Gigi Lai’s Comeback in High Demand; TVB Offers $4 Million

TVB attempted all efforts to recruit Bowie Lam (林保怡) and Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) in filming with the company again. Allegedly TVB executives earmarked Gigi Lai (黎姿) as well, since her twin daughters were already one-and-a-half years old and have entered nursery school. TVB reportedly offered $4 million HKD for Gigi’s comeback! TVB executive and Gigi’s good friend, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), admitted that she has remained in touch with Gigi.
Forty-year-old Gigi Lai placed priority in taking care of her twin daughters. In addition, she also had to manage her younger brother, Lai Ying’s (黎嬰) beauty salon business. It was not an easy feat to have Gigi accept TVB’s filming offer. However, Gigi has been getting back into shape to film an upcoming commercial.
Last Thursday, on December 8th, Gigi took her twin daughters, assistants, and two foreign domestic helpers to shop at a brand name children’s clothing boutique located in the Man Yee Building. The store closed its doors to allow Gigi to shop privately without the disturbance of other customers.
Virginia Lok: “We Have Always Kept In Touch!”
Asked whether TVB had asked Gigi Lai to return to the small screen, Ms. Lok said, “We keep in touch with many actresses-turned-mothers, such as Kenik Kwok (郭可盈), Flora Chan (陳慧珊), and Gigi Lai (黎姿). If the roles were appropriate, we will ask if they are interested in filming!”
Did Bernice Liu (廖碧兒) take the initiative in expressing the desire to return to TVB? Ms. Lok said, “We all know the reasons that prompted Bernice to leave. The media was critical about her. It is a good thing to work outside for a bit. Currently, there are no series that require her involvement. Let’s talk about it later!”
Excerpt from Oriental Sunday # 731
Jayne: TVB may want Gigi Lai back, but I doubt she will film for them. She is likely very business with her personal life and taking care of her brother’s business already.
if she comes back, they should ask her to do war and beauty 2. get the original cast back together!
Saw the preview of WAB2, doesn’t seem interesting to me. Maybe the casts are too old to be “Kwai Yan” imo, for eg. Sheren Tang. I rmb Moses greeted her “kwai yan” after her surname in the series. I was like what? isn’t she a bit too old to be kwai yan?
I think they should cast Myolie, Fala, Linda and Kate in the WAB2, that would be interesting since these 4 are considered the new fadan of this era.
Sheren already a ‘Fei’ at the beginning of WAB.
yeah i agree with u veejay, i also think the new fadan should be involved in WAB 2, tvb can not rely on the senior fadan for forever!it would be very interesting to see the current fadans act together in a drama.
I would like to see some younger girls as the imperial ladies too. It’s more realistic this way. The Qing court selected ‘Sau Nui’ every 3 years. Can’t have all old imperial ladies only.
It is ok to have an old ‘Kwai Yan’. She can be an imperial lady who failed to gain the favour of the Emperor, so, stuck in ‘Kwan Yan’ level. But, it would be unrealistic to have these older actresses play ‘Kwai Yan’ who newly enter the imperial palace.
I think WAB2’s story is totally different than WAB. I swear I heard Moses calling Sheren “kwai yan” and i was like huh? isn’t she a little too old for kwai yan or maybe she didn’t get favoured by the emperor therefore, she stays at kwai yan until old but seriously, TVB should really try to use new casts like the above 4 fadans I mentioned in wab2, it will be interesting to see how myolie, kate, linda and fala scheming and plotting to kill each other in the forbidden city.
And I’ve nothing against lesbian, I think the scene where Sheren & Ada kissing, sleeping together make me wanna throw up there.. dunno why.
I agree that they should give the newcomers a chance or else how can new talent be discovered?? As the older fadans leave for China or retire, how can TVB survive without discovering new talent??
I also don’t think Gigi will come back since it’s not like she is in need of money. She is now busy with her new family life and her brother’s business, so where would her time to film series??
