Hong Kong Version of “Black Mirror” Premieres on ViuTV

ViuTV has premiered its first full-length television drama series The Republic <理想國>, this week to much fanfare and positive reviews. The series, which runs at an hour per episode, is regarded as the Hong Kong version of the highly acclaimed British TV series Black Mirror, in which each episodes are stand-alone stories featuring different cast and characters.
The Republic is produced by “Hong Kong’s number one screenwriter” Chan Kiu-ying (陳翹英) and directed by acclaimed new coming director Tam Wai-ching (譚惠貞). Similar to Black Mirror, each episode in The Republic tell one-hour, stand alone stories that is set in a near future where technology gains absolutely control of society, and how people in this new society copes with new advancements. The Republic will air for 13 episodes.
The series also features a star-studded cast: the first episode, titled “On One’s Last Legs” <苟延殘喘>, stars Elaine Ng (吳綺莉). The eighth episode “The Three Laws of Robotics” <機器人三原則> stars Stephen Au (歐錦棠), and the final episode “Prison Sounds” <聲音監獄> stars Film King Anthony Wong (黃秋生).
The themes of each story on the show is meant to trigger thoughtfulness and reflection in its viewers. Episode “Distance of 1.2 Meters” <一點二米的距離> tells the story of how people in the future are able to use a technology where the faces of fictional characters can be used as a blue print for plastic surgery, and people in the real world are able to look exactly like how they want to look like. This causes people to grow obsessed with their physical appearances, and they slowly and eventually try to hide who they really are to the outside world. In “Kennedy’s Public Trial” <堅尼地公審>, citizens are given the opportunity to public trial criminals online.
Source: HK01.com
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
Interesting… Gonna watch this for Anthony Wong.
I like Black Mirror. Hope they breaks out with this one and not a mere copycat. Support!
Gonna give this series a try I’ve been waiting for this station to come out with a new drama……and nice to see that ViuTV is giving Elaine a chance to film and earn some extra income!!!
just saw the 1st episode and i do rate it. Elaine Ng pretty decent in it.
Have anyone seen ‘On Children’ taiwan Netflix show ? similar to black mirror and must watch if you haven’t seen it.
I watched the first episode, starring Elaine Ng. I’m surprised at her expression of loss, desperation, guilt and self denial. I remembered watching her as kid and she was not memorable, or perhaps that was just TVB- no one is memorable. She does look like an older version of Linda Chung. I did not watch Black Mirror but I really enjoyed this. The first episode is just so sad.