due to jealousy.
Yen you must be kidding Edwin a way better singer than Ruco. And Edwin was joking what is suen puen? You mean sui sung?
@Tvb Fan
Whether Edwin is a much better singer than Ruco, it doesn’t matter, because I am totally smitten by Ruco.
Likewise, many singers are MUCH BETTER than LINDA CHUNG, but so? Her albums sold and she got herself a mini concert.
Like I said, different ppls different views.
U feel that Edwin is joking but I feel that he is bitter.
“SUEN PUEN” — good stuffs
I just don’t get his “jokes” and don’t know why he comes out with that joke and can’t just reply that question. IS RUCO A QUIET PERSON?
Honestly, Edwin was the better singer. And again he was joking. Yen you are doing Ruco and his fans a discredit by creating false animosity by his colleague/friend to him. Again Edwin was joking. There was no bitterness or jealousy in public as far as I can see.
Yea I feel Edwin was joking. Yen shouldn’t make news up about other artist. Edwin use to be be more famous then Bosco he was leading over him in Aqual Heros in 2003 but left Tvb for some reason.
Actually suen puen = 筍盤 which is originally intended to refer to desirable property(houses).
The way it is used to refer to ruco and maming is more of a pun on the original meaning so I think Edwin was probably trying to have a funny response.
Ewww..why are u guys so SERIOUS?
I mean, can’t I have a different opinion?
I didn’t ask any of u to agree with how I feel about how Edwin answered the question, why keep pressing me to accept that he is JOKING?
U feel he is JOKING then good!
I feel that he is bitter, that is my OWN OPINION
and LORR I’m just a small potato, my little comment here won’t create any fiasco towards Ruco or Edwin.
Plus tvbfan.
U haven’t even watch the show, yet u are here to comment ==
Yea I feel Edwin was joking. Yen shouldn’t make news up about other artist. Edwin use to be be more famous then Bosco he was leading over him in Aqual Heros in 2003 but left Tvb for some reason.
Edwin wasn’t Txb artist at Aqua Heroes’s moment. He was a singer. However his singing career came to nowhere and he signed with Txb after that.
Different ppls, different views/opinions 😉
But as for EricTsang segment, I didn’t watch T^T
FORCE to go have dinner, the last award I watched is the one presented to Joey Yung 🙁
I love MagLam! She sings so well!!
Yen, i was also wondering why Edwin couldnt/wouldnt give an answer to the point. Anyway, let’s give him benefit of the doubt that he was truly trying to be funny and not sour grapes. I’d actually like to see the two of them act in another drama together. So disappointed at the ending but very happy that Ruco got much more screen time than i had expected. If only there wasnt TITS 2 and the popularity of Chilam’s character, i’ve no doubt that Ruco would have won. This is afterall a popularity polls and doesnt mean that Ruco’s acting isnt as good as Chilam’s. In fact, to be fair, it should be renamed the most popular actor award like what it’s called in the Starhub awards.
I think it was named most popular actor or something.
“If only there wasnt TITS 2 and the popularity of Chilam’s character, i’ve no doubt that Ruco would have won. ”
I wouldn’t be so sure because there is Kenneth and his very popular character in HC2. Then there’s few others, like maybe Moses replacing Chilam, Wayne, etc. Truth is perhaps Ruco is not as popular to demand that sort of mass voting but like I said he does have a very dedicated loyal fanbase.
@Funn, i said that becos before voting closed, the top 3 were Ruco, Kenneth and Chilam. Not possible to let Kenneth win 2 years running, so if Chilam wasnt in there, it would go to Ruco. Wayne and Moses ar not popular this year, they didnt even win the fave characters award.
I see.Kenneth is very popular in Malaysia so it is possible even if it is still broadcasting. Was surprised Edwin’s not in the list.
But like I said it is Chilam, he already has unfair advantage anyway. Yes I also wanted to Ruco to win but alas.. what to do.. maybe next year? Maybe Ruco should aim for iconic characters rather than acting characters?
Ruco excels in all the roles he’s in and i’ve no doubt he’ll nail this too.
Hahas! Okok, maybe I’m a little too negative minded. I did feel that he sounds bitter :/ that because his way is mostly the same as Ruco but Ruco got more recognition than him.
Yess!! Honestly I feel compared to Kenneth, Chilam and RUCO, RUCO DEFINATELY THE BEST ACTOR!!
U guys still remember how well he acted as “Summer” in Reality Check GPS?
He totally save the whole drama!!
Yen Tvb is just promoting new stars to try to take the places of stars that could be leaving like Moses,Raymond,Ron,Bosco. And Chi lam and Francis is deserves best actor way more than Ruco.
@Tvb Fan
I don’t see Francis or Chilam can act as convincing as Ruco as Summer in Reality Check.
Francis, yes. But Chilam? Sorry! Ruco acting is way better than him!
I mean in general, yes, Francis Ng is good but not Chilam if compared to Ruco.
And honestly, PLEASE!!! Moses, Raymond, their acting is also below Ruco!
Raymond acting getting worse after he get himself too tied up with his music career!
Raymond Wong, needless to compare, I don’t really enjoy watching him acting anywhere.
Although I’m a Bosco fan but truly, Ruco acting is much better than Bosco too!
It’s just that he wasn’t given the chances before!
I followed Ruco since he is with ATV!!
So happy that he finally get the recognition he deserves and now more ppls know his name!! YEAHHHHHH
Yen you need relax. Lol Ruco as Summer in Reality Check wasn’t better than Chilam. I watched the series but hardly anyone watched Reality Gps the role was a prefect role for anyone.
Relax yen.
