2013 Sexiest Man Alive in China Award @ JayneStars

For the past two years, Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) has been named the “Sexiest Man Alive in China” at JayneStars.com. Will Ruco continue to dominate the title for a third year in a row? Vote for the male celebrity that you think deserves the title of “2013 Sexiest Man Alive in China”! With a total of 90 nominees from Hong Kong, mainland China and Taiwan, you will be certain to find a sexy man to support every day!

Voting Rules

  1. Press “VOTE” button next to the name of the male celebrity of your choice.  You will receive a confirmation message on screen indicating your vote has been tabulated.
  2. Each person can place ONE vote per 24 hours. The voting cycle is exactly 24 hours; if you try to place vote even one minute before the full 24 hours voting cycle, you will not be able to do so.
  3. You can vote everyday for a different candidate.
  4. The poll will end on Monday, December 23, 2013 at 12 midnight Eastern Standard Time (USA). All votes placed before the deadline will be tabulated. The winner and complete voting results will be announced then.
Why Are the Live Voting Results Not Displayed?
In past polls implemented at JayneStars.com, the display of live votes resulted in greater voting bias and skewed voter psychology. At the conclusion of the poll on December 23, the complete voting results will be displayed. We assure that the results are fair and representative of the sampling population on our site.

How the Candidates Were Selected

Our site does not endorse any specific artists.  JayneStars.com’s 8-member Nomination Committee (consisting of our news writers and Advisory Committee members) drafted a preliminary list of male celebrities for the “2013 Sexiest Man Alive in China Award.” Only the male celebrities that were approved by at least 4 of our Nomination Committee members were included in the final poll, ensuring only the hottest men!

Code of Conduct

Please exercise respect and tolerance.  You are free to leave comments supporting your favorite male celebrity.  As this poll is celebratory in nature, please refrain from posting any negative comments or hateful remarks towards other celebrities and fans. If detected, they will be deleted.

The voting progress of this poll will be monitored. If any sudden large increases in voting activity suggest spam voting, the votes will be disqualified.

Spread the Word

Tell friends and fans about JayneStars.com’s “2013 Sexiest Man Alive in China Award” through forums, Facebook, Twitter, fan sites and other social sites! More participation equals more representative results! Enjoy voting in the poll!

[poll id=14]

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  1. Support Fred everyday, every time, every moment. Fred is the best!

  2. I have just voted Fred Cheng and have full confidence Fred would win this award!!!


  4. being sexy is not just about appearance, if it is, even i (as a die hard fred fan) would admit that Fred definitely is not THE sexiest.
    however, being sexy also includes personality, intelligence, talent and his interests, humor, confidence how he treats others (especially mother/sister/female friends), etc….and with all of these qualities added up i can definitely say Fred is the sexiest man.

    1. 說得太好了!性感不一定與成熟外表有關,即使認為Fred像鄰家男孩,他待在電視台挨的十多年,令他處事對人成熟而懂應變,看他每次的訪問便能得知,深得傳媒喜愛及粉絲愛戴,他值情好高EQ!

    2. 性感不能單靠外表,從心發出光芒,無論哭與笑,悲與喜,都能表露出sexy 的味道,由其是彈著結他,簡直無與倫比…Sexiest man 實至名歸.

      1. No way!!! HIM Law has the looks, he’s a great actor, he is young and he is DEFINITELY the SEXIST!!!
        Go him!! Go onion!!

    3. Yes, I definately agree with you, Rachel, based on all these qualities, Fred rules, Fred is the sexiest of all… He has got my my vote, Fredtastic win, he won our hearts anyway…..!!!!!!

  5. Fred Cheng!
    The sexiest man!
    The sexiest man!
    The sexiest man!

  6. 說得太好了!性感不一定與成熟外表有關,即使認為Fred像鄰家男孩,他待在電視台挨的十多年,令他處事對人成熟而懂應變,看他每次的訪問便能得知,深得傳媒喜愛及粉絲愛戴,他值情好高EQ!

  7. Fred is definitely not sexier than Ruco! What is wrong with you guys?!

    1. What’s wrong with you, too? Why can’t ppl think Fred is sexier than Ruco?

    2. Why can’t fans of Fred say Fred is sexier than Rico, just like fans of Rico say Ruco is sexier. We all have freedom of speech here.


