Sin Ho Ying: “Kevin Cheng is Self-Centered! Raymond Wong is a Great Guy!”

Since Kevin Cheng’s (鄭嘉穎) popularity skyrocketed last year, he has increasingly been earmarked by the paparazzi, eager to dig up his “real dirt”! Was the triple-winning TV King truly as affable as his popular Ghetto Justice <怒火街頭> persona “Law Ba”? TVB actor, Sin Ho Ying (冼灝英), has spilled the dirt, by declaring: “Kevin Cheng is very self-centered! He has a poor character!”
Sin Ho Ying’s Hard Efforts Remain Unappreciated
TVB boxing drama, Gloves Come Off <拳王>, aired on Monday, April 16, 2012 in Hong Kong. The drama starred Kevin Cheng and Raymond Wong (黃浩然) as Muay Thai boxers. Producer Marco Law (羅永賢) consulted with Sin Ho Ying, a boxing and martial arts expert, for the action boxing scenes. Mr. Sin noted that preparation was key in avoiding injuries to the actors, while producing gritty, realistic-looking boxing scenes.
In an earlier interview, Mr. Sin revealed, “It was Marco Law who asked for my help. How often does TVB film a boxing drama? They did not know how to film the camera angles. I contacted the Muay Thai boxing association to ask for help. We tried many positions to find the best angles.”
Despite Mr. Sin’s hard efforts, they did not appear to be acknowledged properly by the Gloves Come Off production staff. Mr. Sin was not even invited to any promotional events for the drama. He attended as a representive from the Muay Thai boxing association.
Sin Ho Ying Attacks Kevin Cheng’s Character
Mr. Sin revealed that during the filming of Gloves Come Off, Kevin Cheng repeatedly questioned Mr. Sin’s professional opinion. Apparently, Kevin was difficult to work with, leading Mr. Sin to complain, “His personality is not a problem, just that he has a poor character! Kevin is very self-centered!”
Mr. Sin continued angrily, “Each time we filmed boxing scenes, I will prepare adequately, taking into account the necesary camera positions. However, Kevin never trusted my judgment and always questioned me! When he finally realizes that my position is the best, he will follow my suggestion. He is a smart guy and delivers good visual results onscreen. The [boxing scenes look] very dramatic. However, Kevin has poor character (人格衰)!”
Raymond Wong Is Remarkable
On the other hand, Mr. Sin was quick to praise Raymond Wong, who was his disciple. Mr. Sin’s voice brightened, “Raymond is very well good! He possesses a pure and very real personality. He is very hard working and wants to put in his best efforts.”
TVB originally scheduled a noon-time airplane flight for Raymond Wong earlier to fly back from Hengdian to Hong Kong to attend a promotional event for Gloves Come Off. Mr. Sin said, “In order to be less tired for the event, Raymond paid for the plane ticket out of his own pocket, returning to Hong Kong one day earlier. We attended the event together that day. As a result, Raymond’s performance was the best among everyone present!”
“Rubber” Kevin Cheng Refuses to Respond to Criticism
Sin Ho Ying’s criticism about Kevin’s “poor” character has caused a stir. Mr. Sin was a well-respected boxing and martial artist. However, Mr. Sin may also possess a hot-headed side, as glimpsed in his attack towards Pierre Ngo in October 2010. Mr. Sin and Pierre allegedly had a dispute and ended their martial arts “sifu-disciple” relationship in a violent manner. Getting drunk one night at a bar, Mr. Sin thrust a glass bottle against Pierre’s forehead, staining his shirt with blood!
While Mr. Sin criticized Kevin’s character, the online community nicknamed him as “Rubber Kevin,” bashing him for his worsening acting skills in Gloves Come Off. Netizens complained that Kevin’s acting skills did not even measure up to Raymond Wong!
Confronted by Mr. Sin and netizens’ harsh criticisms, Kevin remained cool-headed. Kevin handled the recent criticisms in the same manner as ex-flame Linda Wong’s (王馨平) father’s, Wang Yu’s (王羽) remark that he lacked a successful future. Kevin said, “Different people have varying perspectives. People who do not know me may misunderstand me. I will not comment further. Anyway, people who know me well will understand me. That is enough!”
Kevin refused to embroil himself deeper into the negative rumors, excusing himself as having a dental appointment. He refused to comment further.
Kate Tsui, Selena Li, and Natalie Tong Support Kevin Cheng
Gloves Come Off stars, Kate Tsui (徐子珊), Selena Li (李詩韻), and Natalie Tong (唐詩詠) vouched for Kevin’s character, indicating that they did not have any difficulties working with him in the drama. The women indicated that perhaps there may have been a verbal misunderstanding, that Mr. Sin was not so harsh in criticizing Kevin.
Selena Li said, “In my contact with Kevin Cheng, he is never rude. His personality is very real and fun. We can be true freinds!”
Natalie Tong said, “I never heard of [their inability to get along]. Every actor needs to have strong opinions and be self-centered. Kevin is not the type of person who will vent at other people.”