I’m already tired of too many Myolie, Tavia, Fala, Linda, Kate. Why don’t invite more fresh faces from outside? Niki is a good breath of fresh air.
I still feel pitiful to Kings in TVB series :(.
i would have to disagree with casting myolie fala linda or kate, all of those 4 dont seem to be good in period dramas. And their acting isnt nearly as good as the veterans, i think u missed tavia, i think she should be the new “big sister” after charmaine left, i mean she is the most versatile in her acting abilities and shes so pretty!!
Thanks, and yeah I missed out TY so sorry.
Their acting may not be as good as those veteran (as claimed, but it’s still depends on the audiences’ judgement whether they’re good or not). To me, I’ve never seen all the 5 fadans like Myo, Fala, TY, Linda and Kate in 1 series and I think it would be interesting to see how they plot and scheme to kill each other in the forbidden city.. Well, it’s rare to see all 5 of them to be in 1 series…that’s my reason
I didnt watch but I would agree that Sheren’s may be too old for that role. However, those younger actresses may not have the experience like Sheren. So, it’s quite difficult actually. Experience is gained through years of hard work etc
Sheren’s role is a “Fei” who has many years of experience in the gong. She isn’t a newbie like Gigi’s Yuk Ying or Charmaine’s role that I dun rmb name. I think the one who really looked older than the role is Maggie Cheung. Her role is 25 or 26 something, but she looks way older than that age.
If putting Linda, TY, Myolie, Kate, Fala in roles of 18 years old girls again, I will say they are all too older to the role. Plus, their faces look “experienced”, not “naive” and “innocent” like the girls who have just joined the gong. Again, pity the Kings in TVB. Never can get real 18 years old women.
Let Cilla, Rebecca, Chloe, etc. do the role and it would be a little better.
Problem with accurate age is none of them have acting experience to capture viewers’ attention beyond the first few episodes. problem with good ones are not accurate age. If there is a young actress who can act and can carry the series I am all for it. But if there isn’t no need to force their inexperience on us. I’d rather Maggie Cheung.
LOL at the king for not getting real “young” girls as concubine. But if your suggestion about putting Cilla, Rebecca and Chloe in these roles, I won’t gonna watch it ever yeah..simply because these young artist doesn’t give me this “lead” aura and doubt they can carry out these schemy concubine role good.
If you want to get high rating for a series, choosing the right artist is very important and the current 5 fadans Myolie, Fala, TY, Kate and Linda have all the quality such as rate puller, guaranteed amount of audiences and etc..
Plus, these 5 fadans have better acting skill compare to those young artists u suggested.
The evil team can give to Rebecca Chan (she acted villain Queen TOO WELL in WAB, compare to any villain Queen provided by TY or Myolie) and Sheren Tang, Ada Choi for the team of schemy concubine. For the young ladies should give real young ladies chances.
And I blv TVB and TVB audiences should be more open. Look at HunanTV. They gave new girls, even not famous girls, chances and these girls shined so well. For example, anyone heard of the Meteor Garden cast before? Now they all 5 are quite famous especially the girl. Or the cast of new HZGG. They are not successful but they are famous.
If girls like Yang Mi, Tang Yan, Liu Shi Shi, etc. are in TVB, they will wait until they become “mid-age” flower to be promoted and lead in a series. At this time, their acting, good or bad I don’t comment, but their look and youth – wasted!
If you want to get high rating for a series, choosing the right artist is very important and the current 5 fadans Myolie, Fala, TY, Kate and Linda have all the quality such as rate puller, guaranteed amount of audiences and etc..
I’m not sure of this part :P. Not all of them as lead can have good rating to their series if there isn’t another names to help 😛 and of course, a good plot. If giving them bad plot or no promotion to the series, they still can’t do anything. For fanbases, sorry, still dun think their fanbases are huge or something like that. They still need TVB to help them in a series :).
Plus, these 5 fadans have better acting skill compare to those young artists u suggested.