Relaxing 😉 😉
i wouldn’t take the comments of tvbfan seriously at all cos she/he’s a diehard fan of Ron (been hanging around here long enough to know). She/He’s bitter cos Ruco is doing better than Ron now, so she/he’ll trash Ruco no matter what you say. Anyway, Yen and I are not the only one who’ve been saying all along that Chilam’s role is not as challenging as Ruco’s. Chilam won as this is a popularity award. He simply has more fans than Ruco. Actually the Chinese name of this award should translate to Most Loved TVB Actor, which does not imply that the winner has the best acting skills. Don’t know why the English title became TV King which makes it seem like the award is given to best in acting. There is a BIG difference. I object to people who haven’t seen Ruco in BK repeating the same comment that his acting isn’t as good as Francis. On what basis did they draw the conclusion if they didn’t even watch BK? Just becos Francis has a longer track record in the industry? Speaking of achievements, Francis is not up to the level of Tony Leung. I doubt the great Francis would be able to act the role of Sam even if he were 15 years younger (their age difference), can’t imagine him doing those action scenes. On top of that (i know this is unrelated to acting), Ruco can sing! Can Francis sing? Versatility-wise, Ruco wins. Also haven’t you people heard of the Chinese saying “长江后浪推前浪” meaning that the new will surpass the old?
@choco bunny
Honestly, I’m just so happy, as a fan of Ruco, that he finally get the recognition he deserves!
When I see him getting the award, actually the moment he go up stage at the very beginning, there were loud cheers and claps, I’m already so happy for him.
Seeing him taking home an award is a PLUS!!
And wow!! HE IS SINGING LIVE!! hahahas!
And both him and Edwin did well.
Especially gosh Ruco so good looking!! AHHH!! XD
He is now considered a SUEN PUEN!! Triple happiness for him!
I love how other actresses describe him. One of them, Koni described Ruco as very “YI HEI” –good friend and I’m not sure who said this but an actress said she just want to let others know that although Ruco always act as villain, but he is a very good person! ^^v
And hahahas it’s totally hilarious how Kenneth answered the question!!! He is so smart!!!
I’m happy because although I know Ruco is a great actor but just like StevenMa, he might not get any award!
Thus I’m wahhhh when he got up stage and get an award!!
@Choco Bunny
Add me in Facebook : Estheryen Emmanuel
Send me a message ya 😉 keep in touch
I also feel that Edwin’s sour though not jealous against Ruco. He’s not answering the question about Ruco. Instead he put himself in to draw attention. He’s eager seize any chance to sell himself.
I do not wish to dispute the results, After all 100% fan voting so I will take it as it is even if I totally disagree with the choices. I was there tonight and Linda looked beautiful and sweet and just because she was so sweet I wanted her to win. After all this is popularity contest. Before the show started she was walking to the car she was supposed to emerge from. She was so nice to stop, wave wildly and happily for quite some time. She is very slim but she really is very pretty in a very sweet way. Love her make up and dress. Nancy Wu sat in the car directly in front of me. She kept looking our way. I told my friends lets wave at her the next time she looked our way. She did and we waved happily and she waved back, smiling sweetly. Edwin too stopped for a while. Hated his costume but he was quite friendly. I saw Chilam and he was at best aloof but he was very very very handsome. Eric Tsang was friendlier. Him Law seemed moody but Tavia was the usual smiles and waves even if I thought Linda was more spontaneous. One thing about Linda; you may dislike her but at the end of the show she was the only one who stayed behind, hold her 2 awards and posed for pictures for fans. Not for photographers but for fans. Fred Cheng was enthusiastic and he was very handsome in person. I was happy to see Hubert Hu(?) and I was hoping he would sing The Last Steep Ascent themesong. Alas… not to be. I didn’t even know Mag Lam was there. Didn’t notice.
Wong Cho Lam in person is more handsome than he is on TV. I know on TV we often laugh at how not pretty he is but in person, he really does look quite good looking even if very short.
Now my main target. I made no secret why I wanted to go to AOD awards (which by the way is no longer AOD awards but hijacked by TVB and now called TVB Star Awards Malaysia 2013 (I shall wait for Mediacorp to sue TVB! the entire format became TVB-fied. Yes it was entertaining but a lot of head scratching moments like why was that even there in the first place like that interview with Ruco and Kenneth although I am happy for Ruco for any publicity he can get). I wanted to see Ruco in the flesh. My seat was not good and I fretted and I wondered why there were cars parked by the side. ANd then this sight of blue suit walked by slowly and it was Ruco and he was very near me and he stopped and he smiled and waved and all. Even in the car he smiled and waved whenever he saw fans waving at him or calling his names. He was also in deep discussion with Kenneth about something. Anyway he looked exactly like he was on TV, handsome, charming, with ocassional smiles that sort of like flirting BUT my friends and I agree; he was smaller in person. I don’t know what my friend expected; maybe muscle bound and all. Linda was same height with him, and also because Linda was wearing I believe at least 4 inch heel if not more. But I do agree; Ruco was smaller than expected because he was slimmer. However he looked like a million dollars. Even Kenneth in his silly flower suit looked great. Even Eric Tsang looked great. Everyone looked great even moody Ron Ng BUT why on earth Edwin dressed like how he described himself as some HDB flat as opposed to high end condo or luxury homes like ruco and kenneth? Why Edwin? WHY?!
Anyway I came away with a realisation. Ruco is popular but disappointingly he is NOT that popular. My friend said something quite interesting; “hmmm where are all the Jaynestars Ruco supporters? I expected more of Ruco’s fans”. I think I have said this before; Ruco has dedicated fanbase. Not the biggest idol like fan base but dedicated loyal fanbase, one of which you can’t compare with Raymond Lam, Kenneth Ma, Him Law or even Chilam.
Anyway loved seeing the stars in the flesh. By the way Myolie really outbling everyone. She looked fabulous. Kristal looks pretty. Mandy looked subdued. Didn’t even know she was there, frankly. And it is a travesty Vincent Wong or Sammy Shum didn’t win most improved or whatever.
Eliza was pretty and much slimmer in person. I was curious about her. I mean after seeing her I am convinced she is the female version of Kenneth Ma. Both as likeable, attractive and dizty. At the start she was escorted to the car. She seemed disoriented, like she was clueless where she was or rather she was knocked out and just woke up and didn’t know where she was as she was steered to her place in the car. I was wondering what was going on.
