Deric Wan Shows Off His Matte Black Lamborghini

Deric Wan (溫兆倫) is joining the list of celebrities who own expensive and extremely handsome sports cars.
The former TVB actor took quite a few fans by surprise when he posted a sweet picture of his matte black Lamborghini Aventador on his official Weibo account yesterday.
The 51-year-old actor said, “Don’t use such backwards adjectives like envious or jealous to make your comment on me. If you get to drive this everyday for three hours, you would know what pressure feels like!”
Deric is proud of his ride and continued his message with some playful sarcasm, “Also, might I warn everyone to not look at it while you’re driving. A few days ago, soon after I parked it to the side… a few cars crashed into each other! Everyone, please watch the road!”
As expected, fans were quick to express their jealousy. A fan jokingly commented, “That’s because the car is just too dazzling! It’s the reason why they got in a car accident!” Deric replied, “Please, don’t put the blame on others!” As more fans responded to his photos, Deric shared that his Lamborghini is actually an old model he purchased two years ago.
This article is written by Addy for
well sounds like a big show off lol
if I had a car like his, just put it in the garage and look at it as if it were a toy model. (Like Taeyang 😉 Too precious to drive it. Haha I’d blame myself if I scratched it xD
I guess at first sight, the first feeling ppl would feel is jealousy, but when you really have one, you will feel pressured for it’s condition and such.
Totally agree and if I had a nice car like that, I would just let it sit in the garage because I would not dare to drive it. I personally would not be jealous but I would wonder where they got the money and then wonder why they did not put the money towards other more practical uses? But hey we are all different and I guess if you have that much extra dough,why not?
@hetieshou Same! I don’t get why ppl buy these cars either. Yeah they look great, but once it is bought, the value drops right when those wheels land on the road. Moreover, because the car is so short, the seating inside is uncomfortable (according to comment below).
If i had that kind of $$, I’d buy a house (investment) or a car that is at least safe and comfortable.
However, as you said before, if he can afford it, “why not?” haha Maybe he’s got no place to spend it on or he just has an interest in cars.
Yes, but you know celebs do not live life like us ordinary folks. We keep saying that we would not do this and that due to our limited resources and money. But you really wonder if we had money like them, would we do things like buy an expensive car? You honestly never know….
I say this in general, as a basically romantic but practical person and also a car-lover (ie appreciate cars) – have owned a few Beemers in the past yrs, and still loyally driving in one.
1) unless a racing enthusiast … such cars are not really cushy rides (they’re super low on the roads). My first car shared with my bf was a classic-collector car Spyder, and it was darn uncomfortable (ht wise) – you’re almost sitting on the road – sports cars are designed that way.
2) not practical for city roads
Typically, yes flashy and owners tend to like to attract attention (aka they LIKE for pple to feel envious and jealous).
Was there in my late teens back then … but pple tend to mature and outgrow that phase. At 51? = mid life crisis.
I say this in general, as a basically romantic but practical person and also a car-lover (ie appreciate cars) – have owned a few Beemers in the past yrs, and still loyally driving in one.
1) unless a racing enthusiast … such cars are not really cushy rides (they’re super low on the roads). My first car co-shared with my bf at 19 was a classic-collector car Spyder we snared at a bargain and souped it. While such cars LOOK good, it was darn uncomfortable (ht wise) – you’re almost sitting on the road – they’re designed that way.
2) not practical for city roads
Typically, yes flashy and owners tend to like to attract high profile attention (aka they LIKE for pple to feel envious and jealous).
As a teen = understandable
As a 51 yr old (and a dad too) = mid life crisis perhaps/compensation for insecure-deprivation
@nomad822 a teen cant afford this car,nor drive one. Deric at right age but how can he afford one with the no. Of ex wives and…. Career?
@funnlim teens with rich parents can definitely afford these, or celebrity teens.
