Ruco Chan Teases Rosina Lam On Set of “Sinister Beings 2”

Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Rosina Lam (林夏薇), Jonathan Cheung (張頴康), Ben Wong (黃智賢) and Joman Chiang (蔣祖曼) spilled heartwarming and funny moments while filming the currently airing series Sinister Beings 2 <逆天奇案2>!

With viewers eager to know if Hui Chun Sum and Ma Wing Sze will have the chance to reconcile in this season, the two actors shared a memorable scene where Ruco meets up with Rosina to confess but is rejected. It turns out the duo had to walk over 1,000 stairs to shoot the scene beside a humongous tree.

Recalling how both ended up panting, Ruco revealed that Rosina walked till her legs shook, despite being someone who exercises regularly! Rosina shared, “It was a black rainstorm signal, and all of us risked getting struck by lightning, After a few hours of waiting when the rain subsided, we hurriedly rushed up 1,000 steps and filmed before rushing down, apprehensive of the thunderous weather,” Rosina added that Ruco had spotted that her feet were trembling on their way down, and teased her about it!

With most action scenes involving Ruco and Ben, there was a particular scene when Rosina got her turn to show off fighting chops – the shoot eventually lasted for hours and had her repeating kicking stunts for at least 50 times, which the actress describes as, “Really exhausting! My whole leg is bruised!”

Ngai Tsz Lok Plans for Revenge

As for who was the most “relaxed” person on set, everyone pointed to Jonathan Cheung, who would often use his free time to practice golf! Reprising his role as Ngai Tsz Lok, Jonathan recalls, “I play a mental patient, and am stuck in prison, plus I don’t have to makeup or do my hair, so I had lots of time; with the entire grass patch to myself, and two golf clubs nearby, I made use of the ample time to practice, who knew the crew secretly filmed me and said that I was really mental, so I didn’t have to summon my emotions and could get into character really quickly,”

While Joman and Ben play a couple in love onscreen, Joman revealed Ben’s spontaneous habit of breaking into song. Adding that Ben has a strong desire to perform, and would start singing when filming went past midnight — he explained it would ensure everyone doesn’t get sleepy — Joman praised Ben for his good vocals and asked when he would bring her on a performance tour! Ben too praised Joman for being a good singer and said their plans of performing duets after the first season of Sinister Beings were disrupted by the pandemic. Eagerly awaiting a good chance when both of them can perform onstage as a couple, Joman joked that she can’t wait to start rolling in the bucks, while he quipped, “We’re a great pair wherever we go!”

Source: Mingpao

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