Anyway so happy got to see Ruco in the flesh. He really is something like KEvin Cheng. These publicity does him some good to open him up a little. He isn’t aloof; Chilam was. Did anyone see the murderous stare Chilam gave Cholam when Cholam was talking about his wife and son? Don’t mess with him!
By the one one faux pass moment by Eric Tsang which was funny; which was about the 1 second rape scene of Kate Tsui. I thought that was distasteful. But Cholam’s joke about Fala was funny. In fact the funniest was Cholam acting as the 5 nominated actresses and that was seriously funny.
Other than that I was disappointed how TVB hijacked this show to make it like their usual TVB show. I thought last year had more award feel. However there are plenty of singing this year and to give credit where credit is due, they all sang live and sound much better at the venue than on TV. Edwin and Ruco sang very well, especially Edwin. But I hated his hobo getup.
Anyone else was there and had better view and managed to take a better picture of Ruco singing?
For once I finally happy to read your comment on Linda!!!! She is really sooooooo beautiful and a nice sweet person. U have to admit she is popular so she deserves this award . It is not best acting… It ‘s a favorite award and she is definitely my favorite actress! Happy my goddess won for the first time! Love u babe!
Honestly, I thought it will be Chilam and Myolie. Anyway, I am happy for Ruco!! YEAHHH!!!
Except Mandy Wong and Edwin Siu, everyone looks stunning 😉
I enjoyed your upfront perspective of the event and the different artists actions. Your description was fair and poignant creating an ambiance that I was there observing the event and the artists.
Wow thanks!
Your comment on Linda is the only person stay behind to let fans take pictures of her is so nice to hear. She have always appreciate all her fans for support because they are the ones that did not give up on her. Linda knows people don’t accept her acting so she really appreciate those that do love/support her! That ‘a why I love her. Thanks for your comment on Linda today.
Which is why I am not gonna dispute the results. It is fan voting, it is popularity contest. You see Linda in the flesh you too want to vote for her. But acting wise and for that role and if this is about acting then I feel she is the wrong choice. Come to think of it I am not sure if she was the ONLY artiste on the stage but I remember specifically she was posing with her awards and she was looking at the many fans taking pictures. She was really sweet, that I will admit. Not to say the rest wasn’t but I see her I feel at ease.
If I ever see Linda in person I might go crazy! Lol. Not sure when she will come to the United States!!!!! I know acting wise she is not there yet so the HK awards I know she will have lots of negative comments if she wins. Actually I ‘m sure this forum will be flooded with Linda haters soon with their rude comments. But thanks for your nice comment 🙂
For Rachel in BK that is not a good character at all. She should win for other series. She can act and she has proven her acting prowess but the character of Rachel is not the basis for any win. I am afraid there will be backlash.
Hi Funn,
Yes, there will definitely be a backlash for Linda winning the B.Actress award with her BK character cos I was one of the shocked person. I was there in person with my friends. With my friends and people around my area was kind of shocked. Frankly, BK is Linda worst acting of all time, was kind of dissapointed with her acting in BK since I felt she’s a good actress, she should have won it with any other but definitely not BK. Me and my friends are seriously doubting the result as it was not transparent. We thinking of writing in to Astro to ask for the result. Ofcos Linda will surely stayed behind as she is enjoying her win and capturing her every moment as best actress for the first time.
hey, jaynestars ruco supporters voted too … everyday without fail i voted for ruco … even when the server was sluggish and took 5 hours to finish, i still patiently waited to complete voting except for one day when the server crashed.
i disagree with some of the main results too, my consistent choice of vote throughout the entire voting duration was Best Actor: Ruco – Best Actress: Tavia – Best Drama: Brother’s Keeper – Best Theme Song: Karma Rider … very sad about the results tonight =(
however, the other categories im very happy and satisfied .. especially Best Couple Tavia + Kenneth =)
Hi Funn,
Ruco is around 5’9 so is kind of average for an artiste. My friend stand side by side with him before and my friend is around 5’9 1/2.
Thanks for sharing.
I saw close ups of the artists. Linda looked very sweet in her white gown. She actually looked good as opposed to the other times. Haha Chilam was handsome as usual. Did you happen to see Tavia? I saw a pic and almost couldn’t recognize her. She looks better onscreen.
TAvia? I must admit she looks good this time around, like gained a bit of weight or maybe her gown has that effect. But I still find her taste a bit.. old. She looks a bit dated.
It’s Hubert Wu, I believe.
And gah, I don’t feel that Eliza is the female version of Kenneth Ma… I feel that reporters tend to exaggerate how good Kenneth ma is, as if the other males in TVB aren’t as good as him. ._.
linda is 5’8″ though so if she’s wearing heels she should be taller than ruco
Linda is not 5’8″ without heels. If she is she would be 6 feet with heels and that is ridiculous overstatement of height. She was tall even with heels but hardly that tall.
My guess is Linda should be around 5’7″ at least, anyhow, I got to know that most Male Artistes leather shoes’ are heighten internally, but ofcos not as much as ChoLam and Jarvis. So with the external 1″ to 1″ 1/2 plus the internal it may easily be 2″ to 2″ 1/2 inch or may even be 3″ from their actually height.
Hi Funn, what did ChoLam said about Anita and their son? Thanks :)!
wow, how old are u, funn lim?
Hi Funn~ I was there too! But I’m at the other side of the Y stage (the place where Tavia/ Linda/ Eliza stands upon entrance). Seems like your side of fence is more happening as you can see the artists arrival. I went along with my media friends, you can check out clearer photos from his website:
I agree with you Edwin came looking as though he came from the 90’s, but his voice vocals are good. Eric’s comment on the 1s rape scene was inappropriate, I wonder what was his intentions for bringing them up. I think Myolie and ChiLam are suitable to be siblings as they both have the same serious look when ChoLam describe about them.