He is probably making big bucks in China like a number of artists do. I would put the amount of money towards a house or something. Having a nice car is good until you mess it up in a car accident or something then it will just become a pile of garbage.
But if he is making almost enough money to buy a house per episode of a reality series just like Wong Cho Lam, buying a car is just like a days’ work.
Good point! I guess us average joes and janes cannot even imagine blowing so much dough on just a car since it would be years of our salary,not a days work like them.
Reality series the hit thing right now in China. Literally printing money. Much easier than the grind of acting in a 20 episode TVB series. I’m sure many artists wants to participate but only the big names get the opportunity. Chilam,Deric Wan, Wong Cho Lam etr.Many film stars can participate too but some are serious actors and will never get involved no matter how much money.
Really? I did not know that reality shows can help anyone participating earn so much dough. But yea,some actors and actresses would rather do other things instead of participating in these shows.
He must be doing very well in Mainland to be able to afford a Lamborghini. It’s a very expensive car.
The car’s base seem very low. Will have trouble crossing a road bump.
There are many other things pple can do with money (or when they make money), besides show the world they can afford a Lambo.
Given Sonija Kwok’s mindset/comments and Deric Wan’s comments currently, I can’t even imagine how they once dated = revealing as to how pple really mature at different levels, with different life priorities and grace.
@ Kidd: Those low slung high profile sports cars aren’t built for road bumps (eh what’re those?!?? in their speed world = just blo*dy hindrances). those machines are built for speeding on smooth long freeways and drag-racing runs, not even city roads with start-stop traffic
Built so low, like I said – NOT really comfy unless you like almost sitting on the road = more stability to hug corners/corner turns tightly.
(My mom got into my ’19 yr-old-era-mindset sports car purchase’ Spyder for the first time when we bought it … and it’s the exact reverse of striding up to get into a truck or SUV. Never again = she didn’t feel safe. Thinking back I doubt I wld get into that passenger seat either now in my current mindset. After a few accidents, I can see why how some cars weather damage/collision better than others and am careful about car choices/bodies)
“If you get to drive this everyday for three hours, you would know what pressure feels like”
Yup, like sitting in traffic, doing only 10mph all the time.
I often wonder why people drive these muscle car in a place like HK where there are no freeway or autobahns to show off their machine..
Buying a sports car for these people with too much money is like buying a Coach handbag for us commoners. The Coach handbag is ~6x the price of a decent handbag at a department store and 15x the price of one at a discount store, but sometimes we just want to splurge for the thrill of it. As for why he’s not saving for a house, he probably already has enough money in his bank account for a few houses. Why don’t we save the extra $150 we have for something useful and practical instead of a Coach handbag? I do agree though that he sounds pretty obnoxious in his comments about owning a Lambo.
Please excuse ,my ignorance but who exactly is this moron Deric Wan? How exactly did he make his money?
You are the moron here! Try searching the web instead of trying to make conversation.
So what exactly did I do to deserve such vitriol? But then I guess your highly intelligent intercourse with freedala2 must have gotten to you.
Please pick your battle somewhere else.
You don’t know who Deric Wan is and called him a moron? All you have to do is Google his name instead of calling names and asking stupid questions.
I guess I did not receive the memo about your appointment as the police chief for posting intelligence in this forum. My bad.
Please don’t let me keep you as there are so many other “offenders” on this board that needed to be investigated and called out. You have quit a busy schedule ahead of you..
To my fellow posters, insulting celebs is now an offense in Jaynestar and no longer tolerated. Justice will be swift and severe as carried out by Chief Szeto.
BTW, since this is my first offense, can my fine be waived? LOL!!..
I’ve only skim read that nonsense written by a freedalas wannabie.
It’s quite simple! Deric Wan is my favourite TVB actor of all time and you randomly called him a ‘moron’ and i responded. That is all.