Portraying Kevin’s wife in a cameo role in Gloves Come Off, Kate Tsui said, “I have known Kevin for a long time and he is an easy-going person. He’s very straightforward!”
Virginia Lok Defends Kevin’s Character
Producer Marco Law acknowledged that Sin Ho Ying served as a consultant for the boxing scenes in Gloves Come Off. Mr. Law admitted that Mr. Sin and and Kevin possessed differences in opinion, but filming occurred smoothly. Mr. Law said, “Kevin is very concerned and serious during the filming. You can say that there are good and negatives aspects to this type of personality. However, after they discussed the scenes, Kevin will follow Mr. Sin’s suggestions.”
TVB executive manager, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), pointed out that martial artists such as Mr. Sin tend to have a blunt manner of speaking. Ms. Lok said, “Kevin was injured before, thus he had to clearly understand the filming requirements, unlike Raymond Wong, who has greater understanding with his sifu, Sin Ho Ying!”
Sources: Oriental Daily, Oriental Daily,,
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Jayne: This is the first time that I heard Kevin did not get along with a TVB colleague. Mr. Sin appears to have grown impatient since his expertise was repeatedly questioned by Kevin.
TVB should have given credit to Mr. Sin for training the actors.
As for Kevin not getting along with him, I couldn’t care less.
Mr. Sin also seems to be a difficult person to get along. He cannot take any NO from juniors (especially someone who is not as good as he is in martial arts and boxing).
Any good sifu does not have this kind of ego attitude. He’s just full of himself.
I think Raymond Wong seems to be a more easy-going guy. On top of that, he is one of Mr. Sin’s disciples and he knows and has more confidence in Mr. Sin.
Sin Ho-ying has always been a pretty difficult person to get along with, but I side with Sin on this one.
Mr. Sin is being unprofessional. IF he has issues w/ Kevin, then he needs to talk with him personally instead of going to the media first.
Mr Sin sound to be a very problematic person by look at all his previous news. He criticize actors in front of reporters which sound very unprofessional. Mr Sin seems to always attack those who does not follow his idea, maybe he think too great of himself. Sound like the typical old sifu. Look at the case of Benny Chan. .Mr Sin like just want to kill him off.
You hit the nail on the head. Old or new sifu, he is just unfit to be one.
Those are 2 different Sin sifu’s.
I never knew Kate Tsui will be in this drama…
It’s just a small guest role so that’s why.
This series is showing on ASTRO and has yet to watch. Saw the title and I just kept laughing. Anyway if Kevin was that unprofessional then Mr Sin being the expert advisor here has every right to voice his opinion. But at the end of the day Mr Sin is supposed to make the stars of the series look good. If he is successful, then job well done.
I’m yet to watch too but from the reviews posted here those who watching seem to be loving and praising the seires
Actually Kevin and Wong Hei were said to not get along either. But this Sin Ho Ying has had his own conflicts too. So I don’t know who is the difficult one here.
Yes Kevin and Wong Hei said to not getting along but don’t forget that Wong Hei is a difficult person.
Sin was brought in as a technical adviser for boxing. He is not a director or producer of the show, and thus it is not right for him to force others to accept his ideas. Raymond Wong, being Sin’s disciple, is certaintly more obedient. Kevin, being the lead actor, surely has the right whether to accept the adviser ideas or not.
Secondly, attacking someone’s character seem very ungentlemanly and even downright unprofessional. Who will want to collobarate with Sin again?
Bye the way, I have seen 5 episodes so far, and I really like 拳王 .
If he is the technical advisor shouldn’t you discuss, and then improvise on his ideas much like Keanu Reeves did when filming matrix movies? Or is he saying Kevin refuses to listen until you force him to? So when did Kevin become expert in boxing or is Mr Sin asking him to do some impossible acts?
This is something that we can only guess. I suspect Kevin would not listen to all his ideas, and as you alluded there are things that Kevin could not do given that (1) he could not achieve the kind of good understanding that developed between Sin and Raymond (2) he was recovering from back injury due to car accident in mainland just after filing BBJX.
Wish people could be more understanding like you by looking at the big picture. Unfortunately, there’re those out there who think otherwise. It’s the same old ‘tall poppy syndrome’ of ‘let’s bash Kevin cause he’s so popular right now and can’t do any wrong. Well, let’s create something to bring him down’.
Kevin had a discord with Wong Hei before, but Wong Hei always had discords with many people he work with due to his personality.
I think Mr Sin should confront Kevin face to face instead of airing this in public.
Not a good idea as yet another bottle might end in Kevin’s forehead, LOL.
So what he did i.e. speak out was a better solution.
Master Sin seems to demand a lot of respect from his costars, regardless of how senior or junior they are. Nothing wrong with that. He’s been in the industry for ages and probably counts many actors and actresses among his disciples. Kevin gives me the impression that he either likes people (and then approaches them) or he doesn’t (thus keeping to himself). Still, I think he should have given Master Sin a bit more respect seeing as he was volunteering help with the direction. Anyway, if Raymond’s backing up Master Sin’s claims then I am more inclined to believe their side of the story, since Raymond isn’t known to be a troublemaker.