Thanks for sharing additional photos of the TVB Stars Malaysia awards, which allows the rest of us who have not seen the broadcast to have a better sense of the live atmosphere.
Thanks for the great pics!! I don’t get why everyone is saying the venue is smaller this year. I thought it was so much bigger.
no problem =) good things should be shared ^^ Funn, yeah the venue seems to be smaller, maybe because of the beams and pillars? But overall I find it okay because, we can see the artists clearly. The stage and the lightings are nice too. Only during the starting some mics are not functioning well. From television it seems like not many audiences (looked empty), I don’t know why though.
glad to hear ma ming looks so handsome and myolie looks the most fabulous with the blings! ma ming and ruco are definitely much much better suen poon than the other guys! respect! love to hear that only them two get elected as suen poon!
YEAHHH with you this time v^^v
congrats to chilam and linda but still think that ma ming is actually more popular and act better than chilam. maybe chilam just got to ride the popularity of triumph2.
don’t think linda deserves the popularity award if based on her career alone. so evident from the comments here that her fans are loving her mostly because:
– she looks sweet
– she looks nice
– she looks adorable
I seriously don’t think Linda deserves the award
You’re so lucky to see the awards live this year again! Thanks for your firsthand account of the event and sharing your impressions of the stars! I’m surprised to read that Wong Cho Lam is handsome in person.
I got to see Ruco! Yeahhhhh!!! Yes he is quite good looking. Not too thin, not fay, but short. And I didn’t think he was engaging as host off camera though. Kinda too serious.
You’re sooo lucky! Yep he always comes across as too serious in his interviews, as if he’s afraid to joke or else people will misunderstand him. But there are a few artists that Ruco feels friendly with and will joke around with, such as Kenneth Ma, Louis Yuen, and Kristal Tin.
I remember seeing Ruco at a function with Michael Tse in Malaysia (must have been 2011 during Ruco’s “The Other Truth” peak) and they looked very awkward and stiff towards each other. I think Ruco will put people at arm’s length and perhaps let others take more initiative.
He’s also quite formal with fans, judging by video clips at fans’ functions.
Ruco’s acting talents are high caliber, but I think he can be more popular if he loosens up around people more to create a lively atmosphere, both at TVB mingles and with fans. He can be more playful and charming; Chilam’s “Captain Cool” character proves women like flirtatious men!
@Funn, ” Yes he is quite good looking. Not too thin, not fay, but short. And I didn’t think he was engaging as host off camera though. Kinda too serious.”
Believe these words are referring to WCL. I think Jayne mistook that you’re referring to Ruco. Ruco’s not short!
Yeah I meant Cholam. But disappointingly Ruco ain’t tall and big too. I suppose everyone expects their favourite actors to look tall and big like on TV but in real life they are a few inches shorter, a few pounds thinner. I do notice how all of them are very slim, even Kenneth and Kenneth is probably the most normal sized and yet on TV he looked quite chubby at times which in person is just right. Ruco was not short but he wasn’t tall. Much like Linda who was very very slim and no she isn’t 5’7″ but she ain’t short too. I do notice she looks far lovelier in person than on screen or in pictures which means she is not photogenic and the camera doesn’t really love her that much.
@Funn, i think all of them inflate their stated height. If you think that Ruco isn’t tall, then Kevin Cheng must be rather short cos Kevin’s shorter than Ruco as you can see when they stand together. I think Ruco’s also taller than Ron and quite a few of the others except for KM and Bosco, he’s also same height as Edwin. Actually i don’t think Ruco’s short. I’ve seen him in person on 2 occasions and taken pics with him, i was wearing at least 4″ wedges but I’m a petite 5’1″ and he’s still more than half a head taller than me. I think you probably expect him to be tall cos he always looks so athletic on screen. Don’t forget that he walked the red carpet with Linda who was wearing heels and she ain’t a short girl to begin with, she usually towers over the men; look at her towering over the guy who gave her the Most Popular Actress award (not going to call it BA award cos it isn’t translated to be so!). Ruco’s probably 5′ 9″.
I think he is 5’8′ because Kenneth is about an inch or more taller. Stood next to him. Seen Kevin up close. Handsome man but yes perhaps an inch shorter than Ruco. Ruco’s shoes got a bit of height as we’ll. guys on average is 5’7″ onwards but I do not believe the girls are as tall,
. Always shave off 2 inches from official bio. Doesn’t mean they are midgets. But not as tall, that’s all.
Agreed, I don’t like how TVB took over this award show from Astro On The Demand, Astro did it better imo.
I would have voted for Ruco and all the categories he was in if only i could!
Me, too. If only I could.
@Nicholas, Linda is very pretty and sweet. I saw her in person.
and I’m so happy she mentioned Ruco in her thank you speech and Ruco got a little teary-eyed, awwwww, so touching :'( i’ m sure Ruco wasnt expecting it.
Gonna re-watch it!!!
Cuz I’m glad as long as Ruco get an award! I mean he deserves an award and recognition!
Since I know the Best Actor will be Chilam, he does look great, and I’m not interested in who getting the Best Actress, since Tavia won her BA before, and I thought tonight award will go to Myolie, thus I went out for dinner after watching Ruco get his awards and WOW his mesmerizing performance!!
Thanks for your comment. She is indeed so beautiful. Yes she thanked Ruco and all BK people. Ruco really was a good partner. Although I think Linda was also a good co-star for Ruco but most of u don’t think so. I might be the only one that liked Rachel.
Go Ron ruco and bosco they have won an award over the last 3 years
Yep Ron hasn’t won a award for long time I’m glad he won one this this.
Very disappointed with the winner for best actress, kristal or tavia should have gotten it, not Linda. Her acting was really poor in bk.
Tv queen does not equal my favorite actresse, does the media even know the difference?
I think because it’s an highest award for an actress.
My favorite leading actress = TV queen.
Best actress = TV Queen.
One is based on popular + favorite. the other is based on acting.
I’m pretty sure Kenneth isnt amused by Cholam’s wicked introduction of him as one of the 5 contenders for Tv King
What did he do?
