Him Law to Lead in “The Young and Dangerous” Movie

Wong Jing (王晶) will be producing a remake of the 1996 film, The Young and Dangerous <古惑仔>. Him Law (羅仲謙), Oscar Leung (梁烈唯), Jazz Lam (林子善), and Sammy Shum (沈震軒) will star in the new Category III film about Hong Kong’s triad society.

With Wong Jing eager to develop a new generation of directors and actors, he announced that he will produce four new films. The first film he will produce is The Young and Dangerous. Although The Young and Dangerous has been criticized for glorifying Hong Kong triad members, the 6-installment movie franchise made more than $10 million HKD and spearheaded Ekin Cheng’s (鄭伊健) film career.

Him Law will portray Ekin Cheng’s role, “Chan Ho Nam”; Oscar Leung will play Jordan Chan’s (陳小春)  role, “Chicken,” Sammy Shum (沈震軒) in Francis Ng’s (吳鎮宇) role, “Ugly Kwan”; Jazz Lam (林子善) in Jerry Lamb’s (林曉峰) role; Paul Wong (黃貫中)  in triad leader, “Big Brother B”; Dominic Ho (何浩文) in Michael Tse’s (謝天華) role; and Philip Ng (伍允龍) in Chin Ka Lok’s (錢嘉樂) role.

Mainland actress Hu Ran (胡然) will portray a wealthy heiress and will likely have bed scenes in the film. It was understood that Gigi Lai’s (黎姿) character will not appear until the second chapter of the movie.

Wong Jing Praises Him Law

The remake of The Young and Dangerous will be a Category III film, with bloody violent scenes, foul language, and bold sex scenes. With the Category III rating, Wong Jing planned to push the film to its limits, allowing the audience to enjoy it more.

Asked why he chose to cast Him Law, Wong Jing replied, “We need to make the characters younger in the film. We wanted to cast some muscular men. I also think well of Him Law.”

The Young and Dangerous will likely start filming next week, in which a large-scale triad fight scene will take place on Nathan Road.

Source: Apple Daily via ihktv.com

Note: This article was updated on September 26, 2012 at 10:27 PM with additional cast information and details of the movie.

Jayne: Wong Jing seems to be dipping into his past sensationalism for this new The Young and Dangerous remake. Him Law and Oscar Leung are both suitable in their roles. I’m happy to see Oscar and Sammy Shum find greater success in films, since they have been underdogs at TVB for some time.

The casting of Sammy Shum likely came after his nonstop publicity in Lan Kwai Fong 2. He does look the part of a gangster. 

Wonder who will portray Him’s love interest (Gigi Lai’s role) in the film.

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  1. Why do they have to make a remake of this movie, i don’t think they can play those role as good as those veterans anyways. At least not yet.

    1. Him law is a better actor than ekin. Oscar can portray the charisma that Jordan possesed. But none of the younger generation girls are as pretty as Michelle or Gigi, not even close.

      1. JJ Jia is really pretty, and she reminds me of Gigi. She can be dubbed, and her acting is improving.

      2. What if it’s Eliza Sam who will be picked since she now the New Generation Goddess.

      3. I agree with Nicole that JJ resembles Gigi alot and she can portray Gigi’s character but JJ isn’t so famous and not so rate pulling at all, I doubt W. Jing will cast her.

      4. JJ is just as popular as any leng mo. She has the sweet face and sexy body that Wong jing loves. It just might be awkward for her to work w/ her ex-bf Sammy shum though.

      5. Lily Ho is not well known enough to be casted as the lead actress. I like JJ.

  2. Are you serious?!!! Sometimes remaking the same films aren’t as good as before. They will need to pull it off really well in order to make a hit in the box office.

    1. but it can easily be a box office success as ppl flock to see if the remake is as good as the original

      1. Y and D is a great premise so I already can imagine this remake doing well box office too and make Him Him, Oscar and Sammy very popular.

  3. I can see Oscar Leung as Chicken but Him Law I have serious reservations to portray Ekin’s iconic role.

    He doesn’t even have Ekin’s iconic hair!

