Leanne Li and Wong Cho Lam Living Together?

Despite their height difference, Leanne Li (李亞男) and Wong Cho Lam’s (王祖藍) love relationship have withstood the test of public exposure. Dating since 2009, the two devoted Christians had vowed to abstain from sex before marriage.
However, Leanne and Cho Lam are reportedly trying out “married life” by living together. The couple has been seen living together at Cho Lam’s house in Sai Kung and Leanne’s apartment in Cheung Kwan O. This could be a hint that marriage may come soon.
Pastor Approval?
As devoted Christians, Leanne and Cho Lam had proclaimed that they are practicing abstinence before marriage. Cho Lam declared, “I cannot accept any pre marital sex! When we date, we spend a lot of time at our fellow Christian’s homes. Even at each others’ homes, we always make sure our families or Christian fellowships are around.”
Cho Lam and Leanne already received consent from their respective parents, so marriage will definitely be on their next page of life. According to one of their Christian friends, Cho Lam and Leanne have been planning for the future soon after they started dating. They have been working very hard to support their goal, both financially and spiritually. They have even consulted a pastor for opinions, who reminded them of the need to compromise and understand each other.
A Man with Two Homes
Allegedly the two lovebirds have been living together for three months already. To avoid the paparazzi, Leanne and Cho Lam have been switching between homes frequently, moving from Cho Lam’s place to Leanne’s apartment and vice versa.
Cho Lam’s workload has been intense lately and he has spent most of his time at TVB City in Clear Water Bay. To maximize his time spent with Leanne, Cho Lam would leave for work together, and drop Leanne off for a taxi somewhere. Cho Lam would work until dawn, and then head to Leanne’s apartment, spend the day there and then return to his shooting schedule afterwards. According to the security guard at Leanne’s apartment building, Cho Lam would come in either late at night or early in the morning. He has access to all the building entrances. However, he often looked exhausted and he seldom greeted the apartment security guards.
Abstinence Set Aside
A while ago, another devoted Christian couple, Athena Chu (朱茵) and musician Paul Wong (黃貫中), announced during one of Paul’s concert that Athena was three months pregnant, and that they plan to get married at the end of this year. Athena and Paul originally practiced abstinence before marriage.
Lately, Leanne and Cho Lam’s cohabitation may be a sign that the couple’s attitude towards abstinence may have wavered. However, Leanne stated she is looking forward to getting pregnant after marriage.
Source: Oriental Sunday #771 via ihktv.com
This article is written by Lance for JayneStars.com.
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This is one couple I really want to see succeed. Their love for each other seems so genuine 🙂
I think Leanne and Cho Lam will get married. She appears to admire him for who he is. There is a deeper connection, as he mentored her and apparently offered her much guidance. They also share same faith and he seems to take care and be very accommodating.
I feel that Cho Lam is the more mature one and he is just waiting for Leanne to be ready.
Really?!?!?!!?!?………I still find it hard to believe that these two are claiming this abstinence BS…..on the other hand, I still can’t imagine Leanne having sex with Cho Lam…….it’s like touching a pre-puberty kid….hahahaa.
Maybe they are already secretly married under Canadian registration?
They don’t look like they do secrets you know? Since previously didn’t all those news make us painfully aware they don’t sleep with each other or was it kissing? This is a high profile couple, and suddenly to go so low profile is hypocritical.
Well changing circumstances warrant changing values. Maybe abstinence was only important when they were not sure if they were good marriage fit. Perhaps the abstinence becomes less important if they are already committed to each other spiritually.
Anyhow, seems to be a lot of open discussion about saving money to get married, which may mean they are already married…difficult to say.
When I saw Leanne on show that Grasshopper hosted awhile ago, she was wearing a really short tight skirt. The skirt was shorter than what any other female participants wore on that show. Nice proper Christian girl.
Shameless christian gal.
Marriage :D. Do it soon NamLam.
But living together, does it mean they broke the swear of no sex before marriage?
sex before marriage, you must be kidding!!!
remember athena and paul?
It is hard to not have sex if they are living together…
LOL that true…..even if they didn’t everyone on the outside like us would think they did.
Who are the kidding anyways…if they are living together they must! 😛
dirty minded
living together doesn’t mean sex.
True, but it is really hard to not have sex and who would believe that they did not???
Living together doesnt mean they will do it what.
I like them together!
I’m just going to say it: abstaining from sex until after marriage is stupid and Wong Cho Lam’s balls must the size of grapefruits right now because he’s getting epic blueballs.
…and hey, I’m not saying you need to try all 137 positions of the karma sutra, or plug it into the “dirtier hole”. Normal sexytimes brings two people closer together, it links them in a way that…no wait, nevermind. You get my point.
no sex? hahahhaa…if i’m dating LeAnne, i would be all over her….
i dont know wht the big deal is. its between both of them. mayne absentice was when thy were nt sure if thy were rght for each other.. aftr comtemplating all thy realized thy r n gettng married soon their minds chnge. we r humans.
Atleast she is not dating a gweilo.
Are u mrchow from maydaily? ahaha
In the Christian religion it is considered a sin to practise pre-marital sex and for a couple like Cho Lam and Leanne Li to announce beforehand that they were practising “abstinance before marriage” and are now living together is surely hypocritical. Maybe they are indeed pratising what they had declared before but I think that is very unlikely. I may be wrong.
I don’t understand why in the first place they felt the need to talk about their practice of “abstinence before marriage” so publicly. They could just decline to discuss that to the media.
Yea! It is already 2012 and HK is an advanced developed country. Do people really take these things so seriously?
fellow christians.
oh god major eye roll.
like hanging around people with different religions or mindsets will make them want to have sex.
This is like the only couple I actually am happy to see them dating. They looked pass there differences! And it’s just so darn cute how Wong Cho Lam actually pursued her for 4 years 🙂
its also called not being able to take the hint.
i find their story a little fake.
but its just me of cos.
Religious people scare me.
Same here… I get scared of religious people as well… Sadly, many of them are my family members…
So funny!!!!!
If there was no penetration, THEY DID NOT HAVE SEX! A wise and famous person once said this…… (‘Course he was impeached later, but that’s another story) ;p
rambling hilarious hahhh
Leanne Li is soo pretty!
all the no sex before marriage is a lie…look at Athena Chu..
True and many things are easy to say but really hard to do…
religion is scary, no sex….ha!
They just say one thing and do another.
Not “no sex”, Larry, just get lawfully married and life goes on as usual!
It is extremely hard for a young couple to live together and have no sex. Sex is just too common and widely practiced among young people these days.
In fact, they did not have to talk about abstinence publicly in the past. No one would question them, sex or no sex before marriage. It is rather stupid to have sex (or get pregnant) for those people who declare abstinence before marriage, such as Athena Chu and Paul Wong.
Well, I still think they will break up some days, but let’s hope not. I admire Leanne Li a lot for loving Cho Lam despite of the big gap in terms of appearance but I have a feeling that the breakup will come soon as soon as Leanne is more famous. I don’t say she uses him as the PR but still…
No a fan of them. Wish them luck!
there both so fugly…