Cho Lam took a dig at KM’s wooden acting by saying that his expressions for “happiness, anger, sorrow” (喜怒哀乐)and when he won the BA award (at the gala show where he was voted TV king by colleagues)are all the same, so he can’t understand why/how KM was voted BA. KM looked embarrassed. Have to say i agree with ChoLam’s no holds barred assessment of KM’s acting but it was pretty mean.
Wow that was mean. Well tbh I beg to differ. His acting might not be the best, but his expressions are definitely not the same. His expressions are perfectly fine, he just needs to work on the tone of his voice, because he tends to talk monotonously.
LMAO. I’m pretty sure he is wooden about this news already, the press is talking about his expression at the gala every day, even there was a video on youtube that reaches almost 800,000. It’s pretty mean to be honest, I find it quite cute, he just showed how he felt at that moment.
Cholam wasnt just talking abt KM’s expression when he won the “BA”, it was a dig at his acting, same expression for different feelings.
I’m pretty sure Cho Lam wasn’t saying about his acting, he can’t do that, bashing someone so publicly, I bet nobody is that dumb to dig a grave for himself, and Kenneth is so popular. Chilam also didnt seem very happy when Cho Lam said his whole family are not humans and his wife is a witch LMAO, a bit overboard even though it was funny.
haha, WCL has the guts to say on TV what many people have been saying here and in other forums. Of course, he did it all in the “spirit of fun” so he knows that he can get away with it but of course the audience knows what he’s trying to drive at.
ChoLam actually meant KM’s overall award winning expression. It was all over the entertaiment news recently that he only got 1 look whenever an award was awarded to him which is the stone look with his mouth open a little, as if he is in shocked always and can’t get himself back composed. So KM promised if he do receive an award in the up coming HK award presentation he will give a better expression.
i beg to differ; it was a snide remark directed at his acting but done in the spirit of fun. WCL wasn’t just referring to Kenneth’s expression on the Gala night, he was talking about his acting in general.
Sure, you may stayed with your opinion. Was just trying to help out the confusion. If you are interested you may just browse through some news cos today again that’s news on that expression of his again.
Wow ! Tvb now control Malaysia awards as a complimentary awards to their artists….it means getting these awards is very close to Hong Kong awards results so the judges can decide their actual results.
Although Astro was all compromisable all the time but I guess TVB wants to take 100% control of everything so it is very much easier for them to manipulate the results.
I was there in person and some results are a shocker.
Some people there were shocked too. I’m all into acting and was dissapointed in the below:
B.Actress – Linda, many around my area were all quite and shocked. Many predicted Tavia if one is to based solely on acting. I also personally felt Joey Meng should be in par with Tavia though for her acting in A Change of Heart. She’s really good in that drama.
B.Actor – Chilam, knew he might win cos alot of girls likes him. His acting is good but personally I felt Ruco in BK acting is better if compared. The “loi sum hei” is much better and more natural.
B.S.Actor – Him Law, is not that he is not good, frankly he improved this year especially in On Call 2, last year was actually out but he still got it last year. Edwin is a better actor than Him at this point of time. I guess people vote for who they like and not for their acting.
I felt there should have 2 categories or 2 segments of award presentation, 1 based on pure acting and 1 for most likeable or most fans.
Left out the below;
M.I.Actor – Benjamin Yuen, I personally felt Vincent is the deserving one. Benjamin acting is still very stiff after all his drama.
Shoot again left out.. Bosco should be considered too cos his acting in A Change of Heart is praisable.
Bosco for B.Actor I mean.
agree with ALL OF THE ABOVE.
@Teh, agree with you esp with regards to the “loi sum hei”, Ruco’s acting can speak volumes without words. I haven’t been a fan of any actor for a very very long time and i’m past the age of idol worshipping but Ruco just steals my heart with his acting.
Yes, I have also long past that age but anyhow, all the while I don’t really chase and have any idol before. Always had this thinking that why do I need to chase after them when they don’t even know who I am in person? So I will only watch and appreciate their acting and the drama. So to me all I’m into is the acting and the drama story line.
As long as NO AWARD TO JASON CHAN, I’m totally okay with the results!
Just ewwww saw him being nominated.. I’m like NOOOOOOO PLEASEEEE NOOOO!!!
I rather Elisa and Him won than ewww Jason and Christine Kuo won the awards at Singapore!
Seriously? Jason won an award in SG. award presentation? Is it an award that is based on acting of likability? I’m shocked!
Hahahas! YES!! Shockingly and sadly that is REAL
Both JasonChan and ChristineKuo get the Best Newcomer Awards @@!!
Thus I AM SO SO GLAD that they didn’t get any awards tonight and just to see ishhh Jason got nominated already ewww.. Hahahas
oh.. I missed that. Oh ya right.. why isn’t High and Low nominated? Raymond Lam and Kate Tsui did a good job on that series too. The Starhub results makes more sense to me excluding Jason Chan ofcos. Linda won one of the Fav.F.Role for her character in Witness Insecurity definitely make more sense although not her best but definitely not her worst like BK.
Totally agree with you @Yen. When I saw Jason was not on TV. I was very glad. Though he is good looking but I don’t think he is on par with others yet. He still needs to brush on his acting. Luckily Christine didn’t being nominated, in face she is much more worse than Eliza.
Cannot agree more ^^v
lol all these awards and contests have become a clear joke. clearly no deserving winners from anyone stated above except maybe kenneth and tavia.
Totally agree with you. Disappointing results. This is a complete joke
i thought Kristal And Edwin might have a chanceto win too but damn i hate how the drama turns out
Which drama won the best theme song?
On Call 2 by Joey Yung.
All 5 nominated songs are very nice!!!
And hahahas they sang it better than George Lam for the TITS2 theme song!
But I knew that Joey will win. She is the queen in music industry, how can the award not given to her?