Since Raymond is Sin’s disciple, Raymond may not be a neutral person. I am also very suprised that Raymond would openly side with Sin, given that Kevin and Raymond seemed friendly enough during the TV interview a couple of days ago. Perhaps it is the case of the tabloid sensationalizing the whole thing.
Whatever it is, given the benefit of hindsight, Kevin probably should have handled disagreements with Master Sin more carefuly, since Sin has this fragile ego, despite the seemingly tough exterior.
Kevin look keeping to himself and I only saw that his closer male friends are Ben Wong, Raymond Cho and Bosco and some mainland artists from BBJX. Unsure about others but I did heard about Wong Hei vs Kevin before ROFL
Probably just a misunderstanding either way we don’t know the truth, however it’s not a surprise that the other female co-stars supports TVB’s new 1st brother.
Master Sin is likely a very straight forward person that speaks his mind and I respect him for that. He prolly can’t stand people that he view as fake to the core, LOL.
The show is not bad, Kevin is holding ground on his own, still im so much more excited when watching Raymond. He and Ruco should jump ship when the opportunity appears!
Raymond Wong isn’t Txb’s management actor but his company has some relationship with TVB and his father-in-law has close link with TVB. Hence, I doubt he’ll jump ship. Raymond Wong and Ruco have just jumped from ATV to TVB :P.
Thanks for the valuable information with this I can update the probability of him jumping ship.
Anyway TVB got hold on some gems, unpolished gems and many rocks without too much value.
BTW, Raymond seems in better shape in the pics than in the show and Kevin doesn’t really look like a myah tai as he is not fit enough.
Lolz, gems are actually rocks or have the natural of a rock. Gem or rock? It’s all up to your eyes :). But sometimes a rock is more expensive than a gem.
LOL, you are absolutely right so I guess you don’t mind receiving rocks instead of diamonds as gifts?
Since the giver might value the rocks more and also think that you do the same 😛
Lol, you are the one who said about true love can win materials, and now what you are saying? About diamond? Uh huh…
I don’t mind a rock as present, if this rock comes from heart :). But you might dunnoe that some Fengshui rock can cost up to million dollars :P.
I said that? Anyway there’s no conflict between the two i.e. no problem giving diamond as presents, whether it’s a good investment is another matter.
The real issue is whether you would be as happy receiving a rock as a present relative to a diamond. Are you mentioning expensive fengshui rocks since you really want a diamond and can use that as an excuse i.e. the rock is more expensive with virtually zero scrap value, LOL.
Don’t you have a dozen of those fengshui rocks already? If not I will give you a rock which will bring you good fortune IF you believe in it 😛
Ok, give me. I don’t mind accepting your present :). But I won’t receive fake stuff, har?
Once again, you forgot wat you’ve said :(.
I am not surprised even if it is true.
If what he said is true, that Raymond is more grounded, real and respectful, it certainly shows in his performance, as Raymond’s acting is more genuine, you feel more for him as you see his human flaws in the characters he plays. Kevin on the other hand seems to always be “winning.” It comes off cocky and not believable in any character he plays. This is one reason why I think Michael Tse is a better actor than Kevin. Although Michael Tse specializes in playing the cocky prick, he’s good at it, and even in these characters he shows different angles–the hidden insecurities.
I agree. I’m not a fan of Michael or Kevin, but Michael is definitely a better actor. No doubt about it.
Kevin’s a decent actor, though. Law Ba was a pretty good role for him, but nothing groundbreaking. Kevin’s singing is also decent, but again, not too great. His voice is too soft for my liking.
I also think that Micheal is a better actor.
I think Michael is the better actor when he’s not relying on his Laughing fame!
not the current Michael Tse who relied on and behave too much like Laughing.
Laughing is annoying as he is milking too much by Txb, but Michael himself is still a good actor and can act in more types of role
Poor Laughing, such a great character being unfairly bashed (regardless how well-received his series was) just because TVB insists on milking his popularity… And poor Michael too, a decent actor being unfairly bashed all the time for “relying on Laughing” when his typecasting by TVB is outside his control and certainly not what he’d wish for especially given how some people tend to act blind and automatically dismiss his acting as “lacking breakthrough”, despite the various new layers he gives every character each time!
Michael is definitely a better actor!
Raymond seems like the easy going type while Kevin might seem cool at first but warms up once you get to know him. Love both actors, don’t want to be biased with my opinions but can’t really comment what really went on between the two. Could be a misunderstanding or not, but the female stars seem to support Kevin. Also, SHY seems like a very straight foward and holds a blunt personality that may clash with Kevin’s personality.
Kevin Cheng SELF – CENTERED/人格衰?
First of all:
“Kate Tsui, Selena Li, and Natalie Tong Support Kevin Cheng” Uhm are you ****** kidding me, of course he won’t be rude to them.. they are ladies. No need to explain further, guys will know what I mean.
