Nnadia Chan Admits Arguing with Boyfriend

In recent years, Nnadia Chan has focused her career on the mainland market. Hong Kong viewers may not have too many opportunities to see her. Earlier, she flew to Chengdu in Sichuan Province to promote for her new series, “Single Mother” 《單親媽媽》.

Reporters asked about Nnadia’s relationship with her boyfriend, Zhang Duo (who is 12 years younger than Nnadia). Nnadia admitted frankly, “Sometimes we will argue, to the point where we ignore each other.”

Perhaps it is necessary to have lover’s quibbles in order for the relationship to advance. When does Nnadia intend to get married? Nnadia said that the marriage issue should be decided by the man in the relationship. Thus, Nnadia hinted that Zhang Duo has not proposed yet. Hopefully Mr. Zhang will know what to do.

Jayne: Zhang Duo resembles Raymond Cho. 12 years is a big difference, especially when it’s an older-woman, younger-man relationship. IMO, younger guys often lack maturity or do not want to commit long-term in a relationship.

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