It is also quite simple why I called him a moron without the need to know much about him
When you are a celeb, a public figure, there is certain expectation how you conduct yourself especially when at mid age. And here he was, a 51 year old dude, posting and bragging about his lambo online and then mixing it up with those who criticized him. Either he was going through some midlife crisis and was just simply an immature imbecile.
Unlike you, I view entertainment strictly as entertainment and do not live my life vicariously through those of idols. .
He’s not my idol but everyone can have a favourite colour, a favourite football team, a favourite food, a favourite actress and a favourite actor. I’m sure you do too. Wong Cho Lam got insulted and some casual TVB viewers stuck up for him in another post. They arent idols of Wong Cho Lam This is the same case. So accusing me of having idols based on nothing is ludicrous. Ive never used Weibo before but i assume its similar to facebook and people do post what they do day to day, post pictures of their children and new cars. Friends or people that follow him can choose to read or not. I don’t see a problem with that.
Excuse my typing error
Well said and I just hate when people say anyone is a blind and crazy idol worshipper just because they defend any actor/actress. I am not a fan of Wong Cho Lam but I just think all of the insults thrown at him are totally uncalled for and inappropriate. I have even defended actors/ actresses/singers that I do not like since some were throwing bad insults at them that are just too cruel. I just do not get why some love to spend time hating someone.
Certainly, everyone has his or her own favorites but most do not feel compelled that they have to come to their defense whenever and whever they are perceived to be insulted, maligned, or just negatively characterized. Personalizing attacks on celebs is a very typical fan boy/girl behavior, no matter how much you want to deny it. Freedala’s detractors were not at all bothered by his/her attack on WCL; they were annoyed by his/her obsessiveness of doing it..
Yes, weibo is just like Facebook and I too have no problems with whatever people want to post on their pages. Furthermore, weibo is also similar to Facebook in that people can comment whatever they wanted on someone else’s public pages, and no one should have any problems with that either. As a matter of fact, many here on this thread have commented negatively on Wan’s post.
As I responded to another, the problem lies with Wan’s reaction to these negative comments and his refusal to take the high road and acted like a 51-yr-old kid in a playground braw. He should have done what Freedala’s detractors are doing now in taking the high road..
Sadly, there was a way to avoid negative comments and thereby avoiding all this unpleastness, he could take his or her account private, as millions have done.
He is an actor from HK but lives and works in China now. If you watched TVB series in the past,I am so shocked that you do not know him because he was very famous back then. He earns his money of course. What kind of question is that? What is up with the name calling? That is so uncalled for.
@hetieshou @aiya
Yeh. Deric was massive back in the day. He started around the same time as Gallen Lo but was streets ahead at the beginning in terms of acting ability and potential. Who hasn’t watched ‘looking back in anger? which is probably one was the best villainous performances of all time. The thing that ruined him in Hong Kong was the negative rumours he constantly got mainly from past relationships. He has given up on Hong Kong and there’s no way back due to his support of China.Financially this hasn’t affected him at all because he is earning a lot more in China now. In terms of fame, he could have been right at the top right now if things had gone more smoothly. And @aiya, you could have found all this by searching on google.
@hetieshou That’s quite a bunch of presumptive statements..
For your information, the question is asked out of curiosity. I am not a TVB watcher, so my knowledge of anyone associated with the HK network is purely tangential. And the last time I checked not being a TVB watcher is a disqualifier for being on this forum.
I wanted to understand what might have contributed to the online brawl between Wan and his detractors. Is that allowed by the self-appointed censor board in this site?
Secondly, my calling Wan a moron was aimed at his behavior in escalating this incident to an all out playground brawl. He is supposed to be the celeb, therefore the adult in the situation and the more sensible course of action should have been taking the high road. Just look at what freedala’s detractors are doing right now.
Lastly, personalizing attacks on one’s favorite celebs is very typical fan boy/girl behavior, no matter how much you want to deny it. Everyone has his or her favorites but not everyone feels compelled to defend these celebs whenever they are attacked or insulted as though they were fantasy family members.
