There Will be Surprises in Hubert Wu’s Role in “The Exorcist’s Meter 2”

With the success of The Exorcist’s Meter <降魔的>, TVB is currently film the sequel. Hubert Wu (胡鴻鈞), Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Mandy Wong (黃智雯), and Moon Lau (劉佩玥) were at the blessing ceremony recently. Talking about his role in the sequel, Hubert said there will be surprises for fans.

Due to the busy filming schedule, Hubert doesn’t even have time to see his family and friends. He shared, “We filmed the first series two to three years ago. We are very happy to be reuniting, and this time with new faces. It is a very warm feeling.”

The Exorcist’s Meter ended with a cliff-hanger and viewers are anticipating if Kenneth’s character will finally reunite with the stone spirit. In the sequel, Hubert revealed that he will be having more scenes with Kenneth. He said, “Last time, we were brothers. But this time, we are enemies. My character this time is very complex. Last time, the stone spirit was a historic figure who is naïve and lacked emotion. However, he was very heroic. This time around, he is mean and hated, but deep inside he is a good person. I am excited for the challenge.”

The filming will be completed in April. Even though his schedule is hectic, Hubert will still attend his good friends Alfred Hui (許廷鏗) and James Ng’s (吳業坤) concert if he doesn’t have work. Will he be a guest performer at their shows? He laughed, “Even if they asked me to, I don’t have time to prepare. I don’t want to ruin their concerts, so I prefer to support them as part of the audience.”


This article is written by Hailey for

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