I can’t recall which are the 5 nominated. But anyhow, I felt TITS 2 theme song is a little out, I personally don’t feel the emotion connection and the relation between the drama and the song. TITS 1 theme song sounds much more appropriate which I can relate myself to the drama while listening to the song.
5 nominated songs
A. Edwin Siu – A great way to care 2
B. Hubert Wu – Karma Rider
C. Don’t know the singer name – Always and Ever
D. Joey Yung – THC2
E. GeorgeLam – TITS2
I love all 5 songs!! Including GeorgeLam TITS2!! Hahahas! Actually I feel they sang it much nicer than George xD
Thanks Yen, I guess if I were to chose I would also have chosen Joey’s.
Always and Ever is sung by Pierre Ngo.
For Always and Ever, the song that got nominated isn’t the one sung by Pierre, it’s sang by a woman.
Went online checked, it’s sung by Shirley Kwan, named “Purely Coincidence” (實屬巧合)
Actually I really love this song, so meaningful T^T
But yes, the sub-theme song by Pierre also sounds good 😉 😉
Actually HubertWu, EdwinSiu also sounds very good!
Same goes to both Niki and Bosco songs for ACOH
@Yen: Most of the songs you mentioned or the songs that were nominated are written & composed by Tang Chi Wai, except for the TITS 2 song. I love them all (:
I am so happy that On Call 2 got the recognition for best theme song.. 😛
BK theme song should have been nominated. It’s really popular on YT.
Yen, thanks for the correction.
My preferred will still be Joey’s.
Tang Chi Wai is undeniable talented. Raymond Lam’s first TVB theme song The Last Breakthrough still remains as one of my fav. This is a song that makes me notice Raymond’s as a singer.
This is a consilation prize for Linda. Some might not agree but my instinct is that T King and Queen for TVB will be Kenneth and TAavia. Favorite female will be krystal and favorite male will be open. Some of my family and friends feel that too.
HUH? Tavia again?
I thought it would be KateTsui.
I love her performance in MyPrimeLady.
Agree this is only a consolation prize for Linda. Her acting in bk was very very poor. I don’t think she will be the next tv queen with this kind of acting. Again this is the favorite actress not tv queen.
Hope what your instinct for the TV Queen award is true. I felt Joey Meng should have a share of an award cos her acting in A Change of Heart is very good. Bosco too.
Linda is extremely IRRITATING in BK.
Can’t agree more
Third to it.
Linda have matured a lot in these few years and having her to take up this role it is just felt kind of forced. That’s why many felt she’s irritating I guess. And her mixed of English with Cantonese doesn’t sounds natural too. Her English is undeniable good but the mixing of it sounds a little forced. Just doesn’t sound right. May be she have been speaking Cantonese for too long or stayed in Hong Kong for too long. Aimee’s is more natural in Slow Boat Home compared to Linda.
Most disappointing result – Chilam. Malaysian viewers can’t tell between really good acting of Ruco and average acting of Chilam in the normal Captain Cool role?
I do agree that ruco act much better than chilam. People can’t really tell the difference between what is good acting
It’s voted by fans, so in other words, it’s a popularity award. Chilam is miles ahead of Ruco in terms of popularity.
Public voting has little to do with acting, but more about who’s the favorite.
yeah. Captain Cool’s smile kills many malaysian female fans.
Exactly @Hannah, my wife voted Linda though she wasn’t that great in BK. The outcome will be much different if voting is judges based.
We watched it live on Astro last night & I think TVB did a good job taking over from Astro. It was a delight too, watching our ASTRO/1MillionStar’s KL girl on stage singing a duet with Fred Cheng. Special guest, Chrystal Lee did a good job in presenting the awards to winners too… addressing the winners ending with gor-gor & cheh-cheh…..that was courteous & respectful…kudos to her.
@Woot, true
I’m from Malaysia and of course I too agree that Ruco is a better actor.
The voting can also be because the day before this award show, Chilam had his concert in Malaysia too. Thus surely fans will vote and vote and keep voting.
Am I the only one who likes Chilam’s acting over Ruco’s? Love him since Cold Blood Warm Heart, he acts very naturally. But it’s my opinion though, can’t really judge who has better acting skill since I’m not a professional.
I fell in love with Loh Kah Leong in CBWH
im from malaysia, and i voted for Ruco everyday … ChiLam is my favourite actor too ever since i was a kid and teenage years, in fact his photo is the first celebrity stuff in my collection back in 1996 during Remembrance & Cold Blood Warm Heart days … i also enjoy watching all ChiLam dramas … but definitely this year I feel Ruco is better.
TITS 2, BK, On Call 2 take all the Astro awards this year.
I am quite surprised that some of biological artists couldn’t make it to top 15 Favorite characters such as Wayne Lai, Moses Chan, Kate Tsui.
Why was the TVB award ceremony held in Malaysia? Does it even have a license to broadcast there?
This is Astro Awards, NOT TVB’s anniversary award ceremony that happens at the end of each year. They changed the name of Astro because TVB took over…which explains why the awards show seemed so set up and not as genuine if you ask me. But hey, what am I talking about when I say genuine, who knows how genuine these awards were and are to begin with lol
No wonder in this Astro award, Performers were TVB artists and singers. MCs were also TVB MCs. I didn’t see any Malysian MCs and singers
Although TVB management wont mention about it, But definitely all this happened because of the HKTV. After HKTV had collapsed, then TVB has the greatest victory of all time. So TVB must continue to promote the station itself world wide and Malaysia is a big market for TVB drama. So they make it a grand show in Malaysia to promote TVB as well. I am happy Eric Tsang not those Peanut forgot the skin that type of person and still supporting TVB no matter what. If Lyndia Sum still alive i am sure she will support and protect TVB as well as she is the BIG SISTER in hong kong entertainment industry. TVB Long Life. hehe
I feel that TVB should create a “favourite theme song” category to their actual awards.. And awe I really wanted VOICE OF STARS to win as a favourite variety show.. why is there no recognition for it?