    1. In no way, can he replace Ekin’s soulfull eyes :0 also is it me or that picture of Him Him looks like the shirt draw on his body Dx it’s weird lol

      1. the hair that maketh the role? Maybe Him can change the iconic hair into iconic pecs where you see he rips his shirt every 10 seconds into the show.

    2. yes, it’s Ekin’s hair that make him looks cool….new type of gangster don’t have long hair anymore!

  4. In addition, Sandra Ng is embodiment of 13th Sister of Portland Street.

    Who will write another soundtrack for the new remake?

  5. Happy for Oscar but Him law leading… Ummm…

    I haven’t seen the original movie so to those who have was that category 3 too? And if it was how “bold” was the sex scenes?

    I want to watch the movie for Oscar but if the scenes are that bold I might not. And since its 2012 now turning 2013 the scenes will probably be much bolder than before…

    1. I watched it as a teenager and don’t recall it being too crazy (but I don’t know rating). I think if anything the rating was due to gang fighting, swearing, gang rape, sexual innuendo. I recall the sex scenes not being very overt – I think Marriage with a Liar had more explicit sex scenes.

      1. Ekin’s character wasn’t involved in much sex scenes, it was rather Jordan Chan and other characters. There were some scenes that were rather violent, such as Gigi’s ending 🙁 Graphic? Not that much compared to nowadays movies.

  6. I wonder who the lead actress will be?! please dont let it be… Christine Kuo!!! . I will boycott the film if she’s in it.

    1. Eliza Sam has a more positive review than Christine Kuo. If Wong Jing looking into TVB to get future movie Kings and Queen Eliza should be considered first.

  7. Just come with new story instead of remarking the film. I am looking forward to see Oscar and Him Him tho.!

    1. Exactly! They should still brand the film as ‘Young and Dangerous’ for marketability purposes, but remain in the same continuity established by the first 6 films.

      Call it ‘Young & Dangerous 7: The New Breed’ or something.

  8. Uh…I don’t really see Him as Chan Ho Nam. He’s short in comparison to Ekin.

    Loved Ekin and Gigi’s chemistry. Don’t think the remake can top the original.

      1. I think because Ekin was tall and lanky and not over built like Him. Him appeared bulky and slow.

    1. I don’t see Him as Chan ho nam either but Him has a lot of female fans that will sell this movie for his muscles and sex scenes.

  9. I concur that Oscar Leung should play the role of “chicken” as he can play the goofy side of “chicken” well. As for the lead, Lam Fung would be better than Him Law as his features portray him better as a cool headed leader.

  10. I am hoping this will tank cause no one can replace the ekin jordan chemistry they had in Y&D. also roy cheung as crow is also irreplaceable

    1. I think Ekin/Jordan is irreplaceable as much as I love Oscar Leung. But I think Paul Wong will be good.

      If they manage to cast Juno Mak, I think he would bring new life to the role.

  11. will him law being wearing a wig? can’t be chan ho nam with out the hair………..!

  12. By leading this remake Him, Oscar and Sammy has a super bright future.

    1. oscar is past his primes. should replace him with matthew ko. sammy isn’t really handsome either should replace him with a handsome stud.

      1. But Matthew can’t really act… let alone portraying Jordan’s role.

      2. Matthew Ko can’t act. Oscar is well loved by aidience for his acting.

      3. Let’s just say it’s golden opportunity for Him, Oscar and Sammy to be pushed as new generation movie superstar by Wong Jing. Are we looking at future Ekin Cheng and Jordan Chan?

      4. i think my imagine of oscar is ruined my first impression of him was a ke le fe in guts of man then i remember him as a ke le fe again in Devil’s Disciples

      5. It doesn’t matter if his prime time has passed or not. The fact is Oscar can act! Look at Wayne, and Ha Yu, Moses Chan they all passed there prime time but they still found success in this career.

    2. Agreed! WJ is making Himhim Oscar Sammy into movie stars! Maybe can be the next Louis Koos.

      1. Vivien,
        I give Wilson Chin credit for allowing Sammy Shum to shine in “Lan Kwai Fong 2”; his acting still needs more work, but Sammy was cast in the most daring scenes in the movie, causing him to be in tabloid headlines and likely caught the attention of Wong Jing.