In some certain aspects, I don’t think so, too. Such as I think Mandy Wong’s acting is better than most in these 5 :P. And who she is? A newbie.
Fox If putting Linda, TY, Myolie, Kate, Fala in roles of 18 years old girls again, I will say they are all too older to the role.
It’s not their age,but rather they do not have the acting skill to pull off the portrayal of an 18 year old in an ancient drama.
Mainland actress Liu Xiao Qing (刘晓庆)did a brilliant job of portraying a 15 year old Wu zetian in her first Empress Wu series.(1994?). I think Liu was in her early 40s then but her performance as a beautiful, coquettish, naive yet conniving child-woman was simply brilliant.
I can’t imagine any tvb actress with the ability to pull off such a flawless portrayal as Liu.
Liu is 50++ now and she acted this role like 20 years ago. So she was 30 this time, I guess.
Yes, thank to her face, too but she was more convincing when she acts 20++ than 15 time, my opinion only. Haha, but Liu is sticking forever as Zuyetian. She did at least 3-4 series of Zuyetian.
But I agree with you that the face and the acting will help. Kate looks younger than her age (32) but can’t young to 18. Myolie, Fala, Linda looks their age. TY looks older than her age with the new nose. Then none of them can act 18. Their acting can’t help them to back to 18 time, too. They all look “experienced” like I mentioned.
And I hope the TVB actresses stop “open eyes big = innocent, glare and role eyes = evil, smirk = schemy”. It becomes annoying somehow. Look at Sheren’s Yu Fei. She didn’t glare or role eyes but still can feel the coldness in her eyes.
I think Linda might still be able to pull off young girl roles with her soft voice.
But, I agree that TVB should give more chances to the younger actresses.
The 5 fadans of the 90s all get big roles and even lead roles while they were just in their early 20s. Ada Choi even more early. She already get second lead when 19 years old. But, TVB is now so fearful that they keep on sticking to the 30+ years old ‘younger actors’. They aren’t grooming new fadans. I don’t believe none of the younger actors have talent. They are just no given enough chances that you can actually see them act.
Well, these 5 fadans didn’t just get their title for nothing if they don’t have huge fanbase..just for eg. Myolie has large fanbase just in msia for eg, that made her crowned the best actress in AOD 2011 BUT when i say Large, it doesn’t means as large as LF’s since I also dunno how large exactly are these fadans’ fanbase but just know TVB acknowledged them as their assets with fanbases all over the world..
mandy wong is undeniable a newbie with talent and future but she doesn’t has this audience fate as compare to the 5 promoted fadans..
But we’re talking about Business and profit making tvb..not about a school giving chances to new student to prove their ability.
I also agree that every young ppl should be given a chance to show their talent but do u think TVB will give these roles to those young newbies like Cilla, etc when most of these concubines story are those grand production from TVB.. Do u think TVB will take such risk if they use these really young actress for these roles?
Young flowers rarely has chance in TBB lately; perhaps except Linda who got her leading role at age 20/21.
@Kidd: Linda’s voice might young but her face isn’t that young anymore. I keep thinking that she is over 25 whenever I see her. Mean she looks her age. Kate is the one who seem to look younger than age, but just can look over 25.
TVB might give the young actresses chance if TVB audiences dun “they can’t act, they shouldn’t have lead role”. Take Rebecca as example. She even dun have leading roles and ppl keep complaining.
@ Veejay: Mandy Wong might not have audience fate but she also isn’t promoted. Up to now, she hasn’t a series of her own. Elaine Yiu is also an example. She was given only 1 chance and after being cricitized, she isn’t promoted although she improved so much now and her acting now can be considered as good.
But Tavia Yeung already look as old as Sheren, so she can’t exactly play the young Kwai Yan roles.
@ Fox
I disagree. Linda might look mature in modern attire, but, she looks young in ancient costume. She looks young in CBML.
But not that young in ROW.
Mandy is pretty but she looks older than Linda whether on screen or offscreen just my personal opinion..