Second, why is Kevin not responding, and let the manager respond instead? If he was not being disrespect he should respond, and not saying something like: yeah people that know me will understand me, that’s some bull****.
´TVB executive manager, Virginia Lok (樂易玲), pointed out that martial artists such as Mr. Sin tend to have a blunt manner of speaking. Ms. Lok said, “Kevin was injured before, thus he had to clearly understand the filming requirements, unlike Raymond Wong, who has greater understanding with his sifu, Sin Ho Ying!”
This is even more bull****!
1st: Disrespecting the whole martial artists branche. Why? Saying that they all have a blunt manner of speaking.
2nd: Without even knowing the real truth behind it, already saying that it’s because Mr. Sin have a blunt manner of speaking. ???? What?! Was she there? No I don’t think so, so why being judgemental about it right away??? Because Kevin Cheng told her so??
3rd: “Kevin injured before, thus he had to clearly understand the filming requirements” So she is implying that Mr. Sin is not doing his work right, thus causing Kevin to have injuries?? Ahwwwwwww pooor poor …. ********! Being judgemental! It’s martial arts, everyone doing martial arts in movies or practicing it as a sport, knows it comes with injuries even the best of the best have injuries… so don’t be a cry baby…
4th : “…unlike Raymond Wong, who has greater understanding with his sifu, Sin Ho Ying!”
So just because Raymond Wong is disciple of Mr. Sin he does it better.. again judgemental. So all the effort Raymond Wong is putting in it > no credits, it just because he has greater understanding with his sifu… No I don’t think that’s the only reason, he himself is martial artist too, then he knows how to prevent injuries, which will lead to less injuries… (this is also part of the reason I believe)
Well you know what, Sin Ho Ying’s hard efforts remain unappreciated despite of his hard efforts, the reason behind this is because, different people have varying perspectives. People who don’t know him may misunderstand him. People who know him will understand him, unlike Kevin Cheng, who has greater greater understanding with his TVB executive manager, Virginia Lok (樂易玲)! How about that!
Hmm now I wonder about Kevin’s popularity.. and how that ‘skyrocketed’ last year… and how he triple won that TV king….. Perhaps Michael Tse should have a greater understanding with Virginia Lok (樂易玲)? Cause after all, people who do not know you may misunderstand you..
Firstly, were you present when they were shooting this series?? you too seem to have a problem.
Mr Sin is known to be hot tempered (recall that incident with Pierre Ngo last year). He seems to have an attitude of “I’m the professional and you’re not, so do as I say.” Kevin has the right to question because he’s carrying an injury and that needs extra precaution to not aggravate the injury. If Sin cannot understand that then Sin is the one with the ego problem. Sure he may be good at what he does but he’s only a consultant for the series. For yr info, Chan Wai Mun can knock him off with no problem and I wonder why Chan was not used but him instead.Probably Sin’s paycheque cost less.
Kevin is handling this very maturedly and professionally by not retaliating and he was correct in his reply. Sin, on the other hand, is creating publicity for himself because TVB did not ‘thank’ him properly and he was left out of promotions and what nots. You said so yourself that Sin felt his ‘hard efforts remain unappreciated”. So Sin is actually being petty and reckon if the series does well, he should be the one everyone should be looking to and not the actors (because he made the stars look good). I don’t think he works for free and TVB does pay him.
Lastly, you hit the nail on the head by saying exactly what Kevin said “people who know him understands him and people who don’t know him may misunderstand him”.
Toward the Pierre incident last year, Pierre was kinda mean.
See below
You seem really anti Kevin. I guess if you dislike him then you will not give him the benefit of the doubt. But if you like him, then you will more likely be fair and will support him.
Good said!
Thanks and that is how everyone is. I guess it just biasness which is what everyone has.
“But if you like him, then you will more likely be fair and will support him.”
Actually, if you like him, you also will be more biased.
Dislike or like, nobody is fair enough to comment. Both has the own biased :).
Yea, that is true…There are always 2 sides to a coin…
Uhm so if you like him you are fair if not like him you are being unfair?
It would be fair if you wroted: Like him = support and no doubt / Not like him = no support and doubt It has nothing to do with being fair. Caus you are being unfair yourself.
Like Q says: “Actually, if you like him, you also will be more biased.” I agree with that.
If Mr Sin want others to respect him, he should respect others first.
Mr Sin with his attitide never ending stories and with his ego problem and just highly promoting his disciple Raymond wong, sound so unprofessional.
Mr Sin should confront Kevin face to face instead of airing public.
Mr. Sin seems to have a bit of a temper. I don’t really think there’s any need to bash Kevin in the press when he could just have confronted him.
It’s hard to conclude that Kevin is a self-centered person, just because he liked to question Mr. Sin. It sounds like they just have different work methods and had a clash of personalities. Neither really need to have been a bad person/colleague.