  13. requirements to play chan ho nam

    must be buff and handsome and over 180cm and chok

  14. I don’t think Him is suitable for Ekin’s role but Oscar is for Jordan’s role.

  15. I think Oscar is perfect to play Jordan’s role but I don’t know about Him playing Ekin’s role though. I can’t wait for the movie to come out.

    1. I interpreted from the linked Chinese article that Philip Ng is Chow Pei and Jazz Lam is Bau Pei. I think Vincent Wong might make good Dai Tin Yee (playboy type) but really none of the TVB male stable is thug enough.

      1. Oscar has always been a good actor and he’s suitable to play Jordan Chan’s role. He has a ripped body too.

    2. Ok, I check the chinese article source of the news. Dai Tin Yee will be played by Dominic Ho. Not a bad choice.

  16. New cast info added:

    Jazz Lam, Philip Ng, and Dominic Ho are also in the movie.

    Dominic Ho is another muscular guy from “Lan Kwai Fong 2”; Wong Jing must have watched the movie! He may not have been impressed with Kelvin Kwan to cast him though…

      1. Lol,
        I watched the trailer of “Lan Kwai Fong 2” and the guys I was most impressed with were Sammy Shum and Dominic Ho.

        Kelvin Kwan has a certain awkwardness about him, even when kissing Shiga Lin in the trailer.

    1. Jazz Lam being included is awesome. His really early work as a teenager was actually as Tai Fei’s son from the Young and Dangerous series! Awesome and underrated actor!

  17. I think Wong Jing watched Tiger Cubs and LKF2 but he didn’t cast Vincent. Wong Jing sounds serious to introduce new hearthrobs to HK film industry!

  18. so many tvb guys…is this the trend? tvb actors used to be non existent in movies!

    1. Actually, this is how things were in the golden age of HK cinema. Stars were bred from TVB series, sitcoms, children’s shows, etc. The last two decades however was a period in where stars of each category were segegrated. This is a very exciting time for HK cinema again it seems.

  19. Happy for Oscar & Him Law for this opportunity. Sammy Shun has got bad-ass good looks…lol…

  20. OMG Congrats to Himhim and Oscar for this opportunity to be movie stars like Louis Koo! I’m sure this remake will hit awesome box office!

  21. Himhim is much better than Ekin. Ekin cant act for nuts. If Ekin with bad acting can be popular movie star after YND so can Himhim and Oscar!

    1. HimHim lacks the look of an unexpectable guy that the role requires, my opinion. He is somehow too “built”

  22. I can see Oscar like others but really HimHim in the role Ho Nam? Btw it can name the movie Hunk and Dangerous.

      1. Actually both titles work. Some guys are hunk and some are hulk while all are supposedly dangerous.

  23. Not with the way Him LAw speaks. I don’t feel threatened by his voice.

    1. Funn,
      But did you feel threat in Ekin as a gangster? I only watched the first film, but do feel it is a very stylized version of triad society.

      None of Johnnie To’s gritty violence.

      1. Jayne, however much I condemn Ekin as a singer and an actor, there is NO DOUBT he is an iconic sort of actor capable of playing heroic roles or those pretend to be bad but deep down is heroic. Ekin is beyond an actor, he is an icon. I don’t feel threatened by him as a gangster BUT he has got a lot of style. Can Him Him display that iconic style? I don’t know. And Ekin does have a better speaking voice than Him.

      2. LOL @Funn I don’t think this movie will have lots of speaking. Himhim and Oscar just need to display the triad attitude and it isn’t that hard especially for Oscar and his great acting. Even in cheap TVB series we have successful triad roles such as in EU and LOO.

      3. Amen Funn, I am glad to see that you’re being honest unlike these Ekin Haters.

    2. Wong Jing can make good triad movies. Himhim will make you a fan later Funn LOL.

      1. Nahhhhh only John Woo can! Let John Woo do it and I bet HIm will be icon!! Imagine the wind, the pigeons everywhere, the slow mo, the long trench coats!

