Nancy Wu Loses Weight from Filming “Rosy Business 4”

(Above) Wayne’s character “Chai Kau” is here named “Chai Shi Qi”, while Nancy plays a strong businesswoman “Seventh Maste”, Deng Gui Chan.
Attending TVB’s annual sales presentation on June 31, Friday, Wayne Lai (黎耀祥) and Nancy Wu (胡定欣) promoted their new drama series No Return <巾幗梟雄之懸崖>, and revealed that the drama would be aired during the TVB anniversary series prime time slot.
Nancy Has Many Pivotal Scenes
Three classic series are set to meet viewers with sequels, including Forensic Heroes VI <法證先鋒VI 倖存者的救贖> helmed by a new cast of Bosco Wong (黃宗澤), Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪), Jacky Cai (蔡潔), and Kelly Fu (傅嘉莉), the fourth instalment of Rosy Business, as well as Your Highness 2 <痞子無間道> which sees the return of Kalok Chow (周嘉洛), Jeannie Chan (陳瀅) and Brian Chu (朱敏瀚).
Set in 1920s Shanghai, the 25-episode series is led by Wayne and Nancy, with other cast members including Edwin Siu (蕭正楠), Joey Law (羅天宇) and Hera Chan (陳曉華). Replacing actress Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯) in the latest instalment of Rosy Business, Nancy was finally able to share her excitement participating in the iconic drama.
She shared, “This drama has kept up a certain sense of mystery, and it was agreed that details such as imaging or behind-the-scenes must not be revealed. I had many unforgettable experiences on set, it is not easy to deliver heartrending scenes, and I hope that these can be shared with the audience very soon!” No newbie to the rigors of the industry, Nancy let on that she has had quite an intense time filming the period series. “This drama counts as one where I have the most number of scenes since starting out, (I was) involved from the first scene to the last, I can only describe it as “holding up the skies and earth” (Chinese idiom), and started to lose weight since the third day of filming,”
Wayne laughingly exclaimed that with Nancy holding up the skies, he has a relatively easy filming time. He said, “Although I have more lines, I’m more familiar with this series, so it is easier to handle.”
She was part of the first installment so it makes sense to bring her back for the 4th. I’ve said it before, her potential was obvious since Twin of Brothers but then all the pageant winners just overshadowed her. Nancy Wu, Ali Lee, Kate Tsui are all thespians if you ask me. They were born to act and are in similar age range 40s. Sheree Tang and Kara Hui are thespians too but like an elite level of thespian and shall not be compared to Nancy/Ali/Kate because it would be insulting. Wayne Lai and Gordon Lam are thespians. There are not many artistes (especially pageant winners) but NOT many thespians. People who live and breathe cinema or television are just on a different level.
Sheren Tang**
June 31st? We just started June…lol
I can’t wait for this series!!! I have high expectations. Hopefully, it was better than the 3rd installment
Im so excited too!! this installment has the major original team who worked behind 1 & 2 so hopefully it will be better than that shameful 3 installment which i like to think doesn’t exist hahahah! Even the trailer didnt mention it lol
Are Lee Tim Shing and Cheung Wah Biu part of it?
@ohmygoshy Don’t think Lee Tim Shing is, he has retired. Is Cheung Wai Biu still with the TV station? Recall he was unhappy with TVB though he respected LTS and enjoyed working with him.