Injury Leads Sammi Cheng to Form a Great Habit in 21 Days

Last month, Sammi Cheng (鄭秀文) posted a picture of herself with walking sticks on Instagram. Due to an infection on her left knee tendon, she needed walking sticks to get about. In order to completely heal, Sammi has been taking antibiotics and gave herself 21 days to develop better lifestyle habits.

As someone who exercises vigorously in the past 10 years, she was definitely surprised by her sudden tendon injury.  The 47 year old realized that she should not stress her body with an exercise regimen which may no longer work anymore due to aging.

Although she was hurt, Sammi continued to exercise by sitting down during her workouts. Sammi hopes to follow this regime in order to rebuild her movement range within her legs.

“These past 20 days, my life and habits had a beautiful, dramatic change. I couldn’t believe the wonderful effects myself. Experts say it takes 21 days for habits to form. Today, I’ve developed a new habit for 20 days and tomorrow will be my 21st day…. I believe this great habit is going to benefit me for the next 10 to 20 years,” Sammi said.

21 Days to Form a Habit

After her injury, Sammi decided to change her lifestyle and follow a regime that would build her body back to better health quickly. She steadily practiced the habit every day, believing that if she consistently followed it for 21 days, the habit would be here to stay.

The reason it takes 21 days to form certain habits is because the human body needs about that much time to readjust and accommodate to such changes. Sammi applied the knowledge from famous plastic surgeon, Maxwell Maltz, who observed that most patients need about that much time to readjust to their new faces.

The process can be separated into three stages. The first stage is when one feels unnatural and must constantly remind himself of whatever changes he wants to accomplish. The second stage is when one starts adjusting, but she is still mentally conscious of the change. Finally, in the last stage, the habit is naturally adopted and consistently practiced.

Source: hket

This article is written by Hailey for

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  1. Haha this inspires me to adopt a more consistent exercise routine and stick with it for 21 days.

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