Deric Wan’s Name Slandered by Wen Jiarong; “He Cheated Me of $500,000!”

Earlier, Deric Wan (溫兆倫) was rumored to have married Mainland Chinese actress, Zhao Ting (趙庭), and expecting the arrival of their baby next month. Amidst the good news, Deric Wan’s ex-flame, 33-year-old Chinese model, Wen Jiarong (温嘉蓉), suddenly exposed Deric for cheating her love and money!
It was reported that Wen Jiarong dated Deric Wan since 2004. Jiarong claimed that she even gave him $500,000 RMB to invest in a property, while she helped him clear his credit card debts. After Deric dumped her for Zhao Ting, he allegedly refused to pay back the money to Jiarong, after receiving the proceeds from the sale of property!
Ex-flame Changed Surname for Deric
Wen Jiarong met Deric Wan through a common friend when she was still a student in 2004. Deric actively courted Jiarong and subsequently moved her with his relentless courtship. Jiarong even changed her surname to “Wen” to match with Deric’s surname!
Jiarong recounted their courtship, “I was touched by his (Deric’s) courtship and very soon fell in love with him. After that, he asked me to change my surname for him, and I did it behind the back of my parents. He then forced me not to work and stay at home. He even asked me to hand over my passport, identification card, credit card and bank book to him! I did everything he asked me to! At that point in time, there was only him in my world!”
In 2007, Deric allegedly expressed his intention to buy a property in Tianjing, China for investment but he did not have sufficient money. Jiarong professed that she helped Deric paid for the balance of the property. It was also reported that Deric owed $200,000 RMB of credit card bills, in which Jiarong also helped to clear up his debts. In all, Jiarong gave out $500,000 RMB cash to Deric.
Deric allegedly promised Jiarong that he would return her the $500,000 RMB cash after the sale of the property investment, and a legal agreement was also drafted out. Last year, Derick also committed to marry Jiarong, and returned to Hong Kong to apply for an Affidavit of Single Status, which is required for marriage registration in China.
Deric Threw Jiarong Out of the House
Jiarong recounted that Deric brought his new love, Zhao Ting, to their home last year in June. They were engaged in a brawl and Jiarong hinted that she was physically injured during the fight. They allegedly alerted the police over the incident.
Deric allegedly threw Jiarong out of the house. Jiarong was devastated and broke into tears when recalling her awful romance, “He drove me out of the house, and forbade me to take anything away! He said that he provided for me and accused me of eyeing his money. However, we only rented a house to stay together and I paid for the property in Tianjing. When did I use a single cent from him? ”
Jiarong Regretted Falling in Love with Deric
Jiarong revealed that Deric had earned $3 million RMB from the proceeds of the property investment. He refused to return her the $500,000 RMB when she asked for it. Jiarong is prepared to sue Deric for breaching his promise. She even produced evidence of the legal agreement in which Deric consented to pay $500,000 RMB after sale of the property. Jiarong also showed the media a copy of Deric’s Affidavit of Single Status.
Jiarong also spoke of her foolishness in believing blindly in Deric Wan, “When I first dated him, he lied that he was single, and was never married before. After that, he agreed to marry me. I only found out that there were no lies after we broke off. I was so foolish and believed in him wholeheartedly!”
Deric’s Response
Regarding Wen Jiarong’s claims that Deric Wan had cheated her love and money, Deric’s manager denied the allegations, indicating that Jiarong was only yearning for publicty.
Deric wrote on his Weibo blog on July 24th, “In the past, I have already experienced this. Do not hurt innocent people. If these are fabricated rumors, I will not respond because I do not wish to be used. If we are talking about matters involving the law, aside from facing the issue upfront, I will use my legal rights to protect myself. I did not wish to hurt anyone, but I always end up to being intentionally hurt instead. In the end, who hurt whom? I just want to work, have a warm home, and have stronger beliefs!”
This article is written by Stella for
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Not the first time he is accused as such. Great actor, dodgy character
took the words out of my mouth.
I love love love his acting but why does he have to be such a big jerk?
If he’s ever in another tvb series, i’ll definitely watch it despite all this.
Seems like he’s quite similar to those evil roles he played in TVB. LOL maybe that’s why he was so convincing!
actually my fave from him is the blood of evil and good (i think that’s the english name) .. where he’s actually not evil. LOL.
i love all his series. he’s so great!!!!
At what other times was he accused of something like this?? I do not remember…
I believe “Look Back in Anger”
I meant in real life. I do not remember if he was ever accused of this in real life. If it in series then it would make more sense since he played a villian many times.
It wasn’t exactly the same last time. It was a long time ago when he was still with TVB. He was accused of lending money to his ex gf and wouldn’t allow her to leave the country because she owed him money. And she was crying on TV saying she only acted because she wanted to save enough money for her education. I can’t recall if it was true or whatnot because I was too young.
