Lai Lok Yi Gives Girlfriend Credit Card to Plan Wedding

Busy with work, Lai Lok Yi (黎諾懿) does not have much time to plan his own wedding. The Come Home Love <愛·回家> star did say that he does not have to worry because girlfriend, Nicole Lee (李潔瑩), has been diligently preparing the wedding with the help of close friends.
At a promotional event for Come Home Love, Lok Yi revealed that they plan to get married before the upcoming Lunar New Year. Reportedly having a destination wedding in Bali, Lok Yi said they are currently scouting wedding venues. “I think we’re almost done [preparing]. Right now, we’re trying to choose between four [venues]. We want the wedding to be more natural.”
Unlike many celebrity weddings, Lok Yi said he did not receive any sponsors for his wedding. “My wife got her friends to help out, such as the wedding invitations, the gown, and the backdrops. Even her friends helped us out with our wedding photos.”
There was no set budget for the wedding. Lok Yi smiled and said, “I gave her my credit card. She can do whatever she wants with it. This only happens once in a lifetime and I believe she won’t go overboard with the spending.”
In related news, Lok Yi was asked about his Come Home Love costar Auston Lam (林師傑), who is reported to have broken up with girlfriend Vangie Tang (鄧穎芝) after he was caught cheating. Lok Yi said he has never heard of the reports. “Asking me is useless. You should ask those involved.”
Lok Yi’s good friend Yoyo Mung (蒙嘉慧), has been looking fuller lately, and there were reports claiming that she is pregnant. “I don’t think so!” Lok Yi immediately said. “I did ask her about it. Not yet. I met up with her recently too, and she did look fatter, but that’s because she’s happily married! It’ll be a happy occasion if it’s true, but not yet.”
This article is written by Addy for
Where is the article about Auston lam’s cheating and breaking up with Vangie?
All the best to Lai Lok Yi and Nicole Lee.
this handsome guy who once dated tavia now seem to be very happy to get married and though tavia and chris lai cant be couples,,,i believe nicole lee is much better choice for him (so lucky him)
I think so too.
naww cute !
hi there
1. hahaha!
2. honest, it is just not so wise leaving credit cards to his gal or wifey.
He meant debit card?
Chris lai is h a n d s 🙂 m e and H :)t looking! So happy for him and can’t wait to see his wedding post online.
chris looks so tired in the photo above >.< poor him