Anyways, I quite like the show. I’m not sure why people are bashing Kevin’s acting since I thought it’s been fine so far. Nothing revolutionary, but he’s not bad. Raymond is good too, and I like his character better now that he has mellowed (ep 5) but lord he was obnoxious in the beginning!
I’m also enjoying Selena as I usually do, and surprisingly Natalie Tong.
Seriously, people need to chi lax and understand that these actors are human, they do have flaws!!! And I do believe many of them have attitude problems. Don’t judge a book by its cover, a pretty face is sometimes no more than just a pretty face.
Poor Kevin, all the grumpy old men want to take a shot at him.
Luckily, he’s got a lot of money in the bank and plenty of women around to comfort him.
Its probably a misunderstanding, but i don’t think Kevin is a ‘saint’ either. Nor is a Sin Ho Ying. Clash of personalities. One is egotistic, and one is too opinionated/stubborn.
Virginia Lok and those female co-stars speak good words about Kevin because his the top tvb actor atm and you’d rather offend Sin Ho Ying than Kevin.
Maybe Kevin should communicate with his crew members in a better way so he won’t give an impression that he is disrespecting them.
Maybe Sin Ho Ying did discuss this with the producer and kevin regarding his conflict with kevin, but kevin didn’t give a crap and virginia lok told sin ho ying off (because she was biased) so that’s why Sin Ho Ying went to the media? that’s a possibility too.
Kevin is pretty ‘cool’ sometimes. In his private times, when reporters catch him outside and they follow him. He doesn’t say ONE word. Not even a hi. Whereas some artists, smile and say hi and say a few words before leaving. He does have a problem with the media too. I think there was an interview where he mentioned he had a problem dealing with the media (and also ppl around him) and that he always has a black face so maybe that’s why they misunderstand him and say bad things about him?
Virginia Lok and those female co-stars speak good words about Kevin because his the top tvb actor atm and you’d rather offend Sin Ho Ying than Kevin.
-Toward female co- stars you might be right for sure, but Miss lok made him the top tvb actor because she likes him.
Maybe Sin Ho Ying did discuss this with the producer and kevin regarding his conflict with kevin, but kevin didn’t give a crap and virginia lok told sin ho ying off (because she was biased) so that’s why Sin Ho Ying went to the media? that’s a possibility too.
– yeah I think kevin didn’t give a crap indeed
never know a macho trainer expert can have a big mouth and gossip !!! tsk tsk tsk
the 1st 5eps of 拳王 was quite good and is looking forward to watch more. TVB should give credit to MasterSin since he been helping out with the series.
i heard from other forum that apparently master sin have sign with other tv station
By the way, we really do not know the REAL story behind all these allegations, do we? Therefore, I dont think it’s fair to make judgmaents yet. If the report is correct I feel that Mr. Sin is behaving most unprofessionally by ‘bashing ‘ Kevin the way he has done and comparing the 2 actors and character-smaearing the unfavoured one so badly. Kevin was right by not trying to defend himself. It only matters to him what his true and loyal friends think of him. For that I truly respect him. Shouting and accusing people publicly is not his “style”.
No matter how Kevin Cheng behaved badly towards Mr. Sin, Mr. Sin should have reflected this matter to the producer and not the media. I think Mr. Sin was over-doing it. It showed badly on Mr. Sin’s professionalism.
Lolz, if he told the producer, what he will receive? Media is a better mean to complain, always that :P.
why s0 many KC ‘s fans here !!!!!
he is not saint , please
I don’t think anyone is trying to say that Kevin Cheng is a saint, however, at the same time,some are just trying to be fair. Of course that would depend on whether you like him or not…. Like I have said and that goes for everyone, if you like them then you would give them the benefit of the doubt, but if you don’t like them then you would attack them at every chance you get… That’s just how people are in general. No one can be liked by everyone regardless of how nice or great you are and at the same time even if you are not a good person, you will still have people that like you… You know the saying even Guang Gong has people that dislike him while Cao Cao(I think that is how you spell his name, suddenly forgot how to spell it in pinyin)even has “zhi ji”.
Cao Cao is hated by the author of 3 Kingdoms, just like Zhou Yu. The author stayed in Liu Bei’s side to wrote it. Can’t say it’s fact. Kwan Kung is a hero, mostly thank to 3 Kingdoms novel, lucky him :(. Now to think, if the author stayed in Cao Cao’s side, Kwan Kung might be hated :). BTW, it’s the power of the novel, make ppl blv that what the author wrote is the fact.
luckily raymond wong is not the lead hero in the drama coz i cant find any leading genes on his body and acting as well.. im so looking forward for kevin cheng character in the drama itself.. he portray the character so much better than any1.. i think he is deeply in the character as he really bring it out..
my comment is nothing related with the issue above..
I wanted to laugh when I was reading your comment. He portrayed the character so much better than anyone? Really? I have nothing to say about the issue above, but when it comes to acting skill in GCO, Raymond definitely did a better job than Kevin.
Ya i agreed with you
Well said Conan!
