Tired from Work, Vicki Zhao Eager to Return to Family

The hardships of a director’s work is taking its toll on Vicki Zhao (赵薇) who is ready to call it a day and go back to her husband, Huang You Long (黄有龙) and 3-year-old daughter in Singapore.
Directing is Hard Work
Not long after Vicki gave birth to her daughter in 2010, she returned promptly to work, incurring criticisms of her priorities. Currently busy with her directorial debut for So Young <致我们终将逝去的青春>, Vicki finally had her dream fulfilled. However, what she did not bargain for was the tribulations that come with the work of a director.
Since filming started March last year, Vicki had to wake up in the wee hours of the morning and stay up past midnight in preparation for next day’s work. A year of long hours without her family by her side, it is both physically and emotionally draining for Vicki, who now pines for the simple life of a family.
In her Weibo message, Vicki lamented, “I wish to go back to my own little world,” which many readers interpreted as Vicki’s longing for her family. There were even rumors that Vicki may want to take a long break from work to fulfill HuangYou Long’s wish of having another child.
Work Caused Conflict in Marriage
It was reported that husband, You Long had asked Vicki to retire from the entertainment industry when they first got married. However, the workaholic Vicki felt that You Long did not understand her and as a result, she insisted on continuing to work.
A close friend revealed, “When You Long asked Vicki to retire, it was because he loves her and was afraid that she would be too tired. Vicki did not like the idea and there was conflict in their marriage. But now that Vicki has experienced how tiring work can be, she realized You Long’s care and cannot wait to go back to her daughter after filming concludes.”
Vicki’s Directorial Debut
Fortunately for Vicki, work has slightly eased now. So Young is scheduled to be released in mid-April this year. The movie is about the coming-of-age story of a young girl, Zheng Wei, who must make choices in love. Infatuated with her neighbor at a young age, she was disappointed when he left for abroad without letting her know. However, the happy-go-lucky girl soon got over her love and falls in love with her university schoolmate, Chen Xiaozheng.
Like her first love, Xiao Zheng also goes abroad after graduation. Eventually, when her two lovers come back to her, Zheng Wei has to choose which one she loves most.
Source: QQ.com
This article is written by Karen for JayneStars.com.
The story sounds artsy and I won’t suppose will earn much money but maybe some awards for the fact that it is artsy. Being director is hard work. Some directors made preparation on and off for 20 years or so just for one movie, depending on the story and the scale of the subject. I guess she just misses her family.