@KFC @Pandamao @Kidd
I believe Deric draws very clear boundaries on money. And when he breaks up with ex-girlfriends, he wants a very clean break, to the point where he may even be considered “heartless.”
He may feel that if two people’s lives are no longer entangled, then their money should no longer be entangled as well.
A contract should have very clear terms. If he truly owes her $500,000, certainly he is obligated to pay her back. But I can see how this story can be twisted as well because there may have been other financial exchanges that took place (since they were living together).
It is difficult to assess their financial disputes, especially if Deric refuses to provide his side of the story. But he may have handled their breakup terribly.
However, he seems to be still in demand as an actor in mainland China, why would he need to borrow $500,000 RMB from her?
Good points you bought up and I really wonder why Deric would need to borrow that money from her if he is still in high demand as an actor?? Parts of this story may be exaggerated or twisted so who knows if it is all true or not?? I have a feeling that his ex may want revenge on him so she may be ruining his rep as well. That may be another thing to consider.. but anyways, none of us really know the complete truth especially if he is not willing to share his side of the story. However, even if he did, you really wonder who is the good and who is the bad guy because whenever a story is told in each person’s voice, they always want to make themselves the good guy/victim and make the opposing party the bad guy…
When a couple dates for many years, especially if they buy property together, it gets messy when breakup occurs. Especially if a person may have paid for certain expenses but there was never proper ownership of it set up correctly. For example, does everything have to be 50/50 and ownership of a car, expensive jewelry, expensive technical equipment, how do you split these things up properly?
In a peaceful breakup, one person has to act more generous and give away more. Even in a divorce settlement, it is already difficult enough to come to terms how to split assets. In an unmarried relationship, it is a lot less clear, especially when unmarried couples may not have clearly defined ownership on items.
From what I gather based on Deric’s two breakups in which financial disputes arose, he seems to want to split the money and assets very clearly. His first Weibo response is that he will use legal rights to protect himself, which makes him very defensive already. Obviously, for Wen Jiarong to go to the press, they are not on good talking terms anymore.
I don’t know the extent of the truth in her story, but she is basically accusing him of everything possible: borrowing her money, hinting that he hit her, cheating on her, throwing her out of house…etc. Very damaging allegations, which it would be more fair to wait until further details arise before making more clear interpretation.
When a woman cries in a breakup, we tend to sympathize with her, especially if he did breakup with her because he fell for another woman.
Do you know why people in HK hates him so much? I remember a few years ago he had some issues with Sonija or something, but I can’t recall what it was.
I love him as an actor and singer. He has great acting skill and a voice that can melt my heart. But, there are too many such news about him that makes it hard for me not to suspect his character.
“But, there are too many such news about him that makes it hard for me not to suspect his character.”
I thought it was only two instances where Deric was involved in financial dispute with his ex-lovers.
The first incident was with 1990s TVB star, Chan Mui Hing. Deric lent her money while they were dating, but she never returned money back. He filed lawsuit to get money back. He was bashed by the press for asking a “breakup fee,” but if it was his own money…he has rights to do so.
As for Wen Jiarong’s case, if she is interested in getting her $500,000 back and she has a legal agreement to do so, she can sue him in court.
I do feel that Jiarong’s allegations are highly defamatory and while the financial sums are small, she is also highly bent on ruining his name.
When Cecilia Cheung and Nicholas Tse broke up, she accused him of terrible things such as plotting negative rumors with the media to destroy her. It’s a different case, but a scorn woman/ man in love is capable of vicious remarks.
His behaviour is indeed questionable, however this guy can really act.
CTI go get him 🙂
he is enjoying his life in China and no sign of coming back to HK.
What happened to Deric!?!? I thought he was THE best looking actor in the 90s. Yup, better than Leon, better than Louis, better than Aaron… just my opinion… But he looks so bad in the photos above! He looks fat. The haircut is weird. Everything’s wrong.
Age chasing
i think ths has happen a couple of times.. like the saying if no wind how do the trees move or something as such
yeah he look awful
Not sure if this is true… I have not heard about Deric in a long time and it is sad that I have to hear such negative news… Maybe the photos above are just bad pictures??
lets hope so.. as u use look gorgeous… nw hard to even describe hm
he use look gorgeous
He looks like John Chiang, actor… rapid age progression.
what do you expect when people are approaching the BIG 50???
He’s a great actor!
did he not make up and get back together with his ex-wife??? so now he met a new woman and is having a baby???
anyhow, I am glad Sonija doesn’t have him in her life anymowa…
“anyhow, I am glad Sonija doesn’t have him in her life anymowa…” …..Agree
Did anyone watch Taiwan TV Show title:Hot News by host Hua Hua? There is one part talks about Sonija love story. We may not know “Maybe Deric is the lucky guy who doesn’t have her in his life.
Who is that lady in the picture above with Deric? Is that his ex-gf or current gf/wife?
Deric looked handsome in his TVB series. Maybe, that is a bad picture of Deric.
I missed his acting in TVB series.