Gee TVB. please please let VOS win at least one award:3
They used to have it, I hope they bring it back and also the couple award. Couple’s chemistry is important in a series!
thanks for letting me know! (:
Yeah I hope so! 😐
Congrats to Linda and Chilam <3
As much as I like Chillam and have been a big fan of his over the years, I still honestly believe he shouldn’t have been awarded BA last night in Malaysia. His role as Capt Cool was nothing spectacular and didn’t demand much out of the artist in acting skills. On the other hand I strongly feel that Ruco Chan’s role in BK had a lot more substance and demanded so much more out of him. Ruco’s performance in BK outshines that of Chillam in many ways. Ruco brought to life his character as Kiu Tin Sang; his acting is the best out of all the current so-called TV Kings of TVB. In conclusion, I can only say that the BA award is in reality an award for the most popular artist and in no way based upon the acting skills of that artist. BA award instead should be the Most Popular Actor award to be more accurate!
Hello, How can one judge acting skill? This is all very subjective judgement. That is why there will be voting system to vote for your favourite artist. Like this will be most fair. Everyone will have different perception in life. You must change your stubborn thinking if not you cannot be a millionaire in your life 🙂
It is not absolutely true. Some diehard fans could have voted many many times during the voting period.
it’s your view. As a fan, how can you judge which one is better?
It’s your reference, you think that Ruco’s character is better than Chilam. But in fact, Chilam gets more votes.
If the award is based on acting, Francis Ng should be given BA, not Chilam or Ruco.
Ah, Best Actress & Best actor are called by the media.
The correct tittle is here from AstroTVB web
My Favorite TVB Leading Actor
My Favorite TVB Leading Actress
My Favorite TVB drama
They all include “my favorite”, but the media keep saying TV Queen & King.
Not only the TVB Astro but also the actual Txb one. The names are not best but changed to Favourite in recent years.
@TVB Fan “I can only say that the BA award is in reality an award for the most popular artist and in no way based upon the acting skills of that artist. BA award instead should be the Most Popular Actor award to be more accurate!”
I totally agree with you!
I support. I voted everyday for Ruco and Favorite TV Drama for BK.
Congrats to the winners but I am very disappointed with these results. Shows that the awards should not be 100% voted by the public. At least they call the awards my favorite and not best.
Confirm 100% public lar. If not chi lam would not have won the award. If its staged better off to give it to someone else who are full time tvb actor.
Usually I dont think Nancy is pretty but she is very pretty in the above photo.
i really enjoy the show last night. its really an honor to me cuz i have won two tickets to the show 🙂
Is there a video of TVB Stars Awards Malaysia 2013 ?
Yea I want to watch it too does anyone have a video of it?
Does anyone have a link to view more beautiful photos of the Astro Show?
Why does it always seem like Ruco fans keep attacking Chilam? Ruco is nowhere near as popular as Chilam and Sam is only memorable to his hardcore fans. Kristal is the most memorable part of Brother’s Keeper. I know that there are a lot of Ruco fans here but that doesn’t mean that they represent the general public. A lot of people would be happy for Chilam if he got Best Actor, including a majority of people in Malaysia who voted for him.
Totally agree.
The awards all are based all public vote.
My Favorite TVB Leading Actor
My Favorite TVB Leading Actress
Ruco’s Malaysian fans should blame themselves because they didn’t vote hard for him.
Absolutely agree with you. Chilam was so well deserved the BA. The public did him justice. His acting in TITS2 was so brilliant, period!
I think there must be a lot of Malaysian fans on this website.
This is actually Most popular TVB actor actor award, but somehow, the translation always comes out as Best Actor. The award has nothing to do with acting as we all know very well by now.
Totally agreed. I’m a Malaysian and you guys must be aware of Captain Cool’s popularity here, he even held a concert here the day before. Ruco’s fans: stop bringing down Chilam because you think Ruco has the best acting of the year, Ruco is good, but please respect others.
@momijilvr “Sam is only memorable to his hardcore fans”…likewise for Chilam’s Capt Cool, only his hardcorefans love him in it. The rest of us don’t. Chilam’s been established in this industry way longer than Ruco, he’s also older than Ruco, so Chilam has a bigger fan base, not a surprise. I’m quite happy to see Ruco in the top 5, I’m sure his turn will come quite soon.
OOMG! YAY for Lindaaaaaaaaa n YAY for Julian n congrats to all winners mann!!!!!
Well, a most glamorous evening indeed n each of them soooooooooo sweet n dashing mmmmm looking forward to d next TVB party huh!
Good chance Chilam and Linda will wins TVB TV KING N QUEEN!
CONgratz to all winners!
Linda, not a chance based on her acting
im okay with the results. but trust me, TVB awards are based on acting then only they’ll look at the popularity of fans they have or how like able they are
Congrats to all the winners. I am pretty okay with the results…was surprised that Him won BSA again and disappointed that Vincent didn’t get anything. I guess the biggest letdown (for me) had to be best series. I haven’t seen bounty hunter so best series for me would be willpower.
As much as I dislike Rachel, I’m glad Linda won BA here (just in case TVB really doesn’t give it to her. At least it’s a consolation) and with Chilam crowned best actor, this gives Maming a better edge at TVB’s one. Though, Ruco is more deserving than Chilam and we all know that Ruco’s chances for BA at tvb anniversary are really slim, this should’ve been a consolation for him instead.
This is the only video that I have found so far
Thanks for the link. It was more like a TVB Show than a Malaysian Astro Show. Almost every MC was from TVB, Hong Kong.
The video clip was not well taken. Could not recognize any faces at all.
Thanks anyway.
This year this award show was held by TVB, unlike previous years by Astro On The Demand channel. I don’t like it, if they let TVB hold the show, why not just cancel it since it will be more or less the same as in HK’s
Really? I thought it was hosted by Astro On Demand. No wonder every MC was from TVB.
Yeh I’m ok with the results too. I’m not completely disappointed but there are some winners I didn’t really agree with so not sure if TVB ‘rigged’ some of the results or not.
