Roger Kwok and Cindy Au Led Separate Lives Before Divorce

Married for 18 years, Roger Kwok (郭晉安) and Cindy Au (歐倩怡) suddenly announced their divorce last week. As speculations over the reason for their divorce grew, Cindy’s past comments about their marriage became a source for public dissection. Her individualism, life values, and career focus point to possible contention in their marriage.

In last year’s interview, Cindy openly responded to questions regarding Roger and her differences. She explained, “I believe everyone is an individual. When you reach the end of your life and look back, what crosses your mind as something you want to do but never got the chance to?” Now reaching mid-life, Cindy expressed, “I am 44 years old right now, so I have maybe about 20 good years left. In these 20 years, I want to live for myself rather than live for others.”

Possessing two bachelor’s degrees, one master’s degree, and other certifications, Cindy works as a full-time nutritionist. While married, Cindy could not cook for the family because of her full-time job and getting home at 8 p.m. “There wasn’t enough time for me to make dinner. Roger hired his niece to help with cooking meals.”

Despite her expertise in nutrition, Cindy candidly admitted, “I tried to communicate it before, such as how calcium or iron can be better absorbed during meals. After I said it though, some people’s expressions changed and they were not happy about it.” On whether it was Roger or his niece who were upset, Cindy merely smiled and alluded both probably felt uncomfortable.

When asked if she had any tips to share in marriage, Cindy laughed and said, “There is none. Roger’s management company wanted him to stay active on Douyin and I didn’t understand it. I was not familiar with what the latest in the entertainment industry. I haven’t watched television in a long time, so I don’t really know about what he did. He also did not understand what I was doing in my career due to patient confidentiality. We didn’t talk much nor see each other often. When I came home late from work, he would be already asleep.”

Looking back, Cindy’s comments hinted the couple already had separate lives for years before their divorce. Although they tried to make time for each other and salvage their marriage two years ago, their drift only grew wider over time.

Source: [1]

This article is written by Huynh for

Roger Kwok and Cindy Au Announce Divorce

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  1. I wonder how late she came home that it is was even later than a household name from showbiz….
    She sounds very disgruntled with her marriage life. It’s probably a good thing that they divorced so both could chase other things in their lives.

    1. @m0m0
      Yeah, I totally agree with you. They did the best thing by totally breaking free of each other. No one likes divorce, but sadly, sometimes couples need to walk away and move on. There are some couples in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland that are so estranged from each other that it is only a matter of time before we hear more public news. There are some couples that are only business partners and not sharing a loving marriage. More will be revealed in time.

      1. @Renren Hi Teddy!! It is unfortunate but true…not every marriage can last… It is the kids that suffers…

  2. I think the age gap is finally catching up with them. They are at different stages in their life. Cindy still wants a career and maybe some excitement in her life, being in her early 40s, while Roger is nearing 60 and probably prefers to slow down and enjoy life with his children.

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