Same like what u say “mandy gives ppl fresh feeling and should be promoted” cuz she’s a talented newbie. but I see her older than linda
@Veejay: Do you see I mentioned of Mandy’s name in the list of young ladies in the Gong :P? I mentioned of Cilla, Chloe and Rebecca :). Mandy is pretty but she is someone who really know how to make herself look older than her age.
No but i was not talking about Gong anymore 😛
Im starting a topic of mandy and linda now lol
Then I’ll say Mandy acts better than Linda but Linda knows how to dress better than Mandy.
I don’t think Mandy makes herself look old but it’s because she’s not exactly as young as Cilla and Rebecca. Mandy already in her late 20s of course she will look older
They do have young actresses casted in WAB2, like Elaine Yiu and Katy Kung, and I will prefer to see them compared to Myolie, Kate, Linda, Fala, Tavia who I already have to see 4-5 times on screen next year.
Hopefully without the 5 new fadans competing for screen time, they can have meatier roles, as Elaine is pretty after she fixed her eyes and her acting is good, and Katy Kung is likable in Be Home for dinner.
TVB, if you had payed your artistes more money in the first place, you wouldn’t have to offer them so much more to come back because they probably wouldn’t even have left.
O/t Err what was the reason bernice left? Bad press about Moses? Make more money?
“Currently, there are no series that require her involvement. Let’s talk about it later!” so cold ms. Lok. I guess if they aren’t your preferred son or daughter you won’t help them out. If you care for her, you would promote her more and make a role for her.
I think it was the bad press about her being a gold-digger. The media painted her as the one who broke Moses’ heart for a richer guy.
With Moses and Aimee dating now and TVB constantly promoting them together, it would probably be awkward for Bernice to come back even if she is on good terms with Moses.
620 already chosen Moses over Bernice.
Sound like Ms LOk dont really like Bernice.
I think bernice belonged to Stephen Chan’s camp but she burned that bridge by not supporting him during the trial.
As for ms. Lok, she already found aimee as a replacement so bernice is out of luck.
620 likes Moses more and now agreed that she found Aimee as replacement.
In the last picture, is that their salaries? What does each column represent?
Salary per episode – China Series/Salary per episode – TVB/Event fees in China/ Event fees in HK
wow! Charmaine’s salary doubles the others
I wonder why TVB seemed to like Charmaine so much?? I guess it is normal how TVB likes to play favorites.No wonder everyone leaves since treatment at TVB isn’t so great and the pay is so low…. They also work their artists like crazy.
@HTS: Because Charmaine has market value. They will like others the same way with Charmaine if they can top the top earners in TVB for years like her.
Thanks for the info and I don’t get why Charmaine has market value since her acting(and her looks) aren’t even that great… I think she is more of the lucky type… But hey, how many artists in the circle are truly talented???
I agree 100% with you. Can’t understand the supposed market value of Charmaine?
She must have a lucky star watching over her when her looks and acting is only average!
Then ask why the others can’t be that “luck”. Luck can help in short term but in long run, luck take a very minority role.
I don’t agree 100% that luck only plays a role in the short term, but it varies from case to case and person to person. Of course it is more than just luck. There is timing, connections and many other factors involved too.There are many others that work hard and are talented but don’t seem to get anywhere… I think it is due to lack of luck, timing, connections, opportunities,etc…
They may lack the audience fate.
i think charm has an approachable disposition. People like her. i met her at the airport 2 years ago..and she was so nice and giggly (or maybe im funny?).
and and very skinny. actors who get to carry her are lucky. she looks like a twig!
Acting – subjective matter. but i like her best in angels of mission (loud and funny) and the last few episodes of Wars and beauty (quiet and heartbreaking).
seem like not many ppl like her here? >.<
Gigi Lai and her husband photo:
she has a big heart loving him. or maybe a big purse
Of cos his big purse la.. if not his thing mehh.. so old and shaggy haha..
