Raymond Lam and Kenneth Ma Team Up for “Line Walker 3”

In the final episode of Line Walker 2 <使徒行者2>, Kenneth Ma (馬國明) made a mysterious appearance as Moses Chan’s (陳豪) brother looking to avenge his death. He was seen loading ammunition into large rifles with intense concentration. Resuming his role in Line Walker 3 <使徒行者3> Kenneth dyed his hair a cool silvery gray, a departure from his usual clean cut looks.
Raymond Lam (林峯) posted a photo of the two of them together on his social media and captioned it with, “Does everyone like this duo?”
Raymond’s role as “Bao Seed” in Line Walker was a big hit. The drama was a ratings winner in 2016, and his pairing with Charmaine Sheh was also very well received by the audience. Unfortunately, by the time the drama aired, Raymond had already left the company and was not able to fulfill his dream of winning the TV King award. Maybe this will be a possibility with Line Walker 3!
The full cast has not been confirmed yet, but Michael Miu (苗僑偉), Benz Hui (許紹雄), and Raymond Lam will be reprising their original roles. Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) will not be returning due to scheduling conflicts and the female lead has not been confirmed. Supporting female leads include Serene Lim (林宣妤) and Sisley Choi (蔡思貝).
Source: hket
This article is written by Kiki for JayneStars.com.
I hope Ben returns as 天堂哥 and Chau Pakho doesn’t.
Edit: Never mind, Pakho returns. Terrible actor though so I hope his scenes get cut significantly.
@hazel I like Pakho Chau & Priscilla Wong. haha LOL..I didn’t like original LW but I did like them in the Prequel. 🙂
same here Pakho is ok he’s looks cute with Priscilla Wong in the series but i dont reallly like Sisley tho why cant they cast somebody like Mandy Nancy or Roxanna Tong
@sherla1019 Yup, didn’t understand the hype w/original LW at all but I like the prequel due to Pakho+Priscilla+Benjamin. They were a cute trio esp the subtle romance between Pakho+Priscilla. Sure, Priscilla isn’t the best actress but who is? Sisley Choi? You practically see her in every series omg… aren’t ppl tired of her yet? haha lol….I can never understand the hype w/Raymond L anyway but hey it is what it is. As always I find Kenneth Ma boring in everything but I am digging his new look here. Finally, it’s change for him instead of the same old same old goody goody look? lol… I like Roxanne only…don’t like Mandy or Nancy. Roxanne W should be in more series. She’s got the looks and she acts/looks ok in the series I see her in. Much better than the same old faces we have been seeing.
Not so hyped about RL never liked him ………wonder how will Kenneth play out being evil in a series overall i’m super excited for it to finish filiming and start airing it out already havent been chasing tvb series like i use too just dont look appealing so i started to binge watch the 90’s tvb series just finished Armed Reaction 1 & 2 now starting 3 LOL
@sherla1019 kenneth can play a really good villain. Have u watched his performance in Grace Under Fire? If you havent watched, i highly recommend!
Although Kenneth is boring as good characters, he was decent as villain in tiger cubs so should be exciting to see how he does here. Pakho is a terrible actor. He has fans and if it was someone else with his type of performances they would have been hugely criticised only by now. Mandy is a pantomime overacting actress so won’t be suitable for these serious roles and Nancy starting to look too aged for the younger roles. Roxanne and Priscilla are capable in the deeper roles but not sure Sisley is…
@jimmyszeto tbh i didnt rly like Priscilla’s performance in Line Walker. Im not sure if she fit the role. However, her performance in swipe tap love was amazing. I think shes more suitable for those roles
‘Swipe Tap Love’. One of the best modern series of the past decade. Could feel Priscilla’s pain throughout because her acting was so realistic. Likely she has had similar relationship experiences to replicate them in the series. Then you have Eddie Kwan who was amazing…
@wm2017 the orig line walker is very good & is better than the prelude. I love raymond & charmaine & kobe & yan’s romance. And i agree, not a big fan of Sisley & i hope she doesnt ruin it.
The performances in ‘the prelude’ and storyline were far better. The only advantage of the original is the initial creation of a decent theme…
@jimmyszeto hmmm maybe the storyline in prelude was better. I think when charmaines 3 moms died, that was unnecessary. but i like the cast in the orig line walker more & there were some very funny scenes between raymond & charmaine
Yeh. The original went to hell after midway through the series. Literally anyone could have died. Have very low expectations for Line Walker 3. No Charmaine and Raymond’s acting has not improved. Raymond said P Storm was a big breakthrough for him but he lied. There was no breakthrough. He just shouted and screamed as usual when he tried to act angry. Probably a good idea to stay away from movies…
Raymond should’ve never returned but I can understand why.
I don’t think that picture was very flattering to either of them. I am not on board with the silver hair right now, it just ages him.
Pakho’s character should have stayed dead. it makes no sense that Priscilla would still want to be with a serial killer. Not wanting him dead is one thing, but actually wanting to spend a lifetime with him is ridiculous. This isn’t a wuxia or fantasy drama.
I would prefer someone like Ali Lee to play the lead role, but it’s understandable if she is not as she is under fire for her “pro HK” views.l
I don’t think that picture was very flattering to either of them. I am not on board with the silver hair right now, it just ages him. Pakho’s character should have stayed dead. it makes no sense that Priscilla would still want to be with a serial killer. Not wanting him dead is one thing, but actually wanting to spend a lifetime with him is ridiculous. This isn’t a wuxia or fantasy drama.