Miss Hong Kong 2019 Contestants in Japan

Continuing the long tradition to film in overseas destinations for the Miss Hong Kong Pageant, the contestants are currently in Japan this year for a seven-day outdoor shoot. Hot favorites Kayan Choi (蔡嘉欣) and Katy Yeung (楊詠彤) expressed their excitement and revealed that many of them brought food in case they get hungry.

Katy who packed several healthy foods said, “Really scared of starving, so I brought biscuits, oats and other health foods.” Kayan teased her, “She initially thought of bringing a whole bunch of chips, but she changed her choices after remembering that she needs to keep fit. I just brought some dry foods and a neck pillow to use for car rides.”

Asked if they fear there would be nothing to eat, Kayan replied that she doesn’t understand why some candidates don’t gain weight no matter how much they eat. “Maybe it’s because of different physiques. So don’t look at them being so thin, they actually eat a lot. Honestly, everyone does the same. Because I get fat pretty easily, I usually have to control my diet. I’m now 110 pounds, but I used to be 20 pounds heavier before.”

When asked how Katy manages to not gain weight, she said, “I eat less and exercise frequently. Maybe all the nutrients went to my height.” Talking in ease, it seems Katy is comfortable with traveling, as she handled the earlier filming experience in Macau with ease.

Source: On.cc

This article is written by Minna for JayneStars.com.

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