2012 Miss Hong Kong: Overseas Candidates Revealed!

The 2012 Miss Hong Kong Pageant’s overseas candidates were unveiled on May 31st. The women came from Vancouver, Toronto, New York, Australia, and Great Britain. The overseas candidates appeared to be robust and flashed their brilliant smiles before the press.

Although 8 candidates were scheduled to appear, one candidate fell sick and was unable to attend the event. The overseas candidates will be merged with the local Hong Kong applicants to form a pool of 28 women, who will undergo image makeovers and training.

When the candidates formally meet with the press in June, 8 to 10 candidates will be eliminated upon their poor performance. The remaining applicants will have a chance to fly to London for filming on location. Adopting elements of reality TV in the 2012 Miss Hong Kong Pageant, the candidates will continue to be tested and eliminated, leaving only the strongest to compete in the August finals.


Source: TVB.com

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Jayne: The overseas candidates all have beautiful smiles, making them more approachable than some of the camera-shy local candidates. The overseas candidates also seem to be more tanner, looking more robust than the pale and waif-like locals. I especially like the woman in the black dress in the left header photo. Very nice features and great smile! Wish the women good luck!

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  1. i dun understand. R these overseas candidates representing the respective country that they come from?

    1. WhereIsMyThong,
      “i dun understand. R these overseas candidates representing the respective country that they come from?”

      No, TVB allows a small percentage of overseas candidates to apply for the Miss Hong Kong Pageant. They are not representing their countries–that would be the purpose of the Miss Chinese International.

      However, the press likes to distinguish the overseas candidates from the local ones, just to add more background details to each candidate and make them more memorable in the public’s eyes.

      Overseas candidates also tend to have the advantage of an university education, which add points among the judges. Among the 8 women, I think at least 3 will make it into the 20 flying to London.

      1. Hmmm, will the winner eventually represent Hong Kong in the Miss Universe/Miss World pageant? It is rather weird if the winner is an overseas candidate (lets say from New York) and is representing Hong Kong (???).

    2. The oversea candidate have to be a hong kong resident to be able to apply for the Miss HK pageant , therefore it is not weird to represent hong kong since they are legally hk resident.

      1. Aahhh, ic. Thanks!
        Having overseas candidates definitely add more buzz n excitement to the whole pageant.

  2. Sorry lar, not much better than the local ones.

  3. The woman that I find to be pretty (in above left header photo) reminds me of Race Wong from 2R. I hope she makes it into the pageant.

  4. Hilary Tam, who is Miss Chinese Toronto 2010 winner is one of the overseas contestants! She also participated in the latest Miss Chinese International, but failed to place. Surprised to see her in MHK, since MCI is also a pageant organized by TVB. Nevertheless, good luck to her!

  5. I think Hilary Tam has a good chance to win top 3 positions in Miss Hong Kong Pageant. She did not get placed in Miss Chinese International because there were twice as many contestants in this year’s MCI competition. At least she was the winner of Miss Chinese Toronto, while Aimee Chan and Janet Chow did not even get placed in Miss Chinese Toronto, and they won the 1st 2 places in Miss Hong Kong competition.

    Good luck, Hilary Tam. You will have a good chance.

  6. Kwok Oi Ming, an actress, was recruited in the States, and she won Miss Hong Kong some years ago.

    In the past, overseas Chinese candidates had an advantage because they could speak fluent English and had university education. However, this pattern has changed last year. People in Hong Kong want to please Mainland China, and they will treat girls from Mainland China the same as any other contestants. Rebecca Zhu is a good example.

    1. Needless to say, Amy kwok’s one solo smile is enough to knock off 100+ Rebbeca Zhu( clones ) with variety of booob size to choose from.

  7. This year’s MHK is ridiculous man. There seems to be alot of robocop faces appear in this final? Are we holding a robocop contest now?

  8. The average quality of this year’s contestants are so unacceptably lauzy!!

    If I invite yu molin to come to contest, she can easily become Miss Hong Kong 2012. 🙂

    What a joke man

  9. The emphasis over overseas candidates…Are they preferable over local ones?

    1. Which one you like:an American well-built guy or an asian guy with similar body quality?

      So the answer is pretty obvious? You like Imported stuff or local made stuff?

      1. In this case, the participants are all Chinese. Lmfao.

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