Chilam Cheung, Charmaine Sheh Star in “The Leaker” Movie

FILMART 2018, which promotes upcoming Hong Kong films and television dramas, kick started yesterday. Er Dong Pictures showcased The Leaker <洩密者>”, an upcoming Herman Yau (邱禮濤) thriller which features Francis Ng (吳鎮宇), Chilam Cheung (張智霖), and Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼).
The film centers around a Malaysian pharmaceutical company using a new virus to generate an epidemic. A secret organization, known as “The Leaker”, discloses this information. After the suicide of the pharmaceutical company’s son and a local reporter, the wife of the pharmaceutical company’s owner leaves for Hong Kong. A Malaysian police chief (Chilam Cheung), Hong Kong police officer (Francis Ng), and journalist (Charmaine Sheh) work together to locate her whereabouts.
Generating romantic rumors while working in several TVB dramas before, Chilam and Charmaine did not feel awkward while filming The Leaker. The pair had co-starred in several recent films together, including a film adaptation of Return of the Cuckoo <十月初五的月光> in 2015. Charmaine pointed out that she has more scenes opposite Francis Ng, and only one major scene with Chilam in The Leaker.
During the group press photos, Chilam’s wife Anita Yuen (袁詠儀) was standing awkwardly next to Charmaine Sheh. Noticing that Chilam was only two spaces away, Charmaine reached over and asked him to stand between the women instead. Afterward, the women toasted their champagne glasses together.
Asked if she knew Charmaine well, Anita said, “No”. When prompted about Charmaine and Chilam’s former rumors, Anita tried to lighten the situation and said, “I would be very busy if I reacted to all of Chilam’s rumors.”
Speaking with the press afterward, Chilam said, “There were name labels on the floor telling where the artistes to stand. I saw Cheung and thought I was supposed to stand there, but it turned out to be Cheung Tat Ming‘s (張達明) spot instead.” Chilam added that he often runs into Charmaine at parties, so he does not feel awkward working with her.
“The Leaker” Trailer
Charmaine Sheh and Chilam Cheung Speak About Rumors
This article is written by Jayne for
it must felt weird for anita to stand so close to charmine.
@m0m0 If the ground did have name labels telling where the artistes to stand, then it was the film company’s intention to capitalize on the trio’s old rumors to promote “The Leaker”. Poor Anita seemed to pick the wrong choice of words when she said she would be too busy if she paid attention to all of Chilam’s rumors. I know she was trying to dismiss the rumors, but she also came across as a bit arrogant. Also watching the video, Anita seemed to be the least comfortable compared to Chilam and Charmaine.
@jayne I think Anita Yuen has always been arrogant. When she first came out as MSHK she was okay but as time progresses n all interviews and such I feel she always acts a bit arrogant. The time she was a mistress or gf to some rich man, none of these women sound like they are doing anything wrong or inappropriate that to me is already quite arrogant. But on side note, these rumors of CLC N CS was never true thou right? I mean why do they always bring that up. Boring!!
@wm2017 Anita never watched her words when she was younger. Got a few people ticked back in the days.
@wm2017 In a talk show with Stephen Chan, Anita shared that Chilam Cheung had a rumor with a female co-star that bothered her. While names were not mentioned, it was speculated that Anita meant Charmaine Sheh. Anita said that Chilam treated everyone so well and sometimes gave the actress the wrong impression that he may be interested in her. Anita said that after that talk, Chilam watched himself more carefully to avoid misunderstandings.
Charmaine was a young actress at the time she filmed TVB drama, “Return of the Cuckoo” with Chilam in 2000. It was largely speculated that she had a crush on Chilam during filming, which upset Anita.
That is why each time Chilam and Charmaine have a filming project together or appear at events together, the press will hint at this old gossip. Although they say they don’t feel awkward, I do feel the trio are always a bit uneasy. You can tell by Chilam’s body language (he doesn’t really look at Charmaine in the video) and Anita’s facial expressions in above clips.
@jayne Just saw the clip, they all sound uncomfortable. Chi Lam has always given me this impression that he is a bit afraid of his wife. haha lol….Like cantonese metaphor, wife slave? Anita Yuen openly admits that she is pretty so to me that is arrogant. haha lol…I never find her to be a good actress or overly pretty. Looks like she got the man so yes she didn’t have to sound awkward or uncomfortable. Just the pic of her above spells uncomfortable. lol….
Would be fun if they cast Anita and Charmaine together as rivals in a movie. Would likely see real slap action of the calibre of Liza Wang vrs Jaime Chik.
The rental company that I work for at the moment provided the filming equipment for this film, so I got to see some footage that someone conveniently forgot to erase from the cards haha
Well, if Charmaine & Chilam really had a thing back then, I wouldn’t be surprised. They had amazing chemistry in ROTC and in subsequent costarring dramas. Plus the rumor mill was super busy at the time. No smoke if there’s no fire.
Lol. Maybe Anita is being jealous who knows. Charmaine looks pretty from the picture above and I think she looks better with a longer hairstyle.
Anita Yuen had always had a quite blunt and arrogant manner which is quite opposite to Chilam’s more friendly and harmless and non conflict approach. Anyone younger and pretty will be a threat to the ego of Anita if not to her marriage because she has always thought of herself as God’s gift .
lol…..I never find snake woman or Anita Yuen pretty but yes snake does look a little bit prettier in the above pic. haha
God’s gift – hahahahaa LMAO…so true. She wishes and thinks of it of herself I am sure just like how she openly admits yes I am lian lian…..ahhaa
I admire Anita that she shows her real self at all times rather than be fake in front cameras like some of the celebrities. I think her personality and too much success too early in her career has prevented her from becoming a superstar now ranking alongside the like of Maggie Cheung. Apart from not mixing well with casts and crew she is not idolised and puts off fans due to her personality no matter how beautiful she was. I don’t think there were many guys grew up in the 90s admitting to having a crush on Anita Yuen. My opinion though she was ok but not beautiful as she thinks. Her acting though is another league to Chilam and should be far more successful but Chilam has all the positive personality attributes that Anita does not possess.
@wm2017 Lol. You called her a snake woman? For some reason they like to called her ah Sheh but not her name like si man? I’m sure she’s prettier than Anita. I don’t know but I have noticed Anita doesn’t like to dress up in a nice way.
@cutie777 Lol…haha well, I always remember her as xie jing—snake woman? hahaha I never bother remembering her full name. I never really like her acting or anything I kind of think she’s overrated but hey what do I know. lol