Rosita Kwok Auditions for Stephen Chow’s “Shaolin Women’s Soccer”

Critically acclaimed filmmaker Stephen Chow (周星馳) is recruiting new faces for his upcoming film, Shaolin Women’s Football <少林女足>. While many artistes like Sisley Choi (蔡思貝) posted their audition videos to catch Stephen’s attention, Hong Kong rising actress Rosita Kwok (郭柏妍) is turning heads with her healthy and youthful image.

Rosita filmed her audition video in a theme park where she showed off her figures while wearing a camisole. Rosita filmed a segment of her climbing up on a Mary-Go-Round and wrote, “Looking at my footing, you would be able to tell I know how to play a bit of soccer. I can climb trees too.”

Since placing first runner-up in Miss Hong Kong 2020, Rosita has been given many opportunities. Known for her athletic talents, Rosita was praised for her performance in Get on a Flat <下流上車族>. Many fans are looking forward to seeing the star shine in future projects.


Source: HK on CC

This article is written by Sammi for

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  1. Can’t believe that Stephen is filming again. His movies isn’t the best hits when he’s not in it. But guess his prime time is over since he’s in his 60s. Hong Kong films is the best in the 80-90s

    1. Yeah agreed. I haven’t really enjoyed any of the movies he’s directed. The mermaid one was slightly better, at least it got like 2 laughs out of me, but that was it. No rewatch value to me.

      Whereas all his old movies were funny as heck and I’d rewatch all the time. People say these nonsensical slapstick movies he was in were too pointless and looked down on them, but I find them so witty and unexpected. Wish there were more of these…

      1. Couldn’t agreed more. I guess Ronald Cheng came close as the next hk comedian for 2000s, but then he got old fast cause he started late and now he’s pretty much retired as well. Waiting for a millennials or a gen-z comedian to come out and rock Hong Kong film…still waiting…

      2. @TapiocaCat Dayo Wong is a strong contender, but his movies have more substance and he’s a bona fide actor. His humor is more on the cutting side than plain silly, goofy funny

      3. Dayo Wong is a good comedian, but more toward the “talking” side rather than comicial expressing in slap joke acting. That’s why he’s popular with his standup shows and concerts.

        Similar actors like, Richie Jen, Dicky Cheung, Stephen Fung…etc. and those actors Stephen hire for his movies. Even though Stephen is teaching them how to express their acting base on his humor, his actors still can’t reach his level of comical expression or rizz

  2. True that the movies that Stephen chow directed isn’t as good as the ones he’s in. I wonder who was directing those films before.
    As for SC’s raising contender, I always thought Ronalds acting was very shallow and lack originality. Dayo on the other hand, great actor, just dont direct. Although the last two films he was in were exceptionally good.

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