@aiya @hetieshou
Out of curiosity? What you are doing defies common logic. If you was curious, the last thing you would do is ask in a forum. There’s yahoo and google out there. If you know that Deric has been brawling with fans then you have obviously either already searched him up or read his weibo because I see no signs of him brawling with fans in the above article.The article states he is having harmless fun, joking with fans.
Your obsessiveness in pursuing this matter betray your denial of your fan boy behavior. Unless, of course, you are one of those with this perverted sense of self righteousness that you want to play judge and jury on everyone’s comment and partol the board to see where you can exercise your “sense of justice”. You must reall see eye to eye with those individuals who “stood up” for the Prophet Muhammed whom they felt had been insulted and maligned by Charlie Hebdo of Paris last year.
I like the way you keep going off subject. Where are the arguments with fan you have insisted in your posts? You have tried to cause controversy with your comments but judging by the reaction you got,it has been executed rather poorly.
I personally think it is an ugly car but what’s up with the negative comments and name calling? If he has money then he can buy whatever he wants. Most of us post things on Facebook and he’s a show off because he has an expensive car?
Agreed.People post pictures of their kids all the time on their own social media page to show how proud they are. Its the same with luxury items. Its not like he is spamming others with his photos to cause trouble.
Well said and I do not know why someone just suddenly blew their fuse and blasted Deric. Honestly, who isn’t guilty of showing off and bragging about whatever they have from time to time? People on social media do it all the time. People show off new clothes, their kids, their vacation photos, designer bags,etc…. Or anything that they feel can draw attention to them and make them feel proud. But of course we must know our limit as well and do not purposely do it to make others feel bad depending on the situation.
I have seen some define it as “sharing” rather then showing off. It just depends on how you want to perceive it. For example, I often see people post videos of old series on YouTube but only 1-2 eps and then refuse to post the rest. I wonder if they were only showing off or were they just “sharing” as they claim to be doing.
It’s probably not the fact he posts this on FB. Yes everyone who enjoys and likes high-profile (LOOK at me! envy me! you mus be envying/jealous of me … “showing off” ostentatiously on FB types) – this is common among the FB crowd.
But highlighted perception as a “show off” probably came across bec of his own comments like these:
1) “Don’t use such backwards adjectives like envious or jealous to make your comment on me. If you get to drive this everyday for three hours, you would know what pressure feels like!”
2) “Also, might I warn everyone to not look at it while you’re driving. A few days ago, soon after I parked it to the side… a few cars crashed into each other! Everyone, please watch the road!”
For eg, if a person like down to earth, low profile Jacky Cheung were to buy such a car, and post it on his FB – I doubt he would ever make such
It’s interesting how Sonija Kwok (and her low profile contentment view of life) once dated this dude.
It’s reflective of the personality.
There are comments meant to attract attention and incite (which leads to more attention), and I see Deric Wan’s as in that category. It adds a different level altogether, it’s not so much the car per se – it’s also his accompanying comments to it all.
It’s probably not the fact he posts this on FB. Yes everyone who likes high-profile (look at me! envy me! you mus be envying/jealous of me … ) “shows off” ostentatiously. Perception as a “show off” probably bec of his own comments like these:
1) “Don’t use such backwards adjectives like envious or jealous to make your comment on me. If you get to drive this everyday for three hours, you would know what pressure feels like!”
2) “Also, might I warn everyone to not look at it while you’re driving. A few days ago, soon after I parked it to the side… a few cars crashed into each other! Everyone, please watch the road!”
For eg, if a person like down to earth, low profile Jacky Cheung were to buy such a car, and post it on his FB – I doubt he would ever make such comments.
It’s indicative of the personality.
There are comments meant to attract attention and incite (which leads to more attention), and I see Deric Wan’s as in that category. It adds a different level altogether, it’s not so much the car per se – it’s also his accompanying comments.
It’s interesting how Sonija Kwok (and her low profile contentment view of life) once dated this dude.