      2. Wasn’t it WJ who launched CYF to be a movie icon? If he can launch CYF why can’t he launch Himhim and Oscar to be the next movie Gods?

    3. and he lacks the kindness of ekin,his looks are too harsh,and he hit girls. a bad guy role fits more for him.

  24. I see Him Law as a sunshine boy with muscular body. He looks more like a surfer model rather than gangster, but maybe he’ll surprise us.

    “The Young and Dangerous” remake has probably been contemplated by Wong Jing for some time, given the recent successes of gangster films such as Monga and the two Laughing Gor movies, which proved that even TVB stars can open films with respectable traffic.

    1. HK love Cat3 movies! I think YND will do great and turn Himhim and Oscar into Louis Koos!

  25. Ok it’s said that Young & dangerous will likely start filming next week but isn’t Him currently still filming for Triumph 2 how can he have time to film this movie then?

    1. TITS2 has a lot of big name casts so the casts have more free time. I see the main casts keep attending events to make money because the big cast allow more free schedule LOL.

    1. I’m with some others. I think JJ Jia can do it…but I also thought of Yoyo Chen and for some reason maybe even Vivian Yeo.

      1. I am thinking Mandy Wong is suitable.
        Not because of the recent hype over DID but just that she has a certain appeal (at least to me).
        Not as pretty as Gigi but if she grows out her hair, I can imagine her as Smartie. But guess its a bit premature as Gigi’s character is not scheduled to appear yet in the first film.

  26. I still think that it was unnecessary to reboot the franchise. As I mentioned in the Oscar Leung news post, they should have continued the story with a new crew of youngsters instead of re-hashing the same story.

    As for the cast, I’m excited. The only thing I’m worried about has to be with Wong Jing in the director’s seat. He’d better not mess this one up.

    And once again, I’d like to mention that Andrew Lau was robbed of his opportunity to make a ‘Young and Dangerous 7’.

  27. …I’m almost certain actors of the original cast will make a cameo appearance in these remakes.

  28. i’m thinking maybe Vincent Wong from Tiger Cubs can be Chan Ho Nam, Vincent’s acting is pretty decent, he’s tall and muscular. Him Him face is kinda boyish for the role?

    1. Yes, Vincent can act and is tall but he doesn’t have that bad boy image to lead the crew.

  29. From the table in the chinese article. Middle ones are cast of Y&D prequel.

    Chan Ho Nam: Ekin Cheng – Nic Tse – Him Law
    Chicken: Jordan Chan – Sam Lee – Oscar Leung
    Big Boss B: Ng Chi Hung – Ng Chi Hung – Paul Wong
    Leng Kwan: Francis Ng – Francis Ng – Sammy Shum
    Bao Pei: Jerry Lamb – Yu Ka Hou – Jazz Lam
    Dai Tin Yee: Michael Tse – N/A – Dominic Ho
    Big Head Boy: Chin Ka Lok – Daniel Wu – Philip Ng

    1. Big shoes to fill. It is an iconic film(s). Any fans may object to the fact these are remade? Or are you all excited?

      1. they will dress all of them up like triads

        don’t like seeing the random colors on the extras that run out of the cuts. they should all be dressed in black attire

      2. I’m actually looking forward to it. Was really happy to find out that Oscar will be in it, even happier that HimHim is in it as well. Overall I’m quite satisfied with the cast. I also think that Jazz Lam will make a great BaoPei. He’s too underrated. Anyone know when this film will be out?

      3. I’m pretty excited. I don’t think Him can recreate Ekin’s style in the role (not everyone can rock that hair!), but I think Him is a better actor than Ekin. I don’t think Him can do the emotional intensity that Nic was able to give the role though. Oscar’s a great fit, good actor, for the character of Chicken and I’m confident he can do it. Jazz Lam will also be good too.

        Phillip Ng a.k.a. Linda Chung’s rumoured boyfriend?

      4. Didn’t them turn to official? Ppl still think of them as rumoured couple?

      5. Oh yeah, I guess Linda and Philip are basically an open secret. Isn’t Philip an action choreographer or something? He acts too?