      1. Dear Editor, under the terms and conditions, any negative comments or hateful remarks towards other celebrities will be deleted, why don’t you act ? !

      1. 支持正確態度,鄙視那些攻擊對手的人,他們為了什麼…輸不起囉!!!

    3. ai ya purple, beauty is in the eye of the beholder ma. so is sexiness. fred or ruco is sexy to some people in their own way. some might think ruco is sexy with his voice, so do others can find fred voice sexy. besides that, some people find those with moustache/stub of beard as sexy, some prefer clean-shaven like lam fung or even fred. some even find hunky or muscular as sexy n some might prefer korean baby-face as sexy. so different people different taste lo. btw, fred do have baby face n look very young despite almost same age as lam fung.

      me, I think fred sexy as hell 🙂

    4. Dear Editor, under the terms and conditions, any negative comments or hateful remarks towards other celebrities will be deleted, why don’t you act ? !

  8. The poll is almost conquered by Fred’s supporters. It is now more like a competition on the number of fans, surely, Fred wins !!

    Well, we all know Fred is the most charming and sexiest man alive, sooooo please stop posting the same comments every day. It’s quite annoying~~ Thank you~~

    1. I opined Fred’s fans are hard working and with team spirit. I highly appreciate to what they have done.

    2. Need clarification are:
      Fred is really sexy, fans are mostly the result of this premise!

    3. You have better post more comments to support your idol instead of calling Fred’s fans to stop posting their comments. Thank you!!!

      1. Totally agree! Your best post more comments to support your idols, instead of attacking the other competitors!

    4. Yeah.. yeah… Fred’s fans love him and we are so supportive… we fans are one big united family. We support Fred all the way… Fred will be the next sexiest man alive!!!!!!

  9. 繼續唱,繼續投Freddy,直到23/12/2013美國東岸時間午夜…Yeah

  10. 星夢歌神鄭俊弘

  11. Just look at that face on the banner. No one is sexier than Ruco!

  12. Wow! There’s a lot of Fred fan here. I like his amazing voice but not his look.

    Anyway, vote for Louis Koo.

  13. HIM LAW!! Lor jun him!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Vote for onion guys!!!

  14. It seem that I’m the only one who is supporting Kenneth Ma!! LOL!


    1. Sexiness in the dictionary has Him Laws name written all over it!! HIM HIM is pure sexiness!! Go win this HIM!!! We will always support u!♥️

  16. Sexiest man 鄭俊弘!! 看少一天他的臉都不可以,印證他的性感是使人發燒狂熱的!

  17. VOTE FOR THE SEXIST MAN EVER……. HIM LAW!!! Him law fans vote now!!! Not long left!!!

    1. Er, I suggest you look up the dictionary for the meaning of “sexist” before you come here proclaiming that Him is “sexist”. Tavia will hate you for calling her boy boy sexist. FYI, “sexist” is someone (esp a man) who discriminates against women. There is a whole world of difference between “sexist” and “sexiest”. If Him is sexist, he’s definitely not sexiest. Pls use the correct word in future. I had a good laugh. No need to thank me for enlightening you.

  18. Can’t understand what are those comments written in Chinese(?) above. Anywway, I vote for Ruco everyday. He is the sexiest in my eyes.

  19. Read some of the funniest comments I’ve seen in my life! Fred that boring bland guy that nobody noticed before Voice of the Stars is sexy???!!!Omg!!! My tummy hurts from too much laughing. hehehehehohohoho…..thx for lightening up my day, guys. Keep those “Fred is SEXY” comments coming. I love you guys so much!

  20. From a lot of the comments here, it’s obvious that many do not know the meaning of “sexy”.

    1. 每一位有提名的男士都有份入選為Sexiest man
      睇下自已喜歡那一位,不可以話[DO NOT KNOW THE MEANING OF SEXY]…..!!!

      1. nganmimi said that all who are nominated can be considered ‘sexiest man’ it really does depend on each person’s own opinion and perspective so cannot say “do not know the meaning of sexy”

    2. Isn’t there a sexiest woman alive? When is it? I thought there was on every yr!?

    3. hey, “sexy” , has different meanings to everyone, don’t use your guideline, thanks!!

      I vote for Fred Cheng….yeah!!!!

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