Her husband is a billionaire…
I do think she really loves him, big purse is bonus.
yeah right, like she would even look at him if he was dirtpoor, haha
I was thinking the same..wonder if Gigi would even “look” and stay with her husband if he goes…bankrupt.
She will pretend to stay with him but ultimately leave him for good. Can’t believe that someone thinks she really loves this guy out of love. She may have developed some feelings for him since he is the donor of her children.
What is the devil thinking Gigi isn’t really a great actress anyway. Not really value for money…
Honestly, no one knows except for her if she really loves him or not. I guess we would all know or at least have an idea IF one day he went bankrupt and she still stayed with him, then maybe she does love him(or it can be out of obligation or gratitude too, but hey only she knows that).
@ Veejay
I think Gigi would stay. Like Funn, I think she really does loves her husband and the wealth is a bonus.
Only Gigi knows but I think since she got kids now she might not leave him. There are ties.
Indeed, no one knows except for Gigi. So, don’t be too quick to jump to conclusions.
Talk About 1st Impression? Would you even look twice at that person that old look like your Grandpa if He is not full of wealth and with all the money to woo her… I think NOT…
She now has plenty of money and to look after her brother and kids. Surely filming a series here and there wouldn’t hurt.
@Jayne: Could you tell me the last picture said about what? The list of actress?
I believe their fees
Which one are you talking about? Are you referring to the fees or amount of money that the actresses make?? I briefly skimmed it since I am too lazy to read it all so sorry for any mistakes. Basically, it is just a list of their fees in HK and China(Ren Min Bi or Vietnamese is Nhan Dan Te) and I think how much they make in China and HK(if I remember since I just briefly skimmed it…)…. Is that what you want to know?? Sorry due to my laziness that I can’t give you a more complete answer. I hope another person that isn’t as lazy can tell you in more detail.
Salary per episode – China Series/Salary per episode – TVB/Event fees in China/ Event fees in HK
Nicole stated above.
The last chart has salary info for the actresses. The first column the filming fee per episode in China (measured in Yuan). The second column is the filming fee per episode in Hong Kong (measured in HKD). The third column are promo appearance fees (first # is in China in Yuan, the second is in HK in $HKD)
For Jessica, she earns:
$100,000 Yuan per episode in China
$40,000 HKD per episode in HK
$80,000 Yuan per promo in China/ $30,000 HKD per promo in HK.
I would love to see Gigi Lai back in action, She was one of my favorite stars.
Wonder if they will ever ask Michelle Ye to film a series….
i admire gigi lai so much, she is so beautiful at her age. I respect her care and love for her brother, you dont get many ppl like her that cares about family, ppl out there are too selfish..
The market value is triggered by economical factor in addition to seniority. Talent often is not a factor. In terms of commercialization, ad agencies and product companies often like talent who can attract consumers. That very factor applies in TVB series. The reason why Charmaine has higher market value is because of her looks and personality, she has that fragile body frame and girly feel who looks as if they’re in constant need of a man to protect them. Unlike most other actresses on the list, who looks and probably are independent, Charmaine looks like the type of girls that guys would like to have so they can feel superior and worthy. Female consumers would also then feel wanted if they appear like the type of woman Charmaine appears to be.
I can’t agree more with you. But, in actual person Charmaine is totally opposite of what others think. She’s very independent and has a very strong personality. That’s why looks can be quite deceiving sometimes.
Charmaine is one of the most independent women. She’s smart and intelligent in handling matters.
The description you have better fit linda. even though she’s tall. her voice and manners are lady-like. Gentle. charm is too tomboyish.
To HeTieShou, Charmaine can draw viewers that’s the reason! And I think her acting skills are not bad too.
All I can say is, acting/talent is just like looks. It is in the eye of the beholder..
I think charmaine is better than Gigi in term of acting.
Overall, Gigi is a better actress.
Gigi is one hot mama! How does she still look flawless? lol
I don’t mind seeing her back onscreen. She’s better than the current fadans now. But, I doubt it. There’s really no need for her to make a comeback unless she’s doing TVB a favor.