100% agree
Raymond Wong is better !
raymond is a good actor. do agree with Conan that he did better job than kevin but for some reason i don’t like him.
You serious? Lolz
Due to work, I met Kevin once.
He is not a chatterbox nor will he bother to make small talk if its not require by the camera.
This may sound like he is not in the right line but I do respect him for not being “fake”.
I admit that I am a mini fan because he is darn HOT. Acting wise, plenty of room for improvement.
I think it is harder for people with Kevin’s personality to survive in entertainment industries. Though I respect Kevin’s personality, most people would find hard to get along with him unless they know him very well. I think he should change himself a bit to make life easier for him.
“For not being ‘fake'”.
Unless you know him personally, it’s not accurate to say a person is not being fake even though you have met him/her before. And when a person is a chatterbox, it doesn’t mean he/she is being fake. Perhaps that person likes to talk.
Yup, that’s correct. Talkative doesn’t mean fake and vice versa, dun like to talk might be very fake.
You described him as I would imagine him to be. It is wrong to think all entertainers are friendly, approachable chatterbox. Singers should be that way. But actors are usually quite, introspective and quite sullen. Which is why he can never be a singer because he is a lousy entertainer but he is a better actor than a singer because he is quiet. But maybe he had a bad day that way or he is with unfamiliar people. From all the BTS I have seen, he seems more at ease with people he knows. I wouldn’t penalise him for being not friendly.
He is a bad singer means he is a bad singer. It has nothing to do with his personality or being quiet. Yes, many singers can’t sing today, but at least they can sing well in their MV even though they sound like chicken when singing live. Kevin failed in both categories.
@KKK: I think that KC isn’t a too bad singer, but he is a boring singer. Not only his songs but also his voice. And the way he sings the songs, too.
I don’t think Kevin Cheng is a bad singer. He may not be amazing, but he is a decent singer, much better than Linda Chung, Myolie Wu, Fala Chen, Bosco Wong, or Michael Tse.
I think Myolie can sing better than KC.
Kevin Cheng “much better than Linda Chung, Myolie Wu, Fala Chen, Bosco Wong, or Michael Tse”…? Somehow I doubt this comment is in any way objective… When it comes to things like this, what matters more is what non-fans think, and I’d be more inclined to place value on the opinion of some of Bosco’s fans who feel that Michael Tse sang the best in the recent “LOVE TV” CD, simply given the fact that they’re NOT Michael’s fans and Bosco also had a few songs on that CD himself.
Kevin can sing pretty well technically, but personally from fan clips, I didn’t enjoy him as a “stage performer”, neither do I enjoy his songs. Perhaps his music and singing style is not my cup of tea.
Some of them on the list sing worse than Kevin, but can have a special “performer charisma” onstage and give a “bring the house down” performance.
@Masaharu: You are correct in a point. KC isn’t a good performer. I watched his mini concert last time and he can’t bring the asmosphere to the audience. No doubt why his mini concert last time only can sell half of the tickets. His voice isn’t bad, he has technical basement but he simply can’t raise ppl up.
Agreed with Conan. I love Raymond Wong’s character in this series. Initially, my husband doesn’t like to watch this series but after watching Raymond’s character, he continues with it.
Raymond Wong’s character is more entertaining and has more room for elaboration. Therefore, Raymond’s acting seems to be more impressive.
Kevin Cheng’s character is serious, dull and boring, and it is harder to portray and is more difficult to impress audience.
I have to say that both of them are good actors. They are just doing two totally different characters.
It is not very fair to compare them.
“It is not very fair to compare them.”
Well, it’s not that I want to disagree with you, sandcherry. However, imagine that Raymond portrays Kevin’s character, and Kevin portrays Raymond’s character, will you say the same thing at the end?
It’s all about roles now. Nobody care for the acting. Good role = good acting. So it isn’t fair from the beginning.
@Fox [i]It’s all about roles now. Nobody care for the acting. Good role = good acting.[/i]
So true. Evergreen Mak said same in his interview in that his acting skill was nothing different from his that in his previous series before his Fei Fan gor role made people noticed him.
Totally agree …… “it’s all about roles now. Nobody care for the acting. Good role = good acting.”
Uhm that’s not the answer to Q’s question.. It’s all bout the roles not the acting…
So far, I think Ray Wong’s character is easier to portray. He kinda reminds me of Bosco’s character in BF3.
But why fight over the hot guys? Is anyone seriously watching this series for the acting?
Lol, I thought Natalie Tong once said Kevin comes across as arrogant?
Sometimes aloof can be interpreted as arrogance.
Why is this guy starting beef with so many celebrities?! I guess to some people negative attention is better than no attention. Either way, I hope this isn’t how you plan to get make it big with tvb..
Agree that talkative do not equal fake.
To me, Kevin is similar to Faye Wong.
Slow to warm up type.
I still recall how upset my boss was when she introduced herself to Kevin, all Mr. Cheng did was nod his head and shook her hand.
My boss’s remark was, “Who does he think he is??? Andy Lau?! Andy took the time to chat with me….