      6. Lolz, he even announced it himself and ppl still dun noe. It isn’t an open secret at all. It was a secret, then he announced.

        I guess that ppl still dun get used of Linda and Philip.

      7. Fox, I think it’s b/c they are pretty low-profile and scandal-less… so I kind of not really notice their relationship news, haha.

      8. Or nobody care for them.

        They are not that low-profile at all =)). And I doubt that they want to be low-profile.

        Actually not the fans but also the reporters still say about them as rumoured couple.

      9. So Philip announced he and Linda are a couple? Did Linda confirm that later?

    2. Is Jazz Lam have played Anthony Wong ‘s Dai Fei son in Ekin version Young And Dangerous ?

  30. i think Him Law’s acting has def improved..
    but is it just me or does he seem a little cock eyed? :/
    really dont see him rocking this role.

  31. YAY!! finally they got nothing else to do so they decided to remake Y&D woot… boring!!!! cmon man think of some better ideas! Nothing can beat the original Y&D Ekin Cheng and Jordan Chan FTW!!

      1. u r so right, he has always been overrated. still surprised how he became so popular after all those dumping pretty girls after certain # of years hahhaa…

  32. Will Him Law Chan Ho Nam a full time gangster or undercover like Ekin Cheng ,I remember the Ekin version he was undercover cop from part 1 to 5 while Nicholas version Chan Ho Nam was gangster since he was a child ?

    1. Chan Ho Nam was only undercover in Mainland China version and Malaysia version (and maybe some other conservative countries). He was a true blue gangster in HK version.

      The producer need to make Chan Ho Nam an underscover cop to pass censorship.

  33. Will William Chak play Szeto Ho Nam which start by Mark Cheng in part 5 ?

    This guy look handsome than Him Law and a bit look like Korean actor ,this 2 guy shall have a fight .

  34. Let’s butcher the movie franchise now, shall we? Another one doomed to fail or to not live up to expectations. Veteran actors back then can act better than them, please. Except for a couple of the new casts, the rest are just average.

    Oh well, this is not the first movie that failed to hit the mark. Many movie remakes are just as bad. Wonder why the quality back then was so much better 🙁 Lucky I caught the golden era!

  35. Remake and turn into cat 3 movie, is it because Him muscles?.shawn yue might be good, Him?. He look more like chip and dale dancer now.

  36. This is not to bash the new movie but here is what I think made the old series work:

    1) Ekin Cheng was a good TVB actor. In fact he was male 1st or 2nd lead in over 10 TVB dramas and had come box office clout with Feel 100%. Him Law is being heavily promoted but I have yet to see him even be true first lead.

    2) Music – Ekin and Wind Fire Sea(Jordan Chan, Michael Tse, Jason Chu); if the movie had terrible script and dialogue, you can always depend on some good Canto pop music and possible dance fighting in the promos. Even 15 years later, people can listen to the theme song(s) and remember how they watched Y&D when they were younger. It was a generation defining series.

    3) Great supporting cast. How do you replace Francis Ng, Anthony Wong, and Sandra Ng?

    1. I forgot another defining factor – these were NOT directed by Wong Jing but Andrew Lau (aka man behind the Infernal Affairs trilogy).

  37. Please let this be a box office disaster… Wong Jing should stick to what he does best, gambling movies and bouncy breasts movies.

    Absolutely no interest in the cast – who can play Chicken better than Jordan???

    1. ” who can play Chicken better than Jordan???”

      OSCAR!! Jordan got that dumb look to his face, OSCAR looks better.

      1. ha ha, yes Jordan can be so dumb and nerdy. Don’t like his expression at all. And he’s not good looking … eeww

  38. Like to see Oscar, Jazz and especially Him (attracted to his looks) but not a fan of bloody scenes and definitely not of WJ’s movies.

  39. Nooooooo….no remakes!! Why can’t people just come up with new and original stories? Are there no creative/imaginative scriptwriters anymore??!!

    The only reason this will be a “success” is not because of the storyline/directing/producing etc etc, it’s because Him fans will go solely to watch him. They probably won’t even know it’s a REMAKE of a brilliant series >< JUST WATCH THE ORIGINAL!

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