“Gigi is one hot mama! How does she still look flawless? lol”
Simple. Because she got load of $$$$
charm over gigi any day in the acting. the latter can’t even cry.
gigi is definitely prettier. her skin is FLAWLESS! how?
I agree that Charmaine is a better actress than Gigi, but Gigi a lot prettier. Of course she can maintain her skin because her husband has a lot of money…. With a combination of botox, skin care, make up,etc… of course she is able to still look good. I bet she gets a lot of help in taking care of her daughters too..
To Exoidus, besides luck Charmaine has improved a lot on her actings skills over the years. If she relis solely on luck then I dont think she’ll get where she is now.
I think Exoidus meant by Luck is Charmaine gets more opportunities in Promotion as compare to other actresses in tvb. Well, I agree with you that Charmaine didn’t solely rely on “luck” to get to this level..when she has improved alot over these years in term of acting, handling reporters and etc. I guess what others say about Charmaine is true that Charmaine was very obedient during her tenure in TVB hence she got promoted heavily by tvb.
I also agree iwht ya that one of the reason of her high income is charmaine’s popularity can draws high rating in a series plus many audiences.
Charmaine dun have more opportunities in promotion than ALL other actresses in TVB. For example, Linda has the same opportunities in promotion like Charmaine. Or Sonija in the past. Give Charmaine credit for her effort and wat she can do to have higher market value.
I didnt give credit for her effort?
Ah I dun say to you. I’m commenting your explaination on Exoidus’s luck mentioned by you.
I think that if GiGi does not suffer from financial woes she should stay at home and keep her family happy. After all, she has twins to look after and that is not easy. Moreover, that leaves more room for other young actresses to come up.
Yea, I think that Gigi would not make a comeback unless she needed the money. That is one of the reasons why many retired actors and actresses often make a comeback. Maybe one day when her daughters get older and she has more time, then she may come back. But if her husband is still rich and all, then she may just want to relax and enjoy her life instead of come back to work.
Why should to be back? She only married him so she doesn’t have to work. Be a wealthy wife, that’s her job, not acting.
Second that opinion. Exactly…
Oh yea, that is true… Gigi used to have to work really hard to take care of her family. Therefore, her husband said to her “stop working, I will take care of you for life”. I heard that she was so touched by that and many other things that he has done for her and her family, so she agreed to marry him…
For your info, she is still working…She is managing her brother’s clinic…
Why on earth would you fancy an older man with severe disability? She’s a terrible gold digger. She sure asks for a high price for acting if she wants to return to TVB. I don’t think she can act anyway.
Why can’t fancy an older man with severe disability but caring, talented and rich? You only fancy the young man with good look? Lol. Then ppl might see you as a terrible narrow girl who only care for look :P. Disclaimer: I’m not saying you are one but if you really only care for young man with good look, ppl can view you this way, same to the way you view Gigi.
She can’t ask for high price if TVB is not willing to pay her.
One thing she doesn’t need the money, so why ask for a large sum? I think a lot of HK/China women are very hungry for money, same applies to the HK/China men. They are all money mad! Nobody would want to go after a handsome man or a beautiful woman with no money, as they say in HK, no money, no honey, isn’t that true? This is what they think nowadays.
No money No honey – it can happen in every single countries in the world.
Btw she didn’t ask for 4million. TVB OFFERED to pay her 4mil. That’s the difference. That’s what they think she’s WORTH paying for. Gigi probably rejected them many times as she wants to concentrate on looking after her girls, but TVB wants her back. That simple.
yes, agree…after all the media is just saying that the husband is rich…but is he really that rich??? I have been reading Gigi’s blog…she is a person with a kind heart, loving & caring…after all these years…she still cares about her fans & thankful for everything…her brother’s accident have changed her perpectives of life…can’t judge a book by its cover!!!!
I think it’s best she takes care of her twin girls & not work.
How cute to have twins!!!