Andy’s fans, do not bash me ya.
I have never met Andy except watching him perform in his concert.
Dear Jasmine7,
Firstly, where did I say that I was present. I just said she was probably not present. I’m not being judgemental but Virginia Lok is, by disrespecting everyone else except Kevin Cheng.
Secondly, can you read Jasmine? Did you even read the article? If you can read, you can see that I’m quoting the article. And if you can read, you can see that I’m analysing the situation based on the article. Unlike you, saying that I have a problem. You are getting personal, and I think I know why, I get back to that later..
Thirdly, you are judging a person, in this case Mr. Sin by an incident that happened before. Just because that incident in the past and that he is known to be hot tempered. “He seems to have an attitude of “I’m the professional and you’re not, so do as I say”. Uhm based on your intuition? Based on what? That incident? And how is that giving Kevin the right? Explain to me? Because he is Kevin Cheng and poor poor guy has injured himself before? Therefore he needs extra attention? And he can question anyone he likes?(Well, he seems to have an attitude of “I’m TV King, so I can question anyone I like”.) And if people not letting him do so, then those people having ego problems > “If sin cannot understand that then Sin is the one with ego problem”. Come on, lots of actors/actresses have injuries or problems or whatsoever. That doesn’t give them more privilege. It will surely take in consideration, no need to question about it repeatedly. The team they are working with are professionals. And again can’t you read? I’m quoting again: “Mr. Sin noted that preparation was key in avoiding injuries to the actors, while producing gritty, realistic-looking boxing scenes”. Don’t you think he knows what he is doing. What is the use for him to injure him on purpose, or letting him do stuff he can’t do. What is the benefit of doing that? You tell me…
Fourthly, “Sure he may be good at what he does but he’s only a consultant for the series. For yr info, Chan Wai Mun can knock him off with no problem and I wonder why Chan was not used but him instead. Probably Sin’s paycheque cost less”.
Really? Now you hit the nail on the head. Your favourite expression isn’t it?
1st: So he is only a consultant. What you mean only a consultant? Just because someone is only the coach or only the hairdresser or only the composer or only the assistant of whatever etc. etc., and not in the lead, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve credits. It’s not all about the lead role you know, you need a team of people to succeed.
2nd: “Chan Wai Mun can knock him off with no problem and I wonder why Chan was not used but him instead”. So your point is, when someone can ‘knock’ the other down the other one is worthless shouldn’t be used. That is kind of disrespectful.. and on top of that you say that’s probably because paycheque is less > meaning he is cheaper..
1st: Quote from other article: “Producer Law said: “Sin Ho Ying voluntarily helped us by being our boxing adviser”.
2nd: Just because that Chan Wai Mun is better according to you, doesn’t mean you can go insult Mr. Sin. Let me rephrase what you have just said. It’s just like if you go volunteer to be a mentor of a group, some other person is better than you, can ‘knock’ you off with no problem, but was not used. And then someone saying, I wonder why they used you instead of that other person(that can do a better job than you), probably because your paycheque cost less. Now how does that sound, not really nice, isn’t it? If this is your perspective and how you see things(then it tells a lot about how your character is), I don’t know who has a problem?
”Sin, on the other hand, is creating publicity for himself…”
Fifthly, who said he is creating publicity for himself? “He was interviewed in an earlier interview, Mr. Sin revealed, “It was Marco Law who asked for my help. How often does TVB film a boxing drama? They did not know how to film the camera angles. I contacted the Muay Thai boxing association to ask for help. We tried many positions to find the best angles.”
”Sin, on the other hand, is creating publicity for himself because TVB did not ‘thank’ him properly and he was left out of promotions and what nots. You said so yourself that Sin felt his ‘hard efforts remain unappreciated”.”
He did not said that, this is what he said:
Mr. Sin continued angrily, “Each time we filmed boxing scenes, I will prepare adequately, taking into account the necesary camera positions. However, Kevin never trusted my judgment and always questioned me! When he finally realizes that my position is the best, he will follow my suggestion. He is a smart guy and delivers good visual results onscreen. The [boxing scenes look] very dramatic. However, Kevin has poor character (人格衰)!”
*Notice that he calls him a smart guy and he delivers. So that’s not the problem, it’s why the attitude?
“You said so yourself that Sin felt his ‘hard efforts remain unappreciated””
Uhm again Mr. Sin did not said that, It’s what the article said, and there is no ‘Mr. Sin felt’. My point is he should deserve some credit. I’m sure that is also the reason why they(media or writer of the article) pointed that out > that his efforts remain unappreciated. go read the article for god’s sake…
”You said so yourself that Sin felt his ‘hard efforts remain unappreciated”.
So Sin is actually being petty and reckon if the series does well, he should be the one everyone should be looking to and not the actors (because he made the stars look good). I don’t think he works for free and TVB does pay him.”
Based on what? Actually being petty? You are creating your own story here. Because someone felt that his/her hard efforts remain unappreciated they become actually petty, selfish, go for own success and do it for the money. It’s ‘interesting’ how u derive things..
