Cindy Au Talks About Miscarriage

Artiste Cindy Au (歐倩怡) announced her divorce from actor Roger Kwok (郭晉安) after 18 years of marriage, in an announcement which shocked many in showbiz. Recently, she opened up about her past miscarriage and addressed untrue online rumors, hoping to put a respectful end to swirling online discussions about “which party was at fault”.

Miscarried Before The 3-Week Mark

As a mother, Cindy felt that her primary responsibility was to take care of her two children, including their studies as well as emotional and psychological needs.

Describing herself as someone who does not plan ahead in advance, but chooses to live by the day, she handed the responsibility of career planning over to her manager. When it came to relationships, she chose to be with whoever she fancied. Revealing that she miscarried twice, she opened up about the first experience. “At that time it was because I was pregnant, marriage was arranged before I had even reached twenty days. However, I had a miscarriage one or two days before my big day, but proceeded with the wedding nonetheless,”

Faith Helped Her Pull Through

Describing herself as someone who does not think too much, she felt that both her path in life and children were god’s blessings and that she should respond with gratefulness by fulfilling her duty of bringing up her children. As for her unfortunate miscarriage, she admitted being very unhappy, as her initial “hopes turned to devastation.” However, she found solace and support in her faith and felt that heavens will provide her with the best arrangement. “I believe my path in life is the best that God has for me”.

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  1. In my opinion they should’ve jsut kept there divorce in a low profile Roger is keeping silence and shes just keep airing there personal life bit by bit really unnecessary u both are known artist why cause a stir up

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