BA for Linda Chung – I know there was a hype for her getting BA this year but that was only in Hong Kong. In Malaysia, there was no hype at all. Linda hasn’t had many events in Malaysia. And BK wasn’t that popular. Instead TITSII and OCII were. So that’s why I thought BA would’ve went to Tavia because her popularity in Malaysia is huge and considering she won the same award last year for the same role, thought it would went to her. And the hosts kept on bringing Tavia’s name up the whole night in teasing her, and then the whole crowd laughs and cheers for her, you can tell she’s more popular than the other actresses – more talk about her but in the end she didn’t get it so i found it surprising.
Top 15 favorite characters – I’m PRETTY sure I saw Him Law’s name in the lead up to the closing of the voting. Him Law has a huge fan base in Malaysia too. I don’t know why he didn’t get Top 15 coz I’m pretty certain he was on the list.
Best Dressed – Hands down TAVIA. Loved her stylish glittery white strapless gown. The hair, makeup and jewellery combined really well. LINDA’s one was a bit too simple and her hair and makeup too plain.
Worst Dressed – Edwin Siu. Apparently it was designer brand Dorian Ho. Ewww looked like homewear to me. Girls – didn’t like Mandy’s one…. the white gown looked cheap, style looked old fashion, the hair was floppy.
Myolie won the year before and Tavia won last year already so they probably don’t need it as much as Linda. Heard Tavia wanted the Best Onscreen Couple award with Kenneth Ma more (which they did)and she seemed genuinely happy for Linda when they announced it, Tavia was cheering and holding onto Linda’s hand so i don’t think there’s any bad blood between them. It was nice to see that, coz last year Linda cried and hugged Tavia when she won BA at TVB Awards so now its being reversed.
I thought Wong Cho Lam’s segment on Nominations for Best 5 Actresses were hilarious!!!!
The best bit was acting out as Dr Fan (Tavia) having a patient called Him Him, who’s muscles were all hardened up, thinking is it liver cirrhois. No its because his abs are too big and his pelvic muscles are hard to heal up…… LOL what a crack up!!!! And then the camera pans to Him and you see him tensing his muscles HAHAHAH
Kate’s definitely out of the game though. She didn’t even get into Top 15. And definitely not as much hype as last year. I highly doubt she will win BA at TVB Awards. Could be a race between Linda, Tavia and Kristal Tin.
No, I think she will have a chance to win TV Queen, especially the viewership ratings of “Bounty Lady” are super high.
Actually, ratings are high coz of Dayo Wong and May Chan. Haven’t heard any talk or positive reviews of Kate’s performance.
Kate Tsui did not get to the top 15 because “Bounty Lady” was aired late (Nov. 15, 2013) and probably the deadline for voting Astro’s awards had already ended.
TVB does not “interpret” that way ………..
Linda Chung did not act well as Rachel, but she still won the top award in Astro Show.
Seriously don’t think Kate’s performance deserve any recognition this year! Sharon’s acting is way better than Kate in Bounty Lady! But oh well, anything can happen in TVB !
Actually, ratings are high coz of Dayo Wong and May Chan. Haven’t heard any talk or positive reviews of Kate’s performance.
Actually I’ve heard a quite good amount of praises to Kate’s performance. Maybe you just didn’t see enough?
Don’t agree that BK’s not that popular in M’sia. It’s one of the Top 5 dramas and all the 4 leads won in the fave character awards. Ruco also made it to Top 5 for fave actor and was in fact among the Top 3 along with KM and Chilam shortly before voting closed. I reckon BK is among the Top 3 for the fave drama along with TITS2 and HC2 judging from the voting results; no way can it be below the other 2 top 5 dramas.
where can i DL to watch the whole ceremony?
Anyone knows where to watch the full awards show online ???
Congratulations to the winners! I think that Chilam has the best chance to repeat at the TVB awards. 😀 Some people need to stop being so bitter about it.
I suppose people will stop becoming bitter if whoever keeps calling this as a Best Actor award would stick to the original Chinese meaning which is Most Popular Actor award. Then there’ll be no debate about who has better acting skills (which is pretty subjective anyway) cos winner is based on votes.
It doesn’t matter what the award is called. People will still be bitter if their faves don’t win. If their faves win, then it is well deserved. If they don’t, then it’s a joke. People just need to stop getting so worked over these awards.
True, but all these awards are just popularity awards and should be referred to as such. People can’t quarrel with the vote numbers (one vote per person per day type of voting for example and not the free for all unlimited voting type)but always quarrel about who has better acting skills which is so subjective.
Now TVB try to devide porks equally. Kenneth ,Kristal ,Linda , and ChiLam already take the pork now the remaining bigger pork should divide to Francis, Ruco ,Tavia and Joey. My wish lists for Anniversary Awards
I hope so too!! I hope Tavia & Ruco are gonna grab an award at HK anniversary awards! But seriously, Will Power is kinda good. I would salute Moses & Wayne’s brilliant acting too.
Congrats to all the winners!
So for this awards ceremony there was a Best Supporting Actor and Actress, but not a Best Actor/Actress?
all the awards are called “Favorite” so it’s Favorite Supporting Actor/Actress and Favorite Actor/Actress
Lol what is up with Kenneth’s outfit? Sorry but he failed to be flamboyant fashion wise.
I didn’t think Chilam and Linda are really deserving winners even though Chilam is a great actor but Captain Cool is most definitely not his best work. Linda on the other hand I rather have her nominated for another series, her character as Rachel wasn’t anything special…she’ll have a better chance next year.
I’m really interested to see what the actual results is gonna be like at this year’s award ceremony, hopefully the BA winners will be the ones that actually deserve it.
Not necessarily ………… anything can happen in TVB!
Which is why I said “hope”
Coagulation to Linda i am so happy for her, she look so pretty in the photos.
Hope you guys enjoy! Congrats to Linda and Chilam <3!Congrats to all the winners!
I missed the live telecast on Saturday. So happy. I managed to see the repeat today. Congratulations to Linda and Julian.