If this is what you ‘think’ it is.. well.. think again. Cause your story is basically based on nothing.
”Lastly, you hit the nail on the head by saying exactly what Kevin said “people who know him understands him and people who don’t know him may misunderstand him”.”
Sixthly, do you even understand why I quoted that? I’m using what he have said against the KC fans. You see, it not only goes for Kevin Cheng himself, don’t see things only through his eyes. And don’t leave things out of the context. Take his full quote. It begins with: “Different people have varying perspectives”. So let me ask you, why can Kevin Cheng only be misunderstood and not other people? For instance Mr. Sin???
I don’t think Kevin Cheng would be proud of you. You are not as “maturedly” as Kevin Cheng by not retaliating. Cause you retaliate against me while I’m not having problem with you. Maybe you are so blinded by him and such a huge fan of him, you can only see things through his eyes, you felt challenged after you read my comment?? I think this is the reason that you are getting personal on me. Only guessing..
Lastly, since we both don’t know what really happened and we both don’t know these actors personally. We can only make speculations based on this article, if you are questioning my story, you are questioning the article(s) and the writer(media) behind the article(s). All the things I’ve written is based on the article(s) around this drama(Gloves Come Off).
Apart from all this, let’s talk about how other people think, the kind of ‘neutral’ people. People that aren’t KC fan or Raymond Wong Fan or Mr. Sin fan. I’ve seen lots of comments of people saying for instance that KC acting is nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking and Netizens calling him “Rubber Wing” > “Also, Netizens criticized Kevin’s performance in GCO, that he was only able to ‘chok’ and even crowned him as ‘Rubber Wing’ (Kevin Cheng Ka Wing).”
Hannah says:
April 20, 2012 at 6:05 pm
TVB should have given credit to Mr. Sin for training the actors.
Addy says:
April 20, 2012 at 7:11 pm
Sin Ho-ying has always been a pretty difficult person to get along with, but I side with Sin on this one.
ill says:
April 21, 2012 at 1:05 pm
I am not surprised even if it is true.
If what he said is true, that Raymond is more grounded, real and respectful, it certainly shows in his performance, as Raymond’s acting is more genuine, you feel more for him as you see his human flaws in the characters he plays. Kevin on the other hand seems to always be “winning.” It comes off cocky and not believable in any character he plays. This is one reason why I think Michael Tse is a better actor than Kevin. Although Michael Tse specializes in playing the cocky prick, he’s good at it, and even in these characters he shows different angles–the hidden insecurities.
Addy says:
April 21, 2012 at 5:18 pm
I agree. I’m not a fan of Michael or Kevin, but Michael is definitely a better actor. No doubt about it.
Kevin’s a decent actor, though. Law Ba was a pretty good role for him, but nothing groundbreaking. Kevin’s singing is also decent, but again, not too great. His voice is too soft for my liking.
· Fox says:
April 21, 2012 at 7:52 pm
I also think that Micheal is a better actor.
· Conan says:
April 23, 2012 at 12:42 am
I wanted to laugh when I was reading your comment. He portrayed the character so much better than anyone? Really? I have nothing to say about the issue above, but when it comes to acting skill in GCO, Raymond definitely did a better job than Kevin.
Reply to this Comment
· ch chan says:
April 23, 2012 at 1:58 am
Ya i agreed with you
· JN says:
April 23, 2012 at 11:45 am
Well said Conan!
· Hannahh says:
April 23, 2012 at 3:04 am
raymond is a good actor. do agree with Conan that he did better job than kevin but for some reason i don’t like him.
Step H says:
April 23, 2012 at 1:41 am
Agreed with Conan. I love Raymond Wong’s character in this series. Initially, my husband doesn’t like to watch this series but after watching Raymond’s character, he continues with it.
I do think that Raymond Wong and Mr. Sin play a big role in this drama. What kept me watching the drama and what surprised me was, that they used different camera angles filming the action scenes, angles they never used before. Which makes the action scenes even more exciting to watch. And Raymond plays a big role in keeping stuff entertaining and fun to watch. But in the end it’s KC that is the big star…
* Jackie Chan raising two hands :o*- look
Yesterday, Kevin gave an interview while in Xiamen. He talked on lots of things.
The relevant part for discussion here is :
Basiacaly, there is also another Thai boxing coach in the set. He was more inclined to listen the advice given by the Thai boxing coach. He also admit that towards work he can be a stubborn person.
I think it is good that we listen to both sides of the story.
Ding Yeh talk about Kevin during filming GCO to the press!
Ding Yeh never say good about people ROFL. Kevin fans are spitting fire at him now LOL.
ROFL now getting funnier. Greg and Augustine unsuccessful career also brought into the war because of Ding Yeh’s mouth ROFL. Weibo comments from fans are entertaining LOL
The more fans Kevin have the more old people with feisty mouths come complain about him ROFL. Price of fame but he got